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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-12-12 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2012 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 7:04 p.m. on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 in City Commission Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. ROLL CALL: Mayor Beth Talabisco, Vice Mayor Michelle J. Gomez, Commissioner Diane Glasser, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Harry Dressler were in attendance. Also in attendance were City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren and Interim City Clerk Patricia Teufel. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Talabisco led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Beth Talabisco proclaiming December 12, 2012 as "Kenneth E. Behring Day". (Requested by Mayor Beth Talabisco) b. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Beth Talabisco commemorating Mainlands 1 & 2, Mainlands 3, Mainlands 4, Mainlands 5 and Mainlands 6 45th Anniversary (Requested by Commissioner Pamela Bushnell). c. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Beth Talabisco honoring Dorothy Willis (Requested by Mayor Beth Talabisco) Mayor Talabisco recognized the Metzger Family the owners of Arfington's Pet Resort the oldest remaining business in Tamarac which first opened in 1965. There was a presentation of a short video celebrating the 50th anniversary of the City of Tamarac. Mayor Talabisco said this was the first time they have seen the video and it is just awesome and d is filled with a sense of pride that she has not felt in sometime. Commissioner Bushnell said she is overwhelmed by the video and spoke of another video that she has not seen yet regarding the different city halls over the last 50 years. Mayor Talabisco recognized Elise Boston and Linda Probert for the excellent work done on the video. Commissioner Dressler said he was thankful to be a part of something that truly is wonderful. Commissioner Dressler said he as well as his colleagues all have extensive relationships and they are diplomats and ambassadors for Tamarac outside of this county and this is a city that is connect to the local, county, state and federal levels. Commissioner Glasser said she has been living in Tamarac since 1973 and thanked Mr. Behring for giving people like herself an opportunity to come to Florida and live the comfortable life. Vice Mayor Gomez said she has been coming to Tamarac since 1979 when she visited her grandparents who lived in the Woodlands and when she moved down to Florida in 1994 she chose to live in Tamarac and it has been wonderful seeing how Tamarac has changed with the times. Page 1 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 City Manager Cernech said the video was done by staff and he did not get a preview prior to this evenings showing. This just goes to show what outstanding employees we have and how much pride they take in what they do. City Manager Cernech said he was very impressed with their work on the video and he wanted to take the opportunity to thank Elise Boston, Melissa Petrone, Linda Probert and Diane Phillips as well as all of the employees who participated in the video. Mayor Talabisco introduced City Attorney Goren whose firm is the premier and preeminent law firm which specializes in municipal government. City Attorney Goren said he has been representing Tamarac since 2005 and what most people do not know is that he raised his family in Tamarac in Woodmont. City Attorney Goren said the Mr. Behring made not only an imprint in Woodmont but on the lives of the residents of Tamarac as a whole and it was an honor to meet Mr. Behring and his family this evening. Mayor Talabisco recognized her husband Jack Talabisco who has been by her side ever since she was elected the first female Mayor of the City of Tamarac and has been a friend to everyone on the Commission and Executive Team. Mayor Talabisco called for a brief recess at 7:33 p.m. and the meeting resumed at 7:35 p.m. with all present as before. 2. CITY COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Bushnell: Reported that she attended the Community Garage Sale and manned the Tamarac Historical table selling baked goods which made over $455 in sales. She also attended the Holiday Lighting Ceremony, Paws with Claus event, volunteer recognition luncheon as well as the employee holiday luncheon which wrapped up the employee United Way Campaign. She also read to the little girl that she mentors every Wednesday. Commissioner said that she is on the Broward League of City's committee dealing with texting while driving and reported that every day 11 teenagers die due to texting while driving. Commissioner Bushnell said that in 4.6 seconds you can drive an entire length of a football field at 55 mph, which is the same amount of time it takes to read an average text message. So every time you look at a text you are driving blind for 4.6 seconds. There will be a lot of legislation going forward to the legislature in Tallahassee which may stand a better chance of passing than it did last year. Florida is one of six states that does not have a law against texting while driving. Commissioner Bushnell wished everyone a Happy Hanukah and a