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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-23 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bushnell called the workshop meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. on Monday,
January 23, 2012 in Room 105, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Marion Swenson, Commissioner Michelle J.
Gomez, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser and Commissioner Harry Dressler were in attendance.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Michael Cernech, Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips, Assistant
City Attorney Julie Klahr and City Clerk Peter M. J. Richardson.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Gomez led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. NSP 3 UPDATE: NSP 3 Update. - Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley and
Housing Administrator Angela Bauldree
Ms. Bramley and Ms. Bauldree presented an update on the status of the NSP3 Program. Ms.
Bauldree noted that approximately $430,000 had been obligated to date, with two contracts closed
and another two pending in the Sunflower Community. Ms. Bauldree said that the plan was to have
a total of six to eight contracts closed in the Sunflower Community prior to looking to expend NSP
funds in other neighborhoods in Tamarac.
2. Item No. 6 (b) on the Consent Agenda. APPROVAL OF HOME FY 11/12 INTERLOCAL
AGREEMENT: (TR12142) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida,
accepting the 2011-2012 fiscal year HOME Investment Partnership ("HOME") funds; authorizing the
appropriate officials to execute an Interlocal Agreement for the designation of subrecipient and
disbursement of HOME Program, fiscal year 2011-2012, with Broward County and subsequent
agreements,if necessary, pending legal review; providing for conflicts; providing for severability;
providing for an effective date. — Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley and
Housing Administrator Angela Bauldree
Ms. Bauldree noted that City staff would be requesting that the City Commission adopt the proposed
resolution as a means of leveraging housing rehabilitation funds,
3. Item No. 9 (a) on the Public Hearings. 1st AMENDMENT - FY 10/1 CDBG ACTION PLAN:
(TR12135) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving an
amendment to the fiscal year 2010/2011 Annual Action Plan for the expenditure of the U.S
Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funds for the
eleventh program year (Case No. 27-MI-11) to provide for reallocation of funds, providing for conflict,
providing for severability, and providing for an effective date. - Community Development Director
Jennifer Bramley and Housing Administrator Angela Bauldree
4. Item No. 9 (b) on Public Hearings.1st AMENDMENT- FY11/12 ACTION PLAN: (TR12136) A
Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving an amendment to the
fiscal year 2011/12 Annual Action Plan for expenditure of US Department of Housing and Urban
Development Community Development Block Grant funds for the twelfth program year (Case No.28-
_ MI-11) to provide for reallocation of funds; providing for conflict, providing for severability, and
providing for an effective date. — Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley and
Housing Administrator Angela Bauldree
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Ms. Bramley and Ms. Bauldree briefly reviewed the proposed amendments to the applicable action
plans for CDBG funds. Ms. Bramley noted that there would be public hearings for both items. OMMMM
Mayor Bushnell inquired whether the City maintained a waiting list for housing rehabilitation funds.
Ms. Bauldree said although the City did not maintain a waiting list, City staff was currently in process
of reviewing seventy-five potential applications. She noted that information about the CDBG funds
was available in the Tam -A -Gram and on the City's website.
5. Item No. 6 (c) on the Consent Agenda. AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE FY 2011/2012 RCMP
GRANT FUNDS AGREEMENT: (TR12144) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a grant agreement, pending
legal review, in an amount not to exceed $100,000 with a 2:1 match in local funds, in an amount not
to exceed $200,000 upon receipt of the agreement from the Florida Department of Emergency
Management for Residential Construction Mitigation Program grant funds to improve storm
resistance of residences in the City of Tamarac; providing for conflicts; providing severability; and
providing for an effective date. - Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley and
Housing Administrator Angela Bauldree
Ms. Bauldree noted that although the City of Tamarac had received $100,000 in RCMP grant funds
for hurricane mitigation of residential properties, there were significant legal and administrative
hurdles which had precluded expenditure of the funds to date. Ms. Bauldree noted that it was quite
unlikely that the funds would be expended by the deadline of June 30, 2012. Ms. Bramley said that
City staff was requesting the authorization to execute the agreement in order to expedite the process
when the existing contract language difficulties were resolved. Commissioner Dressler said it was
quite likely that there would be no funding provided in FY 2012-13 for residential hurricane
6. Item No. 8 (a) on Ordinances - First Reading: NON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES PENSION
PLAN AMENDMENT: (T02239) Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida; on first reading amending Chapter 16, Pensions and Retirement, Article IX,
Elected and Appointed Officers and Non -represented Employees Retirement Plan; amending the
definition of "Compensation" in Section 16-901 of the Plan to exclude other non-taxable
reimbursement, leave payments other than at separation and overtime in excess of 300 hours per
year; amending Section 16-906 (c) and (e) to lower the interest paid on a return of employee
contributions from 4 percent to 2.5 percent; creating Section 16-906(k) to allow employees that were
eligible for membership in the Plan but chose to remain in another City sponsored retirement plan at
the time the Elected and Appointed Officers and Non -represented employees Retirement Plans was
established to transfer into the Plan; providing for a savings clause; providing for severability;
providing for codification and providing for an effective date. — Human Resources Director Maria
Human Resources Director Maria Swanson briefly reviewed the proposed changes in the non -
represented employees pension plan, in order to make the plan compliant with State of Florida laws.
