HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-03-23 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Harry Dressler called the Commission Meeting of the City of
Tamarac to order at 9.05 a.m. on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, in City Commission
Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321.
ROLL CALL: Mayor Harry Dressler, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser, Commissioner Pamela
Bushnell, Commissioner Michelle J. Gomez, Commissioner Debra Placko were in
Also in attendance were: City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren
and City Clerk Patricia A. Teufel.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Gomez led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Dressler asked for a moment of silence to remember the victims of the bombings in
a. Presentation of Plaques to the Mayor and Commission by ICMA President - Elect Lee
b. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Harry Dressler proclaiming the Week of May 15 -
21, 2016 as "National Public Works Week". (Requested by Public Services Director Jack
a. Commissioner Bushnell: Commissioner Bushnell said she and Commissioner Placko
attended the National League of Cities Conference in Washington, DC earlier this month.
While there they were able to meet and talk with Senator Bill Nelson about veterans and the
memorial wall that Tamarac is constructing. Senator Nelson talked about issues on the
Senate floor such as internet taxes and they were also able to get information on grant
opportunities. Commissioner Bushnell ended by saying it was a great experience.
b. Commissioner Gomez: Commissioner Gomez thanked everyone for their well wishes while
she has been recovering from surgery. Commissioner Gomez said due to the surgery she
has not been able to attend any events but will be attending the grand re -opening of Sunset
Point Park this afternoon and a HOA meeting later this evening. Commissioner Gomez said
she is happy to be back.
c. Vice Mayor Glasser: Vice Mayor Glasser said she had an opportunity to attend a fund
raising breakfast at Rob's Bagleland which benefited the Children's Special Olympics. Vice
Mayor Glasser said she attended the St. Pat's Gala and talked about awards that were
presented at the Gala.
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d. Commissioner Placko: Commissioner Placko noted that she attended the National League
of Cities Conference in Washington, DC along with Commissioner Bushnell and found it to be
an incredible experience. Commissioner Placko said she attended Transportation Seminars
and talked about what people will be looking forward to in the future. For the year 2020 it is
projected that there will be more contract workers working from home. For the year 2030
people will want to live in a place where they can walk to restaurants and there will be
driverless cars. Commissioner Placko said we need public — private transportation and
people need easy access to transportation. People are living longer and are not able to drive
and will need to have transportation provided. Commissioner Placko talked about the cost of
congestion on the roads. Commissioner Placko said we need to educate the younger people
about public transportation. Commissioner Placko said she met a lot of people from different
types of cities and found it to be a valuable experience. Commissioner Placko talked about
meeting with Senator Nelson and other elected officials from other cities.
Commissioner Placko said on March 10th the MPO passed a resolution supporting a one cent
Surtax with a 65/35 split; 65% going to the County and 35% going to the municipalities.
Commissioner Placko said she will keep the Commission updated on this issue as it moves
e. Mayor Dressler: Mayor Dressler said the Broward League of Cities Board of Directors
discussed the proposed sales tax at a meeting recently. Mayor Dressler said he felt it was
irrational and that Broward County would not accept what the MPO has approved. Mayor
Dressler said we do not need more cars and buses in this County. Mayor Dressler reiterated
that he attended the Broward League of Cities Board of Directors meeting recently and also
attended the Associates Night and the General Employee's Pension Plan meeting.
Mayor Dressler invited Mr. Charles Webster, Coordinator — Legislative Affairs from the
Broward School District to address the Commission. Mr. Webster said the school district has
two major initiatives going on: 1) $800 million bond issue and 2) literacy. Mr. Webster said
they have a major issue with children's ability to read. They are working with kids in Pre -
Kindergarten so that when they reach Kindergarten they will be ready. Mr. Webster noted
that in some instances children have deficiencies of up to 30 million words. The district is
trying to address this issue prior to a child's arrival in Kindergarten. They are asking for
people to encourage children to read, to listen to children reading as well as other options
that are out there to help children read. Mr. Webster said that in terms of the SMART
Program Bond issue, if the Commission has any questions or concerns they will make
themselves available and give a presentation on the status of the SMART Program Bond.
Commissioner Bushnell said she appreciates the newsletters that Mr. Webster sends to the
Commission. Commissioner Bushnell noted that she is part of the SCORE Mentoring
Program at Millennium Middle School and Reading Pals Program, thru the United Way, and
finds the Reading Pals Program is more successful.
3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Goren said his office recently sent out the most
current legislative update for this past session. One bill that did survive, among others, is the
bill about the Cannabis Statute which he believed is on the Governor's desk. There is a bill,
HB273, which the City Clerk is watching very carefully, as is our Purchasing/Contracts
Manager Keith Glatz, regarding public records. This bill integrates outside vendors with our
City Clerk regarding disclosure. The essence of this bill is that when you are an outside
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contractor providing services to the City, you are not exempt from public records law. City
Attorney Goren went over several key elements of the bill, a copy of City Attorney's Memo
2016-030 outlining the key elements is on file in the City Clerk's Office. This bill is effective
July 1, 2016.
City Attorney Goren said the Charter Review Commission for Broward County is in place and
at a special meeting conducted on March 12th several things occurred. They created four
sub -committees; 1) Structure of County Government 2) Human Services and Public Safety;
3) Infrastructure and 4) Ethics Sub -committee. City Attorney Goren talked briefly about what
each sub -committee would be addressing and who is chairs those sub -committees. City
Attorney Goren indicated that they are working on dates for the meetings for the sub-
committees. City Attorney Goren said the County Commission will, on April 5th, consider a
proposal to clarify, on the ballot in November, the term of office of the current Charter Review
City Attorney Goren said a lot of bills that his office had been monitoring just evaporated i.e.
red light camera, certain public records issues and vacation rentals. A lot of hot and
contested items dissipated over time. The 70 page summary has become a 15 page
summary which will probably be only a few pages shortly.