Merry Christmas. Commissioner Glasser: Reported that she was unable to attend some events this past week because she was called to testify in the Patricia Atkins -Grad trial. As you are aware she was acquitted and will probably be returning to the Commission in the next few weeks. Commissioner Glasser said she attended the employee holiday luncheon which is the culmination of their United Way Campaign and they were able to exceed the goal of $27,000 that they had set. Commissioner Dressler: Reported that one year ago Gov. Scott asked all private and public hospitals to do a complete financial review and analysis of their business models from the view point of funding. Commissioner Dressler said the Affordable Care Act will have a dramatic impact on all hospital services and City Attorney Goren has been most helpful in Page 2 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 _ keeping him in the know and when he has a chance to review the next consultant's report and has done an analysis he will come back to the Commission with a report. This will have a huge impact on the residents of Tamarac in the coming year because people in the City pay as much as $2,000 a year in taxes to support some of the hospitals in the Broward Health System. Vice Mayor Gomez: Reported that she attended the Holiday Lighting Ceremony and the Chamber of Commerce holiday party. She also attended a meeting with the Superintendent of Schools where they discussed a new core curriculum to help our students and education system improve. They will be focusing on teaching children to learn instead of studying to take a test. Vice Mayor Gomez said that Marie Wright, PHD of Core Curriculum gave a presentation and showed how they will integrate computers, math and reading comprehension. Expressed her regret that she will not be able to attend future meetings, but hopefully at some point she will be able to get back on that committee. Vice Mayor Gomez said she attended the National League of Cities Conference in Boston where she sat on the Transportation Infrastructure and Steering Committee whose mission is "Moving Ahead for Progress" which is the long term Highway Authorization Bill enacted in 2005 that represents a milestone for the US economy wherein it provides needed funds and more importantly transforms the policy and programmatic frameworks to guide the growth and development of the country's vital transportation infrastructure. Vice Mayor Gomez she will provide the Commission with the appropriate paperwork for their review. Vice Mayor Gomez said that while in Boston she and Mayor Talabisco attended the Women in Government Luncheon that had an amazing speaker who spoke of how to put life in perspective. Vice Mayor Gomez said she had the privilege of the Commission selecting her to serve as Vice Mayor from November 2012 to November 2013. This is also the same Commission that on July 21, 2010 appointed her to serve as Commissioner for District 2 and said it has been a privilege and hopefully she will be back in two years. In the meantime she plans on participating and being active in the community and if said if she is needed for anything she will be happy to fill in. Vice Mayor Gomez thanked everyone for their support and appreciated everything everyone has done for her and wished everyone Happy Holidays. e. Mayor Talabisco: Reported that she, Commissioner Dressler and Vice Mayor Gomez attended an event at Tamarac Elementary where representatives from the Tamarac business community talked about the partnership programs they have with 501(c) 3 organizations. Mayor Talabisco suggested that the Tamarac Historical Society go on line and lookup the different grant programs that businesses have to supplement the money the Society makes selling baked goods. Mayor Talabisco reported that she and Vice Mayor Gomez attended the National League of Cities Conference in Boston and recommended the League should build in tiers to this kind of Conference so that someone who has been elected for 4 months is not thrown in with people who have been in office for 20 years. Mayor Talabisco said Laurie Mosley from Miramar was elected Women of the Year at the Women in Government luncheon. At that meeting they had corporate sponsors one of whom was from CIGNA and she spoke with the Page 3 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 representative and advised that the City just signed an agreement with CIGNA and asked her to speak with Maria Swanson regarding potential options to help Tamarac. Vice Mayor Gomez said she met a representative from Comcast who spoke about a program they have that is designed to expand broadband options among low income families with at least one child receiving a free or reduced price school lunch. Once a family qualifies they can receive affordable internet for $9.99 a month and the option to purchase a computer for $150 and access to free digital literacy training. Vice Mayor Gomez said Comcast is looking for partnerships and asked that staff look into this program and have Tamarac residents get internet access and help with their education. Commissioner Bushnell spoke of the Wright Charter school partnering with the Panthers and Jet Blue to help with the playground. Mayor Talabisco said she attended the Chamber of Commerce