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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-23 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY AUGUST 23, 2010 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the workshop meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, August 23, 2010 in Room 105, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Talabisco, Vice Mayor Harry Dressler, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Michelle J. Gomez, and Commissioner Diane Glasser. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, Deputy City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance. 1. Item No. 6 (m) on the Consent Agenda. PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN: (TR11908) Adopting the "Public Art Master Plan. Community Development Director Bramley and Linda Bloom, Linda Bloom Art Consulting, Inc. appeared. Community Development Director Bramley and Ms. Bloom gave presentations. Mayor Talabisco confirmed the public art is paid for from the Public Art Trust Fund, said monies funded by new and redevelopment projects; not taxpayer money. Commissioner Bushnell questioned the future of the fund and Community Development Director Bramley said the fund has been collecting money since the ordinance was adopted in 2004; when redevelopment commences it will contribute to the fund. Ms. Bloom added an administrative policy and procedures need to be created. Commissioner Bushnell spoke about future development of the downtown area and public art as an integral part of the project, and also said it is difficult to see the Dawn and Dusk sculpture from 57th Street. Community Development Director Bramley stated we are working on getting the sculpture lit which will aid in visibility. City Manager Miller said staff is thrilled to be able to bring this plan forward and congratulated the Public Art Committee on their efforts. Additionally, we are considering moving the sculpture called "Illusion" from the front of the Tamarac Community Center to City Hall. 2. Item No. 6 (i) on the Consent Agenda. CARDIAC MONITOR AND DEFIBRILLATOR GRANT: (TR11915) Accepting an Emergency Medical Services grant in the amount of $45,000 from the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services for cardiac monitor/defibrillators and authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an Agreement for purchase of two (2) LifePak 15 cardiac monitors and defibrillators with related accessories from Physio-Control, a division of Medtronic, Inc., a sole source provider not to exceed a total amount of $60,000 in grant funding and City match; authorizing the disposal of two (2) outdated cardiac monitors and defibrillators. EMS Division Chief Sheridan, Dr. Ulin and Special Projects Coordinator Gresek appeared. EMS Division Chief Sheridan gave a presentation and Commissioner Bushnell questioned what is done with the old equipment. EMS Division Chief Sheridan said it is traded in. Dr. Ulin said he is extremely proud to be associated Page 1 of 4 City Commission Workshop Meeting August 23, 2010 with Tamarac. Mayor Talabisco said Tamarac is ahead of New York with regard to hypothermic procedures. 3. Item No. 6 (k) on the Consent Agenda. STATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (SERT PROGRAM) SUBGRANT APPLICATION: (TR11918) Authorizing the City Manager to submit an application to the US Department of Homeland Security through the Florida Department of Emergency Management for Florida State Emergency Response Team (SERT) Sub -grant Program funds for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) equipment, supplies, training materials in an amount not to exceed $15,000; providing for acceptance of the award and executing of documents upon approval of the application. EMS Division Chief Sheridan and Special Projects Coordinator Gresek appeared. Special Projects Coordinator Gresek gave a presentation. City Manager Miller said Special Projects Coordinator Gresek has been moved from the City Manager's Office to the Finance Department, and this is another example of somebody taking on more responsibility than he previously had. 4. Item No. 6 (f) on the Consent Agenda. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DATA CENTER VIRTUALIZATION: (TR11893) Approving the acquisition and installation of a VMWare Virtualization Solution from Dell; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes; authorizing an expenditure for an amount not to exceed $230,000. Information Technology Director Sucuoglu and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. I.T. Director Sucuoglu gave a presentation. Commissioner Gomez asked what happens to the computers being downsized and I.T. Director Sucuoglu said they will be used to replace others and used as backup. Some will be put up for auction. 5. Item No. 6 (n) on the Consent Agenda. AWARD BID 10-05B - INSTALLATION OF IMPACT WINDOWS AT BSO: (TR11916) Awarding Bid 10-05B to and approving an Agreement with Railco, Inc., for the removal and installation of new impact resistant windows at the Broward Sheriffs Office in accordance with Bid 10-05B for an amount not to exceed $67,170.00, which includes a contract amount of $58,170.00 and a $9,000.00 contingency, from the appropriate accounts; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute said Agreement; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes. Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Mayor Talabisco asked how long it will take to get the windows installed and Public Works Director Strain said he hopes they will be completed this hurricane season. Mayor Talabisco asked if there would be a positive impact on our insurance costs and Public Works Director Strain said there may be a rebate in our costs. Commissioner Bushnell asked if City Hall is secure and Public Works Director Strain said the glass in this building is better than what is currently in BSO and we have shutters for most exterior windows. Also, the new roof system was rated at the code changes enacted after Hurricane Andrew. 