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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-08 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING CONFERENCE ROOM 105 MONDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2010 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the workshop meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, February 8, 2010 in Room 105, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Talabisco, Vice -Mayor Harry Dressler, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, and Commissioner Patricia Atkins -Grad. ABSENT: Commissioner Diane Glasser. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, Deputy City Manager Michael C. Cernech and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Mayor Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance and said Commissioner Glasser was visiting Washington, D.C. and is snowed in; she expects to be coming home this afternoon. Mayor Talabisco extended condolences to Vice -Mayor Dressler and his wife Faith on the passing of the Vice Mayor's father-in-law. 1. Federal Legislative Update by Val Gelnovatch, Ferguson Group. Ms. Gelnovatch gave an update of the past two years that the firm has represented Tamarac and future projects being presented for funding consideration. There was discussion about cap and trade legislation and Ms. Gelnovatch said if there are any projects the Mayor and City Commission would like the firm to track to let her know. Commissioner Bushnell asked if there is a time limit within which to use the funds for the overpass; Ms. Gelnovatch said no. Vice -Mayor Dressler asked if the funding for the buses would cover the cost of the drivers; Ms. Gelnovatch said no. Vice -Mayor Dressler questioned the status of cap and trade and Ms. Gelnovatch said she would have someone from the firm who is more knowledgeable than she, contact Vice -Mayor Dressler. Commissioner Atkins -Grad commended Ms. Gelnovatch and the firm on their efforts on behalf of the City of Tamarac. Mayor Talabisco spoke of Ted Deutch running for Robert Wexler's seat and added she has invited Ted Deutch to tour the City of Tamarac to see our projects. Mayor Talabisco also said at the U.S. Conference of Mayors' meeting this year, all the cities were in agreement that they want monies to go directly to the cities. Mayor Talabisco asked Ms. Gelnovatch to assist in making contact with a delegate from Tennessee, Steve Cohen, with whom Mayor Talabisco has ties, to see if he can assist Tamarac. City Manager Miller explained Ms. Gelnovatch periodically gives presentations to the Executive Team at staff meetings and if a project qualifies for federal funding, it is put together as part of an appropriation request; much work goes into an item before it gets to the Mayor and City Commission. Staff is pleased with the Ferguson Group and recommends extending their contract. The item will appear before the Mayor and City Commission on Wednesday as part of the consent agenda. 2. Item No. 7 on the Regular Agenda. THIRD AMENDMENT TO FY 2008-2009 ACTION PLAN - NSP: (TR11754) Approving the third amendment to the Community Page 1 of 4 Commission Workshop February 8, 2010 Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, fiscal year 2008-2009 Annual Action Plan Ninth Program Year, to provide for the reallocation of funds within the City's Neighborhood Stabilization Plan (NSP); authorizing and directing the City Administration to take action consistent with the intent of this resolution. Community Development Director Bramley and Housing Administrator Bauldree appeared and gave a presentation. Housing Administrator Bauldree said two Tamarac applicants were interviewed by Channel 7 and it is tentatively scheduled to air on February 11 as part of the 10:00 News. Vice -Mayor Dressler spoke of the recent Congressional extensions of COBRA and Unemployment Compensation. Commissioner Atkins -Grad asked how we would go about getting more applicants and Community Development Director Bramley said staff is putting together a strategy which she will take to the City Manager today. Commissioner Bushnell spoke of foreclosed homes and asked if there is rehabilitation money available; Housing Administrator Bauldree said only under the NSP1 program. She hopes to hear in July whether rehabilitation funding will be available outside of the NSP1 program. Vice -Mayor Dressler said in a conversation with a real estate expert he was told banks would rather short sale a home than modify loans. Commissioner Atkins -Grad asked if NSP1 funding is available to all areas of the City and Housing Administrator Bauldree said it is with the exception of Woodmont and Woodlands. 3. Item No. 6 (d) on the Consent Agenda. RELAY FOR LIFE 2010: (TR11758) Approving a request on behalf of the American Cancer Society for in -kind support for the Tamarac Relay for Life event benefitting the American Cancer Society to be held at Tephford Park on Friday, April 9, 2010, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and ending on Saturday, April 10, 2010, at noon. Parks and Recreation Director Warner and Relay for Life Event Chair Fran Wilson appeared. Director of Parks and Recreation Warner gave a presentation. 4. Item No.6 (g) on the Consent Agenda. BROWARD SHERIFF'S OFFICE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL DETAILS: (TR11759) Authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Broward Sheriffs Office Permit Application for Special Details for police services to be used by the Parks and Recreation Department in an amount not to exceed $47,400 in FY10. Parks and Recreation Director Warner gave a presentation and said there is grant money available in addition to the $47,400 which is budgeted. 