Holiday Party at Colony West County Club and said she talked with a gentleman from Waste Management about the scholarship program that they gave the City of Margate and asked if there was something he could do for Tamarac. Mayor Talabisco acknowledged and thanked TFR Captain Chris Dixon and the work that his team did to arrive at the contract that is on the Consent Agenda this evening. Mayor Talabisco said the Vice Mayor Gomez joined the Tamarac City Commission two years ago and it bittersweet that with Patte's acquittal and return to the Commission we will be saying goodbye to Michelle. In speaking with the press Mayor Talabisco said she and her colleagues as well as staff are consummate professionals and we are moving forward at this time. Mayor Talabisco said that Vice Mayor Gomez brought youth, vitality, decorum and professionalism and is a tremendous asset to the Commission and sees a brilliant political career ahead for her. Commissioner Dressler echoed Mayor Talabisco's sentiments and said from adversity comes opportunity and Vice Mayor Gomez was the opportunity and he is confident that we will find a way to keep her involved in Tamarac as she is far too valuable for Tamarac to lose and he fully expects to continue working with her in a different capacity. Commissioner Bushnell talked about the first time she met Michelle during the interview to fill the vacant seat and making the decision to appoint her, which was one of the better decisions made by the Commission. Commissioner Bushnell said the Tamarac Historical Society would love to have her as a member. Commissioner Glasser said we will all miss her on the Commission as she was a great asset who did a great job and we will find some way to keep Michelle involved. 3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: Reported that he had an obligation to advise the Commission regarding the decision the jury rendered yesterday in the Patte Atkins -Grad matter. As City Attorney we are advising the Governor's legal counsel tomorrow, once we receive copies of the judgment, of the decision of the Circuit Court. There will be a review at the Governor's office as to the reappointment and removal of the suspension order that was entered by an executive order of the Governor several years ago. City Attorney Goren said that Item 6 (j) on the Consent Agenda and a possible of conflict of interest that Vice Mayor Gomez may have because she works with some of the members of Page 4 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 the AHAC as well as their organizations. City Attorney Goren said that for the record and the Vice Mayor's benefit in the context of any vote there is no conflict of interest under Chapter 112 because there is no special private gain or loss that inures to the benefit of any one of the members and she does not have to abstain from voting on Item No. 6 (j) on the Consent Agenda. City Attorney Goren said Item 8(a) on the agenda is an Ordinance which was discussed at the workshop related to schools and special exceptions for zoning. This is an item which he will request a motion and vote from the Commission for a classic issue called Zoning in Progress. A Zoning in Progress can be generated by three different sources: where an applicant comes to the Commission asks to change a zoning category because of a particular or intended use in the future; an application for rezoning may come from the City itself to conduct a study to begin a potential change from agricultural to residential and the third option occurs when staff analyses a factual situation in a location and makes a recommendation of the change for a change in zoning that would otherwise occur. Item 8 (a) is a classic example of Zoning in Progress and in this situation it was Option 3 — where the administration and staff in reviewing the current zoning conditions in the City recommend that certain types and kinds of schools be special exception uses requiring certain addition review by the Commission. Given the fact that there is Zoning in Progress he will ask for a Motion to in fact confirm Zoning in Progress for two reasons: the first of which is a public statement that you acknowledge the fact that there is Zoning in Progress and secondly that any applicant that might come to City Hall today, tomorrow or even yesterday referencing a school request needs to know on record that the Commission is taking some level of review and action on a special exception that might happen in the future. Zoning in Progress works as a zoning tool that allows staff and administration to regulate the use of land in the City. City Attorney Goren said we will need a Motion to accept the fact that there is Zoning in Progress and you accept it, endorse it and recommend it. Commissioner Bushnell, seconded by Commissioner Glasser moved to accept the fact there is Zoning in Progress and the Commission accepts, endorses and recommends it. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). City Attorney Goren said in connection with Commissioner Dressler inquiry regarding the North Broward Hospital District they are having a public hearing on December 19th at 5:00 p.m. at the Westin Hotel as required by State Statute requiring all public hospitals to evaluate themselves, to value their community benefits and to conduct a public hearing for purposes of allowing the public to provide comments to determine whether or not it is either more beneficial or not beneficial to remain public or go private. A report was issued today at 5:00 p.m. today and he will get a copy for the Commission. Other hospitals have already conducted their hearings and all have chosen to remain public entities. Broward is different because they have the largest degree of indigent care of any of the public hospitals in the State of Florida, except for Jackson. City Attorney Goren said he will follow-up on the taxation matter and will schedule a meeting with the CEO to have that discussion subsequent to the hearing. Finally, City Attorney Goren said it has been his pleasure and honor to have served on this dais as your City Attorney along with Vice Mayor Gomez. Aside from being a public official she is colleague in the legal profession which he said he honors and respects as well. City Page 5 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 Attorney Goren said goodbyes are difficult to offer and suggested that we will simply say so long for now and thanked Vice Mayor Gomez for commitment and loyalty to the City of Tamarac and City staff. 4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Cernech said this is the last meeting of the year for 2012 which seemed to go by rapidly. We had an outstanding year in so much as what happened in Tamarac and what the Commission and the staff has been able to accomplish for the City. It is a bittersweet evening when we congratulate Vice Mayor Gomez on her tenure and thank her for her service and said he will miss her greatly and cannot say enough about the contribution, energy and enthusiasm that she brought to the district and office. City Manager Cernech said staff feels very much the same way and we will miss your wit and wisdom. Staff always knew that you were asking questions because you wanted to know the answers in order to make an informed decision. City Manager Cernech said that you have been one of the best commissioners and appreciates it. City Manager Cernech said that last month we passed a resolution supporting the consolidation of the 911 system. You said to the county commission that this is a priority not only for our community but for Broward County as a whole. The 911 system should be consolidated and the county should run it, control it and fund it with ad valorem taxation and give us the best 911 system for the residents of Broward County. Municipalities representing 87% of the population in Broward County did the same thing sending a very clear message to the county that not only did we want a consolidated 911 system, but we want the best 911 system. Unfortunately there were a number of county commissioners who did not agree with this request or even speak on the issue. They felt that because it was a preliminary report they just did not have a lot to say and he feels there will be a lot discussion about this in February when it comes time to actually vote on it. When he went to the 911 meeting last Friday everyone agreed that what we need to do was to stay the course with our recommendation and to go back to the county commission and say that 87% of the population in this county is telling you that this is what needs to be done and their top priority needs to be a regional 911 service that gets people help when they need it. We will go back to the county commission in February and tell them that our elected officials have spoken and they have said that this is important for the county commission to do and give the commission the cover that they are looking for. The increase that we are looking at for a consolidated 911 system would easily be funded with the increase in property values that they will see next year. The county commission gave a very clear message that they will be looking at this politically. Commissioner Dressler commented that he has the pleasure of meeting monthly with the MPO which has four of the nine county commissioners and there seems to be inability of some people on that level to not understand the regional role that a county commission plays. There is no rational basis not to comprehend that there was a vote by the public which placed this responsibility on the county commission and for the commission to resist it is incomprehensible. People need to let the county commission know we elected them and this is what we want them to do. City Manager Cernech said that since this is the last meeting of the year he wanted to take the opportunity to say that we have a new sheriff elect and when new sheriff's are elected who are not part of the current sheriff's office things happen differently than in the past. In Page 6 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 the past eleven we have had a great deal of continuity in the sheriff's office and in our own BSO district in Tamarac. Marc Duguay has been a part of that for a long time; first as an executive officer working for Chief Dugger and then upon Chief Dugger's retirement working as Chief. As everybody had read in the paper there has been multiple disputes between the current sheriff and the sheriff elect and apparently this isn't going to be a peaceful transition. When Sheriff Israel takes over on