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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-09 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bushnell called the regular meeting of the City Commission to
order at 7:07 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 in City Commission Chambers,
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321.
PRESENT: Mayor Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Marion Swenson, Commissioner Diane
Glasser and Commissioner Harry Dressler.
ABSENT: Vice Mayor Michelle J. Gomez
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren and
Assistant City Clerk Patricia Teufel.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Dressler led the Pledge of Allegiance.
a. Broward Outreach Center "No One Hungry Day" Proclamation (Requested by Mayor
Pamela Bushnell)
a. Commissioner Swenson: Wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and reminded everyone
that school will be out that entire week and to please drive carefully. Commissioner Swenson
said she has observed quite a few individuals jay walking and spoke of the inherent dangers
of jay walking.
b. Vice Mayor Gomez: Absent
c. Commissioner Glasser: Said she recently attended an event at Kings Point, met with
constituents and received a lot of good feedback; attended a University Hospital Board
meeting and Tamarac is now in the process of working with University Hospital to help them
with new and more visible signage; attended Vice Mayor Gomez's District 2 Neighborhood
Meeting at Challenger School, along with City Manager Cernech and all of the department
directors; missed the most recent Broward League of Cities meeting on Ethics, however, City
Attorney Goren attended and he will update everyone when he gives his report and just this
afternoon she attended the Kings Point Hadassah luncheon. Commissioner Glasser said
she believes she was not elected to just represent District 2 and when she votes, she votes
for what is in the best interest of the City of Tamarac as a whole. Commissioner Glasser
wished everyone a Happy Holiday season.
d. Commissioner Dressler: Stated that he completed the Trustee's Master Program with the
International Federation of Public Pension Plans as part of his fiduciary duties as a Tamarac
Pension Trustee. Noted that he found it to be interesting to meet with people from all over
the country and to hear about their experiences, not just with managing the assets in their
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pension portfolios, but some of the changes on the legal side of the ledger. He will be
passing this information on to his fellow trustees at the next General Employee Pension
meeting. Commissioner Dressler wished everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and
said that we as Americans have a great deal to be thankful for.
e. Mayor Bushnell: Thanked BSO for attending a neighborhood meeting with her last evening
and how they handled the recent flooding situation. Mayor Bushnell attended the employee
Chili and Dessert Cook -off earlier today that helped raise money for United Way. Mayor
Bushnell invited everyone to attend the Veteran's Day ceremony on Friday. at 10:30 a.m. at
Veteran's Park located on the corner of Southgate Blvd. and University Drive. Lastly, she
wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Goren said that the Ethics Task Force met on
Monday and one of the issues that need to be clarified is that there is an annual disclosure
obligation for employment compensation. The law becomes effective on January 2, 2012
and the question is when does the obligation to disclosure accrue and when does the code
require filing the form that is yet to be prepared by the County Attorney's staff. This morning
they spoke with Drew Meyers and he said the obligation accrues on the 2"d of January to
actually commence the accumulation of whatever funds there would be to report, but the
actual form itself would not be filed until the end of the year. Theoretically, you would not
have to file your disclosure for the year beginning January 2, 2012 until January 2013.
Hopefully the county will prepare the form and make it available shortly.
The second issue discussed by the Ethics Task force was online filing of certain disclosure
forms. The League has offered up its website for the filing of the disclosure forms.
Surprisingly there are some Broward cities that are not members of the League and the
question is should the League charge for that service or simply deny non members access.
This is an open question that will be decided at the next Board meeting.
Lastly, as an outgrowth to the county Ethics Code's implications beginning in January 2012,
we have a walk on to the agenda which is a lobbyist registration ordinance. This ordinance
tracks the county Ethics Code, it is as simple as it we can get at this time and if need be, will
be tweaked between first and second reading, but in order to be in compliance by January
2"d we have to get something on the books by December. This is our best attempt to track
the new Ethics Code and to reflect on a two step process. Lobbyists have to actually register
with the City, they will file a document with the City Clerk's Office, and they will pay a fee,
which will be established by a separate resolution. Lobbyists must disclose their clients at
the time of registration; however, they can supplement their registration at a future time
without having to pay an additional fee. If a lobbyist visits you in city hall, the burden is on
them to file the disclosure that they have met with you. If you meet a lobbyist off site, not in
city hall, the burden will be on you to file the form. This will be discussed more fully at the
seminar on November 18th. City Attorney Goren said he was a speaker. last Friday at the
FAU Institute of Government 5th Annual Public Corruption Seminar and preceding his
presentation on the Broward County Ethics Code was the Palm Beach County Inspector
General Sheryl Steckler and that office has 61 people working there, some of whom were in
the room to listen. So bear in mind that if you have a minimal insignificant exchange at a
function you do not know who is listening which then becomes the challenge for all of us.
