HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-09 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Harry Dressler called the Commission Meeting of the City of
Tamarac to order at 7:07 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9, 2016, in City Commission
Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Harry Dressler, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser, Commissioner Michelle J.
Gomez were in attendance.
ABSENT: Commissioner Pamela Bushnell and Commissioner Debra Placko.
Also in attendance were: City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren
and City Clerk Patricia A. Teufel.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Dressler led the Pledge of Allegiance.
a. Presentation to the Mayor and Commission of the 2016 State Surgeon General Healthy
Weight Community Champion Award by Candy Sims, Public Information Officer, Florida
Department of Health - Broward County. (Requested by Parks & Recreation Director Greg
a. Commissioner Bushnell: Absent.
b. Commissioner Gomez: Commissioner Gomez noted that the City has recently received a
grant for another section of our bikeway. Commissioner Gomez said she attended the
following events: Broward League of Cities meeting; the retirement party for BSO Deputy
Richie Corraro; the BSO Shred-A-Thon; the District 2 Neighborhood meeting and the
Tamarac Chamber of Commerce Breakfast. Commissioner Gomez invited people to attend
the Arts & Craft Festival on April 2"d and 3rd
c. Vice Mayor Glasser: Vice Mayor Glasser said she attended the Concert in the Park at
Mainlands Park, the BSO Shred-A-Thon and the District 2 Neighborhood meeting.
d. Commissioner Placko: Absent.
e. Mayor Dressler: Mayor Dressler said he attended the Broward League of Cities Board of
Directors meeting where the main topic discussed was the Zika virus. Mayor Dressler said
80% of the people who contract the virus don't exhibit any symptoms but are contagious.
Mayor Dressler noted that it is extremely dangerous for women and encouraged people to
get out and use a pesticide with DEET and spray the area around their homes.
3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Goren said that there is a memo on the dais
this evening regarding a Conflict Waiver, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated
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herein. The memo references the representation provided by Gary Resnick of the Gray
Robinson law firm whose firm represents Tamarac in various telecommunications matters.
CVS Pharmacy has asked Mr. Resnick to represent CVS in a code enforcement case
involving the property located at 6900 N. University Dr. The City Attorney does not have the
legal ability to waive the conflict and, hence, will need a Motion and vote from the
Commission to waive the potential conflict. Commissioner Gomez seconded by Vice Mayor
Glasser moved to approve and waive the potential conflict of interest and consents to the
representation of Gary Resnick of CVS. Motion passed unanimously (3-0).
City Attorney Goren said his office sent out what is probably the last report of the legislative
session. There are three bills that require attention. House Bill 307 which references the
medical use of cannabis passed the House and Senate and is on the Governor's desk. This
is the extension of last years bill, Charlotte's Web, which allowed for the minimal use of THC;
however, the THC in this particular situation is different in that the bill relates to increased
amounts of THC for people that may have terminal illnesses. City Attorney Goren read the
relevant portions of the bill into the record. The proposed statute contemplates local
government regulation regarding the location of dispensaries for this type and kind of
marijuana use. City Attorney Goren said his partner Kerry Ezrol is working on an Ordinance
for Wilton Manors relative to a moratorium. City Attorney Goren asked the Commission to
adopt a motion to request city administration to open the door for a zoning in progress to
allow the professional staff to study this bill in the event the Governor signs it and it becomes
law. Vice Mayor Glasser seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved to approve a zoning in
progress. Motion passed unanimously (3-0).
City Attorney Goren gave an update on Senate Bill 1220 relative to Public Records and
House Bill 7059 relative to Municipal Elections. City Attorney Goren said he would keep the
Commission updated on these three bills.
4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Cernech reported that the Building Department
has given approval to Asiatech Construction to start work at the new commercial project
known as Mural Plaza, located at 6500 N. University Drive. City Manager Cernech said the
City recently revised election districts in accordance with the City Charter and the Supervisor
of Elections has advised that the U.S. Congressional and State Senate Districts will be
updated in early May and Tamarac's new district boundaries will be included at that time.
The Supervisor of Elections will then issue new voter ID cards to all affected residents in time
for the November 2016 election.
City Manager Cernech reported that as of February 2016 staff has switched the City's three
main telecommunications lines from AT&T to Level 3. This will provide Tamarac with key
management features that were not available before, such as the new system will provide
automatic failover between lines. If any of the three lines are disabled the traffic will route
over to the other two lines, allowing continuous connectivity.
City Manager Cernech said registration packets for the Tamarac Summer Program are now
available. Mail in registration for residents began March 7th. Mail in registration for non-
residents begins March 14th. The Summer Camp is for ages 5 to 14 years old and includes
eight weeks of supervised activities. Registration packets can be picked up at the Recreation
Center and Community Center. All campers will be at the Tamarac Park site.
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Upcoming Events: The Bike Safety Rodeo will take place on Saturday, March 12th from 10.00
a.m. to noon at the Community Center; the Springfest, for children 10 years of age and
younger, will take place on Saturday, March 19th from 10.00 a.m. to noon at the Tamarac
Sports Complex.
City Manager Cernech reported that the March 11th Concert in the Park was attended by
approximately 300 people.
Commissioner Gomez announced that the District 1 Neighborhood meeting will take place at
the Mainlands 1 & 2 Clubhouse on March 16th at 6.30 p.m.
5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mayor Dressler opened Public Participation and with no one
wishing to speak, closed Public Participation.
