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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-20 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
M O N DAY, AUGUST 20, 2012
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the workshop meeting to order at 9:38 a.m.
on Monday, August 20, 2012 in Room 105, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue,
Tamarac, Florida.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Beth Talabisco, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner
Michelle J. Gomez, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser and Commissioner Harry Dressler were
in attendance.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Michael Cernech, Assistant City Manager Diane
Phillips, Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz and City Clerk Peter M. J. Richardson.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Harry Dressler led the Pledge of
1. Item No. 8(a) on Ordinances First Reading. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE
2010-14: (T02258) Motion to adopt an Ordinance of the City of Tamarac,
Florida on first reading amending Ordinance 2010-14 (the "Ordinance");
reaffirming the City of Tamarac's commitment to the Woodlands Community
Neighborhood Improvement District (the "District") established pursuant to the
Ordinance and Section 163.506, F.S.; specifically amending Section 2 of the
Ordinance to provide for expressed consistency with Section 163.506, F.S., and
Section 163.514, F.S., as applicable; providing for recordation; providing for
conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. —
Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley and Taylor White,
WN/D Board of Directors
Ms. Bramley provided the Mayor and City Commissioners with a detailed overview of
the Woodlands Community Neighborhood Improvement District (CNID), noting that the
District had been established by the City Commission's adoption of Ordinance 2010-14
on July 14, 2010. Ms. Bramley also stated that a petition signed by 550 individuals had
been presented to the City of Tamarac in January 2011, requesting the dissolution of
the district. She noted that the City Commission had agreed to set aside the petition for
consideration in August 2012. Ms. Bramley said that the Woodlands CNID Board had
met frequently since July 2Q10 and put together a referendum ballot for property owners
in May 2012. Ms. Bramley noted that the referendum caused a good deal of tension in
the Woodlands community and the proposed referendum election was subsequently
cancelled on May 7, 2012. Ms. Bramley briefly reviewed the key points of the proposed
ordinance amendments, including reaffirmation of the district, clarifying the size of the
district and holding an election for registered voters, rather than property owners. Ms.
Bramley said although the CNID Board of Directors had been attentive to community -
wide issues, overall progress had been quite slow to date. Ms. Bramley responded to
questions from the Mayor and members of the City Commission.
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Woodlands CNID Board Chairperson Taylor White noted that the Board presently had
one vacancy, but all others members of the Board were in attendance at this morning's
City Commission workshop. Mr. White expressed appreciation to City Manager Michael
Cernech, Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley and former Public and
Economic Affairs Officer Andy Berns for their assistance to the Woodlands CNID Board
of Directors since the Board's inception in 2010. Mr. White said that the Board was
striving to reach out and inform community residents through meetings and other
resources including a website. He also said that efforts were focused on making life
better for all residents of the Woodlands community, including the possibility of installing
security cameras as a crime deterrent. He expressed hope that a community survey
would be sent out to residents within the next thirty days.
Commissioner Bushnell said she hoped that the Woodlands CNID Board would be
successful in serving as a role model to other neighborhoods in Tamarac potentially
interested in creating a community neighborhood improvement district. Commissioner
Dressler said that Mr. White was both a professional and a man of integrity. He wished
Mr. White and the Woodlands CNID Board well in moving forward with the community's
potential security and beautification plans. Commissioner Gomez said that the Board's
intent to get everyone to pay for potential improvements fairly and equally was
honorable. She extended best wishes to all parties moving forward. Vice Mayor
Glasser said that she was in favor of the concept and wanted fairness for both property
owners and renters. Mayor Talabisco said it was important for all parties to remain
positive moving forward in the best interests of the Woodlands community. Mayor
Talabisco also said that she and her City Commissioner colleagues were available to
speak to any interested persons prior to Wednesday morning's City Commission
meeting. There was a break in the proceedings between 10:33 and 10:44 a.m. Mayor
Talabisco extended congratulations to Joel Davidson upon his recent election as a
precinct Committeeman.