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�. Also, City Attorney Goren said he expects a draft copy
apply to city employees sometime within the next 30
assistance in providing any comments to the county
employees that might be helpful for city employees.
of the County Ethics Code that will
days. Drew Meyers did ask for
ordinance that applies to county
There was a general discussion and City Attorney Goren responded to the Commission's
questions and concerns.
Commissioner Dressler said that if the Broward League of Cities participates in posting these
forms on their website he will ask the City to secede from that organization, because they will
be in collusion with an unconstitutional tyrannical county government.
City Attorney Goren said that they may bring this ordinance back with some tweaks between
first and second reading, but the lobbying ordinance as proposed tracks the county
ordinance, it protects Tamarac's interest, it does provide for certain responsibilities and
obligations and hopefully is a source of comfort in protecting you from third parties that would
assail you. City Attorney Goren wished everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Cernech wished everyone a happy
City Manager Cernech said the City's Executive Team met yesterday at the Recreation
Center and spent the day preparing for the Strategic Planning session coming up with the
Commission after the first of the year. We will have a proposed revised Strategic Plan that is
consistent with the goals that you want to accomplish as the governing body.
Noted that an estimated 800 people attended the Halloween Hoopla event on Saturday,
October 29th at the Multipurpose Center.
City Manager Cernech invited everyone to attend the Veteran's Day Ceremony on Friday,
November 11th at 10:30 am at Veteran's Park, located at University Drive and Southgate
Boulevard. There will be a special guest speaker and the traditional wreath laying ceremony.
He invited everyone to come out for the 31 st annual Turkey Trot on Thursday, November 24th
at 8:30 am at City Hall.
City Manager Cernech said there will be a Paws & Claws Holiday "Pawty" at the Gary B.
Jones Park for People and Pups on Saturday, December 3rd from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and
the Holiday Lighting event will take place at the Community Center on Wednesday,
December 7th at 6:00 pm
5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mayor Bushnell opened the public participation and with no one
wishing to speak, closed public participation.
6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Bushnell asked Mr. Cernech whether there were any
changes or additions to the Consent Agenda. Mr. Cernech said that item No. 6 (b) TR12109
has been amended pursuant to discussion at the November 7, 2011 workshop to reflect the
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selection of Diane Glasser as Vice Mayor for the period beginning November 16, 2011 and
ending November 2012. Commissioner Dressler moved, seconded by Commissioner Aowmft
Swenson, to approve the consent agenda with item 6 (b) TR12109 as amended. The motion
was approved unanimously (4-0).
b. TR12109 ELECTION OF A VICE MAYOR: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City
of Tamarac, Florida, electing a Vice Mayor to serve a term of one year beginning November
16, 2011 and ending November 2012, with no succession; providing for conflicts; providing
for severability; and providing for an effective date.
the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, awarding Bid No. 11-26B to and
approving an agreement with Lanier Plans, Inc., d/b/a Korkat, Inc., for the Tamarac Sports
Complex Amenity Improvements Project, located at 9901 NW 77th Street, in accordance with
Bid No. 11-26B for a contract amount of $72,143.38; a contingency in the amount of
$6,481.62 will be added to the project account, for a total project budget of $78,625;
authorizing an expenditure from the appropriate accounts; authorizing budget amendments
for proper accounting purposes; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and
providing for an effective date.
