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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-21 - City Commission Special Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL CHAMBERS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bushnell called the Special Meeting of the City Commission to order on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 5:05 p.m., in the Commission Chambers at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Pamela Bushnell, Vice Mayor Michelle J. Gomez, Commissioner Harry Dressler, Commissioner Diane Glasser and Commissioner Marion Swenson. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Michael Cernech, Assistant City Attorney Julie Klahr, and City Clerk Peter Richardson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Bushnell led the pledge of allegiance. Mayor Bushnell welcomed everyone and stated that this was a Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac to hold Public Hearings to establish Millage Rates and adopt the City Budget for Fiscal Year 2012. Mayor Bushnell said these public hearings are literally the culmination of an entire year's work by this City Commission, the City Manager and the staff. She noted that the City Commission had held four budget workshops during the year to provide direction to the staff on this submittal. Mayor Bushnell noted that the first public hearings on the proposed millage rates and proposed budget were held on September 14, 2011. Mayor Bushnell thanked her colleagues for their participation at the workshops and for their suggestions as they deliberated on the staff recommendations. Mayor Bushnell announced that this was the second and final public hearing to establish the Operating Millage Rate and Debt Service Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2011 and asked City Manager Cernech to read his statement. City Manager Cernech read the following statement: "In accordance with the Truth in Millage requirements of Florida Statutes, the City is required to announce the percentage difference between the proposed millage rate and the rolled -back rate. As such, the following is read into the record of this meeting: The proposed operating millage rate of 6.6850 mills for Fiscal Year 2012 is equal to the rolled -back rate of 6.6850 mills." Assistant City Attorney Klahr read TO2232 by Title. An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida to establish and levy ad valorem taxes within the corporate limits of the City of Tamarac, Florida, for the tax year 2011; providing for the levy of ad valorem taxes in the amount of 6.6850 mills ($6.6850 per $1,000) based upon the assessed value on non-exempt real and personal property located within the city limits of the City of Tamarac; providing for the levy of ad valorem taxes in the amount of .0924 mills ($.0924 per $1,000) based upon the assessed value of the non-exempt real and personal property located within the city Page 1 of 3 City Commission Special Meeting September 21, 2011 limits of the City of Tamarac, for funds for annual debt service for the City of Tamarac, Florida general obligation refunding bonds, series 1998; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Financial Services Director Mason made staffs presentation, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Mayor Bushnell opened the public hearing to interested parties. Fallowing public comment, Mayor Bushnell requested a motion on the matter. Commissioner Glasser moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez to approve TO2232 on second and final reading. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). ADOPTED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 ORDINANCE 0-2011-11 Mayor Bushnell announced that this was the second and final public hearing to establish the Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget, Capital Budget and Financial Policies. Mayor Bushnell asked City Manager Cernech to read his statement. City Manager Cernech read the following statement: "The tentative operating and capital budget for Fiscal Year 2012 is $109,734,372 which is $27,304,773 less than the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2011. The tentative general fund budget, which is the primary fund for providing governmental services such as, our contract with BSO, general and administrative services, public works, and parks and recreation, is $46,098,754 which is $1,302,798 more than the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2011. In addition, this will be the second year that we are including the financial policies as part of the adoption of the annual budget. These financial policies are an enhancement of our. long-term financial planning for the City. These policies set parameters for operating management, including establishing reserves for specific purposes, establishing accounts management and financial planning policies and establishing policies on economic resources." Assistant City Attorney Klahr read TO2233 by Title: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, adopting the operating budget, revenues and expenditures, the capital budget, and the financial policies for the fiscal. year 2012; repealing all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. The Mayor and Commissioners commended Financial Services Director Mason and his staff on an excellent job in preparing the budget and keeping them well informed. Financial Services Director Mason thanked Management and Budget Analysts Kareyann Ashworth and Emilie Smith for greatly assisting him throughout the budget process, and thanked all members of the executive team without whose help we would not be where we are today. Page 2 of 3 City Commission Special Meeting September 21, 2011 1 1 Mayor Bushnell opened the public hearing and invited public comments. There were no public comments. Mayor Bushnell inquired whether there was a motion on this matter. Vice Mayor Gomez moved, seconded by Commissioner Glasser, to approve TO2233 on second and final reading. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). ADOPTED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 ORDINANCE 0-2011-12 There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Bushnell adjourned the Special Meeting of the City Commission at 5:40 p.m. a'�- Z'Ld Pamela Bushnell, Mayor . `77 Peter M. J. Rir ardson, CRM City Clerk TAM,4 U: �gTAB�-t 9' SEAS '•p_ Page 3 of 3 City Commission Special Meeting September 21, 2011 9/21/2011 City of Tamarac FY 2012 Proposed Millage Rates and Operating Budget Temporary ordinance 2232 Millage/Debt Service Rates Final Public Hearing September 21, 2011 9/21./2011 Operating & Debt Service Millage Rates ► General Fund Operating Millage Rate: Tentative Millage Rate established on September 14, 2011 at 6.6850 Provides for general operations of the City Equal to the rolled -back rate ► Voted Debt Millage Rate Tentative rate established on September 14, 2011 at 0.0924 which is an increase of .0030 mills over the rate of .0894. Used for annual debt service associated with the General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1998. ► Millage Rate x Taxable Value = Ad Valorem Taxes. ► Expressed in terms of rate per $1,000 of value. ► Example: (6.6850 x 50,000) /1000 = $334.25 Operating Millage Rate ► Proposed Millage Rate of 6.6850 (rolled -back rate) will support: • The proposed operating budget for FY 2012 • Maintaining service levels o Maintaining staffing levels at 2.72 full time equivalent per 1,000 residents (the same as FY 2011) • A decrease in the tax levy per capita from $285 to $278 for FY 2012 2 9/21/2011 S4.soo y Taxable Property Values Total Taxable Assessed Value Millage Rates ................................................. Millage Rates vs. Taxable Values r.ouoo 5 6 3 9/21/2011 Property Tax Levies by Dollar Value City of Tamarac Percentnoa of All Properties Tax Levies by Dollar Value FY2009(5.3215mills) FY 2010 (5.9999 mills) FY2011(6.Smills) FY2012(6.68Smil Hof #of #of #of Taxes Levied Properties % Properties % Properties % Properties % $0 1,128 3.59% 2,813 8.94%_.._..._ 3,914 12.40% 3,964 12. $1-$250 9,771 31.0996 10,015 31,82% 12,599 39.90% 12,841 40. $251-$500 7,004 22,28% 7,946 25,25% 7,970 25.24% 7,990 25. $501-$750 6,117 19,46% 5,884 19.70% 4,268 13.52% 4,019 12, $751-$1,000 3,982 12.67% 3,016 9.58% 1,637 5.18% 1,504 4. $1,000 - $1,250 2,029 6,46% 918 2.92% 522 1.65% 552 1. $1,251-$1,500 665 2,12% 326 1.04% 175 0.55% 214 0. $1,501 - $1,750 290 0.92% 140 0.44% 72 0.23% 91 0. n $1,750 445 1.42%_ 412 1.31% 417 1.32% 420 1. Total Properties 31,431 31,470 31,574 31,595 $0- $500 Percentage r 56.96% 66,01% r 77.54% r 78.48% $0- $750 Percentage 76,42% 84.71% 91.06% 91.20% Temporary Ordinance 2233 Budget Ordinance Final Public Hearing September 21, 2011 7 8 4 9/21/2011 FY 2012 Budget Development & Review ► Budget discussions began in January 2011 at the Strategic Planning Session. ► Between January and July, four budget workshops were held between City Commission and staff. ► Through the budget workshops, services provided, service level needs and requirements were reviewed and discussed. ► Evaluated revenue availability — current and future. ► Evaluated future impact of current year decisions. Summary of Budget ADOPTED TENTATIVE FUND TYPE BUDGET GENERAL $ 46,098,754 SPECIAL REVENUE $ 25,302,851 DEBT SERVICE $ 3,073,800 CAPITAL PROJECT $ 6,187,400 ENTERPRISE $ 26,474,547 INTERNAL SERVICE $ 2,597,020 $ 109,734,372 61 9/21/2011 FY 2012 Budget Development & Review ► Program Enhancement Funding Two (2) Code Enforcement Officer positions to maintain and revitalize our built environment $148,000 Citywide Facility Repairs and Maintenance including flooring and exterior paint for various facilities $111,000 Expansion of the Neighborhood Partnership and Meeting Program and a greater financial commitment to the Homeowners Liaison Program - $23,000 Performance Measurement Software to improve the quality and relevance of performance information for all users -- $80,000 (will be funded by a grant in the amount of $50,000) Parks and Recreation enhancements and program expansion to increase resident services and participation, as well as, enhance sustainable revenue opportunities - $50,250 City Website Redesign to showcase the professionalism of the government, to optimize the experience for visitors, and to entice new residents and businesses to relocate to Tamarac $50,000 Expanded Parks and Recreation programming to include the offering of a variety of Sports Leagues to residents of all ages - $14,000 (the full cost is offset by revenues) Cittyywwide Telephone System Upgrade to better serve the customers and employees of the City $76, 000 Establish Capital Equipment fund for the purpose of setting aside funding for capital equipment wand vehicle replacements over six years - $2,000,000 FY 2012 Budget Development & Review ► Capital Project Funding $300,000 for a Redevelopment and Corridor Study $185,000 in FY 2012 and $150,000 in FY 2013 for Citywide Residential Development Entry Signage $300,000 additional funding for Bikeways Path Phase 1 $40,500 additional funding for Tephford Park Playground addition for sidewalks, etc. $1,500,000 for Bikeways Path Phase 2 consisting of $750,000 MPO Grant Funding and a City Match of $750,000 $50,000 for NW 801h Avenue Sidewalk $75,000 for a Football Field Press Box at the Multi -Sports Complex $250,000 additional funding for Mainlands Park $125,700 for Privacy Walls locations to be determined ®L-$70.000 for Woodlands Blvd. Bike Path Turn Lane I 12 11 9/21/2011