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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-10 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC ' CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bushnell called the workshop meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. on Monday, October 10, 2011 in Room 105, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL. ROLL CALL: Mayor Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Marion Swenson, Vice Mayor Michelle J. Gomez and Commissioner Diane Glasser were in attendance. Commissioner Harry Dressler was absent. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Michael Cernech, Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips, City Attorney Sam Goren and City Clerk Peter M. J. Richardson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Mayor Gomez led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. EAST COAST PROTECTIVE LEVEE UPDATE: East Coast Protective Levee Update— Public Works Director Jack Strain, Chief Building Official/Director Claudio Grande, Lucine Dadrain, South Florida Water Management District and Lenny Vialpando, Broward County ' Mr. Grande introduced Lucine Dadrain, representing the South Florida Water Management District, to provide an update on the status of the East Coast protective levee. She noted that the L-36 levee protected the residents of the City of Tamarac and surrounding areas. Ms. Dadrain provided an overview of actions taken during the past year by the South Florida Water Management District to enhance the overall protection features of the levy system, including the installation of ring dykes and maintenance monitors, and the removal of trees and shrubs consistent with applicable federal regulations. Ms. Dadrain stated that the South Florida Water Management District's intent was to certify the east coast protective levee by 2013 and had applied for the provisional accredited levee designation. Mr. Strain said that these actions would preserve the existing flood insurance ratings for the City of Tamarac. Carole Morris of the South Florida Water Management District and Mr. Vialpando made a brief presentation regarding the status of flood zone maps for the City of Tamarac. Mr. Vialpando also provided copies of applicable flood maps for some portions of the City, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits 1-4. Mr. Vialpando stated that FEMA would be holding three public meetings during November relative to the issuance of preliminary flood zone maps, including a meeting to be held at the Pat Larkins Community Center in Pompano Beach on Wednesday, November 16th which would be attended by representatives of the City of Tamarac. Mr. Grande noted that City staff would be bringing a follow-up resolution regarding levee and flood map matters in the future. I 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING POTENTIAL CANCELLATION OF THE NOVEMBER 21, 2011 WORKSHOP MEETING AND NOVEMBER 23, 2011 Page 1 of 4 City Commission Workshop October 10, 2011 REGULAR MEETING; THE DECEMBER 27, 2011 WORKSHOP MEETING AND DECEMBER 28, 2011 REGULAR MEETING DUE TO THE CITY'S HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Potential Cancellation of previously referenced meetings. — City Clerk Peter M. J. Richardson Mr. Richardson noted that City of Tamarac offices would be closed on Thursday, November 24th, Friday, November 25th, Friday, December 23rd and Monday, December 26th, 2011, consistent with the City's holiday calendar. He inquired whether or not it was the pleasure of the Mayor and City Commissioners to cancel the following City Commission meetings via an expression of interest: Monday, November 215c Workshop meeting, Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011 regular meeting, Tuesday, December 27th, 2011 workshop meeting and Wednesday, December 28th, 2011 regular meeting. There was City Commission concurrence for an expression of interest to cancel the previously referenced meetings during November and December 2011. 3. Item No. 6 (b) on the Consent Agenda. PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF MUSCO LIGHT -STRUCTURES GREEN SYSTEMS AT THE TAMARAC SPORTS COMPLEX (TR12101): A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving the purchase and installation of Sports Cluster Green Musco Lighting systems at a cost not to exceed $202,120.00, utilizing the Clay County Contract No. 08/09-3 for the high energy -saving lighting fixtures project located at the Tamarac Sports Complex; approving funding from the appropriate grant fund accounts; I authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. — Public Works Director Jack Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Keith Glatz Mr. Strain stated that the installation of the new lighting system at the Sports Complex would make it possible to control the lighting system remotely. He stated that system was being funded from a grant from the United States Department of Energy and that the anticipated duration of the project was forty-five days. Vice Mayor Gomez inquired about potential disruptions to events at the Sports Complex. Mr. Strain said that City staff would make every effort for the lighting system installation to have a minimal impact on upcoming activities at the Sports Complex. Mayor Bushnell inquired whether the new system included lighting of parking areas. Mr. Strain stated that parking lot lighting was funded through the same grant, but was a separate project involving induction lighting. Commissioner Glasser inquired about the potential for lighting - related concerns from neighbors of the Sports Complex. Mr. Strain said that the lighting system was high -efficiency, meaning that there should be few, if any, concerns about lighting spillover from the sports fields on to adjoining properties. 