HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-17• 0 7525 NW 88" Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 CITY OF TAMARAC PLANNING BOARD AGENDA April 5, 2017 THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA will hold a meeting on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 9.00 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers of City Hall. The following items will be heard: A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Approval of the minutes from the meeting of March 1, 2017. E. New Business- ITEM 1. Quasi -Judicial - Public Hearing Case No.: 1-P-17 Project Name: Woodmont Country Club: Phase III — Plat Petitioner: Mike Vonder Meulen, designated agent for the applicant Pulte Home Company, LLC. Petition: Request for approval of a Plat application to create a subdivision for the following areas within the Woodmont Country Club property: Pod A (Location: North Side of NW 82d Street between NW 80th Avenue and Cassia Terrace); Pods B, G & F (Location: West of NW 80th Avenue at the intersection with NW 78th Street) Pod C (Location: North of NW 75th Street between Banyan Way and Black Olive Way); Pod E (Location: South of Southgate Boulevard between Jade Drive and NW 81st Avenue); for the development of Single Family Homes. 0 Location: 7801 NW 80t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321 • • Planning Board April 5, 2017 Page 2 ITEM 2. Case No.: Project Name: Quasi -Judicial - Public Hearing Woodmont Country Club: Phase III —Variance Petitioner: Scott Backman, Esq., of Dunay, Miskel, & Backman, LLP, designated agent for the applicant Pulte Home Company, LLC. Petition: Request for approval of a Variance petition to allow for relief from Section 24-101, Table 1, Code of Ordinances, to allow a maximum structure height of thirty feet (30') in lieu of the required twenty five feet (25'), maximum plot coverage of fifty seven percent (57%) in lieu of a required forty percent (40%) and maximum plot coverage for total impervious area of sixty eight percent (68%) in lieu of the required sixty seven percent (67%) in the R-1 (Zoning District; and relief from Section 24-101, Table 2, Code of Ordinances, to allow minimum side yards of five feet (5) for two-story homes in lieu of ten feet (10') required, minimum street yards of twelve feet (12') in lieu of twenty feet (20') required, minimum distance between buildings of ten feet (10') for one story homes in lieu of fifteen feet (15') required and ten feet (10') for two story homes in lieu of twenty feet (20') required; and minimum rear yards of five feet (5) in lieu of eight feet (8') for one story homes and minimum rear yards of ten feet (10') in lieu of twenty five feet (25') required for two-story homes when adjacent to residentially zoned property and thirteen feet (13') required when adjacent to S-1 Zoning in the R-1 Zoning District. Location: 7801 NW 80t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321 ITEM 3. Quasi -Judicial - Public Hearing Case No.: 4-SP-17 Project Name: Woodmont Country Club: Phase III — Major Revised Site Plan is Petitioner: Ken DeLaTorre, designated agent for the applicant Pulte Home Company, LLC. • CJ Planning Board April 5, 2017 Page 3 Petition: Approval of a Major Revised Site Plan application to allow for the development of a total one hundred, fifty- two (152) residential single family lots within the following areas of the Woodmont Country Club property: Pod A, fifty-one (51) dwelling units (location: north of NW 82nd Street between NW 80th Avenue and Cassia Terrace); Pod B, thirty (30) dwelling units (location: west of NW 80th Avenue at the intersection of NW 78th Street); Pod C, nineteen (19) dwelling units (location: north of NW 75th Street between Banyan Way and Black Olive Way); Pod E, twenty (20) dwelling units (location: south of Southgate Boulevard between Jade Drive and NW 81st Avenue); Pod F, fourteen (14) dwelling units (location: west of NW 80th Avenue at the intersection with NW 78th Street); and Pod G, eighteen (18) dwelling units (location: west of NW 80th Avenue at the intersection of NW 78th Street). Location: 7801 NW 80t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321 Other business that may require the immediate attention of the Planning Board. F. Planning Board Reports. G. Director's Report. H. Adjournment. Maxine A. Calloway, Esq., AICP. Director of Community Development NOTE: A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT IN ORDER FOR AN APPLICATION TO BE HEARD PLEASE NOTE: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS WHO CANNOT ATTEND THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT (954)-597-3530. IN THE EVENT THIS AGENDA MUST BE REVISED, SUCH REVISED COPY WILL BE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC AT THE PLANNING BOARD MEETING. PURSUANT TO SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES, IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PLANNING BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT SUCH MEETING OR HEARING, HE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. THE CITY OF TAMARAC COMPLIES WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. IF YOU ARE A DISABLED PERSON REQUIRING ANY ACCOMMODATIONS OR ASSISTANCE, PLEASE NOTIFY THE CITY OF SUCH NEED AT LEAST 72 HOURS (3 DAYS) IN ADVANCE. ADDITIONALLY, IF YOU ARE HEARING OR SPEECH IMPAIRED AND NEED ASSISTANCE, YOU MAY CONTACT THE FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE AT EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS: 1-800-955-8770 OR 1-800-955-8771. MAC/FLZ/alg 04052017