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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-24 - City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda®R, P.O. BOX 25010 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33320 ' CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: 9:00 A.M. FIRST CLASS MAIL ANNOUNCEMENTS OF TIME ALLOCATIONS - MOTIONS TO TABLE - The Chair at this time will announce those items which -have been given a specific time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council members to table those items which require research. Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature which have come to Council's attention after publication. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. EmployeeService Awards - Presentation by Acting City Manager Perretti of a five-year pin to Michael Vaillant, Utilities West. 2. Broward—County Transit - Bus Schedule - Presentation by Jay Gross and Commissioner Howard Craft (This item is scheduled to be heard approximately 1:30 P.M.) 3. Judge Steven Shutter - Presentation (This item is scheduled to be heard approximately 3:30 P.M.) BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 4. Insurance Advisory Committee - Temp. Reso. #3727 - Dis- cussion and possible action —to appoint one 1 member. 5. Board of Consumer Affairs - Temp. Reso. #3728 - Discussion and possible action to appoint one T11 member. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Items listed under Item #6, Consent Agenda, are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. a) Minutes of 5/22/85 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by City Clerk. b) Minutes of 6/12/85 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by City Clerk. 7/24/85 pg. 4 PRESENTATIONS 7/24/85 pgs.24- 28 PRESENTATION 7/24/85 pg. 35 PRESENTATION 7/24/85 pg. 35 APPROVED /L4/6] pg. ABLED 7/24/85 pgs. 37 - 39 APPROVED items a) through t) and H) through im); g) REMOVED {and APPROVED PAGE TWO 7/2,4/85 c) Minutes of 6/14/85 - Reconvened Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by City Clerk. d) Minutes of 6/28/85 - Reconvened Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by City Clerk. e) Minutes of 7/2/85 -- Special Meeting - Approval recommended) by City Clerk. f) Minutes of 7/5/85 - Special Meeting - Approval recommended) by City Clerk. g) Alan F. Ruf - Consulting City Attorney - 7/18/85 - $1,062.00 ($1,032.00 from Professional Services Account 001-106-514-310 and $30.00 from TUW Professional Services Account 425-368-535-310) - Approval recommended by City Attorney and Acting City Manager. h) CH2M Hill - Engineering Project 84-2 Deep Injection Well Holding Pond Design - Invoice #06-405 - 6/7/85 - $5,002.82 - Account #434--368-535-681 (Deep Well) - Approval recommended by Utilities Director/City Engineer. i) CH2M Hill - Engineering Project 84-2 Deep Injection Well Holding Pond Design - Invoice #06-465 - 6/19/85 - $1,478.97 - Account #434-368-535-681 (Deep Well) - Approval recommended by Utilities Director/City Engineer. j) Public Works Department - Approval to go to bid for a Fuel Storage Facility - Overflow Protection and Monitoring Well Installation. k) Approval to pay invoices received during Council's August recess upon the approval of the Acting City Manager and the Mayor or Vice Mayor. 1) Water Shortage Plan - Temp. Ord. #1193 - Approval to remove this item from the agenda as recommended by the Utilities Director/City Engineer (First Reading Tabled on 4/10/85). m) Request made by Broadview area for City annexation - Approval to remove this item from the agenda (tabled from 4/24/85). GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL 7. Pension Plan - Discussion and possible action on: 7 Authorization for Kruse, O'Connor and Ling, Actuaries, to conduct a study in various areas of concern (tabled from 6/12/85) b) Amendment to the Pension Plan to provide for an additional member to the Administrative Board to be elected from the White Collar/Blue Collar Bargaining Unit (Federation of Public Employees) - Temp. Ord. #1210 c) Funding for Pension Expenses d) Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crosland & Bramnick, P.A. - Invoices for May and June, 1985 - $2,981.10 ($1,370.30 charged for Pension expenses and $1,610.80 charged to City Attorney Professional Services Account 001-106-514-310). (This item is scheduled to be heard approximately 10:00 A.M.) I 1 7/24/85 pgs. 3 & 31 - 34 a) APPROVED as stipulatec b) APPROVED c) TABLED d) TABLED to Special Mtg. on 7/29/85; e) TABLE to Special Mtg. on 7/29/85 EN PAGE THREE 7/24/85. Employee Health Insurance - Discussion and possible 7/24/85 pg.39 action on a recommendation to pay the first years' health TABLED to Spe- insurance premium for totally, permanently disabled cial Mtg. on employees who have been employed with the City more than 7/29/$5 one year. 9. Legislative Aides - Discussion and possible action to approve appointments of aides for Mayor Kravitz. 