HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigned and Refusal - City Commission Initiative PolicyTAMARAC The City For Your Life City of Tamarac, Florida Administrative Policy Title: City Commission Initiative Policy Origination Date: February 9, 2022 Revised: N/A Next Scheduled Review: February 9, 2026 Originating Department: Mayor and Supersedes: All previous and existing Commission Office memos or administrative policies in conflict Policy Number: 22-01 Effective Date: February 9, 2022 Page 1 of 14 I. Purpose: To establish a policy and uniform procedure for effective funding and management of initiatives, organized, initiated, or facilitated by members of the City Commission, including initiatives implemented in partnership with third party organizations. This policy provides guidelines and methods pay for and implement initiatives funded in the City's adopted annual budget. This policy does not apply to the private rental of City facilities. II. Definitions: 1. For the purposes of this policy, the term "initiative" refers to any activity, communication, event or meeting, or other expenditure initiated, organized, or facilitated by a member of the City Commission to foster community engagement and communication that requires the usage of City resources, serves a public purpose, and is carried out in the Commission member's official capacity. Initiative examples include, but are not limited to the following: 1.1 Special events, receptions, special presentations, panels, roundtables, tradeshow-style events, sports and fitness, other events, meetings, gatherings or engagement efforts; or 1.2 Press releases, flyers, ads, signs, banners, mailings, photos, videos, mass text messages or other individual commission member communication with the public; or 1.3 Incidental City Commission expenditures, such as lunch or coffee with a constituent, orders of official shirts with a City logo, and other similar expenditures; or 1.4 Other activities that serve a public purpose, such as the distribution of essential items and/or food giveaways (e.g., disaster relief event). 2. Initiatives covered by this policy also include any Commission member initiatives organized in partnership with other governmental entities or non-profit organizations. This includes requests from a Commissioner for a City room, facility Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 or other resource or asset usage on behalf of the third -party organizations (even if Commission members do not plan to be present at the meeting or event). It also includes meetings or events at third -party facilities that require staff engagement and City resources outside of the regular City course of business. 3. City resources include but are not limited to the usage of City funds, rooms, facilities, parks, staff assistance, equipment, marketing and promotional materials and efforts or other City assets. III. Policy: 1. It is the policy of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac that all City initiatives that require the use of City resources, including but not limited to the use of City facilities and/or staff, shall be planned for, budgeted for, and approved during the City's Annual Budget process. 2. Commission initiative account expenditures shall not exceed the amounts allocated in the appropriate Fiscal Year budget and shall comply with all applicable State of Florida regulations, the City's Code provisions, and this Policy. Goods and services for initiatives procured by the members of the City Commission shall be procured pursuant to the appropriate City Code provisions as may be amended from time to time. 3. All public funds, however spent, must have a public purpose. In general, a public purpose is defined as an activity or service that is open to all members of the public, (may be limited to City residents) regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, etc., without restriction, and which does not promote a particular religion. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 112.313 (6) City funds may only be used for a public purpose and may not support political activities (including but not limited to lobbying, campaigns or endorsements) and/or primarily benefit private interests. 4. All expenses related to the initiative implementation shall be charged to the sponsoring Commission member's initiative account to ensure proper allocation of funds, including but not limited to the following: ■ Staff overtime ■ Refreshments ■ Supplies ■ Facility rental fees (for non -City facilities only or Colony West; every effort must be made to utilize City public facilities, partnerships with HOAs and non -profits for free usage of event/meeting space) ■ Expert/speaker fees ■ Furniture or equipment rental ■ Permits ■ BSO detail ■ Marketing (graphic design, photos, signs, banners, video, printing and Page 2 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 other marketing efforts) ■ Contributions to non-profit organizations as defined by the IRS that provide services to City Residents (such organizations must be on the City Commission adopted list of Charitable Entities for City funds to be disbursed) ■ Support for school -based organizations including but not limited to choirs, bands, athletics and school clubs ■ Support for unbudgeted activities sponsored by the City Commission or individual Commissioner ■ Any other expenditures associated with the initiative. Funding may only be used for activities deemed to be a valid public purpose. Uses identified as allowable may be authorized directly by the Commissioner from their account subject to review and approval requirements outlined in this policy. Any other proposed use of initiatives funds must be authorized by the City Commission. 5. All requests for resource usage, staff assistance or participation in initiatives shall be submitted to and approved by the City Manager's Office. Staff shall not volunteer their time for initiatives. 6. Initiative funds will be released when all applicable forms outlined in this policy have been submitted and approved by Financial Services and the City Manager or designee. 7. Expenditures made or requested by the members of the City Commission shall be reimbursed by the City in accordance with the established accounting practices. Goods and/or services must be received prior to September 30 of the year to qualify for reimbursement or be charged to the current Fiscal Year. IV. Procedures: Any member of City Commission planning an initiative shall follow the initiative procedure outlined herein and summarized in the attached Exhibit "A": 1. Plan for and propose initiatives, events and meetings to determine estimated budget amounts for the City Commission approval during the annual budget process. Initiative funds will be established through an allocation in the City Commission Budget for such initiatives. 2. The following steps shall be followed to ensure timely, efficient and effective initiative implementation: 2.1 Sponsoring Commission member shall submit the completed. Application (Exhibit "B") to the City Manager's Office. It is the responsibility of the submitting Commissioner to provide an accurate and complete list of initiative expectations, including the set-up plan. If the initiative involves Page 3 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 partnership with a third -party organization, it is also the responsibility of the sponsoring Commissioner to gather and include the appropriate partner information. A letter from a non-profit partner expressing approval or request to engage as an initiative partner must be attached. 2.2 Deadlines for the Application submission shall be established as follows: 2.2.1 Minimum of 120 days before the expected implementation date for most events. This will ensure proper planning, execution and promotion of initiatives. 2.2.2 Minimum of 45 days for facility usage requests. 2.2.3 Minimum of 30 days for simple initiatives, such as meetings or virtual panels. 2.3 The City Manager's Office will forward the Application to the Parks and Recreation Department that will engage the appropriate departments in the application review to determine the cost and logistics, coordinate the necessary follow up communications, keeping the City Manager's Office and the sponsoring Commissioner updated. The City Manager's Office will forward the completed "Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events Form" to Risk Management Division to coordinate with the sponsoring Commissioner the appropriate insurance and risk waiver requirements. 2.4 Collaboration and timely communication between the sponsoring Commissioner and City staff is of the utmost importance. The sponsoring Commissioner shall communicate expectations and respond to all staff's requests for clarification and direction in a timely manner. Staff shall request clarification, share updates and recommend alternatives to solve any encountered issues, as needed to ensure successful implementation. The sponsoring Commissioner's community engagement liaison or legislative aide shall participate in the initiative planning meetings, as requested by staff, and complete all actions assigned by the agreed upon deadlines, including securing business sponsors where possible. 2.5 Staff overtime costs shall be factored into the initiative costs and shall not exceed the amount budgeted for this purpose in the appropriate Fiscal Year budget. Parks and Recreation Department shall estimate the initiative cost and request the initiative account balance to determine whether sufficient resources exist to proceed with the initiative as requested by the sponsor. Strategies to reduce the initiative's scope, cost and required staff time shall be discussed with the sponsoring Commissioner, in the event that available resources are insufficient. 2.6 Commissioner shall submit a draft "Initiative Budget Form", attached Page 4 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 hereto as Exhibit "C" with the Application. Staff shall utilize and update this form to record all initiative -related expenses, including overtime costs, and keep proper backup. 2.7 Requests for staff to make initiative purchases or process initiative - related invoices for payment shall be accompanied by the "Reimbursement/purchase/ payment request form" (Exhibit "D") attesting that the expenditures are made for a public purpose and while carrying out the Commissioner's official responsibilities. Proper documentation, including clear item description, amounts, purpose and detailed invoices shall be submitted with the "Reimbursement/payment/purchase request form" seven (7) business days prior to the expected payment or purchase date. 2.8 For goods and services procured by the sponsoring elected official, the sponsoring Commissioner shall submit the "Reimbursement/purchase/ payment request form", attesting that the expenditures were made for a public purpose and while carrying out the Commissioner's official responsibilities. Proper documentation, including detailed invoices and proof of payment, shall be submitted with the Reimbursement/ purchase/payment request form within 30 days from the date of the expenditure. The amount of tax paid cannot be reimbursed. 2.9 Proper care shall be taken to maintain all purchases (including, but not limited to, gift cards, vouchers, gift baskets and other giveaways) accounted for and secured until their distribution to the intended recipients. To ensure the proper chain of custody, staff and Commissioners shall follow the procedures outlined in the City's Cash Handling Policy 02-04R, as may be amended from time to time. Staff shall secure the sponsoring Commissioner's signature attesting that gift cards, vouchers, gift baskets and/or other giveaways were received by the sponsoring Commissioner. Recipients of check, voucher, gift card or other donations shall be required to sign a document indicating that they received the item(s). 2.10 Sponsoring elected official shall work with the Risk Management division prior to signing any agreement with the vendor and/or partner to ensure that proper insurance provisions are incorporated into the agreement and that the vendor and/or partner provides the required insurance documentation to the City in advance of the event. "Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events" form (attached hereto as Exhibit "E") shall be utilized to provide necessary information to Risk Management. It shall be submitted to the City Manager's Office along with the Application in accordance with the deadlines established in Section 2.2. 