HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-10 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Harry Dressler called the Commission Meeting of the City of
Tamarac to order at 7:11 p.m. on Wednesday, February 10, 2016, in City Commission
Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Harry Dressler, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser, Commissioner Pamela
Bushnell, Commissioner Michelle J. Gomez and Commissioner Debra Placko were in
Also in attendance were: City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren
and City Clerk Patricia A. Teufel.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Placko led the Pledge of Allegiance.
a. State of the City Address by Mayor Harry Dressler: Mayor Dressler introduced Vice Mayor
Glasser and Commissioners Bushnell, Gomez and Placko. Mayor Dressler gave the State of
the City Address, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.
The meeting was recessed at 7:27 p.m. and reconvened at 7:38 p.m. with all present as
a. Commissioner Bushnell: Commissioner Bushnell talked about HB4031 which deletes
provisions prohibiting concealed carry licensees from openly carrying a handgun or carrying a
concealed weapon or firearm into specified public meetings or into career centers.
Commissioner Bushnell said everyone does have the right to bear arms but there are
exceptions. Commissioner Bushnell said she received a letter from Sheriff Scott Israel in
which he indicated 350 mass shootings occurred last year. The bill introduced by
Representative Steube would allow people to bring a gun into meetings such as the one we
are having tonight. Commissioner Bushnell said there are hundreds of proposed bills before
the legislature and encouraged people to raise their voices if there is something you do not
b. Commissioner Gomez: Commissioner Gomez said she attended the Broward County Task
Force Meeting; Ethics Seminar given by Goren, Cherof, Doody and Ezrol and the Florida
Institute for Suicide Prevention Gala. Commissioner Gomez said she was in Tallahassee last
week and met with Senators Ring, Clemens and Sobel. She also met with Representatives
Moskowitz, Jenne, Moraitis, Jones, Stack, Dubose and Pritchett. Commissioner Gomez said
she did not have the opportunity to meet with Representatives Rodgers and Clarke -Reed.
Commissioner Gomez said some of the topics that were discussed were Open Gun Carry,
Open Gun Carry on Campus, Medical Marijuana, Public Records Requests, Municipal
Elections, Relocation of Utilities and Vacation Rentals. Commissioner Gomez said the
session ends March 11th and now is the time to make your voices heard.
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c. Vice Mayor Glasser: Vice Mayor Glasser said elected officials in Broward County have
ethics rules they must follow and each year they have to attend ethics seminars. Vice Mayor
Glasser said that on January 29th she attended the Ethics Seminar given by the law firm of
Goren, Cherof, Doody and Ezrol which was exceptional and thanked City Attorney Goren and
his staff for a job well done.
d. Commissioner Placko: Commissioner Placko thanked the COPS volunteers who spend so
much time making a difference in Tamarac's communities. Commissioner Placko encouraged
people to join the COPS program and make a difference in their communities. Commissioner
Placko spoke about Broward County's Yellow Dot Program which assists residents and
emergency responders in the event of an emergency by improving communication at a time
when accident victims may be unable to communicate for themselves. Commissioner Placko
said the Yellow Dot decal is displayed on a car's rear window and alerts emergency
responders to look for the Yellow Dot pamphlet in the vehicle's glove compartment.
Commissioner Placko said people can get more information and sign up at
www.broward.org/yellowdot. Commissioner Placko noted that her mother lives in Century
Village and they have a program whereby people have their vital medical information in a vial
in their freezers.
e. Mayor Dressler: Mayor Dressler said he lives in Woodmont and he frequently see the
COPS cars in his neighborhood which makes him feel safer. Mayor Dressler said he attended
the Broward League of Cities Board of Directors meeting where they discussed the proposed
1 % sales tax to help finance transportation and infrastructure. Mayor Dressler said he and
City Manager Cernech and City Attorney Goren recently had breakfast with Edith Lederberg
the Executive Director of the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Broward County (ADRC).
Mayor Dressler said the ADRC provides services to needy people in Tamarac.