10. Tamarac Park Satellite Building - Discussion and possible action on: a) Status report on construction b) Other Council concerns regarding this building (tabled from 7/10/85 and 7/12/85) 11. Municipal Complex - Discussion and possible action on: a Status of appointing a Construction Manager b) Status report of Preconstruction Review Committee c) Payment of Miller & Meier Invoice F1307 in the amount of $35,l91.66. (tabled from 7/10/85) d) Status report on General Obligation Bonds 12. Personnel Matters - Discussion and possible action on: 'a —Confirmation of the appointment of Michael Couzzo as Public Works Director (tabled from 7/10/85) b) Confirmation of the appointment of Frank M. Etheredge as Finance Director c) Assi._9nmer1t_ pUfor_ Dan___Saal e, former Deputy Finance Director d) Assignment pay for Larry Perretti, Acting City Manager 13. Aquatic_Pl_ant__.Cor_tro1Funds_-._..._Temp_.__Reso. cussion and possible action to designate the officials responsible for administering this program for Fiscal Year 1985/86. 14. Richard S. Rubin - Consultant City Planner - Discussion and possible action on payment of June, 1985, invoice in the amount of $3,626.25 (tabled from 7/10/85) 15. Touche Ross, City Auditor - Status report on audit of investments and special audit of two City departments. 16. NW 57 Street Bike Path - Discussion and possible action to approve this project, with work to be performed by Broward County, from University Drive to NW 88 Avenue. 17. Eniineerin Department - Discussion and possible action on a request by the Utilities Director that Ed Shuty be author-1-zed--to attend a workshop on aspha-1-1 -given by the Asphalt Institute and Technology Transfer Center. 18. Broward League of Cities Business - Discussion and possible action. _ _. 19. Northwest Council of Mayors Business - Discussion and possible action. UTILITIES WEST 20. Utilities West - Bid #85-27 Award - Project 85-18 - Temp_ Reso.-13724 --Discussion and possible action to award a bid for construction of an 18-inch force main, Turnpike/ Commercial Boulevard crossing, and modifications to two existing pump stations. 7/24/85 pgs. 39 & 38 APPROVED 7/24/85 pgs. 10-12 a) Status re- port given by CBO; b) TABLED to Special Mtg. 7/29/85 pgs. 18-20 TABLED a), b) & c) to Special Mtg. on 7/29/85; d) Report 7/24/85 pgs. 40-42 TABLED to Special Mtg. on 7/29 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtg. on 7/29 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtg on 7/29/85 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtg on 7/29/85 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtge on 7/29/85 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtg on 7/29/85 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtg on 7/29/85 $5 HELD to Special Mtg on 7/29/85 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtg on 7/29/85 PAGE FOUR. 7/2 /85 21. Utilities West - Bid 85-26 - Project 85-4 - Discussion and 7/24/85 HELD possible action to authorize staff to negotiate a price to Special MtS with contractors to reconstruct Pump Station 16-A pursuant on 7/29/85 to Code Section 9-37(8) as no bidders responded to solicitation. 7/24/$5 pgs. 22. and Pum Utilities West - Tract 27 - Water Storage Tankp 22-24 —�----- — Station - Project 84-19Discussion and possible action a) APPROV�- a) TABLED on: a) Waiver of the platting requirements in Chapter 20 of Special Mtn. on 7/29/85 the Code for installation of this storage tank and pump station - Temp. Reso. #3725 b) Approval to go to bid for installation of these facilities. 23. Utilities West - Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project 7/24/85 HELD 84-4 -- Discussion and possible action on: to Special MtE on 7/29/85 aT Authorization to approve payment to Interstate Pipe Maintenance, Inc., for the progress payment that will be invoiced during Council's August recess pursuant to contract terms in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regulations. b) Approval of an amendment to the construction services contract with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner for additional services. 