January 8th he will have the option of replacing a lot of people in the organization with people of his choosing as he needs to fill positions with people that he can trust. City Manager Cernech said he is bringing this to the Commission's attention as the sheriff elect is meeting with city managers and mayors of the contract cities to talk about the status of the contract. He has spoken with other city managers and they also say there is a lot of non -committal discussion and not a lot of answers to questions and vague answers to questions regarding the status of our contracts and our personnel. City Manager Cernech addressed Chief Duguay and said that in the event our Chief is replaced, he wanted to let him know tonight what an outstanding police chief he has been and what an outstanding man he is. There are things that when you contract for police services you can control and there are things that you don't, and we have very little say in potential changes. Again, there is the possibility that our Chief could be replaced and there is nothing we can do about this as it is outside of our control. City Manager Cernech wanted to acknowledge on the record everything that Marc has done for us as the police chief, acknowledge the amount of himself that he has invested into his position as our District Chief, into the sheriff's office' our organization and community. Marc has given countless hours of his life to this community and has done it with a smile and with good humor and he has worked his way into our organization and has earned the respect of all of our department directors as well as the Commission. He has come into our organization and towed the line and done everything we have asked him to do. In the event that this is the last City Commission meeting where Marc is our Chief I wanted to take this opportunity to publicly thank him and make sure the record reflects just what an outstanding contribution he has made to Tamarac and its residents and to this organization as our Chief of police. City Manager Cernech said he publicly wanted to say thank you and hoped that come the first meeting in January to see Marc and in the event we don't he wants the record to reflect what he has said tonight and give the Commission the opportunity to say a thing or two. We talk a lot about the record and wonder what really needs to be reflected in the record but I believe in this case the record needs to reflect what an outstanding job he has done for this community in his tenure if that tenure ends sometime between this meeting and the next. City Manager Cernech complimented the Mayor and Commission and Mark Mason. During the last quarterly budget update he advised that he had some rating agency surveillance calls coming up which he would participate in and get back to the Commission with the results. Mr. Mason has advised that as a result of the surveillance calls that our General Obligation Bond rating went from AA- to AA; our Covenant to Budget and Appropriate Underlying Rating went from A+ to AA-. The following are new ratings associated with debt issues we have a $5.6 million Refunding Bond from Series 2009 which is now AA- rated. This is big news for us as in one of the worst economies in this country's history and during a terrible recession the decisions that the Commission has made about Tamarac's finances have been solid and for the second time our credit ratings have been improved. Page 7 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 City Manager Cernech said that the Aquatic Center will be closing for the season and will be reopening March 1st. It is closed to the general population but it will still be open for all the programs that we have. The Holiday Lighting Ceremony, the Community Garage Sale and Paws with Claus events were all very well attended. We have one more event taking place on December 14'h — Rudolph's Winter Wonderland at Tamarac Park from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. with a cost of $5 per child. City Manager Cernech said he was pleased to announce that the goal for this year's United Way Campaign was $27,000 and we have actually exceeded $29,000 in contributions. The generosity of our employees just goes to show what outstanding people they are. City Manager Cernech recognized Captain Chris Dixon of TFR who is the District Vice President of Local Union 3080 for Tamarac. He is here because we have the union agreement on the Consent Agenda and City Manager Cernech wanted to acknowledge the work that Chris, his staff and our staff did in order to arrive at the agreement which is both beneficial to the sustainability and the long term financial viability of the Union and the City and our ability to continue to maintain our own fire department. Commissioner Dressler said he did not like hearing that we have no say or control over who serves as police chief for the City of Tamarac and we should renegotiate the contract so that we do have a say and said he does not like being in this position. There is an argument that should be made in this regard and we should do something about it and look at what kind of options there may be for a little push back. City Manager Cernech said we do not know at this — point if we need to object or not and just wanted the Commission to be