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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-13 - City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda7525 Northwest 88 Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321-2401 1 C) 1990 City of Tamarac RECORD OF QQ0QJL ACTION/DISCUSSION CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1994 ANNOUNCEMENT OF TIME ALLOCATIONS - MQJJOUS TO TABLE - The Chair at this time will announce those items which have been given a specific time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council members to table those items which require research. Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature which have come to Council's attention after publication. INTRODUCTION 1. a. PRESENTATION by Mayor Abramowitz of a proclamation designating April 22, 1994 as ARBOR DAY. b. ANNOUNC&MT by Mayor Abramowitz of the April, expiration of positions on the Planning Commission. C. ANNOUNCEMENT by Mayor Abramowitz of vacancies on the following boards and committees: Privatization Committee 7 members Sister Cities Committee 7 members Ambulance Committee 7 members Annexation Committee 7 members Insurance Advisory Board 1 regular member and 2 alternate members Parks and Recreation Board 1 member Consumer Affairs Committee 2 regular members If any Tamarac resident is interested in serving on any of the above boards and committees, please contact the Office of the City Clerk for an application. If existing members desire to be considered for reappointment, please indicate this by memo to Lhe City Clerk's Office. Present members shall serve until appointments are made by Council. FINAL ACTION: Mayor Abramowitz made the announcements and presentation to Alan Levine Public Works Operations Manager, Page 1 4/1.3/94 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Any member of any issue which is not agendized for meeting. Speakers will be limited to this item and at public hearings. T (30) minute aggregate time limit for are encouraged to sign up in advance prior to their participation. CONSENT AGENDA the public may speak to public hearing at this three minutes during ere will be a thirty this item, and speakers with the City Clerk 3. Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 3, are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. a. HQTION TO APPROVE the attendance of Robert S. Noe, City Manager, at the Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA) Conference in Palm Beach Shores, Florida, May 18-21., 1994. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED b. MOTION VE the attendance of Dina M. McDermott, Assistant City Manager, at the Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA) Conference in Palm Beach Shores, Florida, May 18-21, 1994. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED C. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Rego. #fi6T8 supporting development of Broward County's film and television industry. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-49-PASSED APPROVED d. MOTION 10 ADOPT Temp. Rego. #6683 urging the Broward County League of Cities and North Broward Mayors and other municipalities to support the Florida League of Cities in its lobbying efforts to repeal the exemption of the fuel adjustment charge on electricity from the municipal utility (public service) tax. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-50-PASSED APPROVED City Clerk e. MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes of the following City Council meetings: 1) 3/15/94 - Special Meeting 2) 3/23/94 - Regular Meeting FINAL ACTION: APPROVED 3.e.1. and 3.e.2. 1 1 C Page 2 4/13/94 f. MOTION TO APPROVE renewal of a model sales permit and waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy for GRANVILLE BUILDING H for a six-month period from 5/10/94 to 11/10/94 (located east of NW 108 Terrace, south of NW 80 Street). FINAL ACTION: APPROVED g. MOTION TO APPROVE renewal of a model sales permit and waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy for MALVERN CLUSTER 'N' for a six-month period from 5/10/94 to 11/10/94 (located east of Nob Hill Road, north of Westwood Drive). FINAL ACTION: APPROVED h. MOTION TO APPROVE renewal of a model sales permit for WESTWOOD PINES, Building 5, Units 523 and 525, for a six-month period from 5/14/94 to 11/14/94. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED i. MOTION TQ_APPROV renewal of a model sales permit for MISSION LAKES/CORAL. CREEK project in Unit 107 at 6900 Southgate Boulevard for a six-month period from 5/24/94 to 11/24/94. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED j. MOTION TO APPROVE the attendance of Sherry Bauer, Purchasing Officer, at the Florida Association of Governmental Purchasing Officers 27th Annual Conference and Workshop in Orlando, Florida, on May 3-6, 1994 with funding from Accounts 502-702-592-401 and 502-702-592- 402. k. MOTION, TQ_APPROVE the attendance of Glenda Christian, MIS Director, at the PICK Users of Florida Seminar in Clearwater, Florida, May 15-16, 1994. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED public Services Department 1. MOTION.,. TO APPROVE the attendance of Alan Levine, Public Works Operations Manager, at the 1994 Florida Chapter of American Public Works Association Convention in Tampa, Florida, May 17-21, 1994. 