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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-08 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8, 2003 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. in Chambers at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Edward C. Partner, Commissioner Gertrude Mishkin, Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof, and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Schreiber asked Commissioner Sultanof to lead the pledge of allegiance. 1. PROCLAMATIONS/SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS: a. Presentation by Mayor Schreiber proclaiming January 22, 2003 as South Florida Senior Games Day. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles accepted and invited everyone to participate or support the athletes. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said the games will be held from January 22"d through February 6t", and spoke about registration and the wide variety of competitions. RPP(7RTS 2. City Commission: Commissioner Roberts wished everyone a happy new year and asked everyone to drive safely as school is back in session. Commissioner Roberts said 115 cell phones have been distributed under Project SAFE and donations are still needed. Commissioner Roberts said additional donations of tennis balls are needed, as well. Vice Mayor Portner had no report. Mayor Schreiber said he had no report, but suggested Item 6(p) on the consent agenda be removed for discussion. Commissioner Sultanof said he is delighted to see more people in the audience. City government is the closest to the people and people should come see what is done and participate. Commissioner Sultanof wished everyone a happy new year and thanked those in attendance, particularly the young attendees, and asked them to encourage their parents to vote. January 8, 2003 1 Commissioner Mishkin said she had no report and wished everyone a happy, healthy new year. 3. City Attorney: City Attorney Kraft had no report. 4. City Manager: City Manager Miller said the Fire Department reports they have received a $1,000 donation from Home Depot in the form of ten $100 gift cards. Pat Kendricks was instrumental in acquiring the gift certificates on behalf of the Executive Fire Officers' Academy Program to purchase supplies for the academy. Tamarac Fire Rescue reports an estimated 11,300 emergency responses and 2,500 property inspections in 2002. Additionally, service projects reached out to 33,000 people in Tamarac over the past year. The Fire Rescue cadets completed their first year of training, and will be joining CERT groups during the second phase of their training. The Parks and Recreation Department reports that T-ball has begun, as well as several other activities, including, soccer, roller hockey and tennis. City Manager Miller said the Broward County Property Appraiser will provide on -site assistance with filing property taxes and exemptions at the Community Center on January 15 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. and February 12 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72"d Street, Tamarac, wished the Mayor, Commissioners and staff a healthy new year, and spoke about cost concerns regarding the upcoming election. Mayor Schreiber said elections must be held regardless of the cost, and spoke about efforts to improve polling place locations in order to provide better service to the voters. Vice Mayor Portner said he wrote to Governor Bush regarding removal of the Supervisor of Elections from her position, and suggested that all concerned citizens write a letter to the governor expressing their opinions on the matter. Vice Mayor Portner said the public deserves a good clean election. Marvin Seidel, 9645 N Belfort, Tamarac, spoke about problems with construction in the pool area at the Belfort community and complaints from the residents geared toward the Mayor and Commissioners. Mr. Seidel said it is not the Mayor and Commissions' fault for the delay in the repair; it is up to the president of the association to see the matter is taken care of timely. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Vice Mayor Portner seconded by Commissioner Roberts moved removal of item 6(p) from the consent agenda for discussion. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT --- GRANT AWARD FOR TAMARAC PRESERVATION PARK: (TR10008) Entering into an Interlocal Agreement with Broward County accepting a $2,000,000 grant award for the acquisition of Kings Point Replat Parcel R (also known as Tamarac Preservation Park) and accepting the Conceptual Open Space Management Plan included in the agreement for the development of Tamarac Preservation Park and providing for the inclusion of the project in the City's five year Capital Improvement Program; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants; authorizing the City Clerk to record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants in the Public Records of Broward County; authorizing the appropriate City officials to amend January 8, 2003 2 the grants fund budget in the amount of $2,000,000 in accordance with proper accounting procedures. On roll call Vice Mayor Portner voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Mishkin "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion approved. Mayor Schreiber said there should be a report given on this item, and the county, giving this large a sum of money to the city, should get public recognition. Mayor Schreiber suggested future items