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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-28 - City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the Budget Workshop Meeting
of the City Commission to order on Thursday, June 28, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. at City
Furniture Building, 6701 Hiatus Road, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof,
Commissioner Edward C. Partner, and Commissioner Patte Atkins -Grad.
ABSENT: Commissioner Harry Dressler.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, Deputy City Manager Michael C.
Cernech, Assistant City Attorney Julie Klahr, and Assistant City Clerk Tom Schneider.
City Manager Miller explained the late delivery of the budget books was due to the
Department of Revenue revising and changing how we calculate millage. The property
appraiser still has not provided us with property values, but we are 99% where we need
to be. If the Mayor and Commission so desires, we can have one last session in late
August or early September. City Manager Miller said revised pages, as needed, will be
provided to the Mayor and Commission.
City Manager Miller gave an overview of the budget (attached hereto and incorporated
herein as a part of these minutes). City Manager Miller discussed the budget highlights
and objectives, and legislative proposals and impacts.
Commissioner Portner asked about the senior homestead exemption and Financial
Services Director Chapman said 1200-1500 Tamarac residents file for this second
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for clarification of the annual property tax growth
cap tied to growth in Florida per capita personal income. City Manager Miller said it is a
measure similar to a consumer price index based on how much personal income goes
up or down. Financial Services Director Chapman explained the calculations using
population and income level numbers and said whatever the resulting growth rate is will
be our maximum growth rate for millage.
Financial Services Director Chapman presented an overview of the General Fund
revenue highlights. Commissioner Portner asked if we could refinance if necessary and
Financial Services Director Chapman responded that is a strategy. City Manager Miller
said we want to put as much debt under the GO category. Vice Mayor Sultanof
questioned refinancing in the bond market and City Manager Miller said the bond rating
agencies like the approach we have taken in Tamarac and he would like to send a
delegation to New York for discussions as we want to maintain our bond rating.
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Financial Services Director Chapman said all three rating agencies are concerned.
They are asking how we are restructuring our general fund to accommodate the
reductions; we are projecting out 5-6 years.
Financial Services Director Chapman said we have balanced the budget with ongoing
revenues and ongoing expenses rather than by a one-time fix. City Manager Miller said
we continue to have reserves for emergencies such as hurricanes. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco said for this year and looking forward, this approach is not a band -aid or quick
fix; the way City Manager Miller and staff have guided us has put us in a good light.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested the Commission look at it long term. City
Manager Miller said this is a group effort by the executive team. We are downsizing our
government as mandated by the legislature. Some services will be reduced and the
Commission will be blamed, but this is not the Commission's doing. We will have to
explain this to the residents. City Manager Miller said looking ahead, we will be putting
our City in a better position and we have tried to lessen the impacts on our citizens.
Vice Mayor Sultanof asked about the City charter and the 10% reserve, and City
Manager Miller said the changes mandated from the state do not interfere with our
charter at the present.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Building
and Code Compliance budget. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned will -call
temporary inspectors and Director of Building & Code Compliance Jones explained.
City Manager Miller said based on the fees the department takes in, service reductions
should not hamper residents. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if we would be
capable of adding staff if we are hit by a storm and there is a large amount of rebuilding.
Director of Building & Code Compliance Jones said if necessary, he would come to the
Commission with a budget amendment. City Manager Miller noted the more permits
issued, the more revenue the department has in its budget.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Community
Development budget.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Financial
Services budget. Financial Services Director Chapman noted certain projects handled
by Financial Services will be outsourced.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the City
Commission budget and non-profit grants. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said the Aging
and Disability Resource Center provides approximately $1.2 million worth of services to
residents of Tamarac and this year they are asking for $72,594. Commissioner Portner
spoke about the two Alzheimers organizations and asked the Mayor and Commission to
look seriously at these donations. City Manager Miller said some organizations on the
list have not requested funding from us last year or this year and perhaps we can look
at those and provide more to Aging and Disability Resource Center or Alzheimers.
Commissioner Portner suggested reducing the entire list by half or eliminating those not
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requesting funding. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco agreed with eliminating those groups
who have not made a request. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said Edith Lederberg
provides the number of seniors in Tamarac her organization helps and asked if it is
possible to determine how many actual residents are helped by the other groups on the
list. City Manager Miller said staff would research and provide the information to the
Mayor and Commission. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said our obligation is to the
residents of Tamarac as many are aided by these charities. Commissioner Atkins -Grad
said she dislikes cutting funding for mentally and physically challenged children.
Commissioner Portner suggested the Commission's expense allowance be reduced to
$1500. Vice Mayor Sultanof agreed and said cuts should be across the board and
some on the list should not be funded. There is a dilemma with the Aging and Disability
Resource Center insofar as they provide Tamarac with over $1 million in services,
without which our Social Services department would have to be relied on to provide
these services. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco requested City Manager Miller come back
to the Mayor and Commission with a number after cutting Commission expenses.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned whether travel/training could be reduced and
City Manager Miller said this line item has been cut by 25% across all departments.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the City
Manager, City Manager/Economic Development, and City Manager/Boards and
Committees budgets. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned contractual services and City
Manager Miller explained the use of consultants to review operations will be diminished.
