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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-24 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the regular meeting of the City Commission to
order at 9:03 a.m. on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 in City Commission Chambers, Tamarac
City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Beth Talabisco,
Bushnell, Commissioner Michelle J.
Vice Mayor Diane Glasser, Commissioner Pamela
Gomez and Commissioner Harry Dressler were in
Also in attendance were City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren
and Assistant City Clerk Patricia Teufel.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Mayor Diane Glasser led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Talabisco moved out of order to make
the presentation of a proclamation to Mark Bader, CEO, University Hospital & Medical
Center, congratulating UHMC on being named a "Top Performer on Key Quality Measures"
by the Joint Commission (Requested by Mayor Beth Talabisco).
a. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Beth Talabisco Commending Rob Ocello for His
Unselfish Act of Gallantry. (Requested by Fire Chief Mike Burton)
b. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Beth Talabisco proclaiming the month of October
2012 as "Fire Prevention Month" (Requested by Fire Chief Mike Burton)
c. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Beth Talabisco congratulating Tamarac Fire
Rescue Captain Joseph Chin for winning "Best International EMS Team Category - 2012".
(Requested by Fire Chief Mike Burton)
5-Year Award: Maricela Jimenez, Field Technician/Construction, Public Services
10-Year Awards: James Nicotra, Senior Procurement Specialist, Financial Services;
Margarita Pacheco, Senior Customer Service Representative/Cashier, Parks & Recreation
15-Year Awards: Kay Reinert, Training Specialist, Human Resources; Michael Rybak,
Engineering Technician, Public Services
a. Commissioner Bushnell: Said she brings greetings from the City of Ft. Lauderdale. She
recently attended their commission meeting last Tuesday as a member of the Airport
Advisory Board of the Executive Airport as another member of the board was being given an
award. Commissioner Bushnell attended a book signing of Tamarac resident Susan Buzzi.
The book, "I am a Strong Woman", is about cancer survivors and features Mayor Talabisco.
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Commissioner Bushnell also attended Public Safety meetings on insurance and driving and
texting and will have a report at the next meeting on both of these issues. On October 23rd
she attended Millennium Middle School's Nature Scape event, hosted by Broward County,
which was very interesting after which she went to the Endeavor Learning Center to mentor a
first grade girl in reading.
Mayor Talabisco said she attended the Florida League of Cities Growth Management and
Economic Development Committee meeting and has draft revisions to Florida State Chapter
333 Airport Zoning that would be beneficial to Commissioner Bushnell as she is on the Airport
Advisory Board.
b. Commissioner Gomez: Wished everyone a Happy Halloween and said she is looking
forward to seeing everyone at the Halloween Hoopla and Taste of Tamarac. Commissioner
Gomez said she visited the Feeding South Florida Food Bank in Hollywood, toured their
facility and learned that people can donate food as well as volunteer. She also learned that
there are mobile food banks that go into communities and they also have supplies for
teachers and students who are in need of school supplies. Another program they have
provides backpacks of food for children to take home on weekends so they don't go hungry.
Commissioner Gomez attended the Relay -for -Life kickoff on October 11th and Millennium's
Nature Scape event where she learned of various programs in Broward County regarding
nature preserves, water conservation and other programs in order to sustain our
c. Vice Mayor Glasser: Said she had the opportunity to meet with Senator Jeremy Ring who
was discussing the upcoming legislative session. Senator Ring appears to be honing in on
infrastructure in cities. This is something that Tamarac will need as the city's infrastructure
ages. Vice Mayor Glasser also attended an ADRC meeting where they discussed the
problems they are having raising funds to cover their various programs that aid the elderly
and infirm.