4. UPDATE ON SOLID WASTE CONTRACT: Update on Solid Waste contract. — Public Works Director Jack Strain and BudgetlContracts Manager Troy Gies 1 Page 2 of 4 City Commission Workshop October 10, 2011 Budget and Contracts Manager Troy Gies noted that City staff had received a large volume of calls last Monday relative to the new solid waste pick-up schedule which took effect in early October. Mr. Gies also stated that the delivery of new garbage and recycling carts had commenced this past Saturday. He said that approximately a dozen existing customers currently received side door trash pick-up service and that another half dozen customers were requesting similar service due to health -related matters. Mr. Gies said that side door service required the approval of a medical waiver, including applicable documentation from a doctor. Commissioner Swenson suggested the possibility of sending out blast a -mails regarding new service delivery dates and information about the delivery of refuse and recycling carts. Mr. Gies noted that the residential refuse route map and related information had been updated on the City's website this morning. Mr. Strain noted that the new containers also included information about the new service pick-up schedules for trash and recycling. Vice Mayor Gomez inquired whether there was a schedule for when carts would be delivered. Mr. Gies said a specific schedule was difficult to determine at this time. Mr. Strain noted that delivery of all new service carts would be completed by no later than November 14th. Vice Mayor Gomez inquired about the proper method for disposal of old trash cans and recycling bins. Mr. Strain said if the old cans were marked with an "X" and left curbside, Waste Management would dispose of any unwanted trash cans or recycling bins. 5. UPDATE ON COLONY WEST DUE DILIGENCE: Update on Colony West Due Diligence process. — Community and Economic Affairs Officer Andy Berns Mr. Berns presented an update on the Colony West due diligence process, reiterating that this was a land purchase, rather than the purchase of a business, with the objective being to preserve 262 acres of open space in perpetuity. He stated that this course of action would protect property values in 21 subdivisions adjacent to the Colony West Golf Course and surrounding areas. Mr. Berns said that the due diligence process would be taking place within approximately sixty days, including a full inventory of buildings on the property and a property boundary survey. Mr. Goren noted that the due diligence process would also include an in-depth title examination for the property. Mr. Berns stated that City staff would negotiate a lease agreement with Sand Trap Management. He noted that if staff was unable to come to terms on the lease agreement, the contract for sale of the property would become null and void. Mr. Berns stated that the process was only a few steps into a very long process. Mr. Goren said that many conditions had to be met prior to actually closing the potential transaction. He stated that the City of Tamarac reserved all of its rights and options in this matter, including the sole right and option to potentially cancel the transaction. 6. Other Business ' Mr. Goren presented an update on the status of the proposed Broward County Ethics Code and its potential applicability to local elected officials within Broward County. He Page 3 of 4 City Commission Workshop October 10, 2011 stated that the Broward County Board of Commissioners would be considering the potential ethics code would be considered at a meeting to be held at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. Mr. Goren said a number of alternative proposals were also being offered by individual County Commissioners and the Broward County Attorney's Office in addition to some potential addenda items. Mr. Goren briefly reviewed a number of issues relative to the proposed code of ethics and its potential application to local elected officials, including: (1) concurrent and third -party employment, (2) lobbyist and lobbying activities, (3) non-profit related activities and (4) seeking advisory opinions from city attorneys on ethics matters. Mr. Goren also responded to several questions from the Mayor and City Commissioners regarding concurrent and third -party employment and other concerns. Mr. Goren said more would be known about the ethics code related matters tomorrow, following the Broward County Board of Commissioners meeting. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Bushnell adjourned the workshop meeting at 10:54 a.m. OD ' ESTABLISHED•, a _x: -O: 1963 �'• SEAL `Q .. .....••... U N-Vq , ` *PeterM. ardson, CRM City Clerk P Page 4 of 4 City Commission Workshop October 10, 2011 n re NJ �11 SN 3n1 NNN q NHIsI AFlld N ry Fk"•;:, may`, m 9 w Aoif -<fNN