Commissioner Portner questioned elimination of the Public Information Officer and City
Manager Miller confirmed Economic Development Officer Berns is acting as interim
PIO. City Manager Miller noted we are freezing the intern program and adding the
current intern to staff.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the City
Attorney budget. Financial Services Director Chapman noted restructuring of copiers
was done resulting in savings throughout the budget.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the City Clerk
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Human
Resources budget. Commissioner Portner questioned the increase in the
unemployment budget and Human Resources Director Swanson explained the City's
obligations. Human Resources Director Swanson further explained the program
available for those employees who are facing layoffs. Human Resources staff will utilize
resources already in place to work with each individual for the specific needs they have,
since some will retire, some will desire a similar position and some will prefer a job
change. Assistance being provided will include: Workforce One (county agency),
Employee Assistance Program, COBRA coverage, transition planning, resume writing
and interviewing skills. Vice Mayor Sultanof complimented City Manager Miller for his
letter to the employees. Commissioner Atkins -Grad spoke about a county program
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offering a 20% discount on drugs for those without insurance and suggested a supply of
cards be made available in City Hall.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called for a recess at 10:25 a.m. and reconvened the
meeting at 10:40 a.m. with all present as before.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Risk
Management budget. Financial Services Director Chapman said the Risk Management
fund is much healthier this year than last and because of our claim history, we are at the
90% level. Human Resources Director Swanson explained the actuary recommended
we go to the 95% level; this is set aside and if claims are not incurred there is no
expense involved. Commissioner Portner asked if this fund could be tapped and City
Manager Miller said he does not recommend doing so.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Information
Technology budget. Management and Budget Officer Sammartino and IT Director
Sucuoglu spoke about capital outlays. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked when IT
would be moving and whether there is a cost to the move. Utilities Director Gagnon
said costs are included in the funding for the new building and not operating accounts.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Parks and
Recreation budget. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the Social Services
Specialist position and Parks and Recreation Director Warner explained the position
was added this past fiscal year and had never been filled. Parks and Recreation
Director Warner said this was more of a programming position to provide programs
such as family support groups and existing staff will take on these duties. Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco said a couple months ago there was a meeting with a YMCA
representative and asked where we are with this. Parks and Recreation Director
Warner said we are still pursuing areas of programming and when the new recreation
center opens, the YMCA will be brought in to run some of the programs. Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco said we were asked about locating a site for YMCA in Tamarac
and Interim Public Information Officer/Economic Development Officer Berns said staff is
working with them to find a space. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for an update
after the Commission break.
Commissioner Portner questioned elimination of the transportation system. Parks and
Recreation Director Warner said we will maintain the para-transit service and expand it
for trips to Tamarac Community Center and other key areas to be identified. Two
county buses will be returned to the county. Commissioner Portner asked if we receive
county funds and Parks and Recreation Director Warner said only for the route system,
not para-transit. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for an explanation of the para-
transit system and Parks and Recreation Director Warner responded. Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco said we can anticipate phone calls regarding this change and
asked about compensating for the eliminated bus service. Parks and Recreation
Director Warner said notices have gone out to riders with an explanation of budget
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reductions; those truly in need of bus service can use the para-transit service. Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco said it would be helpful to the Commission to have information to
understand this program as there will be questions from the residents. Interim Public
Information Officer/Economic Development Officer Berns said the Mayor and
Commission will be provided information and noticing the public now gives us a way to
gauge the impact. City Manager Miller said if calls come in to the Mayor and
Commission's offices when they are out of City Hall, staff can transfer them to Parks
and Recreation Director Warner and the City Manager's office. Callers will be directed
to Parks and Recreation to determine if they qualify for para-transit service.
Commissioner Portner questioned staff reductions in Parks and Recreation. Parks and
Recreation Director Warner explained 11 positions and 28 summer camp positions
would be eliminated. Commissioner Portner asked if we could save the positions if we
reduce hours of operations of parks and facilities. Parks and Recreation Director
Warner said this was looked at but it does not equate to saving any positions.
Commissioner Portner said Parks and Recreation has taken the biggest hit out of all.
Financial Services Director Chapman explained all department directors were asked for
a 5, 10 and 15 percent decrease in their departmental budgets that would have minimal
amount of impact on citizens.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Public
Works budget. Commissioner Portner questioned the reduction in electricity and
greening. Public Works Director Strain spoke about inconsistencies found during a
recent audit and the fact that the City already uses florescent bulbs. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco questioned the use of hybrid vehicles and Public Works Director Strain said
the City continually evaluates the use of new technology. Deputy City Manager
Cernech added due to events in Tallahassee greening discussions were put on hold.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Police
Services budget. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco confirmed we are keeping school
crossing guards and SROs.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the General
Fund Non -Departmental budget.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Other
General Fund reductions. Commissioner Portner questioned the elimination of
performance bonuses.
Financial Services Director Chapman reviewed the highlights of the General Fund
Revenue forecast.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Fire
Rescue Fund Revenue. Financial Services Director Chapman spoke of the upcoming
resolutions regarding fire assessment fee and proposed millage.
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Financial Services Director Chapman reviewed the highlights of the Fire Rescue
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Stormwater
Fund Revenue.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Public
Works (Stormwater) budget.
Management and Budget Officer Sammartino reviewed the highlights of the Utilities
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called for a recess at 12:30 p.m. and reconvened the
budget workshop meeting at 1:05 p.m. with all present as before.
City Manager Miller explained the millage and fire assessment rates will be set at the
July 11 t" meeting. All departments are being treated equally and it is important to know
that fire service will remain at a constant level even with a reduction in positions. There
was discussion regarding keeping the fire assessment at $141 or raising it to $153.
Assistant City Attorney Klahr spoke of possible litigation with regard to legislative
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 1:35 p.m.
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