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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-28 - City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda7525 Northwest 88 Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321-2401 CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1992 The Chair at this time will announce those items which have been given a specific time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council members to table those items which require research. Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature which have come to Council's attention after publication. INTRODUCTION 1, a. RESENTATION by City Manager Kelly of a five-year service award to Ellen Wood, City Clerk's Office. b. PRES ENTATby City Manager Kelly of ten --year service awards to: John Creveling Public Services Department Robert Whitfield Public Services Department Vincent Richmond Public Services Department Harriet Pennachio Council Office C. RRESENTATION by City Manager Kelly of fifteen -year service awards to: Bryan Hurst David Viele Fire Department Fire Department FINAL ACTION• Presentations were made by City Manager Kelly. Harriet Pennachio was absent from the meeting. 2. PRESENTATION by Mayor Bender of a proclamation designating November 8-13, 1992, as "POPPY FUND DRIVE WEEK", Edward Goldberg Post 519, Jewish War Veterans U.S.A. FINAL ACTION" Presentation was made by Mayor Bender to Sam Schwartz, representing the Edward Goldberg Post 519, Jewish War Veterans U.S.A. 10/28/92 Page 1 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Any member of the public may spez to any issue which is not agendized for public hearing at this meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation. 4. Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 4, are viewed to routine and the recommendation will be enacted by ONE MC in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will considered separately. a. MOTIQN TO APPROVE budgeted overnight seminars/meet for the various City departments for Fiscal Year 1992/93. I:WVJxq1WWW ►gs b. MOTION jo ADOPT „^TeMg Rea,Q. #6377 releasing Letter of Credit #198 in the amount of $1,500.00 posted as a warranty against construction defects for a home located at 7006 NW 107 Avenue (tabled on 10/14/92). FINAL &CTION RESOLUTION R-92-169-PASS D APPROVED C. the minutes of the City Council regular meeting of 9/9/92. FINAL AST ION" APPROVED d• urging President George Bush and The United States Congress to rebuild and reopen Homestead Air Force Base. FINAL ACTION! RESOLUTION R--92-170-PASS D APPROVED 10/28/92 Page 2 e. KU;Q,H 212 ADOPT Temu. Recto. #6387 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Warranty Deed granting to Broward County a 0.058-acre right-of-way for a right turn lane on Nob Hill Road on TRACT 27 for the proposed ROCKSORD development required by Broward County for plat approval. FINAL - 1cTION APPROVED RESOLUTION R-92-171-PASSED 5. MOTION TO APPROVE payment in the amount of $16, 610.00 to David M. Griffith & Associates, Ltd., for audit services of the cable franchise agreement. 6. KQXIQN TO APPROVE Stipulation and Settlement Agreement between Lennar Homes, Inc., and the City of Tamarac. 7. MOTION TO APPROVE Change Order #1 to the contract with Man Con, Inc., in the amount of $3,795.15 to readjust final contract quantities and cost extensions for TUE Project 90-24, Construction of 6-Inch Ductile Iron Water Transmission Main; final contract price is $59,848.15. •• r RESOLUTIONS AdministriLtiye 8. approve an Agreement between Broward County and the North Cities, consisting of Coconut Creek, Lauderhill, Margate, North Lauderdale and Tamarac, for additional funding in the amount of $150,013.00 from Broward County Recycling Grant Program for Fifth Year Recycling Grant Program. FINAL ACTIONL TABLED at the request of City Manager Kelly. 10/28/92 Page 3 9. MOTIQH TO ADOPT _Temp, RBaQ_ 46389 granting a waiver to the provisions of the sign code for a directory sign to be placed near the corner of McNab Road and NW 80 Avenue, fronting McNab Road (WOODMONT COMMONS), requested by Mr. Super Sub, Inc., and Diet Dipper, Inc. FINAL &CTIONs RESOLUTION R-92--172-PASSED APPROVED City- Cojujc"u 10. MQTION_TO ADOPT ,TEMR- Reso_ 46390 appointing Al Mallor as Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee. FINAL ACT,j= RESOLUTION R-92-173-PASS D APPROVED 11. a. approving a revised site plan for the WOODLANDS COUNTRY CLUB reflecting removal and relocation of trees, provision for additional parking, and relocation of loading zones around the maintenance buildings. b. NOTION TO APPBM a Water and Sewer Developers Agreement for WOODLANDS COUNTRY CLUB. FINAL „ACTION: RESOLUTION R-92-174-PASSICD APPROVED ll.a. following payment of $56.10 due the City in recording fees. APPROVED ll.b. 12. MOTjQU TO ADOPT Temn_ R862 #631a amending Resolution 92-143, which approved a delegation request for WOODMONT TRACT 67 PLAT, to include a modification of the non - vehicular access line along Pine Island Road as all access to and from the site will be from NW 75 Street.Petition #25-Z 92 EINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-92-175-PASSICD APPROVED 13. approving a carnival sponsored by St. Malachy Church on Wednesday, November 18, through Sunday, November 22, 1992, on a portion of vacant property on University Drive, north of the Church. FATAL ACTION TABLED at the request of City Manager Kelly. 14. MOTIQH_TO ADOR,T 'temp„Reao_ #„6360 awarding Bid #92-21 n the amount of $16,388.00 to Universal Electric of Florida, Inc., to provide tennis court lighting at the Sports Complex, with funds from budgeted recreation impact fees account (tabled on 10/14/92). FINAL�SC,TLQN,- RESOLUTION R-92-176-PASS D APPROVED 10/28/92 Page 4 J 15. - concerning a request by Tract 24 Associates/American Housing Group, Inc. (Dorchester Hay Club), for a limited parking waiver to allow: a. 127 grassed parking spaces; b. parking bays with no forward means of egress; and C. the use of parking aisles as the principle means of on - site vehicular circulation; for lands located on the southeast corner of Nob Hill Road and NW 81 Street, zoned R-4A (Planned Apartments). Petition #26-Z-92 FINAL ACTION Public Hearing was held. DENIED 16. City Council 17. City Attorney 18. City Manager The City Council may consider and act upon such other business as kIn ay come before it. the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will e available to the public at the City Council meeting. Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Carol A. Evans City Clerk Due to Veterans Day on Wednesday, November 11, 1992, City Hall will be closed and the Council Meeting normally scheduled for that day is CANCELLED. The next regular Council meeting will be Wednesday, November 25, 1992, at 9:00 a.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10/28/92 Page 5