HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-28-231. CALL TO ORDER a. Roll Call 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2.a Minutes - 10/18/2023 3. INSPIRATION WAY 2023-2024 3.a Inspiration Way Call to Artist Jurying 4. NEW BUSINESS 4.a Celso Gonzalez- Siempre Studio 5. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF TAMARAC PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Conf. Room 204 Tamarac, Fl 33321 Tuesday, November 28, 2023 4:30 PM All board members are urged to attend this meeting. All meetings are open to the public. Any board member who cannot attend this meeting should call the Public Art Committee Liaison at 954-597-3430. In the event there is no quorum for this meeting, the meeting may be held as a Workshop instead of a Regular meeting, although no formal action may be taken during a Workshop. Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Public Art Committee, with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, they may need to ensure that a verbatim transcript of the proceedings is made which records includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you are a disabled person, requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City of such need at least 48 hours (2 days) in advance. Additionally, if you are hearing or speech impaired and need assistance, you may contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1. 1 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2.a DATE: November 28, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Collette Tibby ITEM TYPE: Other AGENDA SECTION: APPROVAL OF MINUTES TITLE: Minutes - 10/18/2023 PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: Meeting Minutes 10_18_23docx.docx 2 Public Art Committee Meeting October 17, 2023 4: 30 p.m. Conference Room 204 Meeting Minutes Present Brian Zambrano, Absent Sandra Hill Annette Ortega Tracy Graham Gryte Kuncaitis City Staff Maher Mansour-Assistant Director of Community Development Melissa Petron, Parks and Recreation Call to Order Brain Zambrono called the meeting to order at 4:35 PM. He stated that the Public Art meeting is recorded and open to the public. She wanted the members to be aware that any statements made were public knowledge. Approval of Minute A motion to approve the September 19th minutes was made by Tracy Graham and seconded by Sandy Hill. Motioned passed and minutes were approved. Lightning Installation- Caporella Park Gadson and Ravitz was charged with the task of research options for an interactive activity for the November 30th holiday celebration at Caporella Park. They received a proposal from the company CREOS. The proposal provided a project that would be suitable for both day and night interactions with lights. A motion was made by Sandy Hill to accept the proposal being made for $51,238.76 for a 40 weeks installation period. It was seconded by Tracy Graham. Moving Vivo The committee was made aware that Vivo might be moved from its location on Commercial and Rock Island in the Woodlands. 3 2 Old Business- Skate Park Mural Project Gadson & Ravitz (G&R) provided an update to the PAC Committee that the artist contracts are signed and are waiting on their deposits. G&R will arrange with Melissa Petron scheduling for when the artist can begin. Social Justice Wall Gadson & Ravitz (G&R) provided an update to the PAC Committee that the artist is feverishly working, as he is recovering from COVID 19. Dalmatian Gadson & Ravitz (G&R) provided an update to the PAC Committee that the artists will b on site working on the Dalmatian and they hope to finish in three weeks. Eden Place Flamingos Gadson & Ravitz (G&R) shared photos with the committee that the Flamingo for Eden West has been installed per the developer’s agreement. We Are Tamarac-Figures Discussions continued next steps for this project. Brian agreed to updated cost for fabrication. New Business Sportsplex Water Tank Mural The committee discussed doing murals on the water tanks located at the Sportplex with sports theme suggested. G&R will create a call to artist for the committee to review and decide on a budget. Ibis Sculpture Two proposals for refurbishing Ibis were submitted to the committee was made and approved to accept the proposal for $5800. Gadson explained that he spoke with the artist who recommended painting Ibis blue. Walkway Lightning Committee member Gryte Kuncaitis suggested looking at the walkway between the Community Center and the Broward County Library for doing some time of sensor activated light experience. Further research will be done. Art in the Pond Chairman Brian Zambrano suggested looking into placing art in the pond between the Community Center and the Broward County Library. Further research will be done. Next Meeting: November 21, 2023 Meeting Adjourned at 6 p.m. 4 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.a DATE: November 28, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Collette Tibby ITEM TYPE: Other AGENDA SECTION: INSPIRATION WAY 2023-2024 TITLE: Inspirations Way Call to Artist Jurying PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: Inspirations Way 2023.docx Inspiration Way 2023-2024 Ranking Sheets.pdf 5 Inspirations Way 2023-2024 28-Nov-23 Rate each consideration on a scale of 1-5 ( 5 = the highest rating) Public Art Committee Member:______________________________________ First Name Last Name Brian Zambrano Sandy Hill Tracy Graham Annette Ortega Gryte Kuncaitis Comment Matt Babcock Lee Bell Jack Bordnick Steven Buduo Robert Coon Cody Cottrell Matthew Duffy Richard Herzog Jack Howard-Potter Hanna Jubran Nicholas Kantarelis Sujin Lim Edward Miller Robin Morgan chris plaisted Dane Porter Kirk Seese Halyna Shaw Shagun Singh Joni Younkins-Herzog 6 Inspirations Way 2023-2024 28-Nov-23 Rate each consideration on a scale of 1-5 ( 5 = the highest rating) Public Art Committee Member:______________________________________ First Name Last Name Brian Zambrano Sandy Hill Tracy Graham Annette Ortega Gryte Kuncaitis Comment Matt Babcock Lee Bell Jack Bordnick Steven Buduo Robert Coon Cody Cottrell Matthew Duffy Richard Herzog Jack Howard-Potter Hanna Jubran Nicholas Kantarelis Sujin Lim Edward Miller Robin Morgan chris plaisted Dane Porter Kirk Seese Halyna Shaw Shagun Singh Joni Younkins-Herzog 7 Inspirations Way 2023-2024 28-Nov-23 Rate each consideration on a scale of 1-5 ( 5 = the highest rating) Public Art Committee Member:______________________________________ First Name Last Name Brian Zambrano Sandy Hill Tracy Graham Annette Ortega Gryte Kuncaitis Total Comment Matt Babcock 0 Lee Bell 0 Jack Bordnick 0 Steven Buduo 0 Robert Coon 0 Cody Cottrell 0 Matthew Duffy 0 Richard Herzog 0 Jack Howard-Potter 0 Hanna Jubran 0 Nicholas Kantarelis 0 Sujin Lim 0 Edward Miller 0 Robin Morgan 0 chris plaisted 0 Dane Porter 0 Kirk Seese 0 Halyna Shaw 0 Shagun Singh 0 Joni Younkins-Herzog 0 8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4.a DATE: November 28, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Collette Tibby ITEM TYPE: Other AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS TITLE: Celso Gonzalez- Siempre Studio PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 9