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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-14 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bushnell called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 7:06 p.m. on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 in City Commission Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. ROLL CALL: Mayor Pamela Bushnell, Vice Mayor Michelle J. Gomez, Commissioner Diane Glasser and Commissioner Harry Dressler. Commissioner Marion Swenson was absent. Also in attendance were City Manager Michael C. Cernech, Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz and City Clerk Peter M. J. Richardson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Bushnell led the Pledge of Allegiance. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Pamela Bushnell proclaiming September 24, 2011 as "National Public Lands Day". (Requested by Mayor Pamela Bushnell) 2. CITY COMMISSION REPORTS: a. Vice Mayor Gomez: Welcomed everyone in attendance at this evening's City Commission meeting and invited them to attend future City Commission meetings and workshops throughout the course of the year. Noting that she had attended the September 11 th memorial observance events at the Broward Sheriffs Office and the Moose Lodge, Vice Mayor Gomez said she was extremely proud to be an American and was proud of the work of our nation's armed forces and first responders. b. Commissioner Glasser: Stated that she had the pleasure to visit the National September 11 th Memorial in New York this summer. Commissioner Glasser said she was proud of those who risk their lives to save others. Noting that she had attended a number of recent meetings of condominium and homeowners associations, thanked City staff for addressing a number of issues raised at these meetings. c. Commissioner Dressler: Noted that it had been his pleasure to meet several retired New York City firefighters at the Broward Sheriff's Office tenth anniversary memorial observation. He also said that the broad cross-section of national and religious backgrounds of attendees was a marvelous reflection of the freedoms and diversity that we enjoy in our nation. Page 1 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING September 14, 2011 d. Mayor Bushnell: Noted that she had the pleasure of attending the recent Princess Party at the Community Center, which was a wonderful and delightful event, attended by both Snow White and Cinderella. Stated that the recent Broward Sheriffs Office September 11t" memorial observation was a very inspirational event. Mayor Bushnell said that she was very proud of all first responders. Noted with pride that the City of Tamarac had recently been selected by Forbes Magazine as one of the Top 25 suburbs in the United States for retirement. Stated that City Commission District meetings would begin soon and invited all interested persons to attend these community meetings. Mayor Bushnell announced that some items would be moved out of the regular order of business to take up agenda item 7(a) TR12076, Fire Rescue Services Assessment, and Ordinances on First Reading items 8(a) TO2232, FY2012 Millage Rates, and 8(b) TO2233, FY2012 Annual Budget, for consideration at this time. Commissioner Dressler moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez, to move items 7a, 8a and 8b up on this evening's agenda, prior to Item 3, the City Attorney's Report. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). Mayor Bushnell welcomed everyone to this evening's Commission meeting and said this was the first public hearing for the City Commission of the City of Tamarac to set the tentative millage rates and the tentative City budget for Fiscal Year 2012 and to hold a public hearing on the annual fire assessment. Mayor Bushnell noted that these public hearings were literally the culmination of an entire year's work by the City Commission, the City Manager and City staff. She also noted for the benefit of the public this evening that the City Commission had held four budget workshops during the year to provide direction to City staff on this submittal. Mayor Bushnell thanked her colleagues on the dais for their participation at the workshops and for their suggestions as the City Commission deliberated on the staff recommendations. City Manager Cernech read the following statement: "The City of Tamarac has used the fire service assessment since 1997 to provide specific funding for the purpose of providing fire services in the City of Tamarac. As the City Commission is aware, the fire service assessment has been determined to be an equitable and efficient methodology to use in apportioning the cost of fire services to improved properties thus reducing the overall burden on the ad valorem tax rate. The residential rate for FY 2012 is $265 per dwelling unit which is an increase from the prior three years. The City conducted a study on the fire rescue assessment and based upon calls for service and proposed budgets as well as general increases in the cost of providing fire rescue services, City staff recommends that the City Commission approve the rates that have been proposed and approved for publication at the July 13, 2011 preliminary fire assessment Rate hearing." 