Mayor Talabisco noted that City Attorney Goren has served as pro bono council to the ADRC
for many years.
d. Commissioner Dressler: Spoke of a recent break-in in one of his neighborhoods which has
created a lot of fear. Commissioner Dressler said he had been coordinating with
neighborhood news letters to provide tips on how people can minimize their vulnerability to
this kind of home invasion. -Chief Duguay and BSO have been very cooperative and provided
additional information. Commissioner Dressler talked about Autumn Pasquale, of Clayton,
NJ, who was murdered and her body placed in a dumpster. She was allegedly murdered by
two teenage brothers for her bike. Commissioner Dressler also talked about the atrocities in
Syria which should matter to everyone as they are human beings and opined how often we
forget to be human and respectful and what it means to remember values and morals. We
need to place in perspective the kind of issues we argue about, when compared to 30,000
dead Syrians or a young innocent girl murdered for her bike, or some poor elderly person
sitting at home in the dark in fear of her life, we ought to place our political and community
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related kinds of conversations in perspective and back off the animosity. Finally,
Commissioner Dressler spoke of the possible impact of Hurricane Sandy and reminded
everyone to remain vigilant and prepared.
e. Mayor Talabisco: Wished both Assistant City Manager Phillips and City Attorney Goren a
Happy Birthday. Mayor Talabisco said she attended a Growth Management and Economic
Development Committee meeting and found it to be very interesting. There are three issues
that the Committee will be putting forward to be voted on at the meeting in November. When
the issues are solidified she will pass them along to the Commission.
Mayor Talabisco said she attended the second meeting of the Community Investment Re -
Investment Committee on Monday and is honored to be Chairing that Committee. This
committee will meet through May and currently their focus is preparing a 2013 Legislative
Action Plan. At the next meeting they will formalize the Action Plan and put it forward to the
Policy Committee after which it will go to the Legislature. A few of the issues the Committee
is looking at are: preservation and enhancement of property values; facilitating economic
development and redevelopment and the demise of CRA's and lastly, golf course
Mayor Talabisco spoke of Tamarac resident Susan Buzzi's book, "I am a Strong Woman",
about cancer survivors and is honored to be featured in the book. Commissioner Bushnell
suggested that next October Ms. Buzzi should display her pictures at the Community Center.
Mayor Talabisco said that Ms. Buzzi is also lecturing and showing the exhibit on November
10th at the Coconut Creek library. Mayor Talabisco said that during the month of October the
Sun -Sentinel has been running a series called "Life's Victories" and she will be featured in the
October 20th edition. Mayor Talabisco spoke about Gilda's Club and the phenomenal
outreach programs they provide people throughout South Florida. Mayor Talabisco said last
evening she attended the "Party In Pink" event with over 200 other survivors.
3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Goren said under County Charter the Inspector
General is required to provide an annual report to the citizens of Broward County every fiscal
year. The Inspector General will present his report on October 31 St at 11:00 a.m. in Room 430
in the Governmental Center. City Attorney Goren said he has seen a draft of the report and it
is worth reading in the context of the general scope and authority of the IG. The Ethics Task
Force, which Vice Mayor Glasser was a member, made every effort to have the County
Commission look at cities differently in the context of who we are vs. who the County
Commissioners are and how the Ethics Code would be applicable to cites. Unfortunately not
all that was asked for was included in the revisions, however, significant changes were made
to the document that would not have happened without the efforts of the Ethics Task Force.
As the former Chair of the Selection and Oversight Committee who selected Mr. Scott, he will
be present, on behalf of the Broward League of Cities, at the presentation.
City Attorney Goren said the County Charter has a group called the Board of Rules and
Appeals and he has had conversations with City Manager Cernech and Chief Building Official
Grande regarding the status of that group. The Board of Rules and Appeals deals with the
qualifications and selection of certain licensed professionals typically building inspectors.
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There was a recent movement to have the Board of Rules and Appeals impose a local rule
that would apply in Broward with regard to the selection and qualifications of certain qualified
building officials which would have an impact in Tamarac. At last week's meeting the Board of
Rules and Appeals departed from the request to change the rules and will not do so at this
time. However, Mike Ryan, Esq. has made a public records request of the Board of Rules
and Appeals attorney for any legal opinions, analyses or other reports that were issued
leading to the Board of Rules and Appeals not taking any action. City Attorney Goren said he
will provide copies of the public records request to the Commission and staff as soon as he
gets them. This was a serious issue as it would have taken some of the home rule authority
from cities in making decisions regarding the hiring of certain qualified professionals.
Attorney Goren
he is not asking for a
Shade Session today, but he will be
Commission on
4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Cernech said applications for Tamarac
Universitywill be accepted starting November 1 St through November 18t". The program will
p 9 9 p g
run for seven weeks with the first class being held on March 19t". Applications will be
available online on the city's website, and at the back of the Commission Chambers.