of this nature be placed on the regular agenda. City Manager Miller said the county bond program of $400 million, of which Tamarac received $2 million, would be used to defray acquisition costs of the 15-acre parcel next to Tamarac Sports Complex. We will be able to add a predominately passive use to the existing park which is a very good thing for Tamarac. Vice Mayor Portner said Tamarac residents should have an opportunity to name the park rather than the county naming the park for us. Commissioner Roberts said Tamarac Preservation Park is the project name and not the park name. Commissioner Roberts seconded by Vice Mayor Portner moved the addition of Temporary Resolution 10018 to the consent agenda as item 6(r). Temporary Resolution 10018, a Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, amending rules of procedure for the City Commission to add a provision for removal of items from consent agenda for discussion and separate vote upon request and without vote; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. On roll call Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Mishkin "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Vice Mayor Portner "yes". Motion carried. Commissioner Roberts seconded by Commissioner Mishkin moved approval of all items on the consent agenda except Item 6(p), which was removed for discussion. On roll call Commissioner Mishkin voted "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Vice Mayor Portner "yes", and Commissioner Sultanof "yes". Motion carried. a. APPROVE the minutes of the December 9, 2002 special commission meeting. APPROVED b. APPROVE the minutes of the December 11, 2002 regular commission meeting. APPROVED G. WARRANTY BOND RELEASE — HAMPTON INN PROJECT: (TR9975) Releasing a Public Improvement Warranty Bond in the form of an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 277 from Harbor Federal in the amount of $7,406.62 for the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System improvements installed by Wynne Building Corporation for the Hampton Inn Project located at 4499 West Commercial Boulevard; authorizing the City Clerk to release Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. 277. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-01 d. WARRANTY BOND RELEASE — WALGREENS PROJECT: (TR9976) Releasing a Public Improvement Warranty Bond in the form of Surety Bond #LPM4122936 from Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland in the amount of $15,994.75 for the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System January 8, 2003 3 improvements installed by FOG Partners Two, Ltd., for the Walgreens Project located at 8801 West Commercial Boulevard; authorizing the City Clerk 'to release Surety Bond #LPM4122936. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-02 e. BLANKET PUBLIC SAFETY INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT — CATALINA LAKES: (TR9998) Executing a Blanket Public Safety Ingress/Egress Easement with Catalina Lakes, Inc., for the Catalina Lakes Project, located on the southwest corner of Nob Hill Road and NW 80th Street, to provide proper access to the property for municipal services such as utility, canal, fire and police protection, emergency and other public safety services; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said document in the public records of Broward County. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-03 f. TAMARAC WATER AND SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT — CATALINA LAKES: (TR9999) Executing a "Tamarac Water and Sewer Utility Easement" with Catalina Lakes, Inc., for the Catalina Lakes Project, located on the southwest corner of Nob Hill Rod and NW 80th Street, to allow legal access by City Utility Personnel for installing, maintaining, and operating the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection Systems; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said document in the public records of Broward County. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-04 g. WARRANTY BOND RELEASE — WENDY'S OLD FASHIONED HAMBURGERS PROJECT: (TR9972) Releasing a Public Improvement Warranty Bond in the form of Surety Bond #6127042 from Safeco Insurance Company of America in the amount of $4,324.50 for the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System improvements installed by Wendy's of N.E. Florida, Inc., for the Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers Project located at 8901 West Commercial Boulevard; authorizing the City Clerk to release surety bond #6127042. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-05 h. BILL OF SALE ABSOLUTE — HESS GAS STATION NO. FL-160: (TR10000) Accepting a Bill of Sale Absolute from Amerada Hess Facilities Business Trust No. 1998-1 by Amerada Hess Corporation, its authorized agent for the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System Improvements installed for the Hess Gas Station No. FL-160 Project, located at 8550 North University Drive, for City ownership; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said document in the public records of Broward County. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-06 i. WARRANTY BOND RELEASE „SOUTHAMPTON PHASES A-D, I-J AND RECREATIONAL CENTER: (TR10005) Releasing a Public Improvement Warranty Bond in the form of an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. S002240 from Suntrust Bank in the amount of $46,412.75 for the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System Improvements installed