6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Dressler asked City Manager Cernech if there were any
changes/additions to the Consent Agenda and City Manager Cernech said there were no
changes/additions to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Gomez seconded by Vice Mayor
Glasser moved approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously
a. Approval of the February 24, 2016 Regular Commission Meeting Minutes - APPROVED
b. TR12755 - Stormwater System Cleaning and Maintenance Services: A Resolution of the
City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
execute an Agreement with DP Development of the Treasure Coast, for Stormwater System
Cleaning and Maintenance Services utilizing the Broward County Board of Commissioners
Contract No. C1347414131, General Roadway and Miscellaneous Construction in an amount
not to exceed $110,000 from the appropriate accounts; effective upon approval through
December 7, 2016 or as extended by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners;
authorizing the proper City Officials to execute contract renewals; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
c. TR12758 - Appointment of an Audit Committee: A Resolution of the City Commission of
the City of Tamarac, Florida appointing members to an audit committee utilizing the positions
or designees that comprise the selection advisory committee as identified in section 6-
146(b)(1), Tamarac Code of Ordinances for the purpose of assisting the City Commission in
selecting a qualified auditor to conduct the annual financial audit pursuant to Section
218.391, Florida Statutes; providing for the sunset of this audit committee upon the award of
contract for audit services; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for
an effective date.
d. TR12759 - Administrative Order: Zoning in Progress - Hospitals & Medical Clinics
Public/Private or Similar Uses: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac,
Florida, confirming and ratifying the City Manager's Administrative Order dated February 23,
2016 declaring Zoning in Progress and prohibiting the issuance of permits and the processing
of applications related to health care uses to include hospital, public or private, medical clinic
or uses similar to a hospital or medical clinic in the City of Tamarac, attached hereto as
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Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein, in accordance with Chapter 24, Article II, Division 6,
Section 24-91 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances; authorizing and directing the City
Manager to undertake a study and review of the City's regulations relating to health care uses
to include hospital, public or private, and medical clinic and uses similar to hospital and
medical clinic; providing that upon the adoption of this Resolution confirming the
Administrative Order, no permits or applications shall be issued or processed for hospitals or
medical clinics or uses similar to a hospital or medical clinic during the time period covered by
this Resolution; providing for conflicts, providing for severability; and providing for an effective
7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for this meeting.
8. ORDINANCE(S) - FIRST READING: There were no Ordinance(s) — First Reading
scheduled for this meeting.
9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): There were no Public Hearing(s) items scheduled for this meeting.
10. ORDINANCE(S) - SECOND READING: There were no Ordinance(s) — Second Reading
scheduled for this meeting.
11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): There were no Quasi -Judicial Hearing(s) items
scheduled for this meeting.
12. OTHER:
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Dressler
adjourned the meeting at 7.50 p.m.
I �A_Jal_
Harry ressler, Mayor
,O `',City Clerk
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MEMORANDUM NO.2016-028 -
TO: Mayor Harry Dressler
Members of the City Commission
CC: Michael Cernech, City Manager
Diane Phillips, Assistant City Manager
Pat Teufel, City Clerk
FROM; Samuel S. Goren, City Attorney ssS !
Jacob G. Horowitz, Assistant City Attorney PP
DATE: March 4, 2016
RE: City of Tamarac ("City") / Gray Robinson Conflict Waiver
On February 29, 2015, pursuant to the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar, the City Attorney's
Office received a request for a conflict waiver from Gray Robinson. Gary Resnick, Esq., at Gray
Robinson, represents the City in various telecommunications matters. CVS Pharmacy ("CVS")
has asked Mr. Resnick to represent CVS in a code enforcement case involving the property
located at 6900 N. University Drive. While such matters do not typically result in litigation, in
the event of any litigation related to this matter, Gray Robinson has agreed to end their
representation of CVS and not represent any party in the action.
A copy of Gray Robinson's conflict waiver request is attached for your review_ All requests for
conflict waivers must be approved by the City Commission.
Please let us know if there is any additional information that we can provide.
(00087717.1 1956-7601851 )
i1--Ir111NI 1ti i I 1 .ill'
Gary 1. Resnick
Attorney At Law
February 29, 2016
Samuel S. Goren, Esq.
Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A.
3099 East Commercial Blvd., Suite 200
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
RE: City of Tamarac, Waiver of Potential Conflict
Dear Sam:
Boc,t R,imv
FORT L 411701DA1.4'
SUITE 1000
POST OFF1cL Box 2328 (33303-9998)
TEA. 954-761-8111
FAQ 954-761-8112
gray-robinson. com
rlll Y.Hf )111G\'iC
T•I LLI H$5117>
We are writing to request the City's waiver of a potential conflict of interest, to the extent
required by the Rules of the Florida Bar. As you know, I and GrayRobinson, P.A. represent the City on
telecommunications matters. CVS Pharmacy, Inc. ("CVS") has asked me to represent it in connection
with a code enforcement case, Case No. 13-10104055, involving 6900 N. University Dr., Tamarac.
While technically, the case is against the property owner, University Commons Land LLC, CVS is the
These types of matters are typically non -adversarial and do not result in litigation. In the event of
litigation between CVS and/or the property owner and the City, we will cease representation of
CVS/property owner on this matter, and will not represent any party is such case. We are respectfully
requesting the City's waiver of any potential conflict that may arise as a result of this representation of
CVS and/or property owner.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your assistance.
.,ely truly yours,
Gary ...-1.gs d k
City of Tamarac hereby acknowledges and specifically waives the potential conflict of interest described
above, and consents to the representation by GrayRobinson, P.A. of CVS Pharmacy, Inc. and University
Commons Land LLC (as described above).
cc: James Cherof, Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A.
MI - 1113994709 v1