7 a. TR12076 - FY 2011 FIRE RESCUE SERVICES ASSESSMENT: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, relating to the provision of Fire Rescue Services, Page 2 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING September 14, 2011 Facilities and Programs in the City of Tamarac, Florida; reimposing Fire Rescue Assessments against assessed property located within the City of Tamarac for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2011; approving the rate of assessment; approving the assessment roll; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read TR12076 by title into the meeting record. Financial Services Director Mason made staff s presentation. Mayor Bushnell opened the public hearing to receive comments from interested parties. At the close of the public hearing, Mayor Bushnell inquired whether there was a motion on the proposed resolution. Vice Mayor Gomez moved, seconded by Commissioner Glasser, to approve TR 12076 as presented. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). RESOLUTION R-2011-94 Mayor Bushnell noted that this was the first public hearing for the establishment of the operating millage rate and debt service millage rate for Fiscal Year 2012. She also stated that a second public hearing on Temporary Ordinance number 2232 would be held on, Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 5:05 p.m. and asked City Manager Cernech to read his statement. City Manager Cernech read the following statement: "In accordance with the truth in millage requirements of Florida Statutes, the City is required to announce the percentage difference between the proposed millage rate and the rolled -back rate. As such, the following is read into the record: The proposed operating millage rate of 6.6850 mills for Fiscal Year 2012 is equal to the rolled -back rate of 6.6850 mills." 8 a. TO2232 - FY 2012 MILLAGE RATES: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida to establish and levy ad valorem taxes within the corporate limits of the City of Tamarac, Florida, for the tax year 2011; providing for the levy of ad valorem taxes in the amount of 6.6850 mills ($6.6850 per $1,000) based upon the assessed value on non- exempt real and personal property located within the city limits of the City of Tamarac; providing for the levy of ad valorem taxes in the amount of .0924 mills ($.0924 per $1,000) based upon the assessed value of the non-exempt real and personal property located within the city limits of the City of Tamarac, for funds for annual debt service for the City of Tamarac, Florida general obligation refunding bonds, series 1998; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read TO2232 by title. Financial Services Director Mason gave a detailed presentation. Mayor Bushnell opened the public hearing to receive comments from interested parties. At the close of the public hearing, Mayor Bushnell inquired whether there was a motion on the proposed ordinance. Commissioner Dressler moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez, to approve TO2232 on first reading. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). ADOPTED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 Mayor Bushnell said this was the first public hearing for establishing the Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget, Capital Budget and Financial Policies. She noted that a second public Page 3 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING September 14, 2011 hearing on Temporary Ordinance Number 2233 will be held on September 21, 2011 at 5:05 p.m. and asked City Manager Cernech to read his statement. City Manager Cernech read the following statement: "The proposed operating and capital budget for Fiscal Year 2011 is $109,734,372 which is $27,304,773 less than the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2011. The proposed general fund budget, which is the primary fund for providing governmental services such as, our contract with BSO, general and administrative services, public works, and parks and recreation, is $46,098,754 which is $1,302,798 more than the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2011. In addition, this will be the second year that we are including the financial policies as part of the adoption of the annual budget. These financial policies are an enhancement of our long-term financial planning for the City. These policies set parameters for operating management, including establishing reserves for specific purposes, establishing accounts management and financial planning policies and establishing policies on economic resources." 