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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-13 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 2012 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 in City Commission Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. ROLL CALL: Mayor Beth Talabisco, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell and Commissioner Michelle J. Gomez were in attendance. Commissioner Harry Dressler was absent. Also in attendance were City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren and City Clerk Peter Richardson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Beth Talabisco led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Beth Talabisco proclaiming June 20, 2012 as "Tamarac Historical Society Day". (Requested by the Tamarac Historical Society) 2. CITY COMMISSION REPORTS: a. Commissioner Bushnell: Noted that she had been out of town in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey over the Memorial Day weekend and was therefore unable to attend the City's annual Memorial Day commemoration ceremony. Commissioner Bushnell also said that it had been her honor to present the Tamarac Chamber of Commerce annual Small Business Person Award to Dr. Alan Bussell. She also said that it had been her pleasure to attend and speak at the recent graduation ceremony for rising fifth grade students. Finally, Commissioner Bushnell thanked all of the advisory board and committee members, her fellow City Commissioners, and applicable City staff for attending the recent advisory boards and committees appreciation luncheon. b. Commissioner Gomez: Expressed appreciation to everyone who attended this year's Memorial Day commemoration ceremony. Commissioner Gomez extended congratulations to all of the fifth grade graduates from Challenger Elementary School and appreciation to teachers at the school for their efforts and energies. Finally, Commissioner Gomez expressed appreciation to everyone who attended this year's boards and committees appreciation luncheon. Page 1 of 5 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 2012 c. Vice Mayor Glasser: Noted that it had been her pleasure to attend the recent graduation ceremony at Tamarac Elementary School for rising fifth grade students. Vice Mayor Glasser noted that she used to be a mentor at Tamarac Elementary School for young people potentially running for political office in the future. She said that it was a pleasure to work with young people who were eager to learn about student government and local government. Vice Mayor Glasser also said it was wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm of the volunteers serving on the City's advisory boards and committees. d. Mayor Talabisco: Noted that it had been her pleasure to recently speak to a young lady attending Fort Lauderdale High School, who had been selected to participate in this year's "Girl's State" program in Tallahassee. Mayor Talabisco also said that she had the pleasure of attending the recent fifth -grade graduation ceremony for more than 200 students at Tamarac Elementary School. Mayor Talabisco also made note that the recent board and committee advisory appreciation luncheon included many new participants, who were volunteering their time in Tamarac. Mayor Talabisco said that she had been sworn in at the last week's Broward League of Cities Board of Directors meeting, held in Deerfield Beach. She noted that Florida Power and Light (FP&L) staff had made a presentation regarding a proposed new charge to customers, related to research and development purposes. Mayor Talabisco said that both the Broward League of Cities Board of Directors and staff were carefully reviewing the details of this proposal. Mayor Talabisco also stated that she would keep her City Commission colleagues apprised about this matter. 3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: Mr. Goren presented a brief update on the status of the Prestige Homes cases, referencing the appellate court case, he noted that the City's legal counsel was filing a motion to dismiss the appeal and to reinstate the request in the federal court for fees, costs and expenses pending before the court. He also noted that the two other state court cases were still pending and motions to dismiss were pending relative to both cases. Mr. Goren reminded the Mayor and City Commissioners about their obligation to attain eight annual hours of required ethics training prescribed by the Broward County Code of Ethics for elected officials. He also noted that in January 2013, elected officials in Broward County would have third -party employment income disclosure obligations. Mr. Goren noted that Commissioner Bushnell had requested a legal opinion which would only apply to her as the person making the request. Mr. Goren said that the City Attorney's Office would be pleased to provide legal opinions to the other members of the City Commission. 4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: Page 2 of 5 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 2012 Mr. Cernech noted that representatives from City of Tamarac Departments and surrounding municipalities participated in a FEMA-approved hurricane preparedness drill on May 24tn. He also noted that members of the City's Fire Rescue Extrication Team had finished in sixth place in the recent Broward Invitational event. Mr. Cernech invited all interested persons to attend and participate in this year's City of Tamarac Father's Day Fishing Tournament event to be held at Caporella Park on Saturday, June 16tn between 9:00 a.m. and 12 Noon. He also noted that this year's City Summer Camp program was full and was adding potential campers to a waiting list. Mr. Cernech said that the City's Red Bus Route had reached an all-time high of 15.8 riders per hour during the month of May 2012. Finally, he noted that over three hundred people attended the recent Memorial Day ceremony at Veteran's Park and more than sixty-five people had attended the recent advisory boards and committees appreciation luncheon. He also said that there was a very successful "pool bash" event at the Caporella Aquatics Center with more than 500 people in attendance. Mr. Cernech invited all interested persons to attend the upcoming July 4tn celebration event at the Tamarac Sports Complex, featuring a fun zone, arts and crafts, and a fireworks display. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Tom Pirzl, representing Chase Bank, said that he was pleased to announce that a new branch, located at 6401 West Commercial Boulevard in Tamarac, would be opening on August 7tn Sharon Aron Baron encouraged all interested persons to become familiar with candidates for the upcoming Broward County School Board election in November. She also requested that the City Commission give consideration to the re -opening of parks facilities on Mondays and holidays. Finally, Ms. Baron noted that although the grass at 64tn and Commercial had recently been mowed, some other improvements were needed to this area. Patti Lynn expressed congratulations to Commissioner Bushnell and Vice Mayor Glasser for being re-elected to their respective district seats on the City Commission. Ms. Lynn noted that tomorrow was Flag Day and she encouraged everyone to remember and commemorate this very important day. Ms. Lynn also expressed concern that there had been a total of three residential break-ins in the Mainlands 8 community during the past three weeks. She suggested that a wall or fence be installed to potentially deter additional burglaries in this area. Ms. Lynn also inquired whether or not the Tamarac Historical Society knew why there were two different dedication plaques, listing two separate groups of elected officials relative to the dedication of Tamarac City Hall in 1988. Finally, Ms. Lynn noted that her granddaughter was an alternate for this year's "Girl's State" program in Tallahassee. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: Page 3 of 5 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 2012 Mayor Talabisco asked City Manager Cernech whether there were any recommended changes or additions to this evening's Consent Agenda. Mr. Cernech said there were no changes or additions to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Gomez, seconded by Commissioner Bushnell, moved approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was adopted unanimously (4-0). a. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 23, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES APPROVED b. TR12207 - INSTALLATION OF CARPET AT CITY HALL: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to select, approve, and award the purchase and installation of the carpet at City Hall to the contractors utilizing Contract No. 360-240-06-1 awarded by the Florida Department of Management Services in the best interest of the City; approving an expenditure not to exceed $88,792.92 from the appropriate accounts for said purpose; authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper accounting purposes; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-71 c. TR12208 - APPOINTING ONE RESIDENT TRUSTEE TO THE POLICE PENSION BOARD: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, appointing one resident Trustee to the Police Pension Board to serve a two-year term ending February 27, 2014 or until new appointments are made; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-72 d. TR12213 - MAINLANDS PARK LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROGRAM: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, accepting a grant award in the amount of $200,000 from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Land and Water Conservation Fund Program; authorizing the appropriate city officials to execute a Project Agreement between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the City of Tamarac for grant funding in the amount of $200,000 with a one-to-one match of $200,000 in local funds for the development of Mainlands Park; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-73 7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for this meeting. 8. ORDINANCE(S) — FIRST READING a. TO2255 - AMENDING ORDINANCE 2011-12 FY 2012 BUDGET: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on first reading amending Ordinance 2011-12, which adopted the City of Tamarac Operating Budget, Revenues and Expenditures, the Capital Budget, and the Financial Policies for the Fiscal Year 2012, by increasing the total revenues and expenditures by a total of $5,199,663 as detailed in Exhibit A attached hereto; providing for an effective date of May 1, 2012 for position reclassifications and creations; Page 4 of 5 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 2012 providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read TO2255 by title into the record. Commissioner Glasser moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Glasser, to approve TO2255 on first reading. The motion was adopted unanimously (4-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING JUNE 11, 2012 9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): There were no Public Hearing(s) items scheduled for this meeting. 10. ORDINANCE(S) — SECOND READING(S): There were no Ordinance(s) — Second Reading(s) items scheduled for this meeting. 11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): There were no Quasi -Judicial Hearings(s) items scheduled for this meeting. 12. OTHER There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Talabisco adjourned the meeting at 7:43 p.m. �" W0,4 � * Beth Talabisco, Mayor J Peter M. J. Ricrardso`n, CRM, CMC City Clerk Page 5 of 5 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING June 13, 2012