3. Sections IV. 2.1-2.6 do not apply to one-time purchase (e.g. lunch with constituent, press release, mailer, City shirt purchases, donations) reimbursement requests that are not associated with events, meetings or other initiative activities. Page 5 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Approved Kathleen Gunn City Manager Date 2/9/22 I certify that I have received, read in its entirety including the Exhibits, understand, and will comply with the provisions of this City Commission of the City of Tamarac policy: City Commission Initiative Policy #22-01 6 ,y o �) V jI LA t -o w5 Elected Official Name Signature I Date Page 6 of 14 COMM Iss / one Title _Mayor and Commission Office Department Commissioner provides list of desired vendors/partners (Exhibit E) Risk provides insurance and/or Commissioners liaison Commissioner and/or Commissioner's liaison provides insurance requirements to vendor/paruier collects certificates Cotmnussioner and/or Commissioner's Aide send certificates to Risk Management for review Certificate approved by Risk Management? Re] Funds allocated to implement an initiative under the City's adopted annual budget YES Commission members identify initiative ideas to implement in the future quarter Risk provides feedback as to why certificate was not accepted Risk approved vendor/partner & files certificate Is there a vendor/partner oreanization9 Sponsoring Commission member gathers and includes appropriate third -party partner information Sponsoring Commission member submits City Commission initiative/Resource Rcquest Application (Exhibit B) Min. 120 days in advance for most initiatives Min. 45 days in advance for facility usage Min.30 days in advance for simple initiatives City staff will determine cost, logistics and provide feedback. Sponsoring Commissioner's liaison participates in planning meetings and completes assigned activities If available resources are insufficient, including budgeted staff overtime cost, staff will discuss strategies with the Commission member to reduce the initiative's scope, cost, and required staff time Staff utilizes Exhibit C to log all initiative expenses. The cost of the initiative is charged to the sponsoring Commission member initiative account Risk management will continue Sponsoring Commission member submits in a safety role and participate in reimbursement for expenses procured by meetings Commission member for the initiative Sponsoring Commission member submits City Commission initiative/Resource Rcquest Application (Exhibit B) Min. 120 days in advance for most initiatives Min. 45 days in advance for facility usage Min. 30 days in advance for simple initiatives City staff will determine cost, logistics and provide feedback. Sponsoring Commissioner's liaison participates in planning meetings and completes assigned activities If available resources are insufficient, including budgeted staff overtime cost, staff will discuss strategies with the Commission member to reduce the initiative's scope, cost, and required staff time Staff utilizes Exhibit C to log all initiative expenses. The cost of the initiative is charged to the sponsoring Commission member initiative account Sponsoring Commission member submits reimbursement for expenses procured by Commission member for the initiative Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Exhibit B Policy Number: 22-01 TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE/RESOURCE REQUEST APPLICATION The City For Your Life To be submitted at least 120 days before the event APPLICANT INFORMATION: Today's Date Sponsoring Commissioner Event Contact Details Name: Number: Email: GENERAL •_ • Name of Initiative, Event, Meeting Vendors Partner Organization(s) Food Truck ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes: Attach Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events Form and collect Risk Management waivers if applicable. ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes: Attach Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events Form and collect Risk Management waivers if applicable. If non-profit, attach a letter of approval or request to en a e. ❑ YES ❑ NO Note: Food trucks require an inspection by Fire Rescue Preferred Dates for Initiative (List 3) Initiative Event/ Description: Participation Fee for Vendors/Partners (Only for initiatives requiring vendor/partner fees) ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ If yes, fee amount $ Requested Location, Room/Facility: Crowds larger than 250 need a certified crowd manager Estimated Attendance/Capacity Budget Information Estimated Cost: Please attach budget Requested Staff and Resources - Prior to activity, Account Number(s) event, meeting Set up Flyer Design ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes, attach a detailed set up plan layout drawing ❑ YES ❑ NO (/fyes, select who will design the flyer) ❑ Liaison design ❑Contract Vendor ❑Other Promotion (Check all that apply) ❑ Social media ❑ Include in monthly event video ❑ Press Release (Provide media source) ❑ Email (provide addresses) ❑ Print flyers (# ) ❑ Sign/Banner (#, locations) ❑ Other Coordination (Liaison will schedule meetings and keep agenda's and action registers) Additional assistance needed from other staff: ❑ YES ❑ NO /fyes, specify expectations.- Food/Refreshments I ❑ YES ❑ NO (/fyes, list type and amounts) Other Requested Staff and Resources - Prior to activity, event, meeting (List) Page 8 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Requested Staff & Resources• the activity, event, meeting Staff (Check all that apply) ❑ IT personnel support ❑ Road closures ❑ Fire Dept. presence ❑ BSO presence/traffic control ❑ Manning registration tables ❑ Other ❑ Staff presenters (list departments and topics) Resources (Check all that apply) ❑ Sound System ❑ Live Streaming ❑ A/V Equipment (List, including #s) ❑ Chairs (Total number: ) (Mark "Reserved" #: ) ❑ Tables (Shape: ) ( Size: ) (Number: ) ❑ Table Covering type, i.e. plastic, linens ❑ Tents/ Canopies (Sizes ) (Number ) Tents larger than 10x10 require a permit from the Building department Other Requested Staff & Resources — During the activity, event, meeting Requested Staff and Resources - Post activity, event, meeting Break down and clean-up (Select all that apply) ❑ Breakdown (Parks, Public Svcs. IT) ❑ BSO / Public Svcs. Traffic Control Other Requested Staff and Resources - Post activity, event, meeting If there are left over supplies and equipment. Please specify how items will be handled (i.e. stored, donated etc.) Also list applicable organization(s) and contact information. Page 9 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit C: INITIATIVE BUDGET FORM CITY COMMISSION EVENT / RESOURCE REQUEST BUDGET Bud et should be a roved rior to event Initiative / Event / Meeting Name Requested Resources in Priority Order Item# Name Acc. # Description Event Date Cost per unit $ Total cost Quantity Extended Cost $ 1 Supplies 2 Supplies 3 Refreshment 4 Refreshment 5 Facility Rental Fee 6 Speaker Fee 7 Entertainment Fee 8 Furniture & Equipment Rental 9 BSO Detail 10 Marketing 11 PIO Cost 12 Staff Overtime 13 Permits 14 Other 15 Other 16 Other 17 Other 18 Other 19 Other 20 Other Approved: Sponsoring Commissioner Date Page 10 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit D: CITY COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT/PURCHASE/PAYMENT REQUEST FORM TAMARAC The City For Your Life CITY OF TAMARAC COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT/PURCHASE/PAYMENT REQUEST FORM NAME: THIS IS A REQUEST FOR: ❑ REIMBURSEMENT ❑ INITIATIVE PURCHASE ❑ PAYMENT OF INVOICE FORM OF PAYMENT: ❑ FPO # ❑ PRO CARD ❑ PURCHASE REQ. # DATE DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE TOTAL $ TOTAL:$ FINANCE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY AUDITED BY: ACCOUNT NUMBER: FINANCE AUTHORIZATION: SIGNATURE - CITY MANAGER I certify that this expense is true and correct in every material respect and that these expenses were actually incurred in the performance of my official duties. NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: Pagel 1 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit E: RISK MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR COMMISSIONER EVENTS Please fill out required information as applicable. If partner and vendor information changes, please review this document and resend to risk management. Risk Management Contact: kathvs@tamarac.org and mildredv(a@tamarac.org VENDOR LIST VENDOR NAME CONTACT PERSON CONTACT # CONTACT EMAIL SERVICES PROVIDING? PARTNER LIST PARTNER ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON CONTACT # CONTACT EMAIL SERVICES PROVIDING/CONTRIBUTION TO EVENT TAX EXEMPT ID # lfApplicable All vendors/partners are required to provide proof of insurance. Our standard requirements are: • General liability (one million dollars combined single limit) • Auto Liability (one million dollars combined single limit) • Workers' Compensation Depending on the nature of their services, some vendors/partners insurance requirements may be more or less than the standards requirements above. Once Risk Management receives the vendor list, they will advise if any of the vendors need additional insurance limits or coverage. The general liability and auto liability policies must name "City of Tamarac, its officials and employees" as additional insureds. In the DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS, have them list the event by name: i.e. Fall Neighborhood Picnic on September 20, 2021 (see highlighted section). Page 12 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Ac Ra CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °"�""G°°"Y! THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A NATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE Of INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURERIS). AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: Ifthe certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pn0cy(lef) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION 19 WAIVED, subject to . !eons and condition of the policy, certaln policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such andorsemn s . PRODUCER II.WE PHONE Alf --I.) PFFnw]uIO COVERAGE —1 wSlO�O INBUREO RaA : INlURERC: _ --•••• REII VHUR£e E THIS IS TO CERTIFY MAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAAIED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. riOTAITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT VAMH RESPECT TO "ICM THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERIAS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. WARS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PND CLAIMS. TYPE W WaURAMCE POLCY —ER U— OEJ@aALLLLBafn' cal RRENCE UR 0nsa+l A0V DIARY O�CJ,TE 5-1 EYLAGG'EOATEULlTAWLeaCWPOP AEA--.Mu0Ita-a.—!I AW AUIO ALL G14.?D Y_H?DL!£➢ A1.R00 .VliOE NGIo/rtIEG HIRfGAJf08 NJ109 BLY1lY INARY(PorpOrwn) ! aCOLY INA:RY(Po10u10a0 ! TPLOJ.TCs tP• ! S U4911E11A1W DCCUR EXC—U a CLAM —E EACHCCCURAEN:E ! 4CCAQG\TE GEG FETENI' Nf S YRMI(E0.9 COYPFNBATION AND.PLOYIaIe'LWIIlY YIN 0)IY PACPAETGftPARR.EhEIELIR.•/E❑ DiiICEAMEABER FXCLIICEDi IMmawM-1 Ilµy, 4sr�w unlit! DESCRPi1CN OF [JEGTIGf14 Buhn NIA m. Q. L. EACHAC<llFNl f E.L. DSEAEE-EA EBIFLDYE f E.L.DSEAEE. PCUCY ULN t GFECRIPlIIX10FGPERAINWaILOCA1gnB IVEMClfO IAo—AC0RD101.A0.0 MaawaM1OaelH ^awns LpufaH kU M NNUCl1N11VN SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUCHES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUMO-0 REPR­ O 1988.2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2010103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Please forward all insurance certificates to the Risk Management for review for sufficiency. The Commissioner's office is responsible to request and receive the certificates and forward them Risk Management for approval. Insurance requirement instruction sheets are available to hand out to your vendors. The Risk Management Division will review all certificates for sufficiency. Risk is also available to answer any questions, clarify insurance requests for the vendors. Risk will also retain copies of all certificates. Page 13 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Event: Date of Event: Dear Vendor/Partner: All vendors are required to have insurance. Insurance certificates MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT. Insurance must be in effect for the date(s) of the event. Please email your certificates to kathvs@tamarac.org and Mildredv(c@tamarac.org. Minimum Insurance Requirements: • General liability $1,000,000limit • Commercial Auto Liability $1,000,000 limit • Workers' Compensation As per statutory requirements All general liability and auto liability policies must name "City of Tamarac, its officials and employees" as additional insureds. Workers' Compensation must provide a waiver of subrogation to the City. Depending on the service you are providing, additional limits or coverage(s) may be required. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR FOOD TRUCKS In addition to the above insurance requirements, please remember to have an inspection by the Fire Department. Contact Rebecca Geimer, Assistant Fire Marshal 954-597-3894 or Rebecca.Geimer@tamarac.org. Page 14 of 14 TAMARAC The City For Your Life City of Tamarac, Florida Administrative Policy Title: City Commission Initiative Policy Origination Date: February 9, 2022 Revised: N/A Next Scheduled Review: February 9, 2026 Originating Department: Mayor and Supersedes: All previous and existing Commission Office memos or administrative policies in conflict Policy Number: 22-01 Effective Date: February 9, 2022 Page 1 of 14 I. Purpose: To establish a policy and uniform procedure for effective funding and management of initiatives, organized, initiated, or facilitated by members of the City Commission, including initiatives implemented in partnership with third party organizations. This policy provides guidelines and methods pay for and implement initiatives funded in the City's adopted annual budget. This policy does not apply to the private rental of City facilities. II. Definitions: I 1. For the purposes of this policy, the term "initiative" refers to any activity, communication, event or meeting, or other expenditure initiated, organized, or facilitated by a member of the City Commission to foster community engagement and communication that requires the usage of City resources, serves a public purpose, and is carried out in the Commission member's official capacity. Initiative examples include, but are not limited to the following: 1.1 Special events, receptions, special presentations, panels, roundtables, tradeshow-style events, sports and fitness, other events, meetings, gatherings or engagement efforts; or 1.2 Press releases, flyers, ads, signs, banners, mailings, photos, videos, mass text messages or other individual commission member communication with the public; or 1.3 Incidental City Commission expenditures, such as lunch or coffee with a constituent, orders of official shirts with a City logo, and other similar expenditures; or 1.4 Other activities that serve a public purpose, such as the distribution of essential items and/or food giveaways (e.g., disaster relief event). 2. Initiatives covered by this policy also include any Commission member initiatives organized in partnership with other governmental entities or non-profit organizations. This includes requests from a Commissioner for a City room, facility or other resource or asset usage on behalf of the third -party organizations (even if Commission members do not plan to be present at the meeting or event). It also includes meetings or events at third -party facilities that require staff engagement Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 and City resources outside of the regular City course of business. 3. City resources include but are not limited to the usage of City funds, rooms, facilities, parks, staff assistance, equipment, marketing and promotional materials and efforts or other City assets. III. Policy: 1. It is the policy of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac that all City initiatives that require the use of City resources, including but not limited to the use of City facilities and/or staff, shall be planned for, budgeted for, and approved during the City's Annual Budget process. 2. Commission initiative account expenditures shall not exceed the amounts allocated in the appropriate Fiscal Year budget and shall comply with all applicable State of Florida regulations, the City's Code provisions, and this Policy. Goods and services for initiatives procured by the members of the City Commission shall be procured pursuant to the appropriate City Code provisions as may be amended from time to time. 3. All public funds, however spent, must have a public purpose. In general, a public purpose is defined as an activity or service that is open to all members of the public, (may be limited to City residents) regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, etc., without restriction, and which does not promote a particular religion. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 112.313 (6) City funds may only be used for a public purpose and may not support political activities (including but not limited to lobbying, campaigns or endorsements) and/or primarily benefit private interests. 4. All expenses related to the initiative implementation shall be charged to the sponsoring Commission member's initiative account to ensure proper allocation of funds, including but not limited to the following: ■ Staff overtime ■ Refreshments ■ Supplies ■ Facility rental fees (for non -City facilities only or Colony West; every effort must be made to utilize City public facilities, partnerships with HOAs and non -profits for free usage of event/meeting space) ■ Expert/speaker fees ■ Furniture or equipment rental ■ Permits ■ BSO detail ■ Marketing (graphic design, photos, signs, banners, video, printing and other marketing efforts) ■ Contributions to non-profit organizations as defined by the IRS that provide services to City Residents (such organizations must be on the Page 2 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 City Commission adopted list of Charitable Entities for City funds to be disbursed) Support for school -based organizations including but not limited to choirs, bands, athletics and school clubs Support for unbudgeted activities sponsored by the City Commission or individual Commissioner Any other expenditures associated with the initiative. Funding may only be used for activities deemed to be a valid public purpose. Uses identified as allowable may be authorized directly by the Commissioner from their account subject to review and approval requirements outlined in this policy. Any other proposed use of initiatives funds must be authorized by the City Commission. 5. All requests for resource usage, staff assistance or participation in initiatives shall be submitted to and approved by the City Manager's Office. Staff shall not volunteer their time for initiatives. 6. Initiative funds will be released when all applicable forms outlined in this policy have been submitted and approved by Financial Services and the City Manager or designee. 7. Expenditures made or requested by the members of the City Commission shall be reimbursed by the City in accordance with the established accounting practices. Goods and/or services must be received prior to September 30 of the year to qualify for reimbursement or be charged to the current Fiscal Year. IV. Procedures: Any member of City Commission planning an initiative shall follow the initiative procedure outlined herein and summarized in the attached Exhibit "A": 1. Plan for and propose initiatives, events and meetings to determine estimated budget amounts for the City Commission approval during the annual budget process. Initiative funds will be established through an allocation in the City Commission Budget for such initiatives. 2. The following steps shall be followed to ensure timely, efficient and effective initiative implementation: 2.1 Sponsoring Commission member shall submit the completed. Application (Exhibit "B") to the City Manager's Office. It is the responsibility of the submitting Commissioner to provide an accurate and complete list of initiative expectations, including the set-up plan. If the initiative involves partnership with a third -party organization, it is also the responsibility of the sponsoring Commissioner to gather and include the appropriate partner information. A letter from a non-profit partner expressing approval or Page 3 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 request to engage as an initiative partner must be attached. 2.2 Deadlines for the Application submission shall be established as follows.. 2.2.1 Minimum of 120 days before the expected implementation date for most events. This will ensure proper planning, execution and promotion of initiatives. 2.2.2 Minimum of 45 days for facility usage requests. 2.2.3 Minimum of 30 days for simple initiatives, such as meetings or virtual panels. 2.3 The City Manager's Office will forward the Application to the Parks and Recreation Department that will engage the appropriate departments in the application review to determine the cost and logistics, coordinate the necessary follow up communications, keeping the City Manager's Office and the sponsoring Commissioner updated. The City Manager's Office will forward the completed "Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events Form" to Risk Management Division to coordinate with the sponsoring Commissioner the appropriate insurance and risk waiver requirements. 2.4 Collaboration and timely communication between the sponsoring Commissioner and City staff is of the utmost importance. The sponsoring Commissioner shall communicate expectations and respond to all staff's requests for clarification and direction in a timely manner. Staff shall request clarification, share updates and recommend alternatives to solve any encountered issues, as needed to ensure successful implementation. The sponsoring Commissioner's community engagement liaison or legislative aide shall participate in the initiative planning meetings, as requested by staff, and complete all actions assigned by the agreed upon deadlines, including securing business sponsors where possible. 2.5 Staff overtime costs shall be factored into the initiative costs and shall not exceed the amount budgeted for this purpose in the appropriate Fiscal Year budget. Parks and Recreation Department shall estimate the initiative cost and request the initiative account balance to determine whether sufficient resources exist to proceed with the initiative as requested by the sponsor. Strategies to reduce the initiative's scope, cost and required staff time shall be discussed with the sponsoring Commissioner, in the event that available resources are insufficient. 2.6 Commissioner shall submit a draft "Initiative Budget Form", attached hereto as Exhibit "C" with the Application. Staff shall utilize and update this form to record all initiative -related expenses, including overtime costs, and keep proper backup. Page 4 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 2.7 Requests for staff to make initiative purchases or process initiative - related invoices for payment shall be accompanied by the "Reimbursement/purchase/ payment request form" (Exhibit "D") attesting that the expenditures are made for a public purpose and while carrying out the Commissioner's official responsibilities. Proper documentation, including clear item description, amounts, purpose and detailed invoices shall be submitted with the "Reimbursement/payment/purchase request form" seven (7) business days prior to the expected payment or purchase date. 2.8 For goods and services procured by the sponsoring elected official, the sponsoring Commissioner shall submit the "Reimbursement/purchase/ payment request form", attesting that the expenditures were made for a public purpose and while carrying out the Commissioner's official responsibilities. Proper documentation, including detailed invoices and proof of payment, shall be submitted with the Reimbursement/ purchase/payment request form within 30 days from the date of the expenditure. The amount of tax paid cannot be reimbursed. 2.9 Proper care shall be taken to maintain all purchases (including, but not limited to, gift cards, vouchers, gift baskets and other giveaways) accounted for and secured until their distribution to the intended recipients. To ensure the proper chain of custody, staff and Commissioners shall follow the procedures outlined in the City's Cash Handling Policy 02-04R, as may be amended from time to time. Staff shall secure the sponsoring Commissioner's signature attesting that gift cards, vouchers, gift baskets and/or other giveaways were received by the sponsoring Commissioner. Recipients of check, voucher, gift card or other donations shall be required to sign a document indicating that they received the item(s). 2.10 Sponsoring elected official shall work with the Risk Management division prior to signing any agreement with the vendor and/or partner to ensure that proper insurance provisions are incorporated into the agreement and that the vendor and/or partner provides the required insurance documentation to the City in advance of the event. "Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events" form (attached hereto as Exhibit "E") shall be utilized to provide necessary information to Risk Management. It shall be submitted to the City Manager's Office along with the Application in accordance with the deadlines established in Section 2.2. 3. Sections IV. 2.1-2.6 do not apply to one-time purchase (e.g. lunch with constituent, press release, mailer, City shirt purchases, donations) reimbursement requests that are not associated with events, meetings or other initiative activities. Page 5 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Approved- Vo "?