She noted that the interest rate for employees leaving the plan prior to five years of service would be
reduced from 4% to 2.5%, effective January 1, 2012.
7. Item No. 8 (d) on Ordinances - First Reading. GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION PLAN
AMENDMENT: (T02242) Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida; on first reading amending Chapter 16, Pensions and Retirement, Article III,
Pension Plan, amending the definition of average final compensation to exclude overtime in excess
of 300 hours and payments for accrued, unused leave on or after November 9, 2011; amending ,r
Section 16-198 (a), (b), and (c) to lower the interest paid on returns of employee contributions from 5
percent to 2.5 percent; providing for a savings clause; providing for severability; providing for
codification and providing for an effective date. - Human Resources Director Maria Swanson
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Ms. Swanson briefly reviewed the proposed changes to the General Employees Pension Plan,
i including a proposed change to lower interest paid on returned employee contributions from 5% to
8. SKATE PARK UPDATE: Skate Park Update - Parks & Recreation Director Greg Warner and
Parks & Recreation Assistant Director Linda Probert
Parks and Recreation Director Greg Warner noted that the sole bidder for potential management of
the City's skate park facility had been unable to meet some of the City's requirements. Mr. Warner
said that the skate park was a well -used facility, which had been open for a little over one year. He
also noted that the Broward Sheriff's Office detail had been a good partner with the skate park, as
had the proprietors of Flip Side Skate Shop. Mr. Warner said City staff was recommending that
there be no management company or agreement for the City's skate park facility. Assistant Parks
and Recreation Director Linda Probert said staff was in the process of fostering partnerships,
including holding a community event at the Tamarac Skate Park facility during March, 2012. Ms.
Probert said staff was looking forward to the first event at the Skate Park. Commissioner Swenson
said it was a great idea to have a safe place for skate board enthusiasts to have fun and practice
their skills. Commissioner Dressler suggested that the registration forms for the Skate Park facility
specify that the City be held harmless from potential liability. Assistant City Attorney Julie Klahr said
that statutory protections for the City were in place, wherein skaters assumed their own risk when
using the City's skate park facility. Commissioners Glasser and Gomez commended City staff for
operating a very good skate park that was enjoyed by a cross-section of skateboard enthusiasts.
Mayor Bushnell asked whether there was a daily BSO detail at the skate park. Mr. Warner said this
was correct except on Mondays, when the park and facility were closed.
Presentation - Financial Services Director Mark Mason and Purchasing/Contracts Manager
Keith Glatz
Financial Services Director Mark Mason and Purchasing and Contracts Manager Keith Glatz
presented a detailed overview of the City of Tamarac's existing purchasing practices and made a
recommendation to change the competitive threshold from the current level of $30,000 to $65,000.
Mr. Glatz noted that City staff would come back with additional details at the first City Commission
workshop in February with additional details about potential changes to the City's Procurement Code
and related practices. Commissioner Dressler requested that City staff quantify the amount of time
or money saved by having a category 3, rather than category 2 competitive bid threshold. Mr.
Mason said he would make such reports to the Mayor and City Commission on a quarterly basis.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Bushnell adjourned the
workshop meeting at 11:23 a.m.
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Peter M. J. Richardson, CRM
City Clerk
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