2. Item No. 6(b) on the Consent Agenda. APPROVE AWARD OF BID 12-15B FOR
the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, Awarding Bid No. 12-15B to and
approving an Agreement with Koldaire, Inc. for the replacement of the HVAC units at
the Tamarac Multi -Purpose Center located at 7531 North University Drive for an amount
not to exceed $169,777.00; authorizing an expenditure from the appropriate accounts;
authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper accounting purposes; providing
for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. — Public
Services Director Jack Strain
Mr. Strain said that the air conditioning unit presently in the multi -purpose center
gymnasium facility had been in service for about eleven years. Mr. Strain said that City
staff was proposing a complete system re -design and installation of fresh air vents. He
noted that compressors within the unit would be on -call for use as needed, resulting in
fairly significant energy savings in the long term. Mr. Strain also stated that the new air
conditioning unit had a much longer service life expectancy than the existing unit.
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3. Item No. 6(f) on the Consent Agenda. AUTHORIZING ILA WITH BROWARD
Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving an
Interlocal Agreement with Broward County providing for Recyclable Material Recovery
Services; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute said Agreement and take
all steps necessary to effectuate the intent of the Resolution; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. — Public Services
Director Jack Strain and Budget/Contracts Manager Troy Gies
Mr. Strain introduced Budget and Contracts Manager Troy Gies, who presented a brief
overview of the proposed interlocal agreement with Broward County for recyclable
material recovery services. Mr. Gies noted that the proposed contract would take effect
in July 2013. He also said that presently only plastic containers numbered 1 and 2 were
accepted for recycling. Mr. Gies noted that in the future containers numbered 1 through
7 would be accepted for recycling in the City of Tamarac. Mr. Gies and Mr. Strain
responded to questions from the Mayor and members of the City Commission.
4. Item No. 6(d) on the Consent Agenda. HOME FY 2012/13 INTERLOCAL
AGREEMENT: (TR12228) A Resolution of the City of Tamarac, Florida, accepting the
2012-2013 fiscal year Home Investment Partnership ("HOME") funds; authorizing the
appropriate City officials to execute an interlocal agreement for the designation of
subrecipient and disbursement home program, fiscal year 2012-2013, with Broward
County and subsequent agreements, if necessary, pending legal review; providing for
conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. — Community
Development Director Jennifer Bramley and Housing Administrator Angela
Ms. Bauldree noted that the City of Tamarac's 2012-2013 allocation for HOME program
funds totaled $82,883, reflecting a large decrease from last year's program funding.
She noted that open enrollment for the program would commence in September.
Commissioner Bushnell asked how open enrollment was announced to interested
parties. Ms. Bauldree said that the information would be announced on the City of
Tamarac's website. She also noted that interested parties could call the City's
Community Development Department for additional information.
5. Item No. 6 (e) on the Consent Agenda. SUBMISSION OF SHIP ANNUAL
REPORTS: (TR12229) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac,
Florida, approving the annual reports for the State Housing Initiative Partnership for the
Close Out Report FY 2009/2010 and the Interim Reports for FY2010/2011 and
FY2011 /2012; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an
effective date. — Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley and Housing
Administrator Angela Bauldree
Ms. Bauldree stated that SHIP funds were open for a period of three years, specifically
fiscal years 2009 through 2012. She noted that a total of three households had been
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assisted, two of which had repaid the funds and one of which had not repaid the funds
to date. Ms. Bauldree also noted that the City of Tamarac did not receive any SHIP
program funding for FY 2012-2013. Commissioner Bushnell said that Ms. Bauldree was
greatly respected by her fellow housing officials throughout the State of Florida. She
commended Ms. Bauldree for her continued efforts on behalf of Tamarac residents.
6. Item No. 6(c) on the Consent Agenda. SABAL PALM — MODEL SALES.
(TR12224) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida,
granting a Model Sales Permit for the Sabal Palm Residential Development, located on
Commercial Boulevard an west of the Florida Turnpike for a period of six (6) months;
providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. —
Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley and Planning and Zoning
Manager Frank Zickar
Ms. Bramley noted that the most recent approval for model sales permits in the City of
Tamarac took place about seven or eight years ago. She stated that the proposed
models were for the Sabal Palm North project only, for a total of three model home
structures. Ms. Bramley and Mr. Zickar also showed a rendering of all five proposed
model homes for the proposed Sabal Palm North community. Commissioner Bushnell
inquired about the anticipated timeframe for the installation of traffic signals. Ms.
Bramley said she did not know the specific timeframe, but could report this information
back to the Mayor and City Commission in the near future. Commissioner Bushnell also
stated that she had conversations with the Sabal Palm developers about the obligation
to make payments to the Mainlands 6 and 7 once building permits were pulled. Mr.
