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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-12-14 - City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda1
7525 Northwest 88 Avenue
Tamarac, FL 33321-2401
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time will announce those items which have been given a specific time to be heard, and
will entertain motions from the Commission members to table those items which require
research. The Commission may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent
nature which have come to the Commission's attention after publication.
PUBLIC PARTIOIP_ATIQN -Any member of the public may speak to any issue which is
not agendized for public hearing at this meeting. Speakers will be limited to three
minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute
aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance
with the City Clerk prior to their participation.
i ► a.
2. Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 2, are viewed to be routine and the
recommendation will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If
discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
will be considered separately.
a. MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes of the following Commission meetings:
1) 11/09/94 - Regular Meeting
2) 11/14/94 - Special Meeting
3) 11/23/94 - Regular Meeting
b. M TI N TO ADOPT Temp. RgsQ. #6910 approving renewal of a model sales
permit for HIDDEN HARBOUR, 8800 NW 78 Court, for a six-month period from
12/24/94 to 6/24/95.
C. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6911 approving renewal of a permit for the
use of a model sales facility at another location (Kings Point Professional Plaza,
7600 Nob Hill Road ) for ASHMONT/KINGS POINT for a six-month period from
1 /27/95 to 7/27/95.
d. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6923 approving renewal of a model sales
permit for GREENVIEW APARTMENTS in Building 9, 10000 Nob Hill Circle, for
a six-month period from 1 /10/95 to 7/10/95.
e. MOTION 24 approving renewal of a model sales
and administrative facility permit for BOARDWALK APARTMENTS in Building
10, Unit 8650, 8650 NW 61 Street, for a six-month period from 12/25/94 to
MOTION TQ ADOPT Temp. Reso._#6922 approving the attendance of Assistant
Fire Chief Paul Forsberg and Lt. James Karcher at the International Society of
Fire Service Instructors Florida Training Improvement Conference in Orlando,
Florida, January 9-13, 1995.
g. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso.,#69,U authorizing the appropriate City
officials to execute an application and subsequent documents for funding under
the Cops Fast Fund Application from the United States of America, Department
of Justice, in the .amount of $225,000.00, for three (3) sworn law enforcement
personnel to empand the City's Community Oriented Policing Program.
h. MOTION TO / OPT Temp. Reso. #6926 accepting an Urban and Community
Forestry Granf►Mtemorandum of Agreement between the City and the Florida
Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry, to
accept matching grant funds in the amount of $10,000.
MOTION TO ,APT Temp. Reso. #691 8 authorizing the appropriate City
officials to examute .Addendum #94-06 to the engineering agreement with Hazen
& Sawyer in am amount not to exceed $8,500. for the preparation of the Tamarac
Utilities West Annual Report of Water and Wastewater System for Fiscal Year
1993 with furwing from Account #425-371-536-318 entitled Engineering
j. MOTION TO ADOPT Tema. ,Reso. #6905 approving the purchase of isolation
water valves from U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company utilizing the City of Fort
Lauderdale's bkUcontract #242-6768 at a cost of $15,000. with funding from
Account 4254368-533-67C entitled "92-04 Water Valve Replacement Program".
k. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Re$4. #689$ approving the purchase of water
meters for Fissal Year 1995 from Precision Meters, Inc., utilizing City of Hialeah
bid entitled "Hula -Jet Type Water Meters" at an estimated cost of $39,499. with
funding from Account 419-301-536-670 entitled "Meters, Meter Boxes" ($9,499.)
and Account 426-365-533-670 entitled "Meters, Meter Boxes" ($30,000.).
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3. QUASt-JUDICIAL - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6912 approving a waiver to
the sign chapter of the Code requested by DON CARTER'S TAMARAC LANES for a
change of copy to an existing ground sign at 8501 N. University Drive, near the
intersection with Southgate Boulevard, to allow the sign to be 88 square feet with three
lines of copy, three background colors and three letter colors.