7/24/85 pgs. 24. Utilities West - Expansion and Upgrade of Sewage Treatment 30 & 31 8 Plant - Project 5--19 - Discussion and possible action on: a) APPROVED a Approval to advertise for proposals for this project b) APPROVED b) Authorization for the Acting City Manager and Utilities Director/City Engineer to establish a five member selection committee. 25. Utilities West - Water Treatment Plant Improvements - 7/24/85 Project 84-20 - Discussion and possible action to approve HELD to Spe- an agreement with James M. Montgomery, Consulting Eng cial Mtg. on 7/29/85 ineers, Inc., to prepare a Preliminary Design Report. 26. Utilities West Revenue Bonds - Discussion and possible 7/24/85 pgs. action to approve a proposal by CH2M Hill to perform a 20 & 21 TABLEI detailed engineering financial feasibility study required to Special Mtn on 7/29/85 by Touche Ross for the bond issue. 7 HELD 27. Utilities West - Word Processing Equipment - Discussion for Special Mtg. 7/29 and possible action to amend the accounts this equipment on is to be charged against. 7/24/85 HELD 28. Utilities West - 22erations Building - Project 84-17 - for Special Discussion and possible action on: Mtg. on 7/29 a) Acceptance of the work and approval of final payment in the amount of $13,595.20 to Marsten Leasing. b) Converting a performance bond to a one year warranty bond - Temp. Reso. #3726 PAGE FIVE 7/24/85 PUBLIC HEARING - 2:00 P.M. 29. Sunset Isle Maintenance Association 13, Inc. - Rezoning Petition #15-Z-85 - Temp. Ord. #1208 - Discussion and possible action to rezone the lands adjoining the Recreation Area of Mainlands 13 on the north side of NW 59 Court, and being bound on the east by NW 84 Terrace ti. and on the west by NW 85 Terrace, from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to S-1 (Open Space/Recreational) Second Reading. a) Acceptance of Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Posting b) Consideration of application LEGAL AFFAIRS 30. Interim Traffic Impact Fee - Temp. Ord. #1186 - Motion to deny on second reading Public hearing held 6/12/85) 31. Pit Bull Dogs - Temp. Ord. #1209 - Discussion and possible action to create Article II of Chapter 4 of the Code to provide for the regulation of these dogs. First Reading. 32. Land Section 7 - Discussion and possible action on the status of the purchase of 45 acres of land by the City: a) Settlement of condemnation case and outstanding claims of Toll Development Corp. b) Funding sources for the purchase of land c) Title insurance policy for the purchase of land COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 33. Un7'v� e�ty_Park Office Center - Discussion and possible action on: a) Site Plan - Temp. Reso. #3720 b) Landscape Plan c) Water and Sewer Developers Agreement d) Water Retention Agreement e) Right -of -Way Deed for 40-feet along University Drive - Temp. Reso. #3721 f) Utility Easement - Temp. Reso. #3722 g) Public Safety Ingress/Egress Easement - Temp. Reso. #3723 (to be located on the east side of University Drive, north of NW 77 Street, opposite the entrance to Woodmont) 34. Executive Center - Bond Release - Temp. —Reso. #3711 - Discussion and possible action to release a cash bond posted for uncompleted beautification work. 35. University Drive Partnership - Discussion and possible action on: a) Site Plan - Temp. Reso. #3716 b) Landscape Plan c) Water and Sewer Developers Agreement d) Water Retention Agreement e) Right -of -Way Deed for 40--feet along University Drive - Temp. Reso. #3717 f) Utility Easement - Temp. Reso. #3718 g) Public Safety Ingress/Egress Easement - Temm.WReso. #3719 (to be located on the east side of University Drive, north of NW 77 Street, opposite the entrance to Woodmont) 7/24/85 pg.24 a) ACCEPTED b) APPROVED on Second & Final Reading P.H. held 7/24/85 HELD for Special MtP-. on 7/29 7/24/85 pgs. 6-8 APPROVED on First Rdg. 7 pgs. 28 & 29 a) No action necessary b) APPROVED c) AUTHORIZED preparation of documents 7/24/85 pgs. 8-10 APPROVED a), d), e), f) and g); b) & c) APPROVED AS AMENDED 7/24/85 pg.10 APPROVED 7/24/85 pgs. 4-6 APPROVED PAGE SIX 7/24/85 36. Colony West Associates - Rezoning Petition #3-Z-85 - Temp. Ord..