aware of the circumstances that we may face. There are other elected officials throughout the county facing the same issue and feel the same way. Sometime next week we should have a better idea of what we are facing and if it is detrimental to Tamarac then we will begin to pursue those options. City Manager Cernech said he believes there is some opportunity for some push back but before we do that we need to understand what we are pushing back about and wanted the Commission to understand what the impact is when a new sheriff takes office and wanted Chief Duguay know, and the record to reflect, how much we have appreciated his service to the City of Tamarac should we lose him as our chief. Commissioner Dressler suggested that anything we do or say should be with Chief Duguay's concurrence and approval as we do not want to impact on him in a negative way. Commissioner Bushnell said how well respected and loved Marc is and hopes that he will be able to stay and if not to please come back so we can properly acknowledge what you have done for the City of Tamarac. Vice Mayor Gomez said it has been a pleasure working with Chief Duguay and hopes that Sheriff Israel sees the benefit of leaving Marc as our police chief. Commissioner Glasser said that everyone knows she is politically involved and knows Sheriff Israel and has been speaking with him on this issue and will talk with him again about this situation and do what she can to keep Marc as our Chief. Mayor Talabisco said as Mayor and resident of Tamarac Marc has been a great friend to Tamarac and to her and Jack personally. Mayor Talabisco said Chief Duguay is the best and a tremendous asset to Tamarac. When she goes to sleep at night she said she knows we are in good hands and that the men and _ women of District 7 are the best you can get for us. Mayor Talabisco said she knows Commissioner Glasser will do what she can and so will she. If come 2013 we don't get what Page 8 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 we want you will come back so we can properly acknowledge you for the work you have done over the years. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mayor Talabisco opened public participation and with no one wishing to speak, closed public participation. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Talabisco asked City Manager Cernech if there were any additions/changes to the Consent Agenda. City Manager Cernech said Item 6 (e) TR12284 has been amended to reflect the appointment of Judith Miller and James M. Griffin to the Planning Board. Mayor Talabisco requested clarification on Item 6(h) TR12271 and said as she understood it by moving this item forward we are doing nothing beyond moving it forward and we can choose to either move forward with it or not to move on it at a future date. Financial Services Director Mason said that if this item is passed at tonight's meeting it gives us the option to be able do this and if we don't pass it tonight we will not have the option. City Attorney Goren said this just starts a process and it by no means the end of the conversation as there are many stopping points along this road at which the Commission has options and opportunities to do something different. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez moved approval of the Consent Agenda with Item 6 (e) TR12284 as amended. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). a. Approval of the November 28, 2012 Regular Commission Meeting Minutes APPROVED b. TR12273 - Florida Water Management District Water Savings Incentive Program Grant: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, accepting a grant award in the amount of $36,725 from the South Florida Water Management District Water Savings Incentive Program; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute a Project Agreement between the South Florida Water Management District and the City of Tamarac for grant funding in the amount of $36,725 with a 1-to-1 cash and in -kind match of $36,725 in local funds for the Tamarac Multi -family Toilet Retrofit Project; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-138 c. TR12285 IAFF Union Contract: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving the agreement with the International Association of Firefighters, Local 3080; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with the International Association of Firefighters, Local 3080 for the period from October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2015; authorizing the preparation of amendments to Chapter 16 of the city code for review by the Pension Board and approval by the City Commission; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-139 Page 9 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 d. TR12272 - First Amendment to WSDA-Sabal Palm North: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to accept and execute a First Amendment To The Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with SPL Holdings, LLC, for the Sabal Palm North Project and to serve as the Assignment of the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement from Prestige Homes of Tamarac, Inc. to SPL Holdings, LLC., located at 5101 West Commercial Blvd, requiring a reduction of 67 ERC's for water and sewer from 322 ERC's to 255 