Mayor Dressler said he attended the Northwest Council of Elected Officials Luncheon where
people from Broward County made a presentation on the E911 system and talked about
some of the issues they are having with the system. Mayor Dressler said last Saturday he
attended the Health and Wellness Expo at the Community Center and noted that it was
extremely well attended.
3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Goren talked about the report his office
generates regarding bills in Tallahassee that affect cities in Florida and noted the list changes
on a weekly basis. City Attorney Goren spoke briefly about some of the bills they are keeping
track of including, but not limited to, public records, elections and open gun carry. City
Attorney Goren noted that the legislature is halfway through the session. City Attorney Goren
advised the Commission to call his office with any questions on the pending legislation and
thanked the Commission for taking the time to review the list.
City Attorney Goren said the Charter Review Commission for Broward County met earlier
today and they have scheduled a workshop/retreat for March 12th to create sub -committees
to look at different sections of the Charter. Sunrise Mayor Ryan was there and asked the
Commission to look at his recommendations regarding the E911 system and have them
placed on the November 2016 ballot. This matter is still open and is being reviewed by other
agencies in the County. City Attorney Goren said the Charter Commission has a significant
role to play in regards to the County Charter. City Attorney Goren said some counties do not
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have Charters but Broward County does. He talked about the County Commission approving
plats and land use plan amendments which may not be the case in other counties.
City Attorney Goren said there is a County Cannabis Ordinance and County Commission
staff make will be making a presentation to this Commission in the future. The application of
this Ordinance under the County Charter would make it applicable county -wide because we
are a Charter County. The Charter Commission will be having a retreat workshop, which is a
public meeting, outside the County Governmental Center at some facility owned by the
County. City Attorney Goren spoke about the two year term of the Charter Commission. City
Attorney Goren said he will keep the Commission informed as to what is going on with the
Charter Commission.
4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Cernech said he traveled to Lakeland last week
to attend the Florida City County Management Association winter meeting. About 75 or 80
City Managers attended the meeting and talked about a number of issues they have in
common. City Manager Cernech said he had the good fortune to listen to three well
respected economists and interestingly they all had the same economic outlook. While things
are good now they had some major concerns to look at in 2017 and 2018. City Manager
Cernech said he attended a good two hour presentation by AARP and they are making sure
that cities really focus on being livable communities and not just for seniors or children and
addressing issues on a multi -generational basis. City Manager Cernech commented that he
always leaves these meetings feeling good because he finds out that other cities have issues
that are worse than ours as staff addresses issues in Tamarac very well.
City Manager Cernech thanked the COPS volunteers and thinks the Commission and the
City's commitment to the program is outstanding, but not as outstanding as the COPS
volunteers. Because of their efforts and assistance crime is down and that has been reflected
in our crime rates. City Manager Cernech said Vice Mayor Glasser talked about ethics
training earlier and noted that City Attorney Goren's firm will also be offering similar training
for City Managers in order for them to complete the mandatory 4 hours of training.
City Manager Cernech reported that Tamarac was named one of the Healthiest Weight
Community Champions in Florida by the Florida Department of Health. This program is to
help adults and children make informed, consistent choices about healthy eating and active
living. Champions are chosen based upon facilities like walking and biking paths and
programs on health -related topics.
Fitness Center Promotions: Renew your fitness center membership for 12 months and get
one additional month free. The renewal must take place between January 1st and June 30,
2016. Members can obtain a one week pass for friends and family to try out the fitness center
and members will receive three months free if their friends or family join for six months. This
offer is valid January 1st to April 30, 2016.
Upcoming Event: The Concert in the Park at Mainlands Park will take place on Friday,
February 26th and will feature the local band "Happy Daz" with music from the 50's and 60's.
Public Services reports that the NW 77th Street Multi -purpose trail that will run on the North
side of 77th Street between NW 96th Ave. and the entrance to the Tamarac Sports Complex is
estimated to start in May 2016 and completed in September 2016.