RESOLUTION R-201.1-129
PROJECT - TASK AUTHORIZATION NO. 11-04E: A Resolution of the City Commission of
the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute Task
Authorization No. 11-04E with Eckler Engineering, Inc., to provide professional services for
the design of a new Emergency Generator Replacement Project at the Water Treatment
Plant in the amount of $82,000, the design for replacement of the existing SCADA PLC at
Tract 27 and Grant's Plaza in the amount of $7,000, and the design for Rehabilitation of the
Above -Ground Diesel Tank at Grant's Plaza in the amount of $3,000; including preparation of
detailed plans and specifications followed by permitting and bidding assistance, in
accordance with the City's Consulting Engineering Agreement as authorized by Resolution
No. R-2011-87, for an amount not to exceed $92,000.00; approving funding from the
appropriate budgeted accounts within the Utilities Renewal and Replacement fund;
authorzing the appropriate City Officials to administer the contract; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
COOPERATIVE PURCHASE AGREEMENT: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City
of Tamarac, Florida approving the purchase of horticultural chemicals utilizing the Southeast
Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative Contract B-11-42; authorizing purchase of the
horticultural chemicals in the quantities needed per Contract B-11-42 not to exceed approved
budget for said purpose; authorizing an expenditure from the appropriate accounts;
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authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper accounting purposes; providing for
_. conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
f. TR 12103 - CITY HALL ROOF REPLACEMENT: A Resolution of the City Commission of
the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the utilization of existing Contract No. 07-C-071
awarded to Roof Doctors — South Florida, Inc., by the City of Coral Springs to provide various
roofing services, for the roof replacement at City Hall, for an amount not to exceed $261,100;
a contingency in the amount of $38,900, for a total project budget of $300,000; authorizing an
expenditure from the appropriate accounts; authorizing budget amendments as needed for
proper accounting purposes; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing
for an effective date.
g. TR 12120 FPE UNION CONTRACT RENEWAL — 2011: A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to
execute an agreement with the Federation of Public Employees, a division of the National
Federation of Public and Private Employees affiliated with District 1 - MEBA (AFL-CIO) for
the period from October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2014; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for this meeting.
Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on first
reading amending Chapter 24, entitled "Zoning," by Amending Article ll, entitled
"Administration"; by specifically creating Division 6, to be entitled "Zoning in Progress";
providing for procedures and criteria for declaring Zoning in Progress as to Zoning
Regulations citywide and/or within designated overlay districts; providing for codification;
providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City
Attorney Goren read T02235 by title. Commissioner Glasser moved, seconded by
Commissioner Swenson moved approval of T02235 on First Reading. City Attorney Goren
gave an overview of the proposed ordinance.
Motion passed unanimously (4-0)
Mayor Bushnell asked if there was anything to be added to Ordinances — First Reading. City
Attorney Goren said that as discussed at the November 7, 2011 Workshop T02237 —
Lobbyist Registration Regulations Ordinance is being added to the Agenda as item 8 (b).
City Attorney Goren read T02237 by title. Commissioner Dressler moved, seconded by
Commissioner Swenson to add T02237 to the Agenda as item 8 (b).
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Commissioner Dressler said that the worst thing in the world to be is to be inconsistent. Even
though he promotes the highest standards of ethical conduct and he has sought as much
transparency in government as is possible, and he is on the record as being in favor of
lobbyist registration regulations, he is opposed to anything correlated or connected to what
he believes is an unconstitutional mandate imposed upon municipalities by the county
commission. It is not transparency when someone is being investigated and they are not
informed that they are being investigated or when someone is listening to your conversations
or making notes or creating a file on you subsequent to an investigation. Based upon this and
based upon his belief that the county code is unconstitutional and for reasons of being
consistent, he will be a no vote on this ordinance.
Motion passed unanimously (4-0) to add T02237 to the Agenda as item 8 (b).
Commissioner Dressler moved, seconded by Commissioner Swenson, approval of T02237
on First Reading.
City Attorney Goren gave on overview of the ordinance and said that we must have this
ordinance in place by January 2, 2012 in order to be in compliance with the Broward County
Ethics Code.
Motion passed (3-1) with Commissioner Dressler voting no.
9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): There were no Public Hearing items scheduled for this meeting.
a. T02234 - FY 2011 FINAL BUDGET AMENDMENT: Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the
City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on second reading amending Ordinance
2011-05, which amended the City of Tamarac Operating Budget, Revenues and
Expenditures and the Capital Budget for the Fiscal Year 2011, by increasing the total
revenues and expenditures by a total of $1,286,489 as detailed in Exhibit A attached hereto;
providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for an effective date. City Attorney
Goren read T02234 by title. Commissioner Dressler moved, seconded by Commissioner
Glasser approval of T02234 on Second Reading.
Mayor Bushnell opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak closed the
public hearing.
Motion passed unanimously (4-0)
ORDINANCE NO. 0-2011-16
11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): There were no Quasi -Judicial items scheduled for this
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12. OTHER: There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor
Bushnell adjourned the meeting at 7:49 p.m.
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Pamela Bushnell, Mayor
Assistant Lity LIerK
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