^ R _ z), hleen Gunn Date City Manager I certify that I have received, read in its entirety including the Exhibits, understand, and will comply with the provisions of this City Commission of the City of Tamarac policy: City Commission Initiative Policy #22-01 M rW-ke 5 • Q0 14C--Z.. Elect d Official Name AW Si nature Date Page 6 of 14 /#('j 0tL Title Mayor and Commission Office Department Commissioner provides list of desired vendors/partners (Exhibit E) Risk provides insurance requirement to Commissioner and/or Commissioners liaison Commissioner and/or Commissioner's liaison provides insurance requirements to vendor/partner & collects certificates Funds allocated to implement an initiative tinder the City's adopted annual budget Commission members identify initiative ideas to implement in the future quarter Is there a vendor/partner oruanization'? Sponsoring Commission member gathers and includes appropriate third -party partner information Sponsoring Commission member submits City Commission Initiative/Resource Request Application (Exhibit B) Min. 120 days in advance for most initiatives Min. 45 days in advance for facility usage Min.30 days in advance for simple initiatives Commissioner City staff will deternine cost, logistics and and/or Risk provide feedback. Sponsoring Commissioner's Commissioner's provides liaison participates in planning meetings and Aide send feedback completes assigned activities certificates to Risk as to why Management for certificate review was not If available resources are insufficient, including accepted budgeted staff overtime cost, staff will discuss strategies with the Commission member to Certificate approved reduce the initiative's scope, cost, and required by Risk Management'? staff time YES = NO Risk approved vendor/partner & files certificate Staff utilizes Exhibit C to log all initiative expenses. The cost of the initiative is charged to the sponsoring Commission member initiative account Risk management will continue Sponsoring Commission member- submits in a safety role and participate in reimbursement for expenses procured by meetings I Commission member for the initiative Sponsoring Commission member submits City Commission Initiative/Resource Request Application (Exhibit B) Min. 120 days in advance for most initiatives Min. 45 days in advance for facility usage Min. 30 days in advance for simple initiatives City staff will determine cost, logistics and provide feedback. Sponsoring Commissioner's liaison participates in planning meetings and completes assigned activities If available resources are insufficient, including budgeted staff overtime cost, staff will discuss strategies with the Commission member to reduce the initiative's scope, cost, and required staff time Staff utilizes Exhibit C to log all initiative expenses. The cost of the initiative is charged to the sponsoring Commission member initiative account Sponsoring Commission member submits reimbursement for expenses procured by Commission member for the initiative Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Exhibit B Policy Number: 22-01 TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE/RESOURCE REQUEST APPLICATION ;.•-�,,.►�"�,.,,,,� The City For Your Life To be submitted at least 120 days before the event APPLICANT INFORMATION: Today's Date Sponsoring Commissioner Event Contact Details Name: Number: Email: GENERAL O. Name of Initiative, Event, Meeting Vendors Partner Organization(s) Food Truck ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes: Attach Risk Management Guidelines for If yes: Attach Risk Management Guidelines for Note: Food trucks require an Commissioner Events Form and collect Risk Commissioner Events Form and collect Risk inspection by Fire Rescue Management waivers if applicable. Management waivers if applicable. If non-profit, attach a letter of approval or request to engage. Preferred Dates for Initiative (List 3) Initiative Event/ Description: Participation Fee for Vendors/Partners ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ If yes, fee amount $ (Only for initiatives requiring vendor/partner fees) Requested Location, Room/Facility: Estimated Attendance/Capacity Crowds larger than 250 need a certified crowd manager Budget Information Estimated Cost: Account Number(s) Please attach budget Requested Staff and Resources - Prior to activity, event, meeting Set up Flyer Design ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO (/fyes, select who will design the flyer) If yes, attach a detailed set up plan layout drawing ❑ Liaison design El Contract Vendor El Other Promotion (Check all that apply) ❑ Social media ❑ Include in monthly event video ❑ Press Release (Provide media source) ❑ Email (provide addresses) ❑ Print flyers (# ) ❑ Sign/Banner (#, locations) ❑ Other Coordination (Liaison will schedule meetings and keep agenda's and action registers) Additional assistance needed from other staff: ❑ YES ❑ NO /fyes, specify expectations.- Food/Refreshments I ❑ YES ❑ NO (/fyes, list type and amounts) Other Requested Staff and Resources - Prior to activity, event, meeting (List) Page 8 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Requested Staff & Resources — During the activity, event, meeting Staff (Check all that apply) ❑ IT personnel support ❑ Road closures ❑ Fire Dept. presence ❑ BSO presence/traffic control ❑ Manning registration tables ❑ Other ❑ Staff presenters (list departments and topics) Resources (Check all that apply) ❑ Sound System ❑ Live Streaming ❑ A/V Equipment (List, including #s) ❑ Chairs (Total number: ) (Mark "Reserved" #: ) ❑ Tables (Shape: ) ( Size: ) (Number: ) ❑ Table Covering type, i.e. plastic, linens ❑ Tents/ Canopies (Size: ) (Number: ) Tents larger than 10x10 require a permit from the Building department Other Requested Staff & Resources — During the activity, event, meeting Requested Staff and Resources - Post activity, event, meeting Break down and clean-up (Select all that apply) ❑ Breakdown (Parks, Public Svcs. IT) ❑ BSO / Public Svcs. Traffic Control Other Requested Staff and Resources - Post activity, event, meeting If there are left over supplies and equipment. Please specify how items will be handled (i.e. stored, donated etc.) Also list applicable organization(s) and contact information. Page 9 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit C: INITIATIVE BUDGET FORM CITY COMMISSION EVENT / RESOURCE REQUEST BUDGET Bud et should be qg2roved priorto event Initiative Event Meeting Name Requested Resources.• Qrder Item# Name Acc. # Description Event Date Cost per unit $ Total cost Quantity Extended Cost $ 1 Supplies 2 Supplies 3 Refreshment 4 Refreshment 5 Facility Rental Fee 6 Speaker Fee 7 Entertainment Fee 8 Furniture & E ui ment Rental 9 BSO Detail 10 Marketing 11 PIO Cost 12 Staff Overtime 13 Permits 14 Other 15 Other 16 Other 17 Other 18 Other 19 Other 20 Other Approved: Sponsoring Commissioner Date Page 10 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit D: CITY COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT/PURCHASE/PAYMENT REQUEST FORM TAMARAC The City For Your Life CITY OF TAMARAC COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT/PURCHASE/PAYMENT REQUEST FORM NAME: THIS IS A REQUEST FOR: ❑ REIMBURSEMENT ❑ INITIATIVE PURCHASE ❑ PAYMENT OF INVOICE FORM OF PAYMENT: ❑ FPO # ❑ PRO CARD ❑ PURCHASE REQ. # DATE DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE TOTAL $ TOTAL: $ FINANCE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY AUDITED BY: ACCOUNT NUMBER: FINANCE AUTHORIZATION: SIGNATURE - CITY MANAGER I certify that this expense is true and correct in every material respect and that these expenses were actually incurred in the performance of my official duties. NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: Page 11 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit E: RISK MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR COMMISSIONER EVENTS Please fill out required information as applicable. If partner and vendor information changes, please review this document and resend to risk management. Risk Management Contact: kathvs@tamarac.org and mildredv@tamarac.org VENDOR NAME I CONTACT PERSON VENDOR LIST CONTACT # I CONTACT EMAIL I SERVICES PROVIDING? PARTNER LIST PARTNER ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON CONTACT # CONTACT EMAIL SERVICES PROVIDING/CONTRIBUTION TO EVENT TAX EXEMPT ID # lfApplicable All vendors/partners are required to provide proof of insurance. Our standard requirements are: • General liability (one million dollars combined single limit) • Auto Liability (one million dollars combined single limit) • Workers' Compensation Depending on the nature of their services, some vendors/partners insurance requirements may be more or less than the standards requirements above. Once Risk Management receives the vendor list, they will advise if any of the vendors need additional insurance limits or coverage. The general liability and auto liability policies must name "City of Tamarac, its officials and employees" as additional insureds. In the DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS, have them list the event by name: i.e. Fall Neighborhood Picnic on September 20, 2021 (see highlighted section). Page 12 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 ,aco a CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURERS), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IMPORTANT: U the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the poRcy(les) must be endorsed If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to nd conditions of the policy, certain the terns apolicies may reclulre an endo sernitnt. A statement on this ceNflcats dues not confer rights to the —aficate holder In lieu of such endomemen e . PXODUCEa NAaE afi1FH3 AFfeaOVq COVBtPGE HACP Dl3URERA: e®LaEo unulndx e IHSUBear. _____ DtSURER D: UtlVIER E: N9 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES Of INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NANIED ABOVE FOR T14i POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREIAENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT SMTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE IMY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TIIE TERIAS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLJCIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAWS. TYPE OF e19UaANCE POLICY N WBER Ulare a-- CCM1ILERLI4L GE'�L2aLTY CLA'NSLUDE OCCCUq EKHOC[URnENCE S � NED E]PINl tta pttunl S f PE:saIU LAGY NAmI' s GEI.ERALPCAFvGATE S GE>\'L PG[FE R ma _ 71 PRCAUCTG-CLNPAPAGG 3 AUTOYOBIIE 11A01LnY ,yyyp{ITO H1t05�O mn= COLBIIEO EAGLE UMR 9MLY1HARY(Polw—) 3 PoiowUert S S VYaBE3EAl1Ae IXCESSLW OCCUR CLMLE-1uOE EALH OC[UgREri'E S ACfi�L1TE s RE— S YNegERa CONPEHSATpH ANDBLPLOYBte'L"a— Y!NH. PITY PRCfftETCiLPARR,EeLEYECLRIIE❑ IIIIIF.MEABER FJ.CLLCEO'I IMSnEatory In NHl II'rys, MSNM unM OEECRPi1CN CF R�E.i3T1pH5 CutlA NIA WL STAT4 OTK ELEACHACCDE'tS S c,L05EAEEEA EMR.OT 3 E. L. OSFAEEFYAICY HL4T 3 D£ECRIPTION OE DPEMTgH91 LOCATION91 VEHICIfe µoau ALORO tet,AGmfanil Mmv3a SLh3dN, some yuc� n nysrvq :ERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE PALL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE MTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUnWRN®NEPRESEMATNE m 1988.2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved ACORD 25 (2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Please forward all insurance certificates to the Risk Management for review for sufficiency. The Commissioner's office is responsible to request and receive the certificates and forward them Risk Management for approval. Insurance requirement instruction sheets are available to hand out to your vendors. The Risk Management Division will review all certificates for sufficiency. Risk is also available to answer any questions, clarify insurance requests for the vendors. Risk will also retain copies of all certificates. Page 13 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Event: Date of Event: Dear Vendor/Partner: All vendors are required to have insurance. Insurance certificates MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT. Insurance must be in effect for the date(s) of the event. Please email your certificates to kathys@tamarac.org and Mildredv@tamarac.org. Minimum Insurance Requirements: • General liability $1,000,000limit • Commercial Auto Liability $1,000,000 limit • Workers' Compensation As per statutory requirements All general liability and auto liability policies must name "City of Tamarac, its officials and employees" as additional insureds. Workers' Compensation must provide a waiver of subrogation to the City. Depending on the service you are providing, additional limits or coverage(s) may be required. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR FOOD TRUCKS In addition to the above insurance requirements, please remember to have an inspection by the Fire Department. Contact Rebecca Geimer, Assistant Fire Marshal 954-597-3894 or Rebecca.Geimer@tamarac.org. Page 14 of 14 TAMARAC The City For Your Life City of Tamarac, Florida Administrative Policy Title: City Commission Initiative Policy Origination Date: February 9, 2022 Revised: N/A Next Scheduled Review: February 9, 2026 Originating Department: Mayor and Supersedes: All previous and existing Commission Office memos or administrative policies in conflict Policy Number: 22-01 Effective Date: February 9, 2022 Page 1 of 14 I. Purpose: To establish a policy and uniform procedure for effective funding and management of initiatives, organized, initiated, or facilitated by members of the City Commission, including initiatives implemented in partnership with third party organizations. This policy provides guidelines and methods pay for and implement initiatives funded in the City's adopted annual budget. This policy does not apply to the private rental of City facilities. II. Definitions: 1. For the purposes of this policy, the term "initiative" refers to any activity, communication, event or meeting, or other expenditure initiated, organized, or facilitated by a member of the City Commission to foster community engagement and communication that requires the usage of City resources, serves a public purpose, and is carried out in the Commission member's official capacity. Initiative examples include, but are not limited to the following: 1.1 Special events, receptions, special presentations, panels, roundtables, tradeshow-style events, sports and fitness, other events, meetings, gatherings or engagement efforts; or 1.2 Press releases, flyers, ads, signs, banners, mailings, photos, videos, mass text messages or other individual commission member communication with the public; or 1.3 Incidental City Commission expenditures, such as lunch or coffee with a constituent, orders of official shirts with a City logo, and other similar expenditures; or 1.4 Other activities that serve a public purpose, such as the distribution of essential items and/or food giveaways (e.g., disaster relief event). 2. Initiatives covered by this policy also include any Commission member initiatives organized in partnership with other governmental entities or non-profit organizations. This includes requests from a Commissioner for a City room, facility Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 or other resource or asset usage on behalf of the third -party organizations (even if Commission members do not plan to be present at the meeting or event). It also includes meetings or events at third -party facilities that require staff engagement and City resources outside of the regular City course of business. 3. City resources include but are not limited to the usage of City funds, rooms, facilities, parks, staff assistance, equipment, marketing and promotional materials and efforts or other City assets. III. Policy: 1. It is the policy of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac that all City initiatives that require the use of City resources, including but not limited to the use of City facilities and/or staff, shall be planned for, budgeted for, and approved during the City's Annual Budget process. 2. Commission initiative account expenditures shall not exceed the amounts allocated in the appropriate Fiscal Year budget and shall comply with all applicable State of Florida regulations, the City's Code provisions, and this Policy. Goods and services for initiatives procured by the members of the City Commission shall be procured pursuant to the appropriate City Code provisions as may be amended from time to time. 3. All public funds, however spent, must have a public purpose. In general, a public purpose is defined as an activity or service that is open to all members of the public, (may be limited to City residents) regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, etc., without restriction, and which does not promote a particular religion. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 112.313 (6) City funds may only be used for a public purpose and may not support political activities (including but not limited to lobbying, campaigns or endorsements) and/or primarily benefit private interests. 4. All expenses related to the initiative implementation shall be charged to the sponsoring Commission member's initiative account to ensure proper allocation of funds, including but not limited to the following: ■ Staff overtime ■ Refreshments ■ Supplies ■ Facility rental fees (for non -City facilities only or Colony West; every effort must be made to utilize City public facilities, partnerships with HOAs and non -profits for free usage of event/meeting space) ■ Expert/speaker fees ■ Furniture or equipment rental ■ Permits ■ BSO detail ■ Marketing (graphic design, photos, signs, banners, video, printing and Page 2 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 other marketing efforts) ■ Contributions to non-profit organizations as defined by the IRS that provide services to City Residents (such organizations must be on the City Commission adopted list of Charitable Entities for City funds to be disbursed) ■ Support for school -based organizations including but not limited to choirs, bands, athletics and school clubs ■ Support for unbudgeted activities sponsored by the City Commission or individual Commissioner ■ Any other expenditures associated with the initiative. Funding may only be used for activities deemed to be a valid public purpose. Uses identified as allowable may be authorized directly by the Commissioner from their account subject to review and approval requirements outlined in this policy. Any other proposed use of initiatives funds must be authorized by the City Commission. 5. All requests for resource usage, staff assistance or participation in initiatives shall be submitted to and approved by the City Manager's Office. Staff shall not volunteer their time for initiatives. 6. Initiative funds will be released when all applicable forms outlined in this policy have been submitted and approved by Financial Services and the City Manager or designee. 7. Expenditures made or requested by the members of the City Commission shall be reimbursed by the City in accordance with the established accounting practices. Goods and/or services must be received prior to September 30 of the year to qualify for reimbursement or be charged to the current Fiscal Year. IV. Procedures: Any member of City Commission planning an initiative shall follow the initiative procedure outlined herein and summarized in the attached Exhibit "A": 1. Plan for and propose initiatives, events and meetings to determine estimated budget amounts for the City Commission approval during the annual budget process. Initiative funds will be established through an allocation in the City Commission Budget for such initiatives. 2. The following steps shall be followed to ensure timely, efficient and effective initiative implementation: 2.1 Sponsoring Commission member shall submit the completed. Application (Exhibit "B") to the City Manager's Office. It is the responsibility of the submitting Commissioner to provide an accurate and complete list of initiative expectations, including the set-up plan. If the initiative involves Page 3 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 partnership with a third -party organization, it is also the responsibility of the sponsoring Commissioner to gather and include the appropriate partner information. A letter from a non-profit partner expressing approval or request to engage as an initiative partner must be attached. 2.2 Deadlines for the Application submission shall be established as follows: 2.2.1 Minimum of 120 days before the expected implementation date for most events. This will ensure proper planning, execution and promotion of initiatives. 2.2.2 Minimum of 45 days for facility usage requests. 2.2.3 Minimum of 30 days for simple initiatives, such as meetings or virtual panels. 2.3 The City Manager's Office will forward the Application to the Parks and Recreation Department that will engage the appropriate departments in the application review to determine the cost and logistics, coordinate the necessary follow up communications, keeping the City Manager's Office and the sponsoring Commissioner updated. The City Manager's Office will forward the completed "Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events Form" to Risk Management Division to coordinate with the sponsoring Commissioner the appropriate insurance and risk waiver requirements. 2.4 Collaboration and timely communication between the sponsoring Commissioner and City staff is of the utmost importance. The sponsoring Commissioner shall communicate expectations and respond to all staff's requests for clarification and direction in a timely manner. Staff shall request clarification, share updates and recommend alternatives to solve any encountered issues, as needed to ensure successful implementation. The sponsoring Commissioner's community engagement liaison or legislative aide shall participate in the initiative planning meetings, as requested by staff, and complete all actions assigned by the agreed upon deadlines, including securing business sponsors where possible. 2.5 Staff overtime costs shall be factored into the initiative costs and shall not exceed the amount budgeted for this purpose in the appropriate Fiscal Year budget. Parks and Recreation Department shall estimate the initiative cost and request the initiative account balance to determine whether sufficient resources exist to proceed with the initiative as requested by the sponsor. Strategies to reduce the initiative's scope, cost and required staff time shall be discussed with the sponsoring Commissioner, in the event that available resources are insufficient. 2.6 Commissioner shall submit a draft "Initiative Budget Form", attached Page 4 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 hereto as Exhibit "C" with the Application. Staff shall utilize and update this form to record all initiative -related expenses, including overtime costs, and keep proper backup. 2.7 Requests for staff to make initiative purchases or process initiative - related invoices for payment shall be accompanied by the "Reimbursement/purchase/ payment request form" (Exhibit "D") attesting that the expenditures are made for a public purpose and while carrying out the Commissioner's official responsibilities. Proper documentation, including clear item description, amounts, purpose and detailed invoices shall be submitted with the "Reimbursement/payment/purchase request form" seven (7) business days prior to the expected payment or purchase date. 2.8 For goods and services procured by the sponsoring elected official, the sponsoring Commissioner shall submit the "Reimbursement/purchase/ payment request form", attesting that the expenditures were made for a public purpose and while carrying out the Commissioner's official responsibilities. Proper documentation, including detailed invoices and proof of payment, shall be submitted with the Reimbursement/ purchase/payment request form within 30 days from the date of the expenditure. The amount of tax paid cannot be reimbursed. 2.9 Proper care shall be taken to maintain all purchases (including, but not limited to, gift cards, vouchers, gift baskets and other giveaways) accounted for and secured until their distribution to the intended recipients. To ensure the proper chain of custody, staff and Commissioners shall follow the procedures outlined in the City's Cash Handling Policy 02-04R, as may be amended from time to time. Staff shall secure the sponsoring Commissioner's signature attesting that gift cards, vouchers, gift baskets and/or other giveaways were received by the sponsoring Commissioner. Recipients of check, voucher, gift card or other donations shall be required to sign a document indicating that they received the item(s). 2.10 Sponsoring elected official shall work with the Risk Management division prior to signing any agreement with the vendor and/or partner to ensure that proper insurance provisions are incorporated into the agreement and that the vendor and/or partner provides the required insurance documentation to the City in advance of the event. "Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events" form (attached hereto as Exhibit "E") shall be utilized to provide necessary information to Risk Management. It shall be submitted to the City Manager's Office along with the Application in accordance with the deadlines established in Section 2.2. 