5. Item No. 6 (c) on the Consent Agenda. GRANT APPLICATION FOR TREE PLANTING: (TR11755) Authorizing submission of a grant application to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Forestry for 2010-11 ARRA Forest Health Improvement Initiative Program funds for the planting of trees in the City of Tamarac in the amount of $24,000, and providing for acceptance of the award and execution of the grant agreement upon approval of the application. Special Projects Coordinator Gresek and Public Works Director Strain appeared. Special Projects Coordinator Gresek explained this is a stimulus grant and therefore everything needs to be contracted out in order to stimulate the economy. Work cannot be done in- house. Plans are to use the funding for Waters Edge Park. Commissioner Atkins -Grad questioned the landscaping currently on the property and Public Works Director Strain Page 2 of 4 Commission Workshop February 8, 2010 said most is vegetation that is not native to South Florida and it will be removed. Vice - Mayor Dressier asked if the project would be bid out and if there would be parity between the $24,000 for trees and what the current contractor has already bid. Public Works Director Strain said yes. Commissioner Bushnell questioned the number of trees being discussed and Public Works Director Strain said about 60. Mayor Talabisco left the room at 10:40 a.m. and returned at 10:45 a.m. 6. Census Update. Community Development Director Bramley and Public Information Specialist Quinn appeared. Community Development Director Bramley showed a video and spoke of the importance of the Census, how people are counted, the form, and what we have done so far in Tamarac. Public Information Specialist Quinn explained the various forms of media used to get the word out and said informational tables will be at set up the two upcoming concerts, the Tamarac Community Center, and City Hall. Public Information Specialist Quinn spoke of past events where Census information was disseminated. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said several months ago someone came to her door and said they were with the Census; she felt perhaps it was early for that to occur. Community Development Director Bramley explained it was for the local update and address verification. Commissioner Bushnell said a tremendous opportunity for fraud associated with the Census; and cautioned .everyone that no Census document asks for a social security number or credit card information: 'Ail forms are addressed to Occupant — no names are used. There was -discusses regarding illegal aliens and Snow Birds being residents. Commis er Btjih- r all alto -added there are opportunities for Enumerators at $15.00 per hour and :applicati6ns are=available. Mayor Talabisco spoke of reaching out through the Kiwanrs Club. Community Development Director Bramley updated the Mayor and City Commission on the special event scheduled for Thursday wherein the two public artists, Jane DeDecker and Ilin Averbuck will be in Tamarac. At 10:00 a.m. they will speak to the 6th grade Art Class at Millennium Middle School, and at noon there will be lunch with the artists and members of the Public Art Committee in Room 204 at City Hall. From 4:15 p.m. — 5:15 p.m. shuttles will transport people from the Tamarac Recreation Center to Tephford Park and then back after the dedication to the Tamarac Recreation Center for a community meeting on public art (6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.) Mayor Talabisco asked that invitations be sent to the Charter Schools as well as Piper and Taravella High School students. Mayor Talabisco said she was contacted by Lauderhill Mayor Kaplan and asked to attend their Commission meeting this evening at 7:30 where they will be putting forth a resolution against the proposed transfer station in Sunrise. Mayor Talabisco said she will attend the meeting with Public and Economic Affairs Officer Berns and report back to the Mayor and City Commission on Wednesday. Additionally, she spoke with Plantation's Mayor Armstrong at the League of Cities' Executive Director Meeting and was told Plantation will keep the transfer station on their radar screen as well. The Sun - Sentinel has been following the matter extensively. Page 3 of 4 Commission Workshop February 8, 2010 Mayor Talabisco spoke of the controversial land that was up for auction last week, and said there was no sale of the property. City Attorney Goren spoke of the testimony staff provided during Prestige Homes' request for a site plan extension, and those decisions as well as the restrictions on the property are still valid. The lawsuit has been dropped. Tamarac has taken no adverse position nor has there been adverse impact by the Mayor and City Commission or staff of any kind with regard to the two sites. City Manager Miller said the situation has not changed as a result of the auction. The site plan remains in effect; in conversation City Manager Miller had with the attorney representing the Chaits, the attorney was confident the property would be sold either at auction or a private sale. It is possible the land will go to an investment trust outside the area, and that will present challenges to staff, i.e. in the area of code enforcement. Commissioner Bushnell said the City needs to be aggressive to make sure the canals are maintained and the lawn mowed. There was discussion regarding the residents' desire to have the property turned back into a golf course as well as the fact that some of the property was now owned by the City. Mayor Talabisco confirmed if the property is sold conversations could then be held regarding a change of site plan and use. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 11:45 a.m. Marion Swenson, -4CMC City Clerk Page 4 of 4 Commission Workshop February 8, 2010