Mayor Dressler said he is vehemently opposed to the creation of an Ethics Committee and
the possibility of having to go to someone other than the City Attorney for an opinion. Mayor
Dressler stated in great detail his reasons for opposing the aforementioned items. Mayor
Dressler talked about the IG's Office and some of their recent investigations.
4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Cernech reminded people to register for
Summer Camp.
Upcoming Events: City Manager Cernech said 11 World War 2 Veterans that reside in
Tamarac will be taking part in the "Honor Flight" on April 2"d to Washington, DC to tour
various War Memorials. The City of Tamarac will be providing transportation to and from
Miami International Airport. BSO will be providing a police escort for the bus on the way to the
airport. The bus will be departing from the Kings Point Clubhouse parking lot at 3:45 a.m. on
April 2"d. The Sunset Point Park grand re -opening will be held later today at 4:00 p.m. at
11000 McNab Road; the Concert in the Park will take place on Friday, April 8th at the
Tamarac Sports Complex from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. featuring the band Lazy Bonz and the
Community Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 9t at Tamarac Park, 7501 N.
University Drive, from 7:30 a.m. to noon.
Past Event: City Manager Cernech reported that approximately 1,000 people attended the
Springfest last Saturday.
City Manager Cernech said people ask why we employ lobbyists and are they worth the
money we pay them to represent Tamarac. City Manager Cernech said that our lobbyist Ron
Book and his team were successful in obtaining $400,000 for our Culvert & Headwall Project;
$400,000 for Phases 5 and 6 of the Bikeway Project and a $50,000 FRDAP Grant. All of
these appropriations were approved by Governor Scott. City Manager Cernech noted that
Representative Moskowitz and Senator Ring were also instrumental in working with the
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Governor to make sure these appropriations got funded. This has a lot of value because
Tamarac is now getting $850,000 worth of improvements.
5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mayor Dressler opened Public Participation and the following
individual spoke: Peter Mason, Executive Director of the Tamarac Chamber of Commerce,
talked about the upcoming Arts & Crafts Festival on April 2"d & Td and invited people to come
out to the event.
6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Dressler asked City Manager Cernech if there were any
changes/additions to the Consent Agenda and City Manager Cernech said there were no
changes/additions to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Gomez seconded by
Commissioner Placko moved approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion passed
unanimously (5-0).
a. Approval of the March 9, 2016 Regular Commission Meeting Minutes: APPROVED
b. TR12756 - Firefighter Equipment Purchase - Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program: A
Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida authorizing the appropriate
city officials to select Municipal Emergency Services, Inc (MES) as the vendor for the
purchase and distribution of Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) firefighter
equipment and accessories, accept itemized pricing provided by MES for said equipment,
and procure said equipment on behalf of the Coalition of Cities participating in the regional
Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program award at a cost of not to exceed $3,060,750,
utilizing the national purchasing partners agreement pursuant to an agreement competitively
bid and awarded via request for Proposal 2013-1 for fire turnouts and fire related equipment
as awarded by the South Davis Metro Fire Agency; approving of funding from the appropriate
capital improvement accounts; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting
purposes; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
c. TR12760 - Authorization to Execute First Amendment to Contract for Sale and Purchase
with AD1 Group for Extension of Inspection Period: A Resolution of the City Commission of
the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing and directing, the appropriate City officials to
execute the First Amendment to contract for Sale and Purchase, attached hereto as Exhibit
1", by and between the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation and AD1 Group LLC to be
effective Nunc pro tunc to March 8, 2016; authorizing the City Manager to approve minor
non -monetary amendments to the contract for sale and purchase; providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
d. TR12751 - Revised BSO Permit for Special Details: Resolution of the City Commission of
the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute a revised
Broward Sheriff's Office Permit Application for Special Details for police services to be used
by the Parks and Recreation Department in an amount not to exceed $81,698 in FY 2016,
October 1, 2015-September 30, 2016; approving funding from the appropriate Parks and
Recreation Accounts; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an
effective date.
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e. TR12757 - Franklin -Dodd Communications, LLC - Award RFP # 16-06R: A Resolution of
the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials
to award Request for Proposal #16-06R, "Printing & Distribution of City of Tamarac
Publications" to and execute an agreement with Franklin -Dodd Communications, LLC, for
printing services for a three (3) year period, providing for two (2) additional two (2) year
renewals at the discretion of the City; authorizing the City Manager to approve subsequent
two (2) year renewals and expenditures for printing; providing for conflicts; providing for
severability; and providing for an effective date.
7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for this meeting.
8. ORDINANCE(S) - FIRST READING: There were no Ordinance(s) — First Reading
scheduled for this meeting.
9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): There were no Public Hearing(s) items scheduled for this meeting.
10. ORDINANCE(S) - SECOND READING: There were no Ordinance(s) — Second Reading
scheduled for this meeting.
11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): There were no Quasi -Judicial Hearing(s) items
scheduled for this meeting.
12. OTHER:
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Dressler
adjourned the meeting at 10:24 a.m.
•City ClerkI
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Harry Dressler, Mayor
March 23, 2016