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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-25 - City Commission Workshop Meeting AgendaCITY OF TAMARAC
City Hall - Conference Room 105
April 25, 2016
9:30 a.m.
Commissioner Debra Placko
1. Public Art Projects Update
Public Art Projects Update - Community Development Director Maxine Calloway, Public Art
Administrators George Gadson and Beth Ravitz
2. T02339 - Amendment to the Charter of the City of Tamarac at Article XII, entitled
"Miscellaneous Provisions," and in particular deleting Section 12.06 entitled "Residential
Growth Control":
Item No. 8 (a) on Ordinance(s) - First Reading: (TO2339) An Ordinance of the City of Tamarac,
Florida, submitting to Referendum an amendment to the Charter of the City of Tamarac at Article XII,
entitled "Miscellaneous Provisions," and in particular deleting Section 12.06 entitled "Residential
Growth Control"; deleting the Residential Growth Control Provisions from the City Charter since the
concept of Residential Growth Control is contemplated by the City's Comprehensive Plan; providing
for a notice of an advertisement of the Referendum Election to be published in accordance with the
Code of Ordinances and the Charter of the City of Tamarac, Florida, as well as the State of Florida
Election Code; providing that this Ordinance, when adopted, shall be submitted to the qualified
electors of the City of Tamarac, on the November 2016 General Election Ballot and it shall become
effective as provided by law; providing for the place and places where said Election is to be held;
providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the code; and providing for
an effective date. - Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz and Community Development
Director Maxine Calloway
3. T02340 - Amendment to the Charter of the City of Tamarac at Article VI, entitled
"Qualifications and Elections," and in particular amending Section 6.03 entitled
Item No. 8 (b) on Ordinance(s) - First Reading: (TO2340) An Ordinance of the City of Tamarac,
Florida, submitting to Referendum an amendment to the Charter of the City of Tamarac at Article VI,
entitled "Qualifications and Elections," and in particular amending Section 6.03 entitled "Redistricting";
providing for Redistricting for the City every ten (10) years following the census; providing for a
Notice of an Advertisement of the Referendum Election to be published in accordance with the Code
of Ordinances and the Charter of the City of Tamarac, Florida, as well as the State of Florida Election
Code; providing that this Ordinance, when adopted, shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the
City of Tamarac, on the November 2016 General Election Ballot and it shall become effective as
provided by law, providing for the place and places where said Election is to be held; providing for
conflicts; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the code; and providing for an effective
date. - Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz and City Clerk Patricia Teufel
4, T02341 - Amendment to the Charter of the City of Tamarac at Article X, entitled "City Clerk,"
and in particular amending Section 10.01 entitled "Appointment and Compensation";
amending Section 10.03, entitled "Suspension or Removal;" providing for consistency
between the City Clerk position and the position of other City Department Heads
Item No. 8 (c) on Ordinance(s) - First Reading: (TO2341) An Ordinance of the City of Tamarac,
Florida, submitting to referendum an amendment to the Charter of the City of Tamarac at Article X,
entitled "City Clerk," and in particular amending Section 10.01 entitled "Appointment and
Compensation"; amending Section 10.03, entitled "Suspension or Removal;" providing for consistency
between the City Clerk position and the position of other city department heads; providing for a Notice
of an Advertisement of the Referendum Election to be published in accordance with the Code of
Ordinances and the Charter of the City of Tamarac, Florida, as well as the State of Florida Election
Code; providing that this Ordinance, when adopted, shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the
City of Tamarac, on the November 2016 General Election Ballot and it shall become effective as
provided by law; providing for the place and places where said Election is to be held; providing for
conflicts; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the code; and providing for an effective
date. - Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz and Human Resources Director Maria Swanson
5, T02342 - Amendment to the Charter of the City of Tamarac at Article V, entitled "City
Manager," and in particular amending Section 5.04 entitled "Powers and Duties of the City
Manager"; deleting the reference to the City's Building Official in the City Charter and
providing for consistency with the Building Official position and the position of other City
Department Heads
Item No. 8 (d) on Ordinance(s) - First Reading: (TO2342) An Ordinance of the City of Tamarac,
Florida, submitting to Referendum an amendment to the Charter of the City of Tamarac at Article V,
entitled "City Manager," and in particular amending Section 5.04 entitled "Powers and Duties of the
City Manager"; deleting the reference to the City's Building Official in the City Charter and providing
for consistency with the Building Official position and the position of other city department heads;
providing for a Notice of an Advertisement of the Referendum Election to be published in accordance
with the Code of Ordinances and the Charter of the City of Tamarac, Florida, as well as the State of
Florida Election Code; providing that this Ordinance, when adopted, shall be submitted to the qualified
electors of the City of Tamarac, on the November 2016 General Election Ballot and it shall become
effective as provided by law; providing for the place and places where said Election is to be held;
providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the code; and providing for
an effective date. - Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz and Human Resources Director
Maria Swanson
g, TR12761 - Award Bid 16-05B for Construction of Buffer Wall Phase I
Item No 6 (d) on the Consent Agenda. (TR12761) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida, awarding Bid No. 16-05B to and approving an Agreement With MBR Construction,
Inc. for the construction of Citywide Buffer Wall Project Phase I, in accordance with Bid No. 16-05B
for a contract amount of $1,128,075.82; a contingency in an amount of $112,807.58 will be added to
the project account, for a total project budget of $1,240,883.40; authorizing an expenditure from the
appropriate accounts; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective
date. - Public Services Director Jack Strain, Assistant Public Works Director John Doherty and
Purchasing�Contracts Manager Keith Glatz
7, TR12766 - Maintenance Agreement for Atlantic Cypress Creek, LLC
Item No. 6 (b) on the Consent Agenda. (TR12766) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute a Maintenance Agreement
between the City of Tamarac and Atlantic Cypress Creek, LLC; providing for conflicts; providing for
severability; and providing for an effective date. Public Services Director Jack Strain
8, T02333 - Commercial Vehicle Ordinance
Item No. 8 (e) on Ordinance(s) - First Reading: (TO2333) An Ordinance of the City Commission of
the City of Tamarac, Florida amending Chapter 14 of the City's Code of Ordinances, entitled "Motor
Vehicles and Traffic" by specifically amending Article II, entitled "Stopping, Standing and Parking,"
Section 14-30 entitled "Parking or Storage of Commercial or Recreational Vehicles, Boats and Boat
Trailers" to prohibit the parking and storage of certain commercial and recreational vehicles in
residential areas except as provided herein; providing for codification; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. - Community Development Director
Maxine Calloway and Code Enforcement Manager Scott Krajewsld
Commission District(s): Citywide
The City Commission may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. In the event this
agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Commission meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City
Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is based.
The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you are a disabled
person requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City Clerk's Office at (954) 597-3505 of
such need at least 48 hours (2 days) in advance. Additionally, if you are hearing or speech impaired and need
assistance, you may contact the Florida Relay Service at either of the following numbers: 1-800-955-8770 or 1-
Patricia Teufel, CMC
City Clerk
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