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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-09-24 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2012 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Talabisco called the workshop meeting to order at 9:33 a.m. on Monday, September 24, 2012 in Room 105, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 881h Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. ROLL CALL: Mayor Beth Talabisco, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Michelle J. Gomez, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser and Commissioner Harry Dressler were in attendance. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Michael Cernech, Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips, Assistant City Attorney Jacob Horowitz and City Clerk Peter M. J. Richardson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Beth Talabisco led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. UPDATE REGARDING PLANNED PROJECTS FOR 50TH ANNIVERSARY: Parks & Recreation Director Greg Warner, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Linda Probert and Barbara Tarnove, 50th Anniversary Committee appeared. Parks & Recreation Director Warner gave a presentation, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Parks & Recreation Director Warner rolled out the 50th Anniversary Logo and said they are looking into making a 3 to 5 minute video of Tamarac the theme of which will be "Where it's Been, How it's Changed and Where it is Going". Ms. Tarnove spoke about the book that the Historical Society is working on which will be debuted to coincide with the 501h Anniversary activities. Commissioner Bushnell suggested inviting the Farmer's Market, as well as the COPS, CERTS, Cadets and Board and Committee members to participate at the July 4th Celebrations. Mayor Talabisco suggested contacting the Broward ARC to supply coffee and cake at the December 12th Commission Meeting where it is planned to kick off the 50th Anniversary celebrations. There was a general discussion regarding how the information on the 50th Anniversary celebrations was going to be promoted to the public. Commissioner Gomez said she liked both the logo and banner and suggested that one of the banners be signed by the Anniversary Committee and placed in the time capsule, asked if staff would look into the viability of having the logo incorporated into the fireworks display and the possibility of putting together a softball 'competition. Commissioner Dressler suggested involving the schools and children in the activities to which both Commissioner Bushnell and Ms. Tarnove responded that has already been in touch with the schools about activities related to the celebration. Commissioner Gomez suggested inviting Tamarac businesses to the events. There was a general consensus in favor of doing the book as it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Mayor Talabisco asked if there was alternative plans for the 4th of July event should there be weather issues and Parks & Recreation Director Warner said yes; however, not all vendors will be able to reschedule. 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING CITY WIDE PROJECTS AND IMPROVEMENTS: Public Services Director Jack Strain, Assistant Public Works Director John Doherty, Assistant Utilities Director Jim Moore and Community Development Director Jennifer Bramley appeared. Community Development Director Bramley said approximately $54,000 of 2010-2012 Neighborhood Partnership Funds was disbursed evenly Page 1 of 3 City Commission Workshop September 24, 2012 throughout Tamarac and talked about Operation "Nip It". Community Development Director Bramley advised that the 2010-2012 Housing Program was quite successful putting 53 first time homebuyer families in homes using $4.7 million of NSP 1 funds. They and are they currently working with $1.3 million of NSP 3 funds in one neighborhood in Sunflower and are looking to move on to another neighborhood. Assistant Public Works Director John Doherty gave a presentation on the Public Services Division Capital Improvement Projects for 2010-2012, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Assistant Public Works Director John Doherty highlighted the different projects, the completion dates, the project costs and funding Assistant Utilities Director Moore gave a presentation on the Utilities Division Capital Improvement Projects for 2010-2012. Assistant Utilities Director Moore spoke of the construction of the Backwash Water Recovery Basin, pump station rehabilitation, wastewater main rehabilitation, the costs associated with each project as well completion dates. Mayor Talabisco said the information from these presentations is invaluable and felt that the residents of Tamarac would benefit from this information. Commissioner Dressier said when they go out for the next series of Neighborhood meetings information like this, and pictures as well, will be extremely useful as it will let people know where their tax dollars are going. Commissioner Dressler said he is proud of staff that does this work all day long and how they handled the TS Isaac rain event. He also asked if staff had prepared a report on TS Isaac and Public Services Director Strain said that Fire Chief Burton was working on that report. Commissioner Bushnell said this arose from her request for CIP information in her district so that when she was out campaigning she would be able show them what has been accomplished over the last few years. Commissioner Bushnell asked why there was nothing in the presentations regarding bus benches and Public Services Director Strain responded that there are so many ongoing projects they only selected a few. There was a discussion regarding the use of rain barrels and cisterns. Commissioner Gomez agreed that it was a good idea for the commission to have handouts about CIP's and put something into the Tam -A -Gram to let residents know how much goes into making Tamarac work. Vice Mayor Glasser said she has been a resident in Tamarac since 1972 has seen first-hand how much the stormwater system has improved over the years. There was a general discussion of water reuse. 3. Item No. 6 (d) on the Consent Agenda. BUILDING FEE SCHEDULE UPDATE: (TR12237) Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida revising the City's Building Fees pursuant to Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. - Chief Building Official/Director Claudio Grande appeared and gave a presentation on the proposed changes to permit fees, clarified existing fees, the creation of new fee codes, reduction of existing fees as well as new fees. Chief Building Official/Director Grande responded to questions and concerns from the Commission. 4. Item No. 8 (a) on Ordinances - First Reading. FIREFIGHTER PENSION PLAN AMENDMENT: (TO2264) An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac Florida; amending Chapter 16, Pensions and Retirement, Article VI, Firefighter Pension Page 2 of 3 City Commission Workshop September 24, 2012 Plan, amending the definition of Actuarial Equivalence or Actuarially Equivalent; providing for a savings clause; providing for severability; providing for codification and providing for an effective date. Human Resources Director Maria Swanson appeared and said at the direction of the actuary this change to the Code merely updates the mortality table for the pension plan to be in line with the current IRS table. 5. Item No. 8 (b) on Ordinances - First Reading. SUNRISE NATURAL GAS AGREEMENT: (TO2265) An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a franchise agreement between the City of Tamarac and the City of Sunrise for the non-exclusive right to provide natural gas services to the City of Tamarac; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Financial Services Director Mark Mason appeared and gave a brief presentation. Commissioner Bushnell asked if this would expand the area that is currently serviced with natural gas and Financial Services Director Mason said not at this time. 6. DISCUSSION REGARDING CALL TO ACTION FOR ONE MILLION VOLUNTEER HOURS: Mayor Beth Talabisco said this call to action is an initiative of Bobby DuBose President of the Broward League of Cities, called "Together We Serve". This initiative is a request for all municipal leaders to increase volunteer hours in their cities and to enlist our citizens to join this effort. Mayor Talabisco said the first thing she would like to do is pass a resolution in Support of "Together We Serve Week", which Assistant City Attorney Horowitz is aware of, and place it on the consent agenda for the September 25, 2012 meeting. All were in agreement. Mayor Talabisco then asked Chief Duguay, Parks & Recreation Director Warner and Assistant Fire Chief Sayles if there was a way to capture the volunteer hours of their respective departments and Chief Duguay said they already do on their Scorecards and that it was just a matter of adding up the hours at the end of the month. Mayor Talabisco asked Public Information & Media Specialist Boston to involve businesses and organizations such as the Kiwanis Club. Mayor Talabisco asked for this information to be sent to her to bring to the next BLC meeting. Mayor Talabisco went over a list of possible events that focus on volunteer efforts that could be coordinated with local civic & charitable organizations, sports organizations, etc., which is on file in the City Clerk's office. Commissioner Bushnell suggested contacting the HOA's and COA's to see if they capture that information. Assistant City Manager Phillips said we can get that information from Housing Administrator Bauldree and also use the Commission's blast email addresses. There being no further business, the workshop was adjourned at 12:58 p.m. Patricia Teufel, C C Assistant City Clerk Page 3 of 3 City Commission Workshop September 24, 2012