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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07-09 - City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Budget Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Gertrude Mishkin, Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof, and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, Management and Budget Officer Chris Sammartino, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. 1. Overview: City Manager Miller gave an overview of the proposed FY03 Budget. Assistant City Manager Cernech discussed funds. Vice Mayor Portner asked about costs exceeding revenues, and Assistant City Manager Cernech said we would begin looking at new revenue streams in FY04. Mayor Schreiber questioned a discrepancy in some numbers, and Assistant City Manager Cernech explained. City Manager Miller reviewed staff recommendations. Mayor Schreiber suggested the "Adapt -A -Street Program". Vice Mayor Portner questioned the $5,000 to replace fire department wellness equipment, and Chief Budzinski said there is no interior enclosed room to house the exercise equipment at this time. Mayor Schreiber questioned the $20,000 for the fire consultant and Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said this is the consultant used to implement the Fire Rescue Assessment, and we are trying to find out exactly where the costs come from -- how much is fire and how much is medical, along with salaries and equipment usage. There was discussion about the city subsidy, and Mayor Schreiber asked what other cities charge. City Manager Miller said the Commissioners would be provided the information. Commissioner Roberts spoke about decreasing the city subsidy. Mayor Schreiber spoke about a city owned and operated wastewater treatment plant, and asked if grant monies are available for the vulnerability study. Utilities Director Gagnon said Tamarac does not qualify for funding. Commissioner Roberts asked about splitting the funding, and Utilities Director Gagnon said he is not comfortable with that, however, some of the work will be done in-house. Vice Mayor Portner questioned network consulting services, and IT Director Sucuoglu explained the benefit to the city. Mayor Schreiber asked whether claims or insurance costs had increased, and Personnel Director Swanson explained the change in workers' compensation and liability insurance deductibles. Commissioner Sultanof questioned the unfunded administrative building roof, and City July 9, 2002 City Commission Budget Workshop 1 Manager Miller said it is for the utilities complex. Vice Mayor Portner questioned staffing for BSO, and City Manager Miller said the BSO contract allows a maximum increase of 5% each year; the actual increase is 3.8% and the Commission could consider additional staff if they desired. Mayor Schreiber suggested negotiating a reduction on the 5% cap. City Manager Miller said it would be researched. Regarding the unfunded firefighters, Vice Mayor Partner questioned if there would be enough staff when the new fire station is built, and inquired about the unfunded Lieutenant professional development program. Chief Budzinski said there would be enough staff and explained the program. 2. Budget Review: a. Parks and Recreation: Parks and Recreation Director Margoles gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber questioned ridership and revenue from the transportation system and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said ridership levels meet contractual obligations with Broward County, and there will be a promotional campaign for the system. The revenues exceed those projected for the year. There was discussion about city coverage and publicizing the system. Mayor Schreiber asked for showers at the Tamarac Community Center and fans in the fitness room. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said the cost to install showers is $5,000. Commissioner Roberts added that does not include water, stormwater and insurance. Vice Mayor Portner disagreed with fans in the fitness room, and asked about monitoring those who enter the fitness center to see if they are members. Vice Mayor Portner asked about the Special Events Coordinator, and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said it is a consolidation of all elements of special events. Commissioner Roberts questioned the color printer, and Vice Mayor Portner questioned the unfunded Power Volleyball System and the unfunded parking lot grass vacuum. Commissioner Sultanof spoke of a complaint he received relative to the Turkey Trot, and suggested a different route and an ambulance to follow the route. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said a route change is under consideration, but this needs to be designated and certified, which would not happen for the coming November. Mayor Schreiber asked about a paddleboard court and skate board arena. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles spoke about the Tamarac v Fest which is being considered for FY04; she will come back at midyear and reintroduce the concept. There was discussion about unfunded replacement chairs and tables. Mayor Schreiber called for a recess at 11:00 a.m. and reconvened the Budget Workshop at 11:10 a.m. with all present as before. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles discussed increased BSO fees, and Commissioner Roberts spoke about a complaint raised at a TAF meeting regarding a July 9, 2002 City Commission Budget Workshop 2 soccer group that would not leave the field. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles mentioned the unfunded carpenter position, and Assistant City Manager Cernech said Public Works is responsible for the city's centralized maintenance system; however, there is discussion regarding under which department this position would fall. City Manager Miller said this would be brought back to the commission after clarification. Cleaning services for parks and recreation facilities were discussed. Commissioner Sultanof suggested a wood -like vinyl to replace the carpet in the Coconut Palm Room. There was discussion about unfunded items - pickup truck, riding lawnmower and parking lot and grass vacuum. Vice Mayor Portner recommended approval of the power volleyball system and the parking lot and grass vacuum. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest. Commissioners Roberts and Sultanof were in favor of the parking lot and grass vacuum. Vice Mayor Portner agreed. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles spoke about capital improvements, and a discussion ensued about a theme for Gateway Park on the corner of McNab and Pine Island. Mayor Schreiber said he is on the U.S. Conference of Mayors Arts and Culture Committee and money may be available if the commission wants to add art and culture to the park. Commissioner Roberts suggested design work be done in-house and Mayor Schreiber asked about a time frame. City Manager Miller said it would be looked into, and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said design would begin in October. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles thanked the Mayor and Commissioners and said the department enjoys tremendous support from the Commission; it shows in their success. Building: Interim Building Director McIntyre gave a presentation. Commissioner Roberts questioned the auto allowance, and City Manager Miller said it will be kept in the budget until a decision is made about the position. Vice Mayor Portner asked about the general pension, and Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said the contribution is up from 7%-11 % due to the downturn in the economy. City Manager Miller congratulated the Building Department on the job they did for Tamarac Commerce Park, in particular City Furniture. The City received a letter from Keith Koenig commending the inspectors. City Manager Miller said the Building Department cut a position from the budget, and thanked Interim Director McIntyre for his cooperation. Mayor Schreiber suggested a proclamation for the building department. Commissioner Roberts questioned unfunded building seminars/training, and Interim Director McIntyre said the programs are covered. Citv Manager, Non -Departmental, Boards, Commission, Non -Profits: Assistant to the City Manager Phillips gave a presentation. There was discussion about the salary difference between the positions of Executive Assistant and Administrative Secretary in the Mayor and Commission office and those positions in the City Manager's Office. City Manager Miller said Personnel Director Swanson would look at past history, and Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said the Executive Assistant position in July 9, 2002 City Commission Budget Workshop 3 the City Manager's office reflects additional hours. Vice Mayor Portner suggested an increase for the two positions in the Commission offices and Commissioner Roberts said Commissioners need to be part of the pay for performance process. City Manager Miller said he would ask Personnel Director Swanson to discuss the evaluations with the Commissioners. Vice Mayor Portner recommended the next and succeeding Vice Mayors receive $1,000 per year over their regular salary due to the extra responsibility. Commissioner Roberts did not agree. Commissioner Sultanof and Mayor Schreiber said more discussion is needed. Commissioner Roberts questioned the contingencies for $20,000. Assistant City Manager Cernech said staff felt this amount would be sufficient to allow the Commission a relationship with a sister city; to send people to or bring them from Turkey at least 2-3 times a year. Commissioner Roberts questioned the cost for the last visit from Turkey, and Assistant City Manager Cernech said $8,000410,000. Commissioner Mishkin asked if the $20,000 would cover city staff going to Turkey to help with water problems. Assistant City Manager Cernech said it is up to the commission to make these decisions. Vice Mayor Portner commended City Manager Miller, Assistant City Manager Cernech and staff for the exceptional job done hosting the Turkish visitors on such short notice. There was discussion about the visit. Vice Mayor Portner proposed that the city hire a lobbyist for Tallahassee. Commissioner Roberts proposed increasing the lobbyist line item to $70,000 and Commissioners Sultanof and Mishkin agreed. Commissioner Roberts asked how telephones and pagers were paid for last year and the actual costs. City Manager Miller said he would get the information. Mayor Schreiber suggested continuing the presentations the next day, and adjourned the Budget Workshop at 12:50 p.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk LI July 9, 2002 City Commission Budget Workshop 4