6. Item No. 6 (1) on the Consent Agenda. TASTE OF TAMARAC - REQUEST FOR IN -KIND SUPPORT AND WAIVER OF FEES: (TR11911) Approving a request from the Page 2 of 4 City Commission Workshop Meeting August 23, 2010 Tamarac Chamber of Commerce for in -kind support and to waive all fees for the Taste of Tamarac event to be held at the Tamarac Community Center on Saturday, October 30, 2010. Parks & Recreation Director Warner gave a presentation. Commissioner Gomez asked if anything would be done for Halloween since this falls on Halloween Eve and Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said the Tamarac Chamber would put something together. 7. Item No. 6 (h) on the Consent Agenda. BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2010 FEE SCHEDULE: (TR11905) Increasing the City's Building fees pursuant to Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to take any and all steps necessary to increase and restructure the Building Department Permit Fees. Chief Building Official/Director Grande and Lee R. Evett, Vice President Willdan Financial Services appeared. Chief Building Official/Director Grande gave a presentation. Vice -Mayor Dressler questioned the net calculation between the fee charges from this past fiscal year and anticipated fees. Chief Building Official/Director Grande said we will probably see an increase in fees collected. Commissioner Bushnell spoke of Mr. Evett's letter clarifying the process and thanked Chief Building Official/Director Grande for the brochure his staff put together regarding renovations and/or construction that requires permits. Chief Building Official/Director Grande spoke of the 40 year recertification program created by the Broward County Board of Appeals in 2006 and clarified some plumbing replacement questions for Commissioner Gomez. Commissioner Glasser said the district meetings are about to begin and she would like to have brochures available to give to the residents, as well as some costs of permits. Commissioner Gomez asked if a link could be placed on the HOA web pages connecting with the City's web page for permit information and City Attorney Goren said as long as there is no advertising involved it was possible. 8. Item No. 8 (a) Ordinance - First Reading. REVISING CHAPTER 14.5 OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES "THE TAMARAC DANGEROUS INTERSECTION SAFETY ACT": (T02208) Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on first reading amending and restating Chapter 14.5 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Tamarac, "The Tamarac Dangerous Intersection Safety Act", in its entirety; authorizing the City to permit and implement the use of traffic infraction detectors for red light infractions pursuant to state law; providing for definitions; providing for Traffic Infraction Enforcement Officers; authorizing City Administration to take all steps necessary to implement and operate the enforcement program pursuant to the requirements of state law; providing for the location of traffic infraction detectors within the city; providing for severability; providing for codification; providing an effective date. Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Citr Attorney Goren spoke of the Bill that recently passed and became effective July 1 s . Mayor Talabisco confirmed that of the $158.00 fine only $75.00 goes to the City and the State gets the rest, but there is the potential for the County to collect some revenue through an interlocal agreement. Commissioner Glasser questioned where the County's portion would be taken out of and - City Attorney Goren said presumably the City's money. Mayor Talabisco questioned roffirig right turns and City Attorney Goren said the City would have to regulate this with _the camera company. There was Page 3 of 4 City Commission Workshop Meeting August 23, 2010 discussion regarding payment to the vendor, possible lawsuits, and negotiations for the fee structure. Commissioner Bushnell questioned liability for the cameras and City Attorney Goren said it is up to the vendor to replace and maintain the cameras and poles. 9. DISCUSSION REGARDING BOARD AND COMMITTEE SELECTION PROCESS: City Clerk Swenson gave a presentation. Commissioner Glasser said she would like a list of the board/committee members as well as an explanation of the responsibilities of each board/committee. Mayor Talabisco asked for an expression of interest to add the Ordinance to Wednesday's meeting and all were in agreement. Mayor Talabisco spoke of the Resolution adopted by the City of Weston opposing the imposition of additional charges by the Broward County Supervisor of Elections to municipalities holding elections in November and asked staff to draft a similar resolution for Wednesday's meeting. All were in agreement. Mayor Talabisco spoke of a Resolution from the City of Coconut Creek opposing approval of oil drilling in Florida waters in areas other than those already approved for leasing and extraction. After discussion, Mayor Talabisco asked that this be placed on the next workshop for discussion. Commissioner Glasser left the room at 12:02 p.m. and returned at 12:05 p.m. City Attorney Goren reported on the County Code of Ethics and said the County has placed this on November's ballot. The County would like this ordinance to be applicable to all Broward County cities. Tamarac already has an ethics code in effect. There was discussion regarding the Inspector General position and payment for said position as well as the duties of the position. Commissioner Glasser said it is her understanding the ordinance was written only for the County Commission and the County Commission decided to include the cities. Tamarac has its own ethics ordinance but a good number of cities do not; and it may not be a bad thing to extend the County's ordinance to the cities. Commissioner Gomez spoke of conflicts between the county and city ordinance and which would prevail if one was more stringent. Commissioner Gomez asked how the voters would be educated and what this would mean to them. City Attorney Goren said we can educate the voters but we cannot advocate one way or another. The item will be discussed at the next Broward League of Cities' meeting and he will keep the Mayor and City Commission and staff informed as to further developments. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 12:20 p.m. r - r Marion, Swenson, CIVIC :City Clerk Page 4 of 4 City Coma ioen VNorkshopmeeting August 23, 2010