3. Sections IV. 2.1-2.6 do not apply to one-time purchase (e.g. lunch with constituent, press release, mailer, City shirt purchases, donations) reimbursement requests that are not associated with events, meetings or other initiative activities. Page 5 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 2/9/22 Approved: -) Kathleen Gunn Date City Manager I certify that I have received, read in its entirety including the Exhibits, understand, and will comply with the provisions of this City Commission of the City of Tamarac policy: City Commission Initiative Policy #22-01 ote Officia a e i nature Date Page 6 of 14 Title Mayor and Commission Office Department Funds allocated to implement an initiative under the City's adopted annual budget Commission members identify initiative ideas to implement in the future quarter Commissioner provides list of desired vendors/partners (Exhibit E) Risk provides insurance and/or Commissioners liaison Commissioner and/or Commissioner's liaison provides insurance requirements to vendor/partner & collects certificates Commnissioner Risk and[or Commissioner'sprovides Aide send feedback certificates to Risk as to why Management for certificate review was not - accepted i rtificate approvedRisk Management?ES NO Risk approved vendor/partner & files certificate Risk management will continue in a safety role and participate in meetings Is there a vendor/partner organization? Sponsoring Commission member gathers and includes appropriate third -party partner information Sponsoring Commission member submits City Commission Initiative/Resource Request Application (Exhibit B) Min. 120 days in advance for most initiatives Min. 45 days in advance for facility usage Min.30 days in advance for simple initiatives City staff will determine cost, logistics and provide feedback. Sponsoring Commissioner's liaison participates in planning meetings and completes assigned activities If available resources are insufficient, including budgeted staff overtime cost, staff will discuss strategies with the Commission member to reduce the initiative's scope, cost, and required staff time Staff utilizes Exhibit C to log all initiative expenses. The cost of the initiative is charged to the sponsoring Commission member initiative account Sponsoring Commission member submits reimbursement for expenses procured by Commission mennber for the initiative Sponsoring Commission member submits City Commission Initiative/Resource Request Application (Exhibit B) Min. 120 days in advance for most initiatives Min. 45 days in advance for facility usage Min. 30 days in advance for simple initiatives City staff will determine cost, logistics and provide feedback. Sponsoring Commissioner's liaison participates in planning meetings and completes assigned activities If available resources are insufficient, including budgeted staff overtime cost, staff will discuss strategies with the Commission member to reduce the initiative's scope, cost, and required staff time Staff utilizes Exhibit C to log all initiative expenses. The cost of the initiative is charged to the sponsoring Commission member initiative account Sponsoring Commission member submits reimbursement for expenses procured by Commission member for the initiative Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Exhibit B Policy Number: 22-01 TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION �.� INITIATIVE/RESOURCE REQUEST APPLICATION The City For Your Life To be submitted at least 120 days before the event APPLICANT INFORMATION: Today's Date Sponsoring Commissioner Event Contact Details Name: Number: Email: GENERAL •_ • Name of Initiative, Event, Meeting Vendors Partner Organization(s) Food Truck ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes: Attach Risk Management Guidelines for If yes: Attach Risk Management Guidelines for Note: Food trucks require an Commissioner Events Form and collect Risk Commissioner Events Form and collect Risk inspection by Fire Rescue Management waivers if applicable. Management waivers if applicable. If non-profit, attach a letter of approval or request to en a e. Preferred Dates for Initiative (List 3) Initiative Event/ Description: Participation Fee for Vendors/Partners ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ If yes, fee amount $ (Only for initiatives requiring vendor/partner fees) Requested Location, Room/Facility: Estimated Attendance/Capacity Crowds larger than 250 need a certified crowd manager Budget Information Estimated Cost: Account Number(s) Please attach budget Requested Staff and Resources - Prior to activity, event, meeting Set up Flyer Desi n ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO (/fyes, select who will design the flyer) If yes, attach a detailed set up plan layout drawing ❑ Liaison design El Contract Vendor El Other Promotion (Check all that apply) ❑ Social media ❑ Include in monthly event video ❑ Press Release (Provide media source) ❑ Email (provide addresses) ❑ Print flyers (# ) ❑ Sign/Banner (#, locations) ❑ Other Coordination (Liaison will schedule meetings and keep agenda's and action registers) Additional assistance needed from other staff: ❑ YES ❑ NO /fyes, specify expectations Food/Refreshments I ❑ YES ❑ NO (/fyes, list type and amounts) Other Requested Staff and Resources - Prior to activity, event, meeting (List) Page 8 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Requested: Resources — During the activity, event, meeting Staff (Check all that apply) ❑ IT personnel support ❑ Road closures ❑ Fire Dept. presence ❑ BSO presence/traffic control ❑ Manning registration tables ❑ Other ❑ Staff presenters (list departments and topics) Resources (Check all that apply) ❑ Sound System ❑ Live Streaming ❑ AN Equipment (List, including #s) ❑ Chairs (Total number: ) (Mark "Reserved" #: ) ❑ Tables (Shape: ) ( Size: ) (Number: ) ❑ Table Covering type, i.e. plastic, linens ❑ Tents/ Canopies (Size: ) (Number: ) Tents larger than 10x10 require a permit from the Building department Other Requested Staff & Resources — During the activity, event, meeting Requested- Break down and clean-up (Select all that apply) ❑ Breakdown (Parks, Public Svcs. IT) ❑ BSO / Public Svcs. Traffic Control Other Requested Staff and Resources - Post activity, event, meeting If there are left over supplies and equipment. Please specify how items will be handled (i.e. stored, donated etc.) Also list applicable organization(s) and contact information. Page 9 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit C: INITIATIVE BUDGET FORM CITY COMMISSION EVENT / RESOURCE REQUEST BUDGET Bud et should be a roved rior to event Initiative / Event / Meeting Name Item# Name Acc. # Description Event Date ost per` unit $ Total cost Quantity extended Cost $ 1 Supplies 2 Supplies 3 Refreshment 4 Refreshment 5 Facility Rental Fee 6 Speaker Fee 7 Entertainment Fee 8 Furniture & Equipment Rental 9 BSO Detail 10 Marketing 11 PIO Cost 12 Staff Overtime 13 Permits 14 Other 15 Other 16 Other 17 Other 18 Other 19 Other 20 Other Approved: Sponsoring Commissioner Date Page 10 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit D: CITY COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT/PURCHASE/PAYMENT REQUEST FORM TAMARAC The City For Your Life CITY OF TAMARAC COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT/PURCHASE/PAYMENT REQUEST FORM NAME: THIS IS A REQUEST FOR: ❑ REIMBURSEMENT ❑ INITIATIVE PURCHASE ❑ PAYMENT OF INVOICE FORM OF PAYMENT: ❑ FPO # ❑ PRO CARD ❑ PURCHASE REQ. # DATE DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE TOTAL $ TOTAL:$ FINANCE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY AUDITED BY: ACCOUNT NUMBER: FINANCE AUTHORIZATION: SIGNATURE - CITY MANAGER I certify that this expense is true and correct in every material respect and that these expenses were actually incurred in the performance of my official duties. NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: Page 11 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit E: RISK MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR COMMISSIONER EVENTS Please fill out required information as applicable. If partner and vendor information changes, please review this document and resend to risk management. Risk Management Contact: kathys@tamarac.org and mildredv@tamarac.org VENDOR LIST VENDOR NAME I CONTACT PERSON I CONTACT # I CONTACT EMAIL I SERVICES PROVIDING? PARTNER LIST PARTNER ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON CONTACT # CONTACT EMAIL SERVICES PROVIDING/CONTRIBUTION TO EVENT TAX EXEMPT ID # lfApplicable All vendors/partners are required to provide proof of insurance. Our standard requirements are: • General liability (one million dollars combined single limit) • Auto Liability (one million dollars combined single limit) • Workers' Compensation Depending on the nature of their services, some vendors/partners insurance requirements may be more or less than the standards requirements above. Once Risk Management receives the vendor list, they will advise if any of the vendors need additional insurance limits or coverage. The general liability and auto liability policies must name "City of Tamarac, its officials and employees" as additional insureds. In the DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS, have them list the event by name: i.e. Fall Neighborhood Picnic on September 20, 2021 (see highlighted section). Page 12 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 AC Da OATEItlnDDIrYYp CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IMPORTANT: H the eef0heate holder If an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the poficy(les) must be endorsed. H SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endmeme s . PPODUCER MgyE PMOME FAa Mar ablltEa9 KFOMUq ep:IERADE MAGI eauaEo :12 a: c: I am ItHU�0.f: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAAIED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREIAENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUI,IENT WTI RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, TIE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUDIECT TO ALL THE TER)AS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIIARS SHOWN )MY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLANS. za IYPf M W9UMMGE PpLICY .... Lonna a--LLABilrl CCAILER—OF3ASA.Y LYnUTY {IAAISWDE 0O{GUR Ek'H OCCURRE�YE f - NED EIa�IAM cro OLrsml f i PEiCNAL6AD'/NAA:Y s GENEPAL AGGR£WTE f GEYL ADGAEOAiE HINT AWLEe R_R: POLICY MP LOC PR{OURS.CWPGP AGO i AUfOeolins UAalllrT ,y,y�qg/,fnp MfiOStEO %To NCNilIN1E0 HIRFOblt04 AU(OS COA®NNE 1 UMrt EttVLY1NAAYfPorpnwn) f 90DILY INARY XPor xtl 4 i f 7 UYaRELLA WiB GtNR OICEa9 LL4a CLAAIE-LNDE EKH000RREFCE f Ar' 9WTE ! D© 0.EANn]N 1 AWSa aeOas LIAR GN AND EfrPLOY619'LIMEM YIN V PRCRiETCOLPARit,EILERECLItrAi jGNCE0.NEM9E0. E><lll`EDi MyyanEgoy In NNl OE9CRPr101 OF (WESATOt190nhw MIA LC ALL OH £.L. EA[NA{C DFM f EL.OGFAEEEA ERIGLDYEE f E.L. pSEAEEiCUCY UA4T i It 6F9CRIPnIX10F DPFRAIM]Y9ILOCAigt191 VEHCLE9 IAOYA AepRD 101, A6StenN RrTirLO aeMAb, aiebe fgc0 a NWOOe) :tNI RIMN l [ H VLUtN 14NNLil:LLAI I VN SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POUCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION GATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVEREDIN WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTMOaIge R EP R E9EMTAL W E O 1988.2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved ACORD 25 (2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Please forward all insurance certificates to the Risk Management for review for sufficiency. The Commissioner's office is responsible to request and receive the certificates and forward them Risk Management for approval. Insurance requirement instruction sheets are available to hand out to your vendors. The Risk Management Division will review all certificates for sufficiency. Risk is also available to answer any questions, clarify insurance requests for the vendors. Risk will also retain copies of all certificates. Page 13 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Event: Date of Event: Dear Vendor/Partner: All vendors are required to have insurance. Insurance certificates MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT. Insurance must be in effect for the date(s) of the event. Please email your certificates to kathvs@tamarac.org and Mildredv@tamarac.org. Minimum Insurance Requirements: • General liability $1,000,000limit • Commercial Auto Liability $1,000,000 limit • Workers' Compensation As per statutory requirements All general liability and auto liability policies must name "City of Tamarac, its officials and employees" as additional insureds. Workers' Compensation must provide a waiver of subrogation to the City. Depending on the service you are providing, additional limits or coverage(s) may be required. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR FOOD TRUCKS In addition to the above insurance requirements, please remember to have an inspection by the Fire Department. Contact Rebecca Geimer, Assistant Fire Marshal 954-597-3894 or Rebecca.Geimer@tamarac.org. Page 14 of 14 City of Tamarac Interoffice Memorandum City Manager's Office To: Jennifer Johnson, City Clerk Cc: Kathleen Gunn, City Manager From: Eliane Benjamin, Administrative Coordinat Date: March 7, 2022 Re: Gift Card Please be advised that Steven Meza dropped off Vice Mayor Gelin's unsigned Initiative Policy Package to me this afternoon. Vice Mayor Gelin will not execute the document. City of Tamarac Interoffice Memorandum City Manager's Office To: Jennifer Johnson, City Clerk Cc: Kathleen Gunn, City Manager From: Eliane Benjamin, Administrative Coordinator Date: March 7, 2022 Re: Gift Card Please be advised that Steven Meza dropped off Vice Mayor Gelin's unsigned Initiative Policy Package to me this afternoon. Vice Mayor Gelin will not execute the document. T A BARAC The City For Your Life City of Tamarac, Florida Administrative Policy Title: City Commission Initiative Policy Origination Date: February 9, 2022 Revised: N/A Next Scheduled Review: February 9, 2026 Originating Department: Mayor and Supersedes: All previous and existing Commission Office memos or administrative policies in conflict Policy Number: 22-01 Effective Date: February 9, 2022 Page 1 of 14 I. Purpose: To establish a policy and uniform procedure for effective funding and management of initiatives, organized, initiated, or facilitated by members of the City Commission, including initiatives implemented in partnership with third party organizations. This policy provides guidelines and methods pay for and implement initiatives funded in the City's adopted annual budget. This policy does not apply to the private rental of City facilities. II. Definitions: 1. For the purposes of this policy, the term "initiative" refers to any activity, communication, event or meeting, or other expenditure initiated, organized, or facilitated by a member of the City Commission to foster community engagement and communication that requires the usage of City resources, serves a public purpose, and is carried out in the Commission member's official capacity. Initiative examples include, but are not limited to the following: 1.1 Special events, receptions, special presentations, panels, roundtables, tradeshow-style events, sports and fitness, other events, meetings, gatherings or engagement efforts; or 1.2 Press releases, flyers, ads, signs, banners, mailings, photos, videos, mass text messages or other individual commission member communication with the public; or 1.3 Incidental City Commission expenditures, such as lunch or coffee with a constituent, orders of official shirts with a City logo, and other similar expenditures; or 1.4 Other activities that serve a public purpose, such as the distribution of essential items and/or food giveaways (e.g., disaster relief event). 2. Initiatives covered by this policy also include any Commission member initiatives organized in partnership with other governmental entities or non-profit organizations. This includes requests from a Commissioner for a City room, facility Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 or other resource or asset usage on behalf of the third -party organizations (even if Commission members do not plan to be present at the meeting or event). It also includes meetings or events at third -party facilities that require staff engagement and City resources outside of the regular City course of business. 3. City resources include but are not limited to the usage of City funds, rooms, facilities, parks, staff assistance, equipment, marketing and promotional materials and efforts or other City assets. III. Policy: 1. It is the policy of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac that all City initiatives that require the use of City resources, including but not limited to the use of City facilities and/or staff, shall be planned for, budgeted for, and approved during the City's Annual Budget process. 2. Commission initiative account expenditures shall not exceed the amounts allocated in the appropriate Fiscal Year budget and shall comply with all applicable State of Florida regulations, the City's Code provisions, and this Policy. Goods and services for initiatives procured by the members of the City Commission shall be procured pursuant to the appropriate City Code provisions as may be amended from time to time. 3. All public funds, however spent, must have a public purpose. In general, a public purpose is defined as an activity or service that is open to all members of the public, (may be limited to City residents) regardless of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, etc., without restriction, and which does not promote a particular religion. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 112.313 (6) City funds may only be used for a public purpose and may not support political activities (including but not limited to lobbying, campaigns or endorsements) and/or primarily benefit private interests. 4. All expenses related to the initiative implementation shall be charged to the sponsoring Commission member's initiative account to ensure proper allocation of funds, including but not limited to the following: ■ Staff overtime ■ Refreshments ■ Supplies ■ Facility rental fees (for non -City facilities only or Colony West; every effort must be made to utilize City public facilities, partnerships with HOAs and non -profits for free usage of event/meeting space) ■ Expert/speaker fees ■ Furniture or equipment rental ■ Permits ■ BSO detail ■ Marketing (graphic design, photos, signs, banners, video, printing and Page 2 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 other marketing efforts) ■ Contributions to non-profit organizations as defined by the IRS that provide services to City Residents (such organizations must be on the City Commission adopted list of Charitable Entities for City funds to be disbursed) ■ Support for school -based organizations including but not limited to choirs, bands, athletics and school clubs ■ Support for unbudgeted activities sponsored by the City Commission or individual Commissioner ■ Any other expenditures associated with the initiative. Funding may only be used for activities deemed to be a valid public purpose. Uses identified as allowable may be authorized directly by the Commissioner from their account subject to review and approval requirements outlined in this policy. Any other proposed use of initiatives funds must be authorized by the City Commission. 5. All requests for resource usage, staff assistance or participation in initiatives shall be submitted to and approved by the City Manager's Office. Staff shall not volunteer their time for initiatives. 6. Initiative funds will be released when all applicable forms outlined in this policy have been submitted and approved by Financial Services and the City Manager or designee. 7. Expenditures made or requested by the members of the City Commission shall be reimbursed by the City in accordance with the established accounting practices. Goods and/or services must be received prior to September 30 of the year to qualify for reimbursement or be charged to the current Fiscal Year. IV. Procedures: Any member of City Commission planning an initiative shall follow the initiative procedure outlined herein and summarized in the attached Exhibit "A": 1. Plan for and propose initiatives, events and meetings to determine estimated budget amounts for the City Commission approval during the annual budget process. Initiative funds will be established through an allocation in the City Commission Budget for such initiatives. 2. The following steps shall be followed to ensure timely, efficient and effective initiative implementation: 2.1 Sponsoring Commission member shall submit the completed. Application (Exhibit "B") to the City Manager's Office. It is the responsibility of the submitting Commissioner to provide an accurate and complete list of initiative expectations, including the set-up plan. If the initiative involves Page 3 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 partnership with a third -party organization, it is also the responsibility of the sponsoring Commissioner to gather and include the appropriate partner information. A letter from a non-profit partner expressing approval or request to engage as an initiative partner must be attached. 2.2 Deadlines for the Application submission shall be established as follows: 2.2.1 Minimum of 120 days before the expected implementation date for most events. This will ensure proper planning, execution and promotion of initiatives. 2.2.2 Minimum of 45 days for facility usage requests. 2.2.3 Minimum of 30 days for simple initiatives, such as meetings or virtual panels. 2.3 The City Manager's Office will forward the Application to the Parks and Recreation Department that will engage the appropriate departments in the application review to determine the cost and logistics, coordinate the necessary follow up communications, keeping the City Manager's Office and the sponsoring Commissioner updated. The City Manager's Office will forward the completed "Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events Form" to Risk Management Division to coordinate with the sponsoring Commissioner the appropriate insurance and risk waiver requirements. 2.4 Collaboration and timely communication between the sponsoring Commissioner and City staff is of the utmost importance. The sponsoring Commissioner shall communicate expectations and respond to all staffs requests for clarification and direction in a timely manner. Staff shall request clarification, share updates and recommend alternatives to solve any encountered issues, as needed to ensure successful implementation. The sponsoring Commissioner's community engagement liaison or legislative aide shall participate in the initiative planning meetings, as requested by staff, and complete all actions assigned by the agreed upon deadlines, including securing business sponsors where possible. 2.5 Staff overtime costs shall be factored into the initiative costs and shall not exceed the amount budgeted for this purpose in the appropriate Fiscal Year budget. Parks and Recreation Department shall estimate the initiative cost and request the initiative account balance to determine whether sufficient resources exist to proceed with the initiative as requested by the sponsor. Strategies to reduce the initiative's scope, cost and required staff time shall be discussed with the sponsoring Commissioner, in the event that available resources are insufficient. 2.6 Commissioner shall submit a draft "Initiative Budget Form", attached Page 4 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 hereto as Exhibit "C" with the Application. Staff shall utilize and update this form to record all initiative -related expenses, including overtime costs, and keep proper backup. 2.7 Requests for staff to make initiative purchases or process initiative - related invoices for payment shall be accompanied by the "Reimbursement/purchase/ payment request form" (Exhibit "D") attesting that the expenditures are made for a public purpose and while carrying out the Commissioner's official responsibilities. Proper documentation, including clear item description, amounts, purpose and detailed invoices shall be submitted with the "Reimbursement/payment/purchase request form" seven (7) business days prior to the expected payment or purchase date. 2.8 For goods and services procured by the sponsoring elected official, the sponsoring Commissioner shall submit the "Reimbursement/purchase/ payment request form", attesting that the expenditures were made for a public purpose and while carrying out the Commissioner's official responsibilities. Proper documentation, including detailed invoices and proof of payment, shall be submitted with the Reimbursement/ purchase/payment request form within 30 days from the date of the expenditure. The amount of tax paid cannot be reimbursed. 2.9 Proper care shall be taken to maintain all purchases (including, but not limited to, gift cards, vouchers, gift baskets and other giveaways) accounted for and secured until their distribution to the intended recipients. To ensure the proper chain of custody, staff and Commissioners shall follow the procedures outlined in the City's Cash Handling Policy 02-04R, as may be amended from time to time. Staff shall secure the sponsoring Commissioner's signature attesting that gift cards, vouchers, gift baskets and/or other giveaways were received by the sponsoring Commissioner. Recipients of check, voucher, gift card or other donations shall be required to sign a document indicating that they received the item(s). 2.10 Sponsoring elected official shall work with the Risk Management division prior to signing any agreement with the vendor and/or partner to ensure that proper insurance provisions are incorporated into the agreement and that the vendor and/or partner provides the required insurance documentation to the City in advance of the event. "Risk Management Guidelines for Commissioner Events" form (attached hereto as Exhibit "E") shall be utilized to provide necessary information to Risk Management. It shall be submitted to the City Manager's Office along with the Application in accordance with the deadlines established in Section 2.2. 