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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-09 - City Commission Regular Meeting AgendaF iq CITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING City Hall - Commission Chambers March 9, 2016 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Harry Dressler INTRODUCTION 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation to the Mayor and Commission of the 2016 State Surgeon General Healthy Weight Community Champion Award Presentation to the Mayor and Commission of the 2016 State Surgeon General Healthy Weight Community Champion Award Health by Candy Sims, Public Information officer, Florida Department of Health - Broward County. (Requested by Parks & Recreation Director Greg Warner) 2. CITY COMMISSION REPORTS a. Commissioner Bushnell b. Commissioner Gomez c. Vice Mayor Glasser d. Commissioner Placko e. Mayor Dressler 3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT 4. CITY MANAGER REPORT 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Any member of the public may speak to any issue that is not agendized for public hearing at this meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation. When an issue has been designated as quasi-judicial, public remarks shall only be heard during a quasi-judicial hearing that has been properly noticed for that matter. ANNOUNCEMENT OF TIME ALLOCATIONS -MOTIONS TO TABLE The Chair at this time will announce those items that have been given a specific time to be heard, and will entertain motions from the Commission members to table those items that require research. The Commission may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature which have come to the Commission's attention after publication. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed under Consent Agenda are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then, in accordance with Resolution 2003- 15, Sec. 4.5, the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. a. Approval of the February 24, 2016 Regular Commission Meeting Minutes Approval of the February 24, 2016 Regular Commission Meeting Minutes b. TR12755 - Stormwater System Cleaning and Maintenance Services A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute an Agreement with DP Development of the Treasure Coast, for Stormwater System Cleaning and Maintenance Services utilizing the Broward County Board of Commissioners Contract No. C1347414131, General Roadway and Miscellaneous Construction in an amount not to exceed $110,000 from the appropriate accounts; effective upon approval through December 7, 2016 or as extended by the Broward County Board of County Commisioners; authorizing the proper City Officials to execute contract renewals; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Commission District(s): Citywide c. TR12758 - Appointment of an Audit Committee A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida appointing members to an audit committee utilizing the positions or designees that comprise the selection advisory committee as identified in section 6-146(b)(1), Tamarac Code of Ordinances for the purpose of assisting the City Commission in selecting a qualified auditor to conduct the annual financial audit pursuant to Section 218.391, Florida Statutes; providing for the sunset of this audit committee upon the award of contract for audit services; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Commission District(s): Citywide d. TR12759 - Administrative Order: Zoning in Progress - Hospitals & Medical Clinics Public/Private or Similar Uses A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, confirming and ratifying the City Manager's Administrative Order dated February 23, 2016 declaring Zoning in Progress and prohibiting the issuance of permits and the processing of applications related to health care uses to include hospital, public or private, medical clinic or uses similar to a hospital or medical clinic in the City of Tamarac, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein, in accordance with Chapter 24, Article II, Division 6, Section 24-91 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances; authorizing and directing the City Manager to undertake a study and review of the City's regulations relating to health care uses to include hospital, public or private, and medical clinic and uses similar to hospital and medical clinic; providing that upon the adoption of this Resolution confirming the Administrative Order, no permits or applications shall be issued or processed for hospitals or medical clinics or uses similar to a hospital or medical clinic during the time period covered by this Resolution; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Commission District(s): Citywide 7. REGULAR AGENDA 8. ORDINANCE(S) - FIRST READING 9. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 10. ORDINANCE(S) - SECOND READING 11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS) 12. OTHER The City Commission may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Commission meeting. Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City Clerk's Office at (954) 597-3505 of such need at least 48 hours (2 days) in advance. Additionally, if you are hearing or speech impaired and need assistance, you may contact the Florida Relay Service at either of the following numbers: 1-800-955-8770 or 1- 800-955-8771. i Patricia Teufel, CIVIC City Clerk AC tc S =0: LL G ��•.....• ®� 4 AXI ��