The Financial Services Department received notice that the City has been awarded the
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance
Officers Assoc. for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ending
September 30, 2011. This is the twenty-fourth consecutive year the City has received the
award and the twenty-seventh overall.
The Parks &Recreation Department reports that the first city run Youth Soccer League has
523 children registered which is the most ever for Youth Soccer in Tamarac. Social Services
reports that more than 30 free flu shots were administered at University Hospital on Friday,
October 19tn
Upcoming events: Medicare enrollment will be done free via the Aging and Disability
Resource Center Shine Program on Thursday, November 15t" from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
at the Tamarac Community Center. There will be a Senior Social, hosted by Northwest
Regional Hospital, at the Community Center on November 20t" starting at 11:00 a.m. The
topic is "Are You at Risk for Heart Disease".
City Manager Cernech invited everyone to the Halloween Hoopla scheduled for Friday,
October 26t" from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Tamarac Park and the Annual Tamarac Chamber
of Commerce Taste of Tamarac scheduled for Saturday, October 27t" from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. at the Tamarac Community Center. The cost of admission is $10.00 (but you can get a
buy one get one coupon) and children underl2 are free. The Veteran's Day ceremony will be
held on Sunday, November 11t" at 10:30 a.m. at Veteran's Park. This year's ceremony will
include a special presentation to recently deceased Bill Kling, local veteran advocate and
past president of the Broward Veterans Council.
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City Manager Cernech said that Tamarac is featured
Innovations Group website and in their Transforming
work we have done on management by data.
this month and next month on the
Local Government magazine for the
5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mayor Talabisco opened Public Participation and Steven Buck,
4573 NW King Palm Drive, spoke of his concern about coyotes in the Woodlands area. With
no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Talabisco closed Public Participation
6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Talabisco asked City Manager Cernech whether there were
any changes or additions to the Consent Agenda. City Manager Cernech said no.
Commissioner Bushnell seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved approval of the Consent
Agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously (5-0).
CONDITIONS FOR MULTIPLE ROADS: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida, approving execution of Task Authorization No. 012-04E with Kimley-Horn
and Associates, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for a Citywide Roadway
Assessment and development of a Pavement Maintenance Management System, in
accordance with the City's Continuing Service Agreement as authorized by Resolution R-
2011-87; authorizing an expenditure for said purpose in an amount not to exceed $79,300.00;
authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper accounting purposes; providing for
conflict; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
c. TR12233 - EXECUTION OF 2012-2013 RCMP GRANT AGREEMENT: A Resolution of the
City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida authorizing the appropriate City officials to
execute a grant an agreement in the amount of $100,000 with a 2:1 match in local funds in an
amount not to exceed $200,000 from the Florida Division of Emergency Management for
Residential Construction Mitigation Program grant funds to improve storm resistance of
residences in the City of Tamarac; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and
providing for an effective date.
d. TR12238 - WINN DIXIE REFUND: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida authorizing the appropriate City Officials to approve a refund in the amount
of Ninety Three Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Five Dollars and Thirty Five Cents
($93,495.35) which was paid on Commercial Alteration Permit Number 11-1254; providing for
conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the
appropriate City Officials to execute the supplement to HTE Inc. Software License and
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Services Agreement dated April. 9, 1997 as amended by and between SunGard Public Sector
and City of Tamarac to purchase and implement an On -Line Permitting /Electronic Plan
Review System; authorizing an expenditure for an amount not to exceed $198,960; providing
for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
f. TR12253 - ST. MALACHY CARNIVAL: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to grant a waiver of Business
Revenue Licensing Fees in the amount of $1,558.90 and to extend the hours of operation to
11:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 1, 2012 through Saturday, November 3, 2012, and on
Sunday, November 4, 2012 to 10:00 p.m., and to approve the sale and consumption of
alcoholic beverages for the Saint Malachy Catholic Church beginning on Friday, November 2,
2012 through Sunday, November 4, 2012, located at 6200 John Horan Terrace (northeast
corner of NW 61 st Street and University Drive) during the operation of the Saint Malachy
Catholic Church annual carnival beginning Thursday, November 1, 2012 and ending Sunday,
November 4, 2012 Case No. 20-MI-12; providing for conditions of approval; providing for
conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
g. TR12254 - PLAN CONSOLIDATION COUNTYWIDE E911: A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, expressing the City's support for the adoption of
a plan for Cooperative Countywide Consolidation of E-911 Communications and Dispatch
wholly funded through County ad valorem taxes; directing the City Clerk to distribute this
Resolution to the Board of County Commissioners for Broward County, the Broward County
League of Cities and each of the municipalities in Broward County; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date,
h. TR12255 - WAIVER OF APPOINTMENT AHAC: A Resolution of the City Commission of
the City of Tamarac, Florida authorizing the City Commission to waive a portion of the
appointment process specified in Chapter ll, Article III (Section 2-58) of the City of Tamarac
Code of Ordinances as it pertains to appointments to the Affordable Housing Advisory
Committee ("AHAC") as provided in Section 9-134, of the City of Tamarac Code of
Ordinances; providing for severability; providing for conflicts; providing for an effective date.
