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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-22 - City Commission Regular Meeting AgendaI 1 7525 Northwest 88 Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321-2401 ® 1990 city of Tamarac RECORD OF COUNCIL ACTION/DISCUSSION CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1994 CALL TO ORDER: 9:00 A.M. Chair at this time will announce those items which have been given a specific time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council members to table those items which require research. Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature which have come to Council's attention after publication. 1. PRESENTATION by Mayor Abramowitz of a proclamation designating the month of June, 1994, as HURRICANE AWARENESS MONTH. FINAL ACTION,. - Mayor Abramowitz presented proclamation to City Manager Noe. Page 1 6/22/94 2. PRESENMION by Mayor Abramowitz of service awards to the following employees: James Budzinski Fire Department 15 Years Dennis Peloso Fire Department 15 Years Glenda Christian MIS 15 Years Shirley Kruger Customer Service 10 Years Robert Bryant Public Services Department 5 Years FINAL ACTION: Mayor Abramowitz presented 15-year service awards to James Budzinski, Glenda Christian and Dennis Peloso, 10-year service award to Shirley Kruger and 5-year service award to Robert Bryant. 3. PRESENTATIQhl by Mayor Abramowitz of Certificates of Appreciation to the following members of the Tax Equity Study Committee: Donna Bromfield Richard Percic Jim Moore Don Fazio Michael Schipani Judy Yacobellis FINAL ACTION: Mayor Abramowitz presented Certificates of Appreciation to Don Fazio, Jim Moore, Michael Schipani and Judy Yacobellis of the Tax Equity Study Committee. Certificates of Appreciation will be sent to Donna Bromfield and Richard Percic who were not present. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 4. PUBLIC PARIOPATION - Any member of the public may speak to any issue which is not agendized for public hearing at this meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation. _ • O"I671. Page 2 6/22/94 1 CQNSENT AGENDA 5. Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 5, are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. a. authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a lease agreement with Bell South Mobility for the installation of an antenna and unmanned communications building at TAMARAC SPORTS COMPLEX (TRACT 27). 12iff.11W-11"116N FAI r :1 ■ • , RESOLUTION R-94-106-PASSED b. MOTION TOADOPT Temp. Reso. #6771 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement Between the Cities of Coconut Creek, Lauderhill, Margate, North Lauderdale and Tamarac pertaining to a Joint Recycling Program. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-107-PASSED APPROVED C. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6772 awarding Bid #93-09 to the next lower bidder, Runway Growers, Inc., for the supply, installation and guarantee of trees and related work for the WOODMONT 70TH STREET MEDIANS PROJECT at a cost not to exceed $12,000. ►_ -y I lei► � r r ■ • r RESOLUTION R-94-108-PASSED d. MQTION_TO_ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6751 setting the City Attorney's car allowance at $450. per month. 'FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-109-PASSED APPROVED Page 3 6/22/94 e. requesting the Public Service Commission to direct the telephone company to initiate appropriate calling usage studies in order to establish extensive area service between the Coral Springs exchange and the Hollywood, North Dade, Miami, Perrine and Homestead exchanges; between the Pompano exchange and the Hollywood, North Dade, Miami, Perrine and Homestead exchanges; between the Fort Lauderdale exchange and the Perrine and Homestead exchanges; and between the Hollywood exchange and the Perrine and Homestead exchanges. . y oM FWN;• I RESOLUTION R-94-110-PASSED f. MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes of the following City Council meetings: 1) 5/09/94 - Special Meeting 2) 5/11 /94 - Regular Meeting 3) 5/25/94 - Regular Meeting FINAL ACTION: APPROVED VA., 5.f.2. and 5.f.3. g. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp._Beso. #6746 approving renewal of a permit for the use of a model sales facility at another location (Kings Point Professional Plaza, 7600 Nob Hill Road) for ASHMONT/KINGS POINT for a six-month period from 7/27/94 to 1 /27/95. =1_W11 FAI ... • RESOLUTION R-94-1 11 -PASSED h. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6750 approving renewal of a model sales permit for GREENVIEW APARTMENTS in Building 9, 10000 Nob Hill Circle, for a six-month period from 7/10/94 to 1 /10/95. WIT"11611111 RESOLUTION R-94-112-PASSED Page 4 6/22/94 1 1 i. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. R�#SZ.4Q approving two (2) Corrective Quit Claim Deeds to correct a scrivener's error in the description of a lake at HIDDEN HARBOUR APARTMENTS located west of Pine Island Road and north of NW 77 Street. li iK�0► .... r RESOLUTION R-94-105-PASSED j. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6754 authorizing the appropriate City officials to apply for matching grant funds for a Master Landscape Plan in the amount of $10,000. and authorize the City Manager to negotiate and bring back to City Council an Urban and Community Forestry Grant Memorandum of Agreement with the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Forestry, if the City receives grant funding approval. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-113-PASSED APPROVED k. authorizing the purchase of 2,600 sanitary sewer manhole inflow guards in the amount of $49,400. from Davis Meter and Supply Division under Pinellas County's Bid 912-0758-B, with funding from Account 410-417-539-GHK entitled "Drainage" (Stormwater Management District). FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-114-PASSED REMOVED for discussion and then APPROVED as AMENDED. authorizing the purchase of acrylate grout and chemicals from the sole source supplier, Cues, Inc., in the amount of $16,438., with funding from Account 425-367-535-527 entitled "Chemicals". IjI�T_1W,A" 0 ► ....� 1 RESOLUTION R-94-115-PASSED Page 5 6/22/94 M. authorizing the purchase of fire hydrants, valves and appurtenances in the amount of $13,782.09 from Davis Meter and Supply Division under Orange County Bid Y2-168, with funding from Account 425-364-533-672 entitled "#88-17/Fire Hydrant Program"; these fire hydrants will be installed in the west side of the City in areas needing improved fire protection. RESOLUTION R-94-116-PASSED RESOLUIIQNS 6. a. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6742amending Resolution R-90-278 to delete the requirement that the bonds authorized therein shall be marketed and sold only to accredited investors as defined in Section 517.011, Florida Statutes, in denominations of not less than $100,000. WOODMONT GARDENS Adult Congregate Living Facility b. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp 6743 authorizing the issuance of up to $16,000,000 (Sixteen Million Dollars) of industrial revenue bonds for the purchase and construction of an adult congregate living facility and declaring the City's intent to reimburse Jewish Gerontological Caring Center of South Florida, Inc., and WOODMONT GARDENS from the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations for certain expenses to be incurred with respect to the acquisition, construction and equipping of certain adult congregate living facilities. RESOLUTION R-94-117-PASSED FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-118-PASSED APPROVED 6.a. (Revision dated 6/21 /94) and 6.b. (Revision dated 6/21 /94) 7. authorizing the City Manager to send an estimated millage rate of 5.9999 to the Property Appraiser for Fiscal Year 1995 and to set a date, time and place for the first public budget hearing. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-119-PASSED APPROVED. First Budget Public Hearing scheduled for Monday, September 12, 1994,at 5:05 P.M. Page 6 6/22/94 1 1 L� 8, JdQJION TO ADOPT Te 12.;,Res&'° accepting Grant Thornton's Auditor's Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants on agreed -upon procedures in an audit of the following City departments whose heads had separated from City service in recent months: City Manager, Community Development, Finance, Public Services and Risk Management. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-120-PASSED APPROVED g. awarding Request for Proposal #93-19 to David M. Griffith & Associates, Ltd., in the amount of $36,600. to conduct a comprehensive classification/ pay/benefit study. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-121-PASSED APPROVED 10. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Resg. #6724 awarding Bid 94-09 in the amount of $197,263.50 to McKay Contracting, Inc., for the construction of Woodlands Force Main Improvements (Banyan Lane Ductile Iron Pipe Force Main), Project 93-01, with funding from Account 425-367-535-6HK entitled "Extensions and Modifications"; project located in the Woodlands on Banyan Lane between Commercial Boulevard and Pump Station 15AI (5015 Banyan Lane). FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-122-PASSED APPROVED 11. awarding Bid 94-05 for the purchase of a gas chromatograph to: a) Tekmar Co. in the amount of $24,992.80 for the purge and trap concentrator and auto sampler, and b) Perkin Elmer in the amount of $30,167.80 for the gas chromatograph and data system with funding from Account 425-363-533-648 entitled "Laboratory Equipment". FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-123-PASSED APPROVED 11.a. and 11.b. Page 7 6122/94 12. MOTION TO ADOPT Jemp, Rg84, #6753 authorizing the purchase of one 1994 Aerotech 240 light duty bus from Atlantic Bus Sales under Broward County Bid C019412OF at a cost of $39,229, with funding from Gas Tax Funds from Account 335-550-572-640. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-124-PASSED APPROVED as AMENDED. 13. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6738 awarding Bid 94-06 to in the amount of $41,000. to Altec Industries, Inc., for one 55-foot aerial bucket truck and AUTHORIZING the purchase of one Ford chassis F800 under State contract at a price of $31,109. from Atlantic Ford Truck Sales, with funding from Account 001-407-539-640 entitled "Grounds, Maintenance, Landscape and Beautification, Vehicles". FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-94-125-PASSED APPROVED 14. MQTIQN TQADOPT Temp. Reso. #6733 authorizing the settlement of the workers' compensation claims of former City building inspector George Wasilas for $64,000. FINAL AEI ON: RESOLUTION R-94-126-PASSED APPROVED ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS - 10:00 A.M. 15. on second reading to place a Charter Amendment on the September 8, 1994, ballot to change the Charter Board from an elected to an appointed board. FINAL AC[ION: ORDINANCE 0-94-4-PASSED Public Hearing held. APPROVED on Second and Final Reading (Revision 4) Page 8 6/22/94 16. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp, Ord. #1684 on second reading to place a Charter Amendment on the September 8, 1994, ballot to eliminate Charter Board appointments to the Redistricting Committee and to reduce the number of Redistricting Committee members. FINAL ACIION: ORDINANCE 0-94-5-PASSED Public Hearing held. APPROVED on Second and Final Reading (Revision 1) 17. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1654 on second reading to place a Charter Amendment on the September 8, 1994, ballot to change the method of determining Mayor and Councilmember salaries. FINAL ACTION: ORDINANCE 0-94-6-PASSED Public Hearing held. Revision 2 was APPROVED on Second and Final Reading incorporating the provisions contained in Revision 5; namely removing the formula by which the Mayor and Councilmember salaries would be determined and by inserting the salary of $11,000. for the Mayor and $8,750. for Councilmembers. Revision 5 of Temp. Ord. #1654 was adopted pursuant to the emergency provisions contained in Section 166.041(3)(b), Florida Statutes. 18. PUBLIC HEARING - MQIION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1689 on second reading to place a Charter Amendment on the September 8, 1994, ballot to change City Council to City Commission and Councilmembers to Commissioners. FINAL ACTION: ORDINANCE 0-94-7-PASSED Public Hearing held. APPROVED on Second and Final Reading. 19. QUASI -,JUDICIAL - PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOP1 Temp, Ord. #1688 on second reading concerning a request by the City of Tamarac Planning Commission to rezone the recreation area between Heathgate and Sunflower residential communities, between NW 80 Street and NW 81 Street, east and west of NW 70 Avenue, from R-1 C (Single Family Residential) to S-1 (Recreation/Open Space) . Petition 6-Z-94 FINAL ACIION: ORDINANCE 0-94-8-PASSED Public Hearing held. APPROVED on Second and Final Reading. Pape 9 6/22/94 20. on second reading to amend Chapter 12 of the City Code by modifying occupational license fees and classifications. EINAL ACTION: ORDINANCE 0-94-9-PASSED Public Hearing held. APPROVED on Second and Final Reading. 21. on first reading to amend Section 9-1 of the City Code entitled "Litter" by adding a definition of sediment, providing for prohibition against tracking, spilling, dropping, etc., and providing for dust control (deferred on 6/8/94). FINAL ACTION,'. TABLED at request of City Manager. ameffu.0 ********************************* The City Council may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Council meeting. Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Page 10 6/22/94 1 11 1 The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans With Disability Act. If you are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City of such need at least 72 hours (3 days) in advance. Carol A. Evans, CMC City Clerk A-1 - Limited Agricultural B-1 - Neighborhood Business R-2 - Two Family Dwelling B-2 - Planned Community Business R-3 - Low Density Multiple B-3 - General Business R-3U - Row House B-5 - Limited Business District R-4A - Planned Apartment B-6 - Business District R-5 - Motel/Hotel 1-1 - Institutional RD-7 - Two Family Dwelling LI-1 - Light Industrial RM-5 - Residential Multi - 1 Family R-1 - Single Family Residence RM-10 - Planned Apartment & R-1 B Page 11 6/22/94