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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-07 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes_ CITY OF TAMARAC
MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the workshop meeting to order at 9:33 a.m.
on Monday, May 7, 2012 in Room 105, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue,
Tamarac, Florida.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Beth Talabisco, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner
Michelle J. Gomez, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser and Commissioner Harry Dressler were
in attendance.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Michael Cernech, Assistant City Manager Diane
Phillips, Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz and City Clerk Peter M. J. Richardson.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Beth Talabisco led the Pledge of Allegiance.
and Recreation Director Greg Warner, Carol Courtney, President, and Rick
Richter, Treasurer, Tamarac Parks and Recreation Foundation
Carol Courtney, President of the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Foundation Board of
Directors, and Greg Warner, Parks and Recreation Director, provided an update on the
recent activities of the Parks and Recreation Foundation. Mr. Warner stated that a
number of potential projects were in limbo, pending the Foundation's receipt of its 501
(3) status. He also said that the Foundation's proposed "Buy a Brick" program would
potentially be housed at the Gary B. Jones Park for People and Pups, in light of the fact
that many people would welcome the opportunity to memorialize their departed animal
companions. Mr. Warner also noted that the Foundation was in the process of
collecting e-mail addresses of persons interested in receiving future announcements
and updates about the Foundation's activities and programs. Ms. Courtney stated that
the Foundation had recently conducted a number of fund-raising activities, including a
raffle at the Taste of Tamarac event, which raised approximately $1200.00 for the
Tamarac Parks and Recreation Foundation. Ms. Courtney also noted that the
Foundation would be holding a fund-raising golf tournament for the Tamarac Parks and
Recreation Foundation on June 1st.
Commissioner Bushnell commended the Foundation's Board of Directors for doing a
great job to date and suggested the possibility of the Foundation hosting a "Canadians
versus Americans" golf tournament in the future. Mayor Talabisco said that the Can -Am
Golf Tournament had been held for a number of years at the Woodlands Country Club
and had been very well -received and enjoyed by the event's participants. Both
Commissioner Dressler and Commissioner Gomez expressed appreciation to Ms.
Courtney, Mr. Richter and all of the Foundation's Board members for doing a wonderful
job in coordinating the Foundation's activities and programs to date. Mayor Talabisco
inquired about the status of the Foundation's 501(c)(3) status. Mr. Warner said the
Foundation anticipated receiving approval of their 501(c)(3) application prior to
individuals filing requests for potential tax deductions. Mayor Talabisco inquired
whether or not there were any potential legal impediments or conflicts to prevent herself
or members of the City Commission from providing the Foundation Board of Directors
with the names of potential corporate sponsors. Mr. Horowitz said that there was no
conflict or other legal impediment which precluded members of the City Commission
from sharing potential corporate sponsorships information with members of the
Tamarac Parks and Recreation Foundation Board of Directors.
2. RECYCLEBANK DEMONSTRATION. Public Services Director Jack Strain,
Budget/Contracts Manager Troy Gies, Harold "Butch" Carter, Government
Affairs Manager, Waste Management, Inc. of Florida and Jeremiah Smith,
Director, Community Solutions — Southeast Recyclebank, Inc.
Jeremiah Smith, Director of Community Solutions for Southeast Recyclebank, provided
the Mayor and City Commissioners with a detailed overview of the Recyclebank
website. Mr. Smith stated that the penultimate objective of the Recyclebank program
was to have as many residents as possible encourage their neighbors to recycle and to
be good stewards of our environment. Mr. Smith responded to a number of questions
from the Mayor and City Commissioners relative to program implementation matters.
Mayor Talabisco inquired when the Mayor and City Commissioners would be able to
initially review the results from the Recyclebank program implementation in the City of
Tamarac. Public Works Director Jack Strain suggested that program statistics could be
made available to the Mayor and City Commissioners on a quarterly basis. Mr. Smith
said that an initial report could be provided thirty days after program implementation,
with subsequent reports provided on a quarterly basis, as suggested by Mr. Strain.
Mayor Talabisco inquired whether or not minor program adjustments or tweaks could be
made, as necessary. Mr. Smith said that program modifications could be made as
necessary, based upon input from applicable City of Tamarac representatives.
Commissioner Gomez inquired about the possibility of an automatic rollover program for
unused Recyclebank participation points. Mr. Smith said that individual action was
needed in order to roll over any unused points. Commissioner Gomez inquired how
residents without internet access could participate in the Recyclebank program. Mr.
Smith said that persons without internet access could set up their Recyclebank account
telephonically and speak to a live operator, rather than responding to electronic
Commissioner Gomez inquired about the possibility of offering program participants the
option of donating points to the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Foundation, Tamarac
Historical Society or other similar programs. Mr. Smith said that Recyclebank staff
would be pleased to discuss potential options with City staff relative to this matter.
Commissioner Bushnell inquired about the process for local businesses to participate in
the Recyclebank consumer participation program. Mr. Smith said that Recyclebank
would send a team of staff to the Tamarac area to seek out potential retail and
commercial program participants. Commissioner Dressler said he would be most
pleased when none of the program participation points expired in the future.
Commissioner Gomez inquired about the possibility of sweeping unused program points
to local school programs and similar activities. Mr. Strain said although it was possible
to have a pooling of points, some of the program's sponsors might not be pleased with
such a program element. Commissioner Dressler requested that Recyclebank's
quarterly report to the Mayor and City Commissioners include metrics on a quarterly
basis relative to what percentage of program participation points went unused or
expired. Commissioner Dressler also noted that his role as a City Commissioner was
to make the cost of the City of Tamarac's waste collection program as low as possible.