MEMBERS: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, appointing
members to the City's Affordable Housing Advisory Committee; directing city staff to take any
and all action necessary to effectuate the intent of this resolution; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
j. TR12262 - AMENDMENT #4: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac,
Florida, concerning Amendment 4 to the Florida Constitution which, if adopted, would create
additional inequities in Florida's tax system by granting certain tax breaks to some taxpayers
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at the expense of other taxpayers; directing the City Clerk to transmit a
Resolution to the Broward League of Cities and the Florida League of Cities;
conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
copy of this
providing for
k. TR12263 -FLU VACCINATIONS: A Resolution of the City Commission of the. City of
Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to accept free flu vaccinations and
execute a hold harmless agreement between the City of Tamarac and University Hospital
relating to University Hospital donating and administering approximately one hundred (100)
free flu vaccinations to city employees at the City of Tamarac annual Employee and
Education Fair on November 1, 2012; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and
providing for an effective date.
7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for this meeting.
8. ORDINANCE(S) —FIRST READING: There were no Ordinances -First Reading items
scheduled for this meeting.
9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): There were no Public Hearing items scheduled for this meeting.
10. ORDINANCE(S) —SECOND READINGS: There were no Ordinances —Second Reading
items scheduled for this meeting.
Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving the vacation of
right of -way (R.O.W.) for a portion of McNab Road to allow for the future development of the
subject property, for the property located on the southwest corner of Hiatus Road and McNab
Road (Case No. 1-P-12); providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for
an effective date. City Attorney Goren read TR12259 by title into the record. Commissioner
Bushnell seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved approval of TR12259. City Attorney
Goren went over the Quasi -Judicial proceedings and Assistant City Clerk Teufel swore in all
stakeholders. Community Development Director Bramley gave a presentation. Howard E.
Nelson, Esquire appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Mayor Talabisco opened the Public Hearing: Jean Blier, 10730 NW 70"' S#., presented
Community Development Director Bramley and Attorney Nelson with a letter from the Isles of
Tamarac Homeowners Association (attached hereto and incorporated herein). City Attorney
Goren read the letter into the record. Ms. Blier also spoke of her concerns regarding
increased traffic and noise. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Talabisco closed the
Public Hearing.
The motion passed unanimously (5-0).
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There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Talabisco
adjourned the meeting 10:18 a.m.
Patricia Teufef, Cl
Assistant City Cle
Beth Talabisco', Mayo
Page 8 of 8 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING October 24, 2012
Isles of Tamarac Homeowners Association
10500 NW 70th St
Tamarac, Fl. 33321
Mr. Howard E. Nelson
Attorney -At --Law
1450 Brickell Ave
23rd Fl
Miami, Fl. 33331
October 23, 2012
Dear Mr. Nelson:
This letter is to advise you that the Board of Directors of the Isles of Tamarac
Homeowners Association is giving its approval for the erection of a masonry
wall on the north side of McNab Rd from 108th Terrace to 104th Av. It is our
understanding that,due to the expansion of City Furniture, this wall will act as
a sound barrier for our residents living in this area who will certainly benefit
from it.
If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 954 675-
`Sin erely
4' s3
J6, h r an, President
I es of Tamarac Homeowners Association
cc: Mr. Howard E. Nelson, Attorney -At -Law