#1169 - Discussion and possible action to rezone the Shops of Tamarac Shopping Center (platted as Colony West Shopping Center) (less the lands and building owned by Broward County for a Library) from B-1 (Neighborhood Business) to B-2 (Planned Business) Second Reading. (Public hearing held 3/13/85) (tabled from 7/10/85) 37. Mobil Service Station west side of 441 at Commercial Boulevard Discussion and possible action on a request to waive the platting requirements in Chapter 20 of the Code (tabled from 7/10/85) 38. Tract 24 - Temp. Reso. #3681 - Discussion and possible action to temporarily waive the platting requirements in Chapter 20 of the Code in order to. construct public improvements (tabled from 7/10/85) 39. Lake Colon Brookwood Gardens) - Discussion and possible action on: a) Release of a cash warranty bond posted for the sanitary sewer system - Temp. Reso. #3712 b) Status of traffic light bond tabled from 6/13/84) 40. Woodview Tract 38 - Calico Country - Discussion and pos- sible action after status report by City Attorney on the following items: a) Water and Sewer Developers Agreement b) Closing on property by developer which was scheduled for 7/15/85 (tabled from 6/26/85) 41. California Federal Savings & Loan - Temporarv_Commercial Structure - Discussion and possible action to renew a� permit for this trailer. 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtg. on 7/29 7/24/85 H 1E to Special Mtp on 7/29 7/24/85 HELD for Special Mtg. on 7/29/2 7/24/85 pg 18 a) APPROVED b) TABLED to 9/11/85 7/24/85 HELD for Special Mtp,. on 7/29 7/24/85 HE I for Specia 1 MtR. on 7/ 2S 42. Woodmont Tracts 74/75 - Discussion and possible action on: aT Site Plan 2, Phase 2 - Release of a warranty bond posted for public improvements - Temp. Reso. #3713 b) Site Plan 4 - Release of a warranty bond posted for 7/24/85 HELD for Special Mtg. on 7/29 public improvements - Temp. Reso. #3714 43. Woodmont Tract 48 (Waterford at Woodmont) - Model Sales 7/24/85 HELD for Special Facility - Discussion and possible action to renew a model Mtg. on 7/29 sales permit and waiver of the 300-foot distance require- ment for certificates of occupancy (tabled from 7/10/85) 44. Tamarac Gardens - Discussion and possible action on: a Renewal of a model sales permit and waiver of the 300- foot distance requirement for certificates of occupancy (tabled from 7/10/85) b) Calling a.performance bond posted for sidewalk and sod - Temp. Reso.#3709 45. Woodmont Tract 56 Model Sales Center - Bond Release - Temp Reso. #3710 - Discussion and possible action to release a cash bond posted for uncompleted beautification work. 46. Woodmont Tract 72-C (Pineap_ple Park) - Discussion and possible action on: a) Renewal of a model sales permit b) Renewal of a waiver to the sign ordinance for a temp- orary announcing sign on property other than their own - Tema. Reso. #3715 7/24/85 pg. a) APPROVED b) DENIED 7/24/85 HELD for Special Mtg. on 7/ 7/24/85 HELD for Spe- cial Mtg. on 7/29/85 PAGE SEVEN 7/24/85 47. Treehouse Apartments - Model Sales Facilily - Discussion and possible action to renew a model sales permit and waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for certifi- cates of occupancy. 48. Fish Kettle, Inc. - Family Mart Shopping Center - Temp. Reso. #3707 - Discussion and possible action on a request to transfer a special exception (delicatessen) to M & M, + Inc.:(tabled from 7/10/85) REPORTS 49. City Council 50. City Manager 51. City Attorney City Council may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based.. CITY OF TAMARAC �*� e. axo-t-" Carol E. Barbuto Assistant City Clerk Following are the residential and commercial zoning districts in the City: A-1 - Limited Agricultural A-5 - Agricultural/Excavation B-1 - Neighborhood Business B-2 - Planned Community Business B-3 - General Business B-5 - Limited Business District B-6 - Business District I-1 - Institutional M-1 - Light Industrial M-2 - Medium Industrial• R-1 - Single Family Residence R-lB & R-IC - One Family Dwelling R-2 - Two Family Dwelling R-3 - Low Density Multiple Dwelling R-3U - Row House R-4A - Planned Apartment R-5 - Motel/Hotel RD-7 - Two Family Dwelling RM-5 - Residential Multi -Family Dwelling RM-10 - Planned Apartment S-1 - Open Space/Recreational T-1 - Trailer Park District 7/24/85 HELD to Special Mtg. on 7/29 7/24/85 pg.28 APPROVED 7/24/85 HELD for Special MtR. on 7/29 7/24/85 HELD for Special Mt ,. on 7/29 7/24/85 HELD for Special Mtg. on 7/29 52, 53. 54. 55. Mainlands 4 Clubhouse - Revised Site Plan - Temp. Reso. W7777-- Discussion and possi e action Authorization for TUW Em to ees to Attend the University of Florida E eminar - Discussion and possible action Waiver of Bidding for Generator Repair - TUW - Discussion possible action PAGE SEVEN 7/24/85 !7/24/85 pgs. 1 36 APPROVED as presented Public Works - Authority to bid for Wheel Balancing Machine Computerized Engine Analyzer aniT Computerized Fuel Card I7/24/85 pgs. 1 36 APPROVED 7/24/85 pgs.2, 36 & 37 AUTHORIZED w/conditi .s pg - 7/24/85 I 1