Mr. Smith noted that unused program points were included in the periodic reports which
would be provided to the City of Tamarac by Recyclebank. Commissioner Gomez was
out of the room from 10:56 to 10:58 a.m. Mr. Gies said that one of the City's goals was
to get as close as possible to 100% redemption of Recyclebank program points. Mr.
Strain suggested that the overall status of the City's Recyclebank program be initially
reviewed after six months. Mayor Talabisco said that this was a good plan of action.
There was a break in the proceedings between 10:58 and 11:11 a.m.
3. Item No. 6(b) on the Consent Agenda. TAMARAC ADA RENOVATION
PROJECTS: (TR12153) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of
Tamarac, Florida, awarding RFP No. 11-23R to, and approving an agreement
with, Asset Builders, LLC for the Tamarac Design/Build ADA Restroom
Renovation Project in accordance with RFP No. 11-23R for a contract amount of
$71,205.38; a contingency in the amount of $10,860.00 will be added to the
project account, for a total project budget of $81,885.38; authorizing an
expenditure from the appropriate accounts; authorizing budget amendments for
proper accounting purposes; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and
providing for an effective date. Public Services Director Jack Strain and
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Keith Glatz
Mr. Strain noted that ADA compliance related renovations had recently been completed
at the Gary B. Jones Dog Park Facility and would be initiated for various restroom
facilities throughout the City if TR12153 were adopted by the City Commission at
Wednesday evening's meeting. Mr. Strain said that City staff was recommending
awarding the contract to Asset Builders LLC to address ADA compliance matters in
restroom facilities.
4. Item No. 6(e) on the Consent Agenda. EXTENDING AGREEMENTS WITH
Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving the
extension of the agreements with Ashbritt, Inc. and DRC Emergency Services,
LLC for disaster debris removal services; authorizing the appropriate City
Officials to execute an extension with Ashbritt Inc. and DRC Emergency
Services, LLC for disaster debris removal services; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Public Services
Director Jack Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Keith Glatz
Mr. Strain and Mr. Glatz noted that the City of Tamarac had enjoyed a very good and
professional relationship with both Ashbritt and DRC for disaster debris removal
services in the past. Mr. Strain said staff was recommending that the Mayor and City
Commission extend the existing agreements with Ashbritt and DRC for disaster debris
removal through this year's potential hurricane season.
5. Item No. 6(f) on the Consent Agenda. EXTEND AGREEMENT WITH SAIC-BDR
FOR DISASTER DEBRIS MONITORING (TR 12196) A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving the extension of the
agreement with Science Applications International Corporation for disaster debris
monitoring services; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute
extension with Science Applications International Corporation for disaster debris
monitoring services; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and
providing for an effective date. Public Services Director Jack Strain and
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Keith Glatz
Mr. Strain said that the City of Tamarac had enjoyed a very good relationship with
SAIC-BDR and its predecessor firms to handle disaster debris monitoring services. Mr.
Strain stated that City staff was recommending continuation of the existing agreement
through the upcoming hurricane season, with competitive bids being sought for services
in late 2012 or early 2013.
6. Item No. 6(d) on the Consent Agenda. TELEPHONE SYSTEM UPGRADE
TR12194 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida,
authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the required agreements with
Adcap Network Systems to purchase equipment and services to upgrade the
City's VoIP telephone system, utilizing State of Florida contracts #730-000-09-1
and #250-000-09-1; authorizing an expenditure for an amount not to exceed
$95,343; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an
effective date. IT Director Levent Sucuoglu, IT Systems and Network
Manager James Twigger and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Keith Glatz
Mr. Twigger noted that the City had originally purchased the system hardware,
including desktop phones, in 2005. Mr. Twigger said that when the system was
originally purchased, a total of thirty physical servers were needed to operate the
equipment. He noted that technological advancements such as virtualization, had
made it possible to reduce the number of servers needed to only three. Mr. Twigger
said that staff anticipated that the project would be completed by June and would be
implemented after normal working hours and on weekends. Commissioner Dressler
inquired whether City staff had considered cloud -based VoIP options. Mr. Sucuoglu
said that City staff would consider potential cloud solutions for future applications.
Commissioner Bushnell requested details about the projected $120,000 in savings
from implementation of the system upgrade. Mr. Twigger said that implementation
of the system upgrades would reduce a typical monthly telephone bill from $14,000
per month down to approximately $2000 to $3000 per month.
7. Item No. 6(c) on the Consent Agenda. CODE OF ETHICS — SPONSORSHIP
of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, recognizing a
sponsorship or co-sponsorship relationship between the City of Tamarac and
those charities and organizations listed in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and
incorporated herein, as may be amended from time to time, for the express
purpose of compliance with Section 1-19(c)(5)(a)(4) of the Broward County Code
of Ordinances; providing for conflicts; providing for severability and providing for
an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz
Mr. Horowitz said that he had provided the Mayor and City Commissioners with hard
copies of the applicable Broward County disclosure forms pertaining to charitable
solicitation matters. He noted that the resolution pertaining to this matter contained a
list of applicable non-profit charities and organizations. Mr. Horowitz responded to
questions from the Mayor and City Commissioners regarding various aspects of
sponsorship of non-profit charitable organizations. Noting that some members of the
City Commission were involved with the annual Relay for Life event in Tamarac and
related activities, Ms. Phillips said that City staff would amend the attached listing of
non-profit charitable organizations to include the American Cancer Society.
Mayor Talabisco inquired whether there were any additional items of business today.
Mr. Cernech invited the Mayor and members of the City Commission to inspect the
-- newest addition to the Fire Department's fleet, a quint apparatus, in the rear parking lot
of City Hall.
There being no further business, the workshop was adjourned at 11:39 a.m.
Peter M. JJRich!ardso_n, CRM
City Clerk