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5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mayor Dressler opened Public Participation and the following
individuals spoke: Eliot Meiseles, 11040 Palm Ridge Lane, thanked the Commission for the
construction of the new field at the Sports Complex and their continued support of the
Cougars; Ronald B. Barish, 7555 NW 99th Ave., talked about putting signs up about cleaning
up after dogs, tax rates, gas prices and encouraged people to vote; Eileen Simmons, 10810
NW 35th Place, Sunrise, said she is the 2016 Chair for the Chamber of Commerce and
thanked the City for their continued partnership of the Chamber and is looking forward the
Arts & Craft Festival in April; Stewart Webster, 7900 Colony Drive So., said he felt the City
did not honor the memory of former Mayor Joe Schreiber appropriately when he passed
away last year; Jules Koutcher, 8173 Royal Palm Ct., spoke about construction of sound
walls and bike paths, expressed his disappointment that the City does not accept the Silver
Sneakers Program and thought the Veteran's Tribute Wall was a good idea; Mel Dubin, 7413
Fairfax Dr., said he opposed the Open Gun Carry and Medical Marijuana legislation; Maria
Salazar, 8610 Banyan Ct., talked about meeting Mayor Dressler when she first moved into
6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Dressler asked if there were any changes/additions to the
Consent Agenda and City Manager Cernech responded that there were no changes/additions
to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Gomez seconded by Commissioner Placko moved
approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously (5-0).
a. Approval of the January 27, 2016 Regular Commission Meeting Minutes - APPROVED
b. TR12747 - Accepting Donation of Swimming Scoreboard from Parks & Recreation
Foundation: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac authorizing the
appropriate City Officials to accept the donation of a six -line outdoor electronic wireless
swimming scoreboard from the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Foundation in an estimated
amount of $18,154.00 to be installed at the Caporella Aquatic Complex Pool; directing that
the final actual cost will be recorded in the City's fixed asset inventory; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing an effective date.
7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for this meeting.
a. T02337 - Redistricting Ordinance: An Ordinance of the City of Tamarac, Florida, providing
for the re-creation and re-establishment of the geographic boundaries for four (4) Election
Districts in the City of Tamarac in accordance with Section 6.03 of the City Charter; providing
for the implementation of revised Election Districts to be effective for the elections to be held
in the City of Tamarac, Florida, commencing at the General Municipal Election in November,
2016, and thereafter; providing a form of request to the Supervisor of Elections of Broward
County, Florida, to implement the revised plan established pursuant to this Re -districting
Ordinance and to create functional districts consistent with the identification of geographic
boundaries for Election Districts; providing for the attachment of Election District Maps,
Charts and street address descriptions, which are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and
incorporated herein by reference; providing for authorization and direction to the City
Manager to implement the terms, conditions and provisions of this Ordinance to be effective
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for the next ensuing General Municipal Election of November 2016; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
City Attorney Goren read TO2337 by title into the record. Commissioner Gomez seconded
by Vice Mayor Glasser moved approval of TO2337 on first reading. City Attorney Goren said
Professor Stamm is here from FAU to offer assistance on any of the Options. City Attorney
Goren said the Ordinance is drafted and requires the Commission to make a decision on an
Option. Mayor Dressler asked for a motion and a second to accept one of the Options.
Commissioner Bushnell seconded by Vice Mayor Glasser moved to accept Option B. Motion
passed unanimously (5-0).
9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): There were no Public Hearing(s) items scheduled for this meeting.
a. TO2336 - Fire Pension Plan Amendment: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City
of Tamarac, Florida; amending Chapter 16, Pensions and Retirement, Article VI, Pension
Plan; amending Section 16-493 Optional Benefits, providing for modification of DROP
eligibility; amending Section 16-515 Retirement Subsidy, providing for modification of
retirement subsidy; amending Section 16-516 Supplemental Pension Benefit, providing for
modification of supplemental pension; providing for a savings clause; providing for
severability; providing for codification and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren
read TO2336 by title into the record. Commissioner Bushnell seconded by Commissioner
Placko moved approval of TO2336 on second reading. Mayor Dressler opened the Public
Hearing and with no one wishing to speak closed the public Hearing. Motion passed
unanimously (5-0).