8 b. TO2233 - FY 2012 ANNUAL BUDGET: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, adopting the operating budget, revenues and expenditures, the capital budget, and the financial policies for the Fiscal Year 2012; repealing all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read TO2233 by title into the meeting record. Financial Services Director Mason made a detailed presentation. Mayor Bushnell opened the public hearing to receive comments from interested parties. At the conclusion of the public hearing, Mayor Bushnell inquired whether there was a motion on the proposed Ordinance. Commissioner Glasser moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez, to approve TO2233 on first reading. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 Mayor Bushnell noted that the second public hearing setting the operating and debt service millage rates and adopting the budget will be held on September 21, 2011 at 5:05 p.m. There was a break in the meeting between 9:53 and 10:17 p.m. Mayor Bushnell noted that the meeting was back into the regular order of business 3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: Mr. Horowitz noted that he had no report this evening. 4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: Mr. Cernech stated that a Tamarac Farmer's Market, to be held at the Tamarac Recreation Center facility, would come to fruition in the next few weeks. He also noted that the City Commission district meetings would commence again in October. Mr. Cernech expressed appreciation to Forbes Magazine for recognizing the City of Tamarac as one of the Top 25 suburbs in the United States for retirees. Page 4 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING September 14, 2011 Mr. Cernech noted that the BSO-Tamarac and North Lauderdale Operation Medicine Cabinet event on Saturday, September 10th had been very successful, with over ninety participants disposing of over 1100 controlled substance containers and over 87,900 controlled substance dosage units. He also said that over 1.2,560 pounds of sensitive documents had been shredded in conjunction with the shred -a -than event simultaneously with the Operation Medicine Cabinet event. Mr. Cernech noted that the City's Parks and Recreation Department would be holding its second annual "Play Day" event in conjunction on Thursday, September 22"d, at Tamarac Park, between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m., featuring a variety of fun and healthy activities for both children and parents. Finally, Mr. Cernech reported that both the recent Princess Party, held on Saturday, August 27t" and the Community Garage Sale, held on Saturday, September 10t", were very successful and well -received events. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Dr. Marcia Becker, expressing concerns about Woodmont signage, property covenants and preservation of Woodmont in its present state. Patricia Barsorian, inquiring about proposed funding for the Woodlands Neighborhood Improvement District in the City's budget. Mr. Mason provided brief clarifications about the status of proposed funding for the Woodlands Neighborhood Improvement District. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Bushnell asked City Manager Cernech if there were any changes/additions to the Consent Agenda and City Manager Cernech responded there were no changes or additions to this evening's Consent Agenda. Commissioner Dressler moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez, to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). a. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 24, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES: APPROVED b. TR12072 - APPROVAL OF SHIP ANNUAL REPORTS: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving the Annual Reports for the State Housing Initiative Partnership for the Close Out Report FY 2008/2009 and the Interim Reports for FY 2009/2010 and FY 2010/2011; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2011-95 c. TR12075 - FMIT INSURANCE RENEWAL FY2012: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the renewal of General Liability, Automobile Liability, Automobile Physical Damage, Workers' Compensation, and Property Lines of Coverage with the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust (FMIT) for a one (1) year period beginning October 1, 2011 at a cost of $989,100 and payment of any increase resulting from Page 5 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING September 14, 2011 the annual premium audit; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2011-96 d. TR12084 - MARC UNIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida approving a Sub -Recipient Agreement for 2009- 2010 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP), expenditure of local government unit funding for sustainment funds for annual maintenance contract for Mutual Aid Radio Communications (MARC) unit, with the State of Florida, Department of Financial Services Division of State Fire Marshal; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2011-97 e. TR12085 - MARC UNIT SUB -RECIPIENT AGREEMENT: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida approving a Sub -Recipient Agreement for 2010- 2011 State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP), expenditure of local government unit funding for sustainment funds for annual maintenance contract for Mutual Aid Radio Communications (MARC) unit, with the State of Florida, Department of Financial Services Division of State Fire Marshal; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2011-98 f. TR12079 - REBOUNDERZ SPECIAL EXCEPTION FEE REFUND: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing a refund of $2,000.00 submitted by Sandra Brennan of Tidan Plaza Limited, Designated Agent for the property owner, Tidan Plaza Limited/Jack Safer, for a Special Exception development application fee, collected for the Rebounderz Family Center project (Case No. 20-MI-11); providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2011-99 g. TR12080 - REBOUNDERZ - LIMITED PARKING WAIVER - FEE REFUND: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing a refund of $2,218.36 submitted by Sandra Brennan of Tidan Plaza, limited Designated Agent for Tidan Plaza Limited/Jack Sofer, for a Limited Parking Waiver application fee, collected for the Rebounderz project (Case No. 19-MI-11); providing for conflicts,; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2011-100 h. TR12078 - PURCHASE OF LIQUID SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE (BLEACH) FROM ALLIED UNIVERSAL CORPORATION: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to purchase sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine bleach) from Allied Universal Corporation, per the quotation issued on June 2, 2011, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, beginning October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012; authorizing the appropriate budget amendments for said purpose; approving funding for this project from the appropriate budgeted Utilities Operational accounts; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2011-101 Page 6 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING September 14, 2011 8. ORDINANCE(S) — FIRST READING: c. T02231 - REPEAL OF FIREARMS REGULATIONS: Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on first reading repealing Part II, Chapter 15, Article III, Section 15-84 and Part II, Chapter 13, Section 13-10 of the City's Code of Ordinances relating to firearms; providing for consistency with Chapter 2011-109, Laws of Florida, which preempts firearm laws and regulation to the state; providing for codification; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read T02231 into the record. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez moved approval of T02231 on first reading for discussion purposes. The motion was approved by a vote of 3-1, with Commissioner Dressler voting no. PASSED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 d. T02227 - SOLID WASTE FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS: Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on first reading approving and authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute amendments to the Commercial Solid Waste Franchise Agreements with current Commercial Solid Waste Franchisees Ace Waste Services, LLC, Choice Environmental Services of Broward, Inc., Waste Services of Florida, Inc., FSR Transporting & Crane Services, Inc., Republic Services of Florida, L.P. D/B/A All Service Refuse, Southern Waste Systems, LLC, for an additional period up to and including October 27, 2013; providing for severability; providing for conflicts; providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read T02227 into the record. Commissioner Dressler moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez, to approve T02227 on first reading. The motion was adopted unanimously (4-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 9. PUBLIC HEARING(S) a. TR12081 - NSP3 1ST AMENDMENT - REDEFINE AREA OF GREATEST NEED: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, amending the Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") Program, Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Annual Action Plan Tenth Program Year to provide for an expansion of the target area to include areas depicted in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read TR12081 into the record. Vice Mayor Gomez moved, seconded by Commissioner Dressler, to approve TR12081. Housing Administrator Angela Bauldree made staffs presentation. The motion to approve TR12081 was adopted unanimously (4-0). RESOLUTION R-2011-102 10. ORDINANCE(S) —SECOND READINGS a. T02224 - MINIMUM HOUSING CODE: Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida on second reading amending Chapter 5 entitled "Building and Building Regulations", establishing and creating Article X of the City's Code of Ordinances, entitled "The Minimum Housing Code"; providing for definitions; providing for minimum standards for living units, rental units, and unoccupied or abandoned structures Page 7 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING September 14, 2011 within the City of Tamarac; providing for enforcement and inspections; providing for codification: providing for penalties; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read TO2224 into the record of the meeting. Commissioner Glasser moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez, to approve TO2224 on second and final reading. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING AUGUST 24, 2011 PASSED ON SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 ORDINANCE 2011-09 b. TO2229 - SUNSETTING THE SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD: Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on second reading amending Chapter 2 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances, entitled "Administration Article III "Boards, Committees, Commissions", by deleting in its entirety Division 7 entitled, "Social Services Board", Sections 2-201 through 2-206; providing for sunsetting the Social Services Board; providing for codification; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read TO2229 into the record of the meeting. Vice Mayor Gomez moved, seconded by Commissioner Dressler, to approve TO2229 on second and final reading. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING AUGUST 24, 2011 PASSED ON SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 ORDINANCE NO. 2011-10 11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): There were no Quasi -Judicial items scheduled for this evening's meeting. 12. OTHER: Mayor Bushnell asked City Manager Cernech if there was any other business. City Manager Cernech advised that as was discussed at the Commission Workshop on Monday, staff had additional information on bus shelters. Community Development Director Bramley made a brief presentation and received City Commission consensus for Community Development to proceed with coordination efforts with Broward County Transit staff relative to kaleidoscope design bus shelters. There being no other business to come adjourned the meeting at 11:02 p.m. g``SM�D •': Q EgT P19r03 : ¢ f �•'• SEP�" :' � Peter M. J. RicVrdson, CRM, CMC City Clerk before the City Commission, Mayor Bushnell LoultL_ L_o Pamela Bushnell, Mayor 7 1J Page 8 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING September 14, 2011 RALF BROOKES, ATTORNEY Board Cer xed in 04, CMWY aad Lacd GWWVWfft Lon' SEP 13 PH rt. 14 City of Tamarac RECEIVED O Re: Signage for Woodmont "Country Club" ,TY ITY TAMAf AC ri_ FRK Dear City of Tamarac At a public meeting in April 2011. the City said to homeowners that they were going to change the names of the signs at "Woovlhmont Country Club" to "Woodmont at Tsnrsm The golf courses were made public about three years ago and it is important not to lose signs that advertise the Country Club's public recreational amenities. represent S numerous individual homeowners within Woodmont, the Woodmani Homeowners Covenant Watchdog Association, Inc. (WHCWA), and the Sierra Club of Broward County. We respectfully ask you to consider they following specific concerns. The City should not demolish and rename the existing wall, structures of the signs at 13 of the entrances th Woodmont Country Club. 1. The City should not rename the new signs "Woodmont at Tamarac" leaving out the name Woodmont "CgM ft Club. - Without signage specifically advertising the "Country Club" on the main roads surrounding Woodmont, the Woodmont Country Club will have difficulty continuing to attract outside business. Outside business is necessary to ensure the Country Club is economically viable and continues to :provide valuable recreational green space for Woodmont community and the publie- at Cayntry Club" signage serves as important notification to the public that there is a Country Club within Woodmont. Thiatrlr you for helping to ensure that the valuable � green space in the Woodmont County Club is maintained for, the -benefit oUWoeadmont immunity and the public, at lay the signage is changed thlt *bM$ "p 446 country club should be changed to krclude "Public County Club" to erasure the course remains economically viable. 