Cernech noted that the earliest timeframe for the payments would be after applicable
site plans were approved by the City Commission. Mayor Talabisco requested that the
City Commission receive a timeline relative to the anticipated review and development
schedule for this proposed neighborhood. Mr. Cernech said that City staff would be
pleased to provide such a timeline to the Mayor and City Commissioners.
Commissioner Gomez inquired about the future intended use of the temporary parking
lot adjoining the model homes. Mr. Zickar said that homes would be built on the
temporary parking lot in the future.
7. 911 SYSTEM UPDATE — City Manager Michael Cernech
Mr. Cernech provided the Mayor and City Commissioners with an update of recent
meetings between applicable Broward County and City staff representatives regarding
the potential establishment of a centralized emergency communications system for
Broward County. Mr. Cernech stated that the estimated cost for a consolidated
emergency communications would be in the range of $40-$42 million, on the basis of a
certain level of participation throughout Broward County. He noted that the "C-4"
Committee consisted of City and County management representatives, as well as
Police and Fire Department representatives. Mr. Cernech said that the C-4 committee
had been discussing financing, operations and governance matters He noted that one
of the financing options discussed in detail was the possible establishment of a
dedicated funding source such as a municipal services taxing unit. Mr. Cernech said
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that a key consideration was having a financing mechanism which was fair and
equitable to all parties. In reference to operational discussions, Mr. Cernech said that a
total of five locations were under consideration for PSAPs (Public Safety Answering
Points). Mr. Cernech also provided a brief update on potential governance models,
emphasizing the importance of providing essential services in an equitable manner to all
system participants throughout Broward County.
Mr. Cernech responded to questions from the Mayor and City Commissioners.
Commissioner Dressler said that Broward County would ultimately attempt to wind up
managing the proposed 911 emergency communications system. Mayor Talabisco
inquired whether or not Mr. Cernech would serve on the proposed governance board for
the emergency communications system. Mr. Cernech said the composition of the
committee had yet to be determined, but might include both appointed and elected
officials. He said that one possibility was that the Broward League of Cities could select
six delegates, two each from larger, medium and smaller jurisdictions in Broward
County, to serve on the governance committee. Mayor Talabisco asked whether the
Broward League of Cities had this matter on its "radar screen". Mr. Horowitz said that
the League of Cities was maintaining a watchful eye about the role it might play in the
future relative to governance matters.
Director Greg Warner and Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Linda Probert
Mr. Warner and Ms. Probert provided an update about the recent meeting of the 50th
anniversary committee held on July 25th. Mr. Warner said that the committee had a
number of recommendations about potential events, including the possibility of having a
community -wide "a -ha moment" event on the east side of Tamarac to attempt to break
the existing world record of 3,000 persons making a combined "smiley face". Mr.
Warner noted that this historic icon was originally created in the early 1960s, coinciding
with the establishment of the City of Tamarac in July, 1963. Ms. Probert said that the
Committee was also interested in involving area schools, by possibly holding essay
contests. She said other possible events include favorite photo contests, hosting a
concert series, leading up a large event on July 4th. She noted that the next meeting of
the 50th Anniversary Committee would be held on August 22nd at 4:00 p.m. Mayor
Talabisco noted that Rhonda Calhoun had suggested the possibility of a bicycle race in
concert with the City of Coral Springs 50th anniversary. Mr. Warner said the possibility
of holding a bicycle race including Coral Springs, Parkland and Tamarac was under
consideration. Commissioner Gomez suggested the possibility of having a "battle of
local bands" event or looking to local retailers and hotels for potential sponsorships. Mr.
Warner said that staff would further investigate both of these suggested courses of
Mayor Talabisco suggested that individual members of the Commission provide
Assistant City Manager Diane Philips with any suggestions relative to the City's 50th
anniversary activities and events. Commissioner Bushnell inquired about the status of
the proposed World Trade Center public art display. Mr. Warner noted that the Public
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Art Committee would be discussing this matter at its next meeting later this week. Vice
Mayor Glasser emphasized the importance of having at least one or two events that
would to excite people about the City's upcoming 50th anniversary. Mr. Cernech
thanked the Mayor and Commissioners for their input and good suggestions. Mayor
Talabisco said that Vice Mayor Glasser made a good point about potentially focusing on
one or two significant community events relative to the 50ih anniversary celebration.
There being no further business, the workshop was adjourned at 12:58 p.m.
Peter M. J. Richardson, CRM
City Clerk
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