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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-07-14 - City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2004 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Budget Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Wednesday, July 14, 2004, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Partner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Deputy City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Mayor Schreiber led the pledge of allegiance. Budget Review Utilities: Utilities Director Gagnon and Support Services Manager Wilder appeared. Utilities Director Gagnon highlighted page 13-36 of the FY05 Proposed Budget and noted the 19% decrease, citing the bond issue, and page 13-37 of the FY05 Proposed Budget noting that the budget is better than required by the bond covenants. Utilities Director Gagnon said Tamarac Utilities is an award winning utility, having been named the DEP Best Large Water Treatment Facility in Florida, and next year hopes are up for the EPA award. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 13-12 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the security consultant. Utilities Director Gagnon explained this is an unfunded mandatory vulnerability assessment and a carry-over from this budget year. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 13-7 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the decrease in wages. Utilities Director Gagnon explained a utility engineer position was downgraded to a utility service representative position, as there was more need for someone working directly with the public. Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke about lack of federal funds and asked if there is any money available for Tamarac. Utilities Director Gagnon said most funding goes to either the very large or very small utilities, which leaves Tamarac out, but he will continue looking for funding. Vice Mayor Sultanof said the most vulnerable part of the City is utilities, and the department is doing a great job. Commissioner Portner questioned page 2-1 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular additional wastewater disposal costs. Utilities Director Gagnon said this is the second largest expense in utilities; Broward County expenses have gone up, which drives up our costs. Commissioner Portner questioned the rate increase noted in page 13-10 of the FY05 Proposed Budget. Utilities Director Gagnon said this is determined by the rate July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 1 increase in water purchased from Ft. Lauderdale for the east side of Tamarac. Commissioner Portner asked if there would be a saving to the City if we were to supply the east side of Tamarac with our own water, and Utilities Director Gagnon said we would have to put in three miles of water main in an extremely crowded corridor and there are not enough people in that area for it to be feasible. Commissioner Portner questioned sludge removal and Utilities Director Gagnon said this increased because of the increase in costs for transportation and fuel. Commissioner Portner questioned page 13-18 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the $75,000 for the vehicle. Utilities Director Gagnon said this is a large dump truck with an 8-yard capacity. Commissioner Portner asked if the increases reflected in the budget would have been greater without the bond issue and Utilities Director Gagnon said yes. Commissioner Portner asked what Utilities Director Gagnon foresaw for the FY06 budget and Utilities Director Gagnon said a higher proposed spending level, which is part of the financial plan. In order to balance the budget this year we are taking money out of retained earnings. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked Utilities Director Gagnon if he foresaw Tamarac having to do anything more than we already have in the area of security against terrorism. Utilities Director Gagnon said this is an unfunded mandate. Florida passed a law regarding covering all water treatment plants, which was initiated because of fecal contamination from birds and flying insects; cities are trying to lobby the State of Florida and Florida Health Department to get the law rescinded, as it will prove very costly to comply. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked when the law would go into effect if it were not rescinded and Utilities Director Gagnon said December 31, 2006, Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke of reciprocal rate increases, and Utilities Director Gagnon said all our customers are treated equally. Mayor Schreiber asked if there is something in the Courtyards agreement about rate increases, and Utilities Director Gagnon said they are on a normal rate schedule. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 13-36 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the decrease due to the bond amount, and said this budget may not truly reflect actual costs of the operation. Utilities Director Gagnon explained the difference in totals due to the bond issue, and Finance Director Newman said that monies budgeted in the current year for projects are rolled over if the funds are not expended. The quarterly reports show amendments. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 13-17 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular capital outlay and Utilities Director Gagnon directed the Mayor and Commission to page 2-2 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, and said page 13-17 is for only one division. Laptops are for those in the field so they can get access to as -builds while on the site. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 13-33 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the valve exercise machine and storage building, which Utilities Director Gagnon explained. Mayor Schreiber questioned how much we are paying Broward County for wastewater treatment and Utilities Director Gagnon said approximately $3.46 million. Mayor Schreiber asked if we would be better off with our own treatment plant and Utilities Director Gagnon said the current rate for wastewater treatment to meet environmental requirements is between $10.00 - $12.00 per gallon, and it would cost July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 2 approximately $96 million to build, assuming we had the space to put the treatment plant. Mayor Schreiber asked if North Lauderdale has a wastewater treatment plant and Utilities Director Gagnon said the County has the regional plant for this area. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 13-34 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the increase in line item 43-01, electricity. Utilities Director Gagnon explained there is an increased use as we have two more lift stations and an additional one in the budget. Mayor Schreiber questioned the increase in page 13-35 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 46-14 and Support Services Manager Wilder explained this was machinery in customer service as well as the Utilities facility. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 13-35 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 49-31, uncollectable charges. Finance Director Newman said aggressive efforts are made to collect before the amounts are written off, but if people actually have no money, they cannot pay. Frequently those who do not pay are renters. Mayor Schreiber questioned the feasibility of holding the owner responsible. Finance Director Newman said we need to look into the legality of doing that and City Attorney Kraft said there is Florida law that speaks to owners and contract rights, and there are problems with holding the owner responsible for tenants' bills. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned how bills for Snow Birds are handled and Finance Director Newman said there is a base charge for every meter, and that must be paid whether there is usage or not. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for a city the size of Tamarac whether $15,000 is an average amount and Finance Director Newman said Tamarac has a good track record; however, we will never get that number to zero. Mayor Schreiber questioned the increase on page 13-35 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular in line item 49-33. Finance Director Newman said more customers are using credit cards and there is a fee for every charge. Mayor Schreiber questioned the increase in line item 52-07 on page 13-35 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, and Utilities Director Gagnon said it is due to an increase in the cost of chemicals. Mayor Schreiber questioned the increase in line item 52-08 on page 13-35 of FY05 Proposed Budget, and Utilities Director Gagnon said it is the software for the laptop. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 13-37 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, and Utilities Director Gagnon said it is the net operational revenue. Commissioner Portner questioned unfunded mandates and whether they have ever been challenged. City Attorney Kraft said the real issue is whether the State can pass a requirement and pass the financial burden to the cities. Commissioner Portner asked how one would proceed should one wish to challenge an unfunded mandate, and City Attorney Kraft suggested contacting the local State Representative or the delegation. Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke of unfunded mandates and said government cannot pay for everything. July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 3 Building & Code Compliance: Building Official Jones and Code Enforcement Manager Woods appeared. Building Official Jones discussed the highlights of the past year and said this budget is a result of staff efforts to present the most effective budget to do the job. Commissioner Roberts confirmed page 4-6 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, preventive maintenance. Commissioner Portner questioned page 4-4 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular quarterly field operations. Building Official Jones said the last two performance measures are new and there is no pre-existing measurement to which they can be compared. Commissioner Portner asked what is anticipated for Fiscal Year '05 and Building Official Jones said it is proposed to have quarterly observations of every property. Commissioner Roberts questioned page Finance Director Newman said Finance department's fleet usage individually. 4-6 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, and felt it would be better to reflect each Mayor Schreiber questioned page 4-5 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the increase of 23.7% for benefits. Management and Budget Officer Sammartino indicated this is the transferred position from Community Development. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 4-5 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the increase in 'other operating', and Building Official Jones said this is due to the increase in fuel. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 4-7 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 22- 01 and Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said this was discussed during the first day of budget workshops and reflects the transfer of the individual from Community Development to Building and Code Compliance. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if there is anything in Building and Code Compliance that can be done to increase revenues without increasing fees. Building Official Jones said he is not sure how revenues could be increased without increasing fees. Commissioner Portner said he feels the Code Board is at fault as they make settlements that do not reflect the actual amount owed. Information Technology: I.T. Director Sucuoglu and Network Manager Feinstein appeared. IT Director Sucuoglu said this past year has been an excellent one for I.T. and reviewed the highlights of the department. I.T. Director Sucuoglu spoke about reorganization of the department, in particular page 10-4 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, regarding the retirement of Systems Manager Christian. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned page 10-4 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the status of HTE on an overall basis, and I.T. Director Sucuoglu said the first few years were difficult but now that the transitional period is over there are no additional problems. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked if the I.T. department could trouble shoot throughout the City using HTE. I.T. Director Sucuoglu said Bruce Looman and Glenda July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 4 1 Christian have an excellent knowledge of the system and the majority of the daily problems can be fixed through troubleshooting; if it is a software problem then we must go to the vendor. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 10-4 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular replacing Systems Manager Christian with three people and asked whether three personal computers would be needed rather than just one. I.T. Director Sucuoglu said only one computer would be needed for the new person. Commissioner Roberts said she felt $500.00 for office furniture was a good price, and questioned page 10-6 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the anti-spam agent. Commissioner Roberts asked why the anti-spam virus software was denied/unfunded. I.T. Director Sucuoglu said that would be paid for out of this year's budget. There was discussion regarding use of current funds for items rather than funding in upcoming budgets, and the process through which these types of decisions are made. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 10-7 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular laptop computers, quantity `1', and who it was for. I.T. Director Sucuoglu said this number should be 8 and the computers are for City Manager Miller, Deputy City Manager Cernech, Assistant City Manager Phillips, Commissioner Roberts, Commissioner Portner, Mayor Schreiber, Vice Mayor Sultanof, and City Attorney Kraft. At this time Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco and City Clerk Swenson have computers. Mayor Schreiber questioned the difference in cost between these laptops and the one in the utilities budget. I.T. Director Sucuoglu explained the utilities laptops are higher end. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 10-8 in the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 13-02, to which I.T. Director Sucuoglu responded this is the regular part-time position, and the budget should reflect it as part-time, not temporary. There was discussion about those who took early retirement not being able to return to the City to work, and Human Resources Director Swanson explained that Ms. Christian left the City because she completed her career with the City, but she is not eligible to collect her pension yet. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 10-8 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the increase in line item 34-02. I.T. Director Sucuoglu explained this is the disaster recovery service discussed on page 10-5 of the FY05 Proposed Budget. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked what I.T. Director Sucuoglu anticipated for Fiscal Year '05 with regard to the computer replacement program. I.T. Director Sucuoglu referred to page 14-6 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, which addressed 50 P.C.s at a cost of $70,000. I.T. Director Sucuoglu added that he is looking into the possibility of leasing instead of purchasing, as the life cycle of the computers is only 3-4 years. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 14-8 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the new phone service and asked if it is worth Y2 million up front to fund this project. I.T. Director Sucuoglu agreed it is a large number, but when you look at the July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 5 overall benefit vs. the cost of staying with the current system, spending this money in the long run is less expensive than staying with the old system. Mayor Schreiber asked if it would be the same provider and I.T. Director Sucuoglu said there is no change in service provider for the lines. The system provider has still not been decided, but will be determined through the purchasing process. Commissioner Roberts asked how the cost could be estimated if the project has not gone out to bid and I.T. Director Sucuoglu said this is based on state contract pricing. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 10-9 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the increase in line item 52-08. I.T. Director Sucuoglu explained high availability and outside disruptions to the system. This would duplicate the system to another location and if the system does go down there will be a backup. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked if this accommodates the Fire Department and the 911 number. I.T. Director Sucuoglu said they will benefit as part of the City but it is not specific to 911 dispatching. Mayor Schreiber called for a recess at 10:25 a.m. and the meeting reconvened at 10:40 a.m. with all present as before. City Manager: Assistant City Manager Phillips spoke of performance measures on page 8-6 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular number of days to respond to requests. Assistant City Manager Phillips explained if a request is received today the intent is to determine how to deal with the request by the next day. Assistant City Manager Phillips said at the Commission Retreat surveying was discussed and the program modification reflected on page 8-8 of the FY05 Proposed Budget is reflective of this discussion. The object of the performance measure is to assure that 80% of the residents surveyed will be happy with the services offered. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 8-9 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 40-01. Assistant City Manager Phillips said during the 2nd quarter budget amendment there was discussion about additional training. The actual budget this year was $24,000. Commissioner Roberts questioned the decrease on page 8-9 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 13-02. Assistant City Manager Phillips explained in order to stay within the financial guidelines only one intern has been included in the budget. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if the City Manager's office feels one intern is sufficient and Assistant City Manager Phillips said she is confident projects can be accommodated with this staffing level. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 8-8 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the survey. Assistant City Manager Phillips said when looking at achieving the Sterling Award, we need to demonstrate citizen involvement and satisfaction in determining the July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 6 direction of the City, as well as satisfaction with current services and what residents want to see in the future. Assistant City Manager Phillips said the City will work with a firm that has expertise in the area to put together a survey regarding services. Then it will be determined whether to survey via questionnaire or via phone. Vice Mayor Sultanof said people active in the City should also participate in the survey. Commissioner Portner requested that if a telephone survey is decided upon no calls be made during the dinner hour. Commissioner Roberts said a number of years ago Parks and Recreation did a survey and asked if that would be the type of information requested. Assistant City Manager Phillips said we are looking at a full gamut program, while at that time Parks and Recreation was looking solely for those types of elements particular to that department. Mayor Schreiber said one reason we have the Tamarac Community Center today is because a survey was taken and that is what the majority of the people wanted. City Attorney: Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned page 8-18 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular performance measures. Assistant City Attorney Steinerts said one of the responsibilities of the City Attorney's office is litigation, and it is imperative to respond to pleadings within the time frame allotted by the Courts. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked about documents within the City, and Assistant City Attorney Steinerts said there are different priorities and the department responds to each matter as appropriate based upon the request and direction from the requesting individual/department. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned the two temporary employees/law clerks. City Attorney Kraft said this is flexible as law clerks work for the department based on their availability. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned page 8-19 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular part-time employee. City Attorney Kraft said this is the part-time secretary. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 8-19 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular contractual services. City Attorney Kraft said these are specialized outside counsel. Mayor Schreiber asked how many cases are handled in-house, and City Attorney Kraft said not many. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked whether Mr. Sugarman, Pension Board Attorney, is paid out of a City Attorney line item, and City Attorney Kraft said he is not. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned whether Mr. Soloff, Labor Attorney, is paid out of a City Attorney line item, and City Attorney Kraft said he is. Commissioner Portner questioned page 8-20 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line items 31-10 and 31-11 and asked what special counsel does for the City. City Attorney Kraft said we use special counsel for land purchases and title work, eminent domain, and other specialized items. July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 7 City Commission: Mayor Schreiber questioned page 8-3 of FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 31-11 and asked if there is any indication this item will be increased. City Manager Miller said he has not heard from Mr. Ceasar; Mr. Book requested an increase but City Manager Miller said he told him it was not in the budget and he did not expect to recommend an increase to the Mayor and City Commission. City Manager Miller said he intended to tell Mr. Ceasar the same thing should he contact the City. Commissioner Roberts said she felt Mr. Book warranted an increase. Mayor Schreiber said the results have been fairly good and he is being paid the same as Mr. Ceasar. The first year Mr. Book realized $450,000 for the City, which we should have received again this year but there is no control over government funding. Mr. Book is recognized as one of the better lobbyists and he may be worth additional money. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said it would be a show of good faith. City Manager Miller said Mr. Book requested an increase for this year and indicated that Tamarac was not one of his top paying clients. City Manager Miller said Mr. Book did well during his first year and kept City Manager Miller informed. It is hopeful that he will bring us money from the SFWMD for stormwater projects. There are no additional grant funds coming out of Tallahassee that we would not have gotten otherwise. City Manager Miller said he told Mr. Book we would see how next year goes and he accepted that; there is no indication that we will lose Mr. Book as a lobbyist. Commissioner Roberts suggested taking $5,000 from Mr. Ceasar and giving it to Mr. Book. Mayor Schreiber suggested leaving things as they are for now. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if Mr. Book would work as hard for us as he has in the past without an increase and City Manager Miller said he believed he would. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked to revisit this during mid -year. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 8-3 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 54-02. Assistant City Manager Phillips said this is projected cost and expenses for regular memberships for the Mayor and City Commission. Mayor Schreiber said he believed some of the membership fees could be negotiated down. Mayor Schreiber questioned page 8-4 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 82-01, Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Schreiber said the Chamber has asked for $35,000. Commissioner Roberts said several years ago the City loaned the Chamber $30,000 and she suggested raising the budgeted amount from $10,000 to $15,000 and forgiving the loan. July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 8 Mayor Schreiber asked if they have repaid the loan and City Manager Miller said they pay $5,000 per year and currently owe the City $20,000. Commissioner Portner said there is a new director who has gotten more members to attend meetings. Commissioner Portner suggested giving the money requested and revisiting the matter again next year, but not forgiving the loan. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for an explanation regarding the loan and City Manager Miller reviewed the facts. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for an elaboration of what the Chamber intends to do with the money. City Manager Miller said he believes staff is needed to answer the phones so the director is free to recruit new members. Assistant City Manager Phillips explained that sometimes agencies submit letters of interest and as the grantor we can go back to them and talk about developing a program regarding their use of the funds and get a full-blown proposal from the Chamber. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said she is interested in seeing the Chamber succeed but she also does not want to forgive the loan. The City should have an accounting of the money it gives to the Chamber. Vice Mayor Sultanof suggested giving the Chamber $20,000 and forgiving the loan. Vice Mayor Sultanof also recommended the director move forward with the trusteeship, and agreed with Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco that there should be an accounting. Mayor Schreiber said he is not sure he wants to audit the Chamber. One major function of Tamarac is economic development, which generates tax dollars. A healthy, functioning Chamber is an asset in this area and we should find ways to help them. Commissioner Roberts asked if the $35,000 included the $10,000 dues and City Manager Miller said it is included. There was consensus to help the Chamber and Commissioner Roberts asked where the $25,000 would come from. City Manager Miller said if the Mayor and City Commission decided to give the Chamber the $35,000 the balance would be taken from the fund balance at this point. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested the director and president of the Chamber come before the City Commission in workshop setting to discuss the matter. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked City Manager Miller his opinion and City Manager Miller said it would be a good investment in the long term, but if we give them the $35,000 they should still be required to repay the loan. July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 9 There was an expression of interest from the Mayor and City Commission to have the director and president of the Chamber speak to the Mayor and City Commission at an upcoming workshop and afterward the Mayor and City Commission would decide on the amount. City Manager Miller said he would notify the Chamber of a workshop session in September. Commissioner Partner asked to increase various charitable donations in the amount of $250.00 each on page 8-4 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the following line items: 82-03; 82-04; 82-05; 82-06; 82-07; 82-09; 82-10; 82-11; 82-12; 828-13; 82-14; 82-15; 82-16; and 82-17. Commissioner Roberts said she is not in favor of the increase. Mayor Schreiber said he did not see the justification. There was discussion about whether the organizations had notified the City of their monetary requirements and Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said any letters received prior to the printing of the proposed budget are included. There was discussion about the needs of the various organizations. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said for the past two years she sat on the allocation board for United Way and there were presentations from a number of organizations. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked when the last time was that the Mayor and City Commission evaluated the organizations, and questioned whether an evaluation should be done every year. There was discussion about whether to increase the contribution to all the organizations, and there was discussion about some organizations that receive grant funding. There was an expression of interest from all to increase all the organizations with the exception of Chamber of Commerce and Area on Aging, in the amount of $250.00, and a letter accompany the checks advising the organizations that the City of Tamarac wished to know how they are going to use the money. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 8-02 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the decrease in contractual services. Assistant City Manager Phillips explained the $15,000 was a one-time expenditure, and subsequent to putting the proposed budget together there were discussions with the Mayor and City Commission regarding Dr. Mathis. If the Mayor and City Commission wish to have Dr. Mathis return the funding will be put back into the budget. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned when he would return and City Manager Miller said he is working with Dr. Mathis on scheduling his return. July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 10 Commissioner Roberts questioned page 8-3 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line item 12-01. Management and Budget Officer Sammartino explained that those people who are slated to work 35 hours but work 40 hours get compensated for the extra hours, and in the '05 budget it was added to the overtime line item. Assistant City Manager Phillips added that the executive secretary was budgeted for 40 hours last year but she desired to flex her hours instead, so the figure was adjusted this year. Commissioner Roberts asked if the executive secretary's 5% increase was included since her evaluation has not yet been completed and Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said the 5% was figured in the line item. Public Information: Public Information Officer Crockett and Public Information Coordinator Bridges appeared. Public Information Officer Crockett said a program modification (page 8-13) has been added for citizen education for elections, which included banners and outreach. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 8-12 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular the program modification for printing. Public Information Officer Crockett said this was an increase in postage. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said she had received positive feedback from residents regarding the new format of the Tam -A -Gram. Mayor Schreiber said the new format is very impressive. Non -Departmental: Commissioner Roberts questioned page 8-28 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular line items 97-00 and 97-02. Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said it covers items that may come up during the year that have not been budgeted for, or special requests from the Mayor and City Commission. Boards and Committees: Commissioner Roberts questioned page 8-16 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular Public Information Committee line item 57-11. Public Information Officer Crockett said this is the Board and Committee Volunteer Appreciation Lunch. Commissioner Roberts questioned page 8-16 of the FY05 Proposed Budget, in particular Veterans Affairs, line item 52-20. Vice Mayor Sultanof explained this is money that has been brought forward for the Veterans Assembly because most of this event is paid for through sponsorship. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the Budget Workshop meeting at 12:20 p.m. F / Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk July 14, 2004 City Commission Budget Workshop 11