2. Please do not spend taxpayer dollars on now signage. This is an, eWnstve project at a time when the City showed reduce its= budget and expeditures. Government at all levels, local, state and federal are coping with hard times, loss of ad valorem taxes and failing reel estate values. The "FY 2012 — FY 2013 Proposed Biennial Budget" that now shows OW $114111iM is proposed to be expended from the "General Capital Fund" In 2012, and $MOAN in 2013 for Project e1AP128 'Woodmont Residential Developrnent Entry Si~ Please do not spend this kind of money for signage that will make it more economically difficult for the Woodmont Country Club to attract customers from the Tamarac area and elsewhere. The existing signs at the thirteen entrances that are wall signs were designed for long term maintenance. They simply need painting, landscaping, minor lighting repairs and they will be beautiful once again. Some of them actually look fine now and need little improvement. Sierra Club Broward Group opposes the conversion of the golf course and loss of recreational open green space it provides: Sierra Club, Inc. Broward Group Resolution "The Sierra Club Broward Group has been involved for decades in the zoning and comprehensive planning of Broward County. The Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Broward Group met on April 6, 2010 relating to the proposed conversions at the WOODMONT GOLF COURSE- from--- existing open space and recreation uses into urban development. The Sierra Club Broward Group resolves it is OPPOSED to the proposed conversions and urges City and County officials and state reviewers to refuse changing zoning and land use from the customary greenspace in the community. The Sierra Club Broward Group recognizes the values of the lands to water recharge, wildlife habitat, air quality, aesthetics, open space, outdoor recreational needs of the area, and the many public benefits for which the existing zoning and land planning designations were duly deliberated and assigned. The benefits from this property's current configuration are a central community asset benefiting a wide area. .w All members of the Sierra Club Broward Group Executive Committee are hereby authorized to present this Resolution at all public meetings and written deliberations." The loss of "Country Club" signage will of course, make it more difficult for the existing golf course to survive and provide green space to the Tamarac community. We have obtained a quote of $2,000 per sign for 12-13 signs for a total of $ 26,000 dollars to repair and maintain the existing signs. These signs have been the responsibility of the country club for over thirty years and we feel the city has no right or duty to improve this private signage and expend more than $150,000 of taxpayer money on this project in these economic times. We believe our state and local governments should be cutting back on such needlessly expensive "turkey" projects that benefit private interests rather than the public at large. We are concerned that this is a wasteful public expenditure of dwindling taxpayer dollars on a project that has little benefit for the public, and will actually make it more difficult to operate the Woodmont Country Club as profitable golf course resulting in a loss of pubiic recreational green space. Thank you for considering and addressing our concerns, Sincerely, Ralf Brookes Attorney 1217 East Cape Coral Parkway #107, Cape Coral, Florida 33904 phone (239) 910-5464 — (866) 341-6086 fax email Ralf@RalfBrookesAttorne .corn 9/14/2011 City of Tamarac FY 2012 Proposed Fire Assessment Fees Temporary Resolution #12076 September 14,,20,11 ,, Fire Assessment Rates ► Initial Fire Service Assessment Rates Established on July 13, 2011. ► Proposed Fire Assessments rates published via TRIM Notices sent by the Property Appraiser ► Notice of Public Hearing published on August 21, 2011 ► TR #12076 establishes the final Fire Assessment Rates 1 9/14/2011 9 Fire Assessment Rates ► Proposed Residential Rate of $265. ► Estimated net total assessments at $10,577,484 ($11.3 million less exemptions (paid from General Fund)). ► Provides funding at 90% of cost of Fire Services only. ► Represents 56.5% of total funding of the Fire Rescue Department. Fire Assessment Rates City of Tamarac Five Year Average Assessment Rates (Fiscal Year 2011-12 thrs fiscal Year 2010•16) (90% Foading) Residential Property Use Catagoriee Rate Per Dwelling Unit Dwelling Unit $766 Non -Residential Property Use Categories Building Classifloation (in square foot ranges) Coromerdat tndustrialJ Warehouse Inatltutional 1,999 $800 $349 $1,055 2,000.3,499 $1,600 $697 $2,110 3,500-4.999 $2,800 $1,219 $3,692 5,000.9,999 $3,999 $1,741 $5,274 10,000-19,999 $7,998 $3,481 $10,547 20.000.29,999 $15.995 $6,962 $21,094 30,000.3%999 $23,992 $10,443 $31,640 40,000 - 49.999 $31,990 $13,923 $42,187 a49,999 $39,987 $11,404 $52,733 9/14/2011 'y 9/14/2011 City of Tamarac 1=Y 2012 Proposed Millage Rates and Operating Budget Temporary Ordinance 2232 Millage/Debt Service Rates First Public Hearing September 14, 2011 1 e 9/14/2011 w- Operating & Debt Service Millage Rates ► General Fund Operating Millage Rate proposed at 6.6850 mils o Provides for general operations of the City e Equal to the rolled -back rate ► Debt Service Millage Rate proposed at 0.0924 o Provides for annual payment of the General Obligation Bond ► Both Rates will constitute Not to Exceed Rates ► Millage Rate x Taxable Value = Ad Valorem Taxes. ► Expressed in terms of rate per $1,000 of value. ► Example: (6.6850 x 50,000) /1000 = $334.25 Operating Millage Rate ► Proposed Millage Rate of 6.6850 (rolled -back rate) will support: • The proposed operating budget for FY 2012 • Maintaining service levels • Maintaining staffing levels at 2.72 full time equivalent per 1,000 residents (the same as FY 2011) o A decrease in the tax levy per capita from $285 to $278 for FY 2012 N 9/14/2011 Taxable Property Values Total Taxable Assessed Value 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 m 1.5 - 1.n 0.5 U Fiscal Year r, Millage Rates Millage Rates vs. Taxable Values ;4,S0a..............................................._. ..................... ......................_._.._.._..............._. 7.0000 e a ' S4,000 Sd 6.0000 52,500 5.0000 M 52,000 — 4.5000 51,s00 4.0000 2001. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 20n72008 2009 201.0 2011 Est Est 2012 2013 hmm, M, 3 9/14/2011 Average Property Values by Property Type Single FamilyResidenlallo Condominiums 1 FY2012 % ansae FY2011 MW % Cn NumberofPareels 15,798 15,793 •0.03% 14262 14,270 C MarketVolus $ 1.787,757,770 $ 1,754,087,810 -1.88% $ 710,507,410 $ 701.853,400 •1 Average Market Value $ 113,104 S 111,067 -1.85% $ 49,818 $ 49,184 -1 Taxable Value $ 1,094,567,480 $ 1,066,009,940 -2.61% $ 379,042,870 $ 379,278,520 C Average Taxable Value $ 09,285 $ 87,499 •2,58% $ 26,577 $ 26.679 C SOH Differential $ 74,370,460 $ 101,980,250 37,12% $ 8,330,060 $ 18,806,280 126 (1) ►nproved properties only Note: The Save Our Homes (SOH) Differential is beginning to widen again and although there was overall decrease in taxable value, the SOH resets from prior year decreases in value below SOH Values indicates that Market Values have steadied for Homesteaded Properties and the SOH gap will begin to widen again in the future. I Impact on Residential Taxpayer FY 2011 FY 2011 Ad Valorem FY 2012 FY 2012 Ad Valorem Assessed Homestead Taxable Levy a Assessed Homestead Taxable Levy a Value Exemption Value 6,6000 Value Exemption Value 6.6850 Dilfarence 53,567 $ 28,567 $ 25,000 $ 162.50 $ 48,186 $ 26,000 $ 23,186 3 155= $ 7.50 75,000 50.000 26.000 162.80 73,710 50.000 23.710 158.50 (4.00; 100,000 60.000 50,000 325,00 98,280 50,000 48,280 322,75 (2.25; 125,000 50,000 76.000 487.80 12ZO50 50,000 72,850 487.00 (0.50, 160,000 60.000 1001000 650.00 147,420 50,000 97,420 651,25 1,25 176.000 50,000 125,000 012.60 171,990 50.000 121,990 815.50 3.00 200,000 $0,000 150,000 975,00 196,560 50,000 146,860 979.75 4.75 228.000 50.000 175,000 1.137,50 221,130 50,000 171,130 1,144.00 6,60 250,000 50,000 200,000 1.300.00 245,700 50,000 195,700 1,308,25 8.25 278.000 60,000 225,000 1.462.50 210,270 50.000 220,270 1,472,50 10.00 300,000 50,000 250,000 1,825.00 294,840 $0,000 244,840 1.636.76 11.76 ► Assumes all properties see a 1.92% decrease. ► Save Our Homes percentage increase in value is 1.5% for FY 2012. 4 9/14/2011 Property Tax Levies by Dollar Value _................ -- __ ................. _... _ City of Tamarac Parcenbz* of All P ronartlesll'ax levies by DollarVdtur Timex levied FY2M(S.321Smills) #of Properties % FYZD10(5.9999mlllr) #of Properties % FY2011(6.Sm111s) #of Properties % FY2012(6.685mi #of Properties % $0 1,128 3.59% 2,813 8.94% 3,914 1140% 3,964 5 Si-S250 9,771 31.09% 10015 31.82% 12,599 39.9D% 12,841 40 $251 • $500 7,004 22.28% 7,946 25.25% 7,970 25.24% 7,990 25 S501-$750 6,117 19.46% 5,884 18.70% 4,268 13.52% 4,019 12 $751-$1,000 3,982 12.67% 3,016 9.59% 1,637 5.19% 1,504 4 $1,OOD - $1,250 2,029 6.46% 918 2.92% 522 165% 552 1 51,251- $1,500 665 2.12% 326 1.04% 175 0.55% 214 0 $1,501-$1,750 290 0.92% 140 0.44% 72 0.23% 91 0 > $1,75D 445 1.42% 412 1.31% 417 1.32% 420 1 Total Properties 31,431 31,470 31,574 31,595 SO.5900 Percentage 56.96% r 66.01% 77.54% 78A8% $0- $750 Percentage w 76.42% 84.71% 91.06% 91.20% Tentative Millage Rates ► At the conclusion of the public hearing for this temporary ordinance, the City Commission must adopt the tentative millage rates: • General Operations — Proposed at 6.6850 mills o Debt Service — Proposed at .0924 mills 9 10 5 9/14/2011 Temporary ordinance 2233 Budget Ordinance First Public Hearing September 14, 2011 FY 2012 Budget Development & Review ► Budget discussions began in January 2011 at the Strategic Planning Session. ► Between January and July, four budget workshops were held between City Commission and staff. ► Through the budget workshops, services provided, service level needs and requirements were reviewed and discussed. ► Evaluated revenue availability — current and future. ► Evaluated future impact of current year decisions. I 12 G 9/14/2011 FY 2012 Budget Development & Review ► Program Enhancement Funding Two (2) Code Enforcement Officer positions to maintain and revitalize our built environment -- $148,000 Citywide Facility Repairs and Maintenance including flooring and exterior paint for various facilities k $111,000 • Expansion of the Neighborhood Partnership and Meeting Program and a greater financial commitment to the Homeowners Liaison Program - $23,000 • Performance Measurement Software to improve the quality and relevance of performance information for all users - $80,000 (will be funded by a grant in the amount of $50, 000) • Parks and Recreation enhancements and program expansion to increase resident services and participation, as well as, enhance sustainable revenue opportunities - $50,250 • City Website Redesign to showcase the professionalism of the government, to optimize the experience for visitors, and to entice new residents and businesses to relocate to Tamarac h $50,000 • Expanded Parks and Recreation programming to include the offering of a variety of Sports Leagues to residents of all ages - $14,000 (the full cost is offset by revenues) • Citywide Telephone System Upgrade to better serve the customers and employees of the City 79,000 Establish Capital Equipment fund for the purpose of setting aside funding for capital equipment n. ,.vehicle replacements over six years - $2,000,000 FY 2012 Budget Development & Review ► Capital Project Funding $300,000 for a Redevelopment and Corridor Study $185,000 in FY 2012 and $150,000 in FY 2013 for Woodmont Residential Development Entry Signage $300,000 additional funding for Bikeways Path Phase 1 $40,500 additional funding for Tephford Park Playground addition for sidewalks, etc. $1,500,000 for Bikeways Path Phase 2 consisting of $750,000 MPO Grant Funding and a City Match of $750,000 $50,000 for NW 801h Avenue Sidewalk $75,000 for a Football Field Press Box at the Multi -Sports Complex $250,000 additional funding for Mainlands Park 13 14 7 9/14/2011 1: Summary of Budget FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Final Proposed Increase/ Proposed Fund Type Budget (Decrease) Budget GENERAL $ 46,870,513 $ (771,759) $ 46,098,754 SPECIAL REVENUE 25,266,269 36,582 25,302,851 DEBT SERVICE 3,073,800 - 3,073,800 CAPITAL PROJECT 5,991,700 195,700 6,187,400 ENTERPRISE 26,659,181 (184,634) 26,474,547 INTERNAL SERVICE 2,597,020 - 2,597,020 TOTAL $ 110,458,483 $ 724,111) $ 109,734,372 E'd 3' Summary of Changes ► $6,806 decrease in the City Commission as a result of a reduction in the request from Area Aging and Disability Resource, $2,400 increase in the City Manager for wireless service, $10,720 increase in Financial Services as a result of an update in payroll projections; ► $23,233 net decrease in Information Technology for forecasted computer leases which is offset by an increase in toner costs and Citrix site licenses; ► $81,000 increase in Public Works Department to conduct a road evaluation study and adjustments for water usage for medians; ► $4,000 increase for RecTrac Software enhancements to support the Sports Leagues; ► $839,840 decrease in Non -departmental resulting from a decrease in transfers out to the Fire Rescue Fund 16 h: 9/14/2011 Tentative Budget ► At the conclusion of the public hearing for this temporary ordinance, the City Commission must adopt a tentative budget. 17 01