4. QUASI-JUDICIAL -MOTION TO ADOPT Tem ._Reso. #6908 approving a waiver to
the sign chapter of the code requested by Ferrin Signs, Inc., of Florida for a directory
sign at NW 31 Avenue, THREE LAKES PLAZA, to allow the sign to be:
a. 374 square feet,
b. with complex letters 23-inches high,
C. with tenant name letters 8-inches, 10-1/2-inches or 11-1/2-inches high,
d. with tenant name space 10 square feet and 25 square feet per tenant space,
e. 28-feet/9-inches in height,
f. 10-feet from the right-of-way.
5. QUASI-JUDICIAL - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6907 approving a waiver to
the sign chapter of the code requested by Ferrin Signs, Inc., of Florida for a directory
sign at Commercial Boulevard, THREE LAKES PLAZA, to allow the sign to be:
a. 374 square feet,
b. with complex letters 23-inches high,
C. with tenant name letters 8-inches, 10-1/2-inches or 11-1/2-inches high,
d. with tenant name space 10 square feet and 25 square feet per tenant space,
e. 28-feet/9-inches in height,
f. 10-feet from the right of way.
6. QUASI-JUDICIAL L - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. RgsQ. #6920 approving a waiver to
the sign chapter of the code requested by Pebb Enterprises for a directory sign
replacing an existing ground sign to be located on University Drive at UNIVERSITY
COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER near the intersection with McNab Road allowing the
sign to be:
a. 48-square feet,
b. with tenant name letters 6-inches and 10-inches high,
C. with tenant name space 15 square feet and 3 square feet,
d. 11-feet/9-inches in height,
e. 10-feet from the right-of-way.
7. QUASI-JUDICIAL - MOTION P m 21 approving a waiver to
the sign chapter of the code requested by Pebb Enterprises for a directory sign
replacing an existing ground sign to be located on McNab Road at UNIVERSITY
COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER near the intersection with University Drive allowing
the sign to be:
a. 48 square feet,
b. with tenant name letters 6-inches and 10-inches high,
C. with tenant name space 15 square feet and 3 square feet,
d. 11-feet/9-inches in height,
e. 10-feet from the right-of-way.
8. QUASI-JUDICIAL - P- MOTION em .R s .#6 15
concerning a request by Pebb Enterprises for a limited parking waiver to waive 42
required parking spaces at UNIVERSITY COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER (located at
the southeast corner of University Drive and McNab Road). Petition #30-Z-94
9. QUASI-JUDICIAL - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Rgso. #6916 approving a revised site
plan reflecting the construction of a 1,000 square foot freestanding drive -up and walk-in
pharmacy at UNIVERSITY COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER (located at the southeast
corner of University Drive and McNab Road). Petition #19-SP-94
10. m approving a revised site
plan reflecting construction of 16 two- and three -bedroom townhomes in 3 one- and
two-story buildings at WOODLAND COVE (located west of Woodland Boulevard, north
of Commercial Boulevard). Petition #41-SP-94
11. QUASI-JUDICIAL -MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6913 approving a revised site
plan reflecting the construction of 82 additional parking spaces at HEARTLAND OF
TAMARAC (located west of NW 79 Avenue, north of NW 57 Street). Petition
12. QUASI-JUDICIAL - MQ]`ION TO ADOPT Tempo. #991Z granting a time
extension for final site plan approval (one (1) year extension for Phase I and a four (4)
year extension for Phase 11) for the WOODMONT GARDENS ACLF; (located south of
Southgate Boulevard, east of Pine Island Road. Petition #55-SP-94
I. CityCommission REPORTS
The City Commission may consider and act upon such other business as may come before
it. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the
public at the City Commission meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or
hearing, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which
record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based.
The City of Tamarac complies with the provisions of the Americans With Disability Act. If you
are a disabled person requiring any accommodations or assistance, please notify the City of
such need at least 72 hours (3 days) in advance.
4arol A. Evans, CIVIC
City Clerk