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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-10 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10, 2010 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Talabisco, Vice -Mayor Harry Dressler, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Patricia Atkins -Grad, and Commissioner Diane Glasser. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Commissioner Atkins -Grad led the pledge of allegiance. 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Talabisco proclaiming February and March 2010 as "Young Aspiring Artists Months". (Requested by Parks & Recreation Director Greg Warner) 2. REPORTS: City Commission: a. Commissioner Bushnell reported on her attendance at the Childrens' Services Council Meeting where a video was shown regarding TABOR (Taxpayers' Bill of Rights). Commissioner Bushnell spoke in opposition to TABOR and mentioned its shortcomings when it was passed in Colorado. b. Commissioner Atkins -Grad reported on her attendance at Homeowner Association meetings and communication with constituents. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said as part of Black History Month celebrations, Citibank has named George Gadsden as a prominent Tamarac Resident. Commissioner Atkins -Grad commented most favorably on the display of art from Challenger Elementary Students and said she is looking forward to tomorrow's event at Tephford Park. C. Commissioner Glasser spoke of the possible Transfer Station in Sunrise and the fact that she as well as both staff and her colleagues are involved with trying to resolve the problem. Mayor Talabisco extended condolences to Vice -Mayor Dressler and his wife on the passing of Mrs. Dressler's father. d. Vice Mayor Dressler thanked everyone for their condolences on the passing of his father-in-law. e. Mayor Talabisco said she is committed to fighting the Transfer Station. Monday night she and Public and Economic Affairs Officer Berns attended the Lauderhill Commission meeting where a resolution was passed in support of the City of Tamarac's Page 1 of 5 City Commission Regular Meeting February 10, 2010 position and in opposition to the Transfer Station in Sunrise. Mayor Talabisco and the rest of the Commissioners, as well as some staff members will attend the City of Sunrise's Commission meeting on February 23 to oppose the Transfer Station. Mayor Talabisco spoke of an article in yesterday's paper wherein the property appraiser released preliminary tax impacts on all cities; Tamarac's impact will be about $4 million. The Mayor and City Commission have instituted quarterly financial meetings with staff so by the time we get to finalize the budget this summer we will be prepared to do whatever we have to do. Decisions will be difficult this year but the Mayor and City Commission are committed as a Board to work through the issues. Residents need to be educated as to what this is all about. Mayor Talabisco said at the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Mrs. Obama talked about an initiative to target childhood obesity, and an initiative to address the way children eat and play. The campaign is called the 'Let's Move Campaign". While there is no money for us to spend on new programs, perhaps there is grant money available for us to partner with Walgreens to educate parents and children about obesity. Vice -Mayor Dressler commended Commissioner Glasser on the quotes that appeared in the newspaper regarding the Transfer Station. 3. City Attorney Goren spoke of the County Ethics Commission and their proposed ordinance for the County Commission. The County Commission has requested the County Attorney's Office to draft a competing Ordinance for the ballot in November to seek to impose the ethics code on Cities and Special Taxing Districts. This will be taken up by the League of Cities to see if this poses an infraction on Cities as well as the Constitution. Mayor Talabisco asked if the School Board is included and City Attorney Goren said he did not know. City Attorney Goren mentioned a Bill that is pending, put forth by Gelbert and Porth with regard to the Armed Services Act and an Anti Corruption Bill. 4. City Manager Miller said BSO reports they are once again offering a drop off point for expired medicines on February 20, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. — Noon at the Tamarac Community Center. Tamarac won an award for Training and Development and we have been invited to present our program on March 4, 2010 in Palm Beach County. Training Specialist Reinert and Management Analyst Hughes will present the program. The Fire Department reports 26 participants have taken part in the new CERT Class, and our firefighters are currently conducting fire drills throughout the community, starting at Kings Point, as well as several city facilities. Parks and Recreation reports on 'Give A Day/Get A Day', a program wherein volunteers for public service, will then get a free day at Disney World. Some events in which to participate are Spring Fest, Health Fair, Program Aides for Summer Camp, Turkey Trot, and July 4th. Social Services reports over 90 residents have taken advantage of the VITA Program, and the Social Services staff has referred several people to the U.S. Census Bureau for employment opportunities. Community Development Director Bramley reports that tomorrow there will be a dedication of public art at Tephford Park; however, the artist is snowed in and cannot get out of New York. The event will go on as planned beginning Page 2 of 5 City Commission Regular Meeting February 10, 2010 at 5:15 p.m. Parks and Recreation reports the second concert of the season will take place on Friday at the Sports Complex, beginning at 7:00 p.m. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Bernard Hermann, 7877 Granville Drive, said a contingency from Kings Point would also attend the Sunrise City Commission meeting on February 23, and Mr. Hermann spoke in opposition to the bike paths. CONSENT AGENDA 6. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Resolution 11769 by title. A resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida opposing the City of Sunrise's proposed plan to allow for the construction of a solid waste transfer station to be located off of the Sawgrass Expressway near Commercial Boulevard, adjacent to the City; directing the City Clerk to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the City of Sunrise and the Board of County Commissioners for Broward County; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. Vice -Mayor Dressler seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved the addition of TR11769 to the Consent Agenda as Item No. 6(h). Mayor Talabisco asked that the Resolution be amended by adding transmittal to the Broward League of Cities. On roll call to add Broward League of Cities to the Resolution and add the Resolution to the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Glasser voted "yes", Vice -Mayor Dressler "yes", Commissioner Atkins - Grad "yes", Commissioner Bushnell "yes", and Mayor Talabisco "yes". Commissioner Glasser seconded by Commissioner Bushnell moved approval of all items on the consent agenda. On roll call Vice -Mayor Dressler voted "yes", Commissioner Atkins - Grad "yes", Commissioner Bushnell "yes", Commissioner Glasser "yes", and Mayor Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. a. Approval of the January 27, 2010 Commission Meeting Minutes APPROVED b. Approval of the February 1, 2010 Special Commission Meeting Minutes APPROVED C. TR11755-GRANT APPLICATION FOR TREE PLANTING: Authorizing submission of a grant application to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Forestry for 2010-11 ARRA Forest Health Improvement Initiative Program funds for the planting of trees in the City of Tamarac in the amount of $24,000, and providing for acceptance of the award and execution of the grant agreement upon approval of the application. RESOLUTION NO. R2010-14 d. TR11758-RELAY FOR LIFE 2010: Approving a request on behalf of the American Cancer Society for in -kind support for the Tamarac Relay for Life event benefitting the American Cancer Society to be held at Tephford Park on Friday, April 9, 2010, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and ending on Saturday, April 10, 2010, at noon. RESOLUTION NO. R2010-15 e. TR11762-SUPPORTING SENATE BILL 376 ADVERTISING ON WEBSITE: Amending Florida Statutes to authorize local governmental entities to use their publicly accessible websites for legally required public notices and advertisements. RESOLUTION NO. R2010-16 Page 3 of 5 City Commission Regular Meeting February 10, 2010 f. TR11760-AMENDMENT #1 TO AGREEMENT WITH THE FERGUSON GROUP LLC: Authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute Amendment #1 to the agreement between the City of Tamarac and The Ferguson Group LLC, for lobbying services, extending the term of the agreement for a one year period effective February 13, 2010 through February 12, 2011, at a cost not to exceed $85,500 per year. RESOLUTION NO. R2010-17 g. TR11759-BSO PERMIT FOR SPECIAL DETAILS-FY10: Authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Broward Sheriffs Office Permit Application for Special Details for police services to be used by the Parks and Recreation Department in an amount not to exceed $47,400 in FY10. RESOLUTION NO. R2010-18 h. TR11769 OPPOSITION TO PROPSOED PLAN FOR TRANSFER STATION — CITY OF SUNRISE: Opposing the City of Sunrise's proposed plan to allow for the construction of a solid waste transfer station to be located off of the Sawgrass Expressway near Commercial Boulevard, adjacent to the City; directing the City Clerk to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the City of Sunrise, the Board of County Commissioners for Broward County, and the Broward League of Cities. RESOLUTION NO. R2010-19 END OF CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA ORDINANCE(S) — FIRST READING Commissioner Atkins -Grad seconded by Vice -Mayor Dressler moved the addition of Temporary Ordinance 2190 to the regular agenda for first reading. T02190 — Amending the Cable Franchise Ordinance. An ordinance of the City of Tamarac, Florida, amending Chapter 5 of the City's Code of Ordinances, entitled "Cable Television", by specifically amending Section 5.5-22, entitled "Definitions"; providing a new definition for the term "Franchise"; providing for codification; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and proving for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2190 on first reading by title. On roll call Vice -Mayor Dressler voted "yes", Commissioner Glasser "yes", Commissioner Bushnell "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Mayor Talabisco "yes". Item added. Vice -Mayor Dressler seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved adoption of T02190 on first reading. On roll call Vice -Mayor Dressler voted "yes", Commissioner Glasser "yes", Commissioner Bushnell "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Mayor Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING FEBRUARY 10, 2010 PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7:00 PM OR THEREAFTER PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7. TR11754 THIRD AMENDMENT TO FY 2008-2009 ACTION PLAN-NSP: Approving the third amendment to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, fiscal year 2008-2009 Annual Action Plan Ninth Program Year, to provide for the reallocation of funds within the City's Neighborhood Stabilization Plan (NSP); Page 4 of 5 City Commission Regular Meeting February 10, 2010 1 authorizing and directing the City Administration to take action consistent with the intent of this resolution. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Resolution 11754 by title. Commissioner Glasser seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval. Mayor Talabisco opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Bushnell voted "yes", Vice -Mayor Dressler "yes", Commissioner Glasser "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Mayor Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2010-20 ORDINANCE(S) — SECOND READINGS QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S) There were no ordinances scheduled for second reading END OF QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S) END OF PUBLIC HEARING(S) There were no quasi-judicial hearings scheduled for this meeting. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Talabisco adjourned the regular meeting of the City Commission at 7:50 p.m. ;�f Beth Talabisco, Mayor Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk Page 5 of 5 City Commission Regular Meeting February 10, 2010