ORDINANCE NO. 0-2016-02
b. TO2335 - Ordinance Creating a Planned Development (PD) District: An Ordinance of the
City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida amending Chapter 24, entitled "Zoning",
Article III entitled "District Regulations" of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances,
specifically creating Division 27 entitled "PD Planned Development District', providing for a
new zoning designation to allow for flexibility in development standards on Master Planned
Developments within the City to include the following Sections: 24-542 "Purpose, Applicability
and Creation of Commissioner Placko District', 24-543 "Rezoning to the PD District', 24-544
"General Standards for Planned Development District", and 24-545 "Minor Deviations and
Amendments to Approved PD Plan/Agreement'; providing for codification; providing for
conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren
read TO2335 by title into the record. Commissioner Placko seconded by Commissioner
Gomez moved approval of TO2335 on second reading. Mayor Dressler opened the Public
Hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. Motion passed
unanimously (5-0).
ORDINANCE NO. 0-2016-03.
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11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): There were no Quasi -Judicial Hearing(s) items
scheduled for this meeting.
12. OTHER:
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Dressler
adjourned the meeting at 8.48 p.m.
Harry Dressler, Mayor
Patricia Teufel, Gly,
City Clerk
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State of the City 2016
Mayor Harry Dressler
Good evening Vice Mayor Glasser, Commissioners Bushnell, Gomez and Placko, City
Attorney Goren, City Manager Cernech, staff, and those joining us in chambers or via
the internet.
In my third appearance before you as Mayor, I'm pleased to report that Tamarac is
strong and getting stronger:
- Our finances are sound and recognized nationally as such.
- Property values continue to rise, with new homes selling almost as quickly as
they come on the market.
- Significant new businesses are choosing to call Tamarac home. And that influx
will have a positive ripple effect throughout our community.
To paraphrase "Old Blue Eyes", Frank Sinatra: for our City, it's been a very good year.
- After much planning, preparation and patience Tamarac Village is becoming a
o It will be the biggest new development that Tamarac has seen in the last
forty years.
o The stores, restaurants and apartments will form a new center of activity
for the City.
o And, it will have an estimated $100-million-dollar impact on Tamarac,
creating jobs in multiple areas as well as contributing an additional
$729-thousand-dollars in tax revenues each year.
- As significant as Tamarac Village is, that's not the only major project moving
forward. The outparcel of land just north of Colony West Golf Club that the City
bought specifically for economic development is going to be used for just that
State of the City 2016
Mayor Harry Dressler
o The property has been sold and plans are moving forward for one of the
Marriott hotel brands to open there within a few years.
o We're also moving forward with a plan to revitalize Colony West.
■ We're going to make it a resource for people who travel to
Tamarac for business or pleasure, as well as maintain it as an
excellent facility for golfers.
■ As the .increasing number of cars in their parking lot indicates,
Colony West is, once again, a very popular destination.
- This past year, we opened temporary quarters for a permanent fire station on
University Drive.
o This additional station will help us maintain our excellent response rate in
every part of the City.
- Last year we welcomed a number of significant new businesses, including:
o The international headquarters for Unipharma Pharmaceuticals. They've
built a 160-thousand square foot manufacturing facility. It's capable of
producing over one -point -four Billion doses of medicine annually.
o We also welcomed Kapco Global, which provides maintenance, repair and
operations supplies to airlines all over the world.
■ It's one of the region's most comprehensive distributors of aircraft
■ They chose to consolidate their operations in Miami and Wellington,
and move them to Tamarac.
- Our City, its management, and services continue to be recognized for
performance excellence:
o Tamarac was the gUl city of its size in the nation to be honored with a
Strategic Leadership and Governance Award from the International
Association of County and City Managers (or I-C-M-A).
State of the City 2016
Mayor Harry Dressler
■ Additionally, for the second year in a row, we were one of only a
handful of cities nationwide to receive ICMA's Certificate of
Excellence in Performance Management; their highest recognition.
o We've reaffirmed our commitment to excellence in our parks and
recreation programs. The City has again achieved national accreditation; a
distinction held by only 2-hundred agencies in the entire country.
- The national magazine Forbes has once again ranked our City as one of the Top
25 suburbs in which to retire, based on affordable home prices and a lower cost
of living.
o These same attributes have also made Tamarac attractive to a wider
demographic, which is why our median age is now 47.
o These qualities are also why new homes in Tamarac are selling so quickly
and revitalizing the eastern portion of our City.