ERC's; requiring payment of $433,500.00 for water and $561,000.00 for sewer; requiring a total payment of $994,500.00 in CIAC Fees; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said agreement in the public records of Broward County; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-140 e. TR12284 - Appointing Two Members to the Planning Board: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, appointing two regular members to the Planning Board; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-141 f. TR12286 Administrative Services Contract - General Employees Pension Board: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with the City of Tamarac General Employees' Pension Trust Fund to provide administrative services to the pension trust fund and to perform those duties and responsibilities which are described in this agreement -- effective October 1, 2012, nunc pro tunc; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-142 g. TR 12282 - Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Vehicles per FY 2013 Adopted Budget Utilizing Contracts Available for Cooperative Purchasing A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to select, approve and award the purchase of replacement vehicles to contractors utilizing competitive procurement methods and current agreements available for cooperative purchase at the time of purchase in the best interest of the city; authorizing an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $567,000 from the appropriate accounts; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-143 h. TR12271 - Notice of Intent for Stormwater Assessment: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, setting forth the City's intent to use the Uniform Method for the Collection of a Non -Ad Valorem Special Assessment to be levied upon real properties lying within the municipal boundaries of the City, as more particularly described in Exhibit 'A" attached hereto, to fund enhancements, improvements, additions to, and maintenance of, the city's stormwater utility system; stating a need for such levy; providing that a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Property Appraiser, Tax Collector, and Page 10 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 _ the Florida Department of Revenue; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-144 i. TR12283 - RFP 13-02R - Pool Management Services - Jeff Ellis: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to award RFP 13-02R and execute an agreement with Jeff Ellis Management, LLC, for swimming pool management services at the Caporella Aquatic Center, for a two-year contract; approving funding from the appropriate accounts; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-145 j. TR12281 Approval of AHAC Report: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, to receive the recommendations on the affordable housing incentives report prepared and presented by the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee which having delivered its report will continue reviewing incentive strategies and finalize recommendations fulfilling its ongoing responsibility; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2012-146 7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for this meeting. — 8. ORDINANCE(S) - FIRST READING: a. T02267 - School Special Exception Code Amendment: Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on first reading to amend the regulations pertaining to the use of schools by specifically amending Chapter 24, "Zoning," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Tamarac, Florida; providing for codification; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read T02267 by title into the record. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Vice Mayor Gomez moved approval of T02267 on first reading. Community Development Director Bramley gave a brief presentation Motion passed unanimously (5-0) PASSED ON FIRST READING DECEMBER 12, 2012 9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): There were no Public Hearing(s) items scheduled for this meeting. 10. ORDINANCE(S) - SECOND READING: a. T02259 - Amending Chapter 18 "Signs & Advertising" of the Code of Ordinances: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, to amend the City's sign regulations by specifically amending Chapter 18, "Signs and Advertising", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Tamarac, Florida, providing for codification; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read T02259 by title into the record. Commissioner Bushnell seconded by Commissioner Dressler moved approval of T02259 on second reading. Page 11 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012 Mayor Talabisco opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING NOVEMBER 28, 2012 PASSED ON SECOND READING DECEMBER 12, 2012 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2012-27 11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): There were no Quasi -Judicial items scheduled for this meeting. 12. OTHER: There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Talabisco adjourned the meeting 9:15 p.m. Beth Talabisco, Mayor i - ZeIA Patricia Teufel, Cod Interim City Clerk/ Page 12 of 12 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December 12, 2012