0 � R Page 3 4/13/94 M. mOTiQN TO AUTHORIZ the appropriate City officials to execute a First Amendment to the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement for the CHEVRON SERVICE STATION at 5650 Pine Island Road. -• r n. 1• MOTION TO ADOPT T 75 .releasing performance Letter of Credit No. 518904 in the amount of $50,536. for the water distribution system improvements at the KINGS POINT LOMBARDY project subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $15,861.31. 2, 6 releasing performance Letter of Credit No. 518903 in the amount of $25,032.75 for the sewage collection system improvements at the KINGS POINT LOMBARDY project subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $10,291. 3_ 7 accepting a bill of sale for the water distribution and sewage collection system improvements at the KINGS POINT LOMBARDY project. (Kings Point Lombardy is located in the 8000 block of Nob Hill Road) RESOLUTION R-94-51-PASSED RESOLUTION R-94-52-PASSED FINAL ACTION• RESOLUTION R-94-53-PASSED APPROVED o. MOTION TO ACCEPT and authorize the appropriate City officials to execute a Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER located at 7710 NW 71 Court. p. MOTION TO APPROVE rejection of the only bid received under Bid No. 94-03 by Williams Paving Company in the amount of $277,153.24 for Project 93-32, NW 71 Place Drainage Improvements, and AUTHORIZATION to rebid this project. FINAL AC APPROVED City counci1 4. UQTION TO DETERMINE the four (4) consecutive week period during which the City Council will not meet in 1994 pursuant to Section 4.06(a) of the Charter. FINAL ACTIQU DETERMINED the four (4) consecutive week period will be from July 5 to A 1 1 Page 4 4/13/94 S. MOTION TO_APPROVE the purchase of a Ford tractor in the amount of $7,540. and hydraulic front loader in the amount of $2,640. under State Contract Bid No. 765-900-92-1 for a total amount of $10,180. from Ford New Holland, Inc., with funding from Park and Recreation Account 142-652-572-643. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED 6. MOTION „TO APPROVE the purchase of a Toro 4-wheel utility vehicle under Cooper City Bid No. 93-07, less the options offered, in the amount of $14,395. from Hector Turf with funding from Machinery and Equipment Account 001-555-572-643. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED 7. MOT payment in the amount of $19,058.65 to Hazen and Sawyer for remediation of the former Public Works site located at 5650 Pine Island Road and AUTHORIZATION to transfer $18,278. from Resources Available Account 325-389--105 to Account 325-654-539-4YB entitled P.W. Site Environmental Costs. FINAL ACTION APPROVED 8. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE the appropriate City officials to execute Work Authorization No. 2 for Engineering Services with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner, Inc., to design water distribution system improvements to serve existing and proposed development in Land Sections 6 and 7. FINAL ACTION• APPROVED 9. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE the purchase of a new plotter at a cost of $7,949. for the Public Services Department and AUTHORIZATION to transfer $7,949. from the Utility West Contingency Account 425-371-588-975 to Machinery and Equipment Account 425-362-536-643. EINAL ACTION APPROVED 10. MOTION TO ADOPT Temn. Reso. #6671 expressing the intent of the City to exercise its option to renew the Agreement with the Broward Sheriffs' Office to provide police services for a. two (2) year successive fiscal term (10/1/94 through 9/30/96) . FIN" AC1101a APPROVED RESOLUTION R-94-54-PASSED Page 5 4/13/94 11. a. authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement retaining the law firm of Leibowitz & Associates, P.A., as outside counsel for the purpose of representing the City of Tamarac in the area of cable television. b. 9 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement retaining the law firm of Leibowitz & Associates, P.A., as outside counsel for the purpose of preparing a model cable television ordinance for the City of Tamarac. r ; to)k RESOLUTION R-94-55-PASSED RESOLUTION R-94-56-PASSED Community Deyelopmen 12. a. 0 approving a plat entitled GOULD SOUTH PLAT. b. 1 granting Development Order No. 288 for the plat entitled GOULD SOUTH PLAT. (Project located south of McNab Road, east of the Sawgrass Expressway) FINAL ACTION TABLED 12.a. and 12.b. to regular City Council meeting, Wednesday, April 27, 1994 at the request of the applicant. 13. m 4 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a contract/agreement with Fireworks by Grucci, Inc., in the amount of $9,000. with funding from Recreation Activities Account 001-550-572-481 to provide a fireworks display at the City's July 4th celebration. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED 14. City Council 15. City Attg=W RESOLUTION R-94-57-PASSED The City Council may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Council meeting. 1 1 Page 6 4/13/94 Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans With Disability Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City of such need at least 72 hours 13 days) in advance. Carol A. Evans, CMC City Clerk A-1 - Limited Agricultural B-1 - Neighborhood Business B-2 - Planned Community Business B-3 - General Business B-5 - Limited Business District B-6 - Business District 1-1 - Institutional LI-1- Light Industrial R-1 - Single Family Residence & R-IB G R-2 - Two Family Dwelling R-3 - Low Density Multiple R-3U - Row House R-4A - Planned Apartment R-5 - Motel/Hotel RD-7 - Two Family Dwelling RM-5 - Residential Multi -Family RM-10-- Planned Apartment Page 7 4/13/94