■ To ensure the growing needs of this area will continue to be met,
demolition has begun so that we can move forward on building a
state-of-the-art fire station by Commercial and the Turnpike.
• Not only will this station have the latest technology, it will
also become a focal point in the City. The front of the
building will have a truly impressive piece of artwork on it,
which pays tribute to the history of firefighting.
- Culture and the arts are taking on a greater focus in Tamarac:
o This past year saw the installation of two major art projects in the City, as
part of Broward County's centennial celebration.
o The process is moving forward for a significant piece of art on Commercial
Boulevard near Rock Island Road.
o On Memorial Day, we'll be unveiling a Wall of Honor in Veterans' Park. It's
a series of lighted glass panels, etched with the names of the City's
State of the City 2016
Mayor Harry Dressler
o And, in just a few weeks, we'll be hosting the very first Tamarac Arts and
Crafts Festival. It's a 2-day event and yet another way to help bring our
community together.
All in all, it was a very good year. But I believe the best is yet to come.
- In the coming months, we'll begin to see evidence of years of planning as we
begin the construction of buffer walls in key sections of the City. Believe me, you
have no idea of the preparation and inter -agency coordination that has to
happen before the first shovel goes into the ground.
- This year we'll see the first installations of the comprehensive signage program
that will reflect Tamarac's distinctive look.
- You'll also continue to see new bus shelters around the City.
- Parks and recreation, so critical to our outstanding quality of life, will be getting
significant attention:
o In the very near future we'll celebrate the renovations at Sunset Point
Park. The shade structures, fitness stations and playground have all been
replaced, and we've added a new innovation: a parent/toddler swing.
o Plans are in the works for renovations at the Caporella Aquatic Center,
including a new scoreboard for the swimming pool. That's being graciously
donated by the Parks and Recreation Foundation.
o Another artificial turf field is being installed at the Sports Complex.
■ The existing turf field has served us well: with all of the recent rain,
we've been able to continue using it more than any of the grass
o And, because we're always looking for ways to provide additional parks
and recreation opportunities, we're in the planning stages for Waters'
Edge Park, along University Drive and NW 61s' Street.
State of the City 2016
Mayor Harry Dressler
- To ensure we're functioning as efficiently as possible, we've undertaken a formal
review of the City's charter.
o Part of that involves an examination of our Commission districts, to be
certain that, even with population shifts, districts remain equitable. That's
a topic that the full Commission will be discussing later this evening.
- One of the initiatives we'll be focusing more attention on this year involves our
o In addition to the Wall of Honor at Veterans' Park, we've undertaken
projects to thank and honor Viet Nam veterans, as well as those brave
souls who have received the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in combat.
Rest assured, we will never forget you.
- In the coming year, we'll continue to focus on programs and services that help
strengthen our City.
o Part of building a strong future includes the ongoing safety and security of
our community. We have an outstanding BSO Tamarac district, supported
by the eyes and ears of a growing corps of volunteers in our Citizens on
Patrol (or COPS) program. And, we're grateful for the service you provide.
■ That's why I'm pleased to announce tonight that the City of
Tamarac will be donating TWO cars from our fleet, specifically for
use on COPS patrol.
• Those cars will give you additional flexibility and enable you
to be even more responsive.
All in all, it's an exciting time to be in Tamarac. Your City's leaders have a clear vision
for the future. A vision in which every age and demographic can find something to love
about Tamarac, whether it's:
o The parks and programs,
o The affordable communities, or
o The opportunities to develop and build a business.
State of the City 2016
Mayor Harry Dressler
In closing, I'd like to express my gratitude for the unwavering support of:
- My family and my dear wife Faith,
- My colleagues on the Commission,
- The professional staff who put their hearts and minds to work for our City each
and every day,
- And to you, our residents and businesses, who have chosen Tamarac to build
your future and contribute to our vibrancy and diversity.
I look forward to continuing to work together to meet our challenges, come to common
ground and ensure a bright future for the City of Tamarac.
Thank you all.