3. Sections IV. 2.1-2.6 do not apply to one-time purchase (e.g. lunch with constituent, press release, mailer, City shirt purchases, donations) reimbursement requests that are not associated with events, meetings or other initiative activities. Page 5 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Approved: Kathleen Gunn City Manager Date 2/9/22 certify that I have received, read in its entirety including the Exhibits, understand, and will comply with the provisions of this City Commission of the City of Tamarac policy: City Commission Initiative Policy #22-01 Elected Official Name Signature Date Page 6 of 14 Title Mayor and Commission Office Department Commissioner provides list of desired vendors/partners (Exhibit E) Risk provides insurance and/or Cotmnissioners liaison Commissioner and/or Commissioner's, liaison provides insurance requirements to vendor/partner R collects certificates Commssioner and%or Coninussioner's Aide send certificates to Risk Management for review Certificate approved by Risk Management? Funds allocated to implement an initiative raider the City's adopted annual budget Commission members identify initiative ideas to implement in the future quarter Risk provides feedback as to why certificate was not accepted Risk approved vendor/partner files certificate Risk management will continue in a safety role and participate in meetings a Is there a vendor/partner omanization? Sponsoring Commission member gathers and includes appropriate third -party partner information Sponsoring Commission member submits City Commission Initiative/Resource Request Application (Exhibit B) Min. t20 days in advance for most initiatives vain. 45 days in advance for facility -usage Min.30 days in advance for simple initiatives City staff will determine cost, logistics and provide feedback. Sponsoring Commissioner's liaison participates in planning meetings and completes assigned activities If available resources are insufficient, including - budgeted staff overtime cost, staff will discuss strategies with the Commission member to reduce the initiative's scope; cost. and required staff time Staff utilizes Exhibit to log all initiative expenses. The cost of the initiative is charged to She sponsoring Commission member initiative raccount Sponsoring Commission member submits reinibursenlent for expenses procured by Commission member for the initiative Sponsoring Commission member submits City Commission Initiative/Resource Request Application (Exhibit B) Min; 120 days inadvancefor most initiatives Min. 45 days -in advance for Ctcility usage Min. 30 days in advance for simple initiatives City staff will determine cost, logistics and provide feedback. Sponsoring Commissioners liaison participates in planning meetings and completes assigned activities If available resources are insufficient, including budgeted staff overtime cost, staff will discuss strategies with the Commission'metnber to reduce the initiative's scope cost, and required staff time Staff utilizes Exhibit C to log all initiative expenses. The cost of theinitiativeis charged to the sponsoring Commission member initiative account Sponsoring Commission member submits reimbursement for expenses procured by Commission member for the initiative Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit B /% fli �t'L��fu CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE/RESOURCE REQUEST APPLICATION The City For Your Life To be submitted at least 120 days before the event APPLICANT INFORMATI614Today's Date Sponsoring Commissioner �ka-���3 Event Contact Details • ® ®�R. Name of Initiative, Event, Meeting Vendors Partner Organization(s) Food Truck ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes: Attach Risk Management Guidelines for If yes: Attach Risk Management Guidelines for Note: Food trucks require an Commissioner Events Form and collect Risk Commissioner Events Form and collect Risk inspection by Fire Rescue Management waivers if applicable. Management waivers if applicable. If non-profit, attach a letter of approval or request to engage. Preferred Dates for Initiative (List 3) Initiative Event/ Description: Participation Fee for Vendors/Partners ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ If yes, fee amount $ (only for initiatives requiring vendor/partner fees) Requested Location, Room/Facility: Estimated Attendance/Capacity Crowds larder than 250 need a certified crowd manager Budget Information ' Estimated Cost: Account Number(s) Please attach budget Set up Flyer Design ❑ YES ❑ NO ❑ YES ❑ N O (Ifyes select who will design the flyer) If yes, attach a detailed set up plan layout drawing ❑ Liaison design El Contract Vendor El Other Promotion (Check all that apply) ❑ Social media ❑ Include in monthly event video ❑ Press Release (Provide media source) ❑ Email (provide addresses) ❑ Print flyers (# ) ❑ Sign/Banner (#, locations) ❑ Other Coordination (Liaison will schedule meetings and keep agenda's and action registers) Additional assistance needed from other staff: ❑ YES ❑ NO lfyes, specifyexpectations- Food/Refreshments I ❑ YES ❑ NO (lfyes, list type and amounts) Other Requested Staff and Resources - Prior to activity, event, meeting (List) Page 8 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Staff (Check all thatapply) ❑ IT personnel support ❑ Road closures ❑ Fire Dept. presence ❑ BSO presence/traffic control ❑ Manning registration tables ❑ Other ❑ Staff presenters (list departments and topics) Resources (Check all that apply) ❑ Sound System ❑ Live Streaming ❑ AN Equipment (List, including #s) ❑ Chairs (Total number: ) (Mark "Reserved" #: ) ❑ Tables (Shape: ) ( Size: ) (Number: ) ❑ Table Covering type, i.e. plastic, linens ❑ Tents/ Canopies (Size: ) (Number: ) Tents larger than 10x10 require a permit from the Building department -Other Requested Staff & Resources- During the activity, event, meeting Break down and clean-up (Select all that apply) ❑ Breakdown (Parks, Public Svcs. IT) ❑ BSO / Public Svcs. Traffic Control Other Requested Staff and Resources - Post activity, event, meeting If there are left over supplies and equipment. Please specify how items will be handled (i.e. stored, donated etc.) Also list applicable organization(s) and contact information. Page 9 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit C: INITIATIVE BUDGET FORM CITY COMMISSION EVENT / RESOURCE REQUEST BUDGET Bud et should be age2vedprior to event — — — e — LROMeoeA90—ow, -ow, ® e Item# Name Acc. # Description — ®_ o _ e Extended unit $ Cost 1 Supplies 2 Supplies 3 Refreshment 4 Refreshment 5 Facility Rental Fee 6 Speaker Fee 7 Entertainment Fee 8 Furniture & Equipment Rental 9 BSO Detail 10 Marketing 11 PIO Cost 12 Staff Overtime 13 Permits 14 Other 15 Other 16 Other 17 Other 18 Other 19 Other 20 Other Approved: Sponsoring Commissioner Date Page 10 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit D: CITY COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT/PURCHASE/PAYMENT REQUEST FORM TAMARAK`C.� The City For Your Life CITY OF TAMARAC COMMISSION REIMBURSEMENT/PURCHASE/PAYMENT REQUEST FORM NAME: THIS IS A REQUEST FOR: ❑ REIMBURSEMENT ❑ INITIATIVE PURCHASE ❑ PAYMENT OF INVOICE FORM OF PAYMENT: ❑ FPO # ❑ PRO CARD ❑ PURCHASE REQ. # DATE DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE TOTAL $ TOTAL: $ FINANCE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY AUDITED BY: ACCOUNT NUMBER: FINANCE AUTHORIZATION: SIGNATURE - CITY MANAGER I certify that this expense is true and correct in every material respect and that these expenses were actually incurred in the performance of my official duties. NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: Pagel 1 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Exhibit E: RISK MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR COMMISSIONER EVENTS Please fill out required information as applicable. If partner and vendor information changes, please review this document and resend to risk management. Risk Management Contact: kathys@tamarac.org and mildredv@tamarac.org VENDOR LIST VENDOR NAME CONTACT PERSON CONTACT # CONTACT EMAIL SERVICES PROVIDING? PARTNER LIST PARTNER ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON CONTACT # CONTACT EMAIL SERVICES PROVIDING/CONTRIBUTION TO EVENT TAX EXEMPT ID # lfApplicable All vendors/partners are required to provide proof of insurance. Our standard requirements are: • General liability (one million dollars combined single limit) • Auto Liability (one million dollars combined single limit) • Workers' Compensation Depending on the nature of their services, some vendors/partners insurance requirements may be more or less than the standards requirements above. Once Risk Management receives the vendor list, they will advise if any of the vendors need additional insurance limits or coverage. The general liability and auto liability policies must name "City of Tamarac, its officials and employees" as additional insureds. In the DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS, have them list the event by name: i.e. Fall Neighborhood Picnic on September 20, 2021 (see highlighted section). Page 12 of 14 Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 ^C Ro ' CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER, REVISION NUMBER CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCFILATION --_ - SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE - 1 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED W 1 ACCORDANCE WITH ME POLICY PROVISIONS 7 AUfHeli®e13eESMATYE 01968-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. AD rights received. ACORD 25 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Please forward all insurance certificates to the Risk Management for review for sufficiency. The Commissioner's office is responsible to request and receive the certificates and forward them Risk Management for approval. Insurance requirement instruction sheets are available to hand out to your vendors. The Risk Management Division will review all certificates for sufficiency. Risk is also available to answer any questions, clarify insurance requests for the vendors. Risk will also retain copies of all certificates. Page 13 of 14 iHl9 CF12TIflGTE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT' BETWEEN THE ISSUING WSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER BtPORTANi: tl the certificate Mlder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the PDBgYba) must 6e erldoned H SUBROOA710N IS WAIVED, subject m the term and conditlore o1 the policy, certain policies may require an endonemem. A sutement an this certificate does not confer rights to the certlfkate taMx M lieu of each erMoraemenga . eRooucm ..,,� iTIQIE fAY e[5 AFW0.DDiG COYHiAGE N/JCi D19lNED glfUi✓81 B: IXLIREAC: D6UItlt D: a(511119tE: THIS G TO CEROFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED Bf]D'N HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO Tlie CfSIIREO ItM1E0 ABOVE FOR iH'e POLICY PERIOD INDICTED. ITOIV,TDISTANDING ANY REONAEIAENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CCNTRACi OR OTHER DOCUMENT 5'A7M RESPECT TO N711CH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY 8E ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED 8Y THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO A LPRnPM L THE TERIAS, IXCWSIOt15 MID COfOR10N5 OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHO'NN IA4Y HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAWS. tYPE K &SUM CE PDLICY NIHEHi tltar9 0ENERLLUA9afD' Ek'HOCG1111RQtE 1 [dALC-eCW.GEI9UL t,ec, tt QATJSAV,OE ❑O:U1R td:D EIN IArnan xnan s PEt.'Td10.6ADVPlJ_FY GEr£MLARGICCA f GEl1 AGCv:EG.SlENA1TAWL£SF=R PRNtICtE-CAIVP.OPAGG f PotlC FR0. �., f AIrrO1SEILE lll,91L1fYT APJIEG fi11CLE tJA1R A•iYAVtG aC<]LYIHI_AY(Pol pawn) 3 X 065�D J�OE�D 9fYILY INJd3Y(PoraSEatl f MIRED AJIOS A'1<0E/It1ED ,p�yr�� f f I1tB0.f31A11AB adl0. EJG4000DfIf✓F]d:E S F]�E89 LL18 CIAi.ISIFOE ALGEGTE OE7 R4TE1nXJNT f W(Hi1(FRS LONPENSATgN 4YL STAtLL OTK AIID EYROYERg'IJABIItt e OFFIL'�Rf1EWE0.IXCL�LL`@i�Dlr�'�� NrA ELEN_HKC9E'.l 1 IMwdborl l�NN� E.L0.5EASE-E.EAIFLDY S DET[R.>nOtI DF Q+E n011f acLw E.L DSEASE.F IJCY LIA[T 1 DEBGRIPiIDN GgGmLung`ISILau7atLatvEwGLca N�AGGRn 1of,Acmmw w�ansaHwlw,reaiasynrrclyacq.: Title: CITY COMMISSION INITIATIVE POLICY Policy Number: 22-01 Event: Date of Event: Dear Vendor/Partner: All vendors are required to have insurance. Insurance certificates MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT. Insurance must be in effect for the date(s) of the event. Please email your certificates to kathvs@tamarac.org and Mildredv@tamarac.org. Minimum Insurance Requirements: • General liability $1,000,000limit • Commercial Auto Liability $1,000,000 limit • Workers' Compensation As per statutory requirements All general liability and auto liability policies must name "City of Tamarac, its officials and employees" as additional insureds. Workers' Compensation must provide a waiver of subrogation to the City. Depending on the service you are providing, additional limits or coverage(s) may be required. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR FOOD TRUCKS In addition to the above insurance requirements, please remember to have an inspection by the Fire Department. Contact Rebecca Geimer, Assistant Fire Marshal 954-597-3894 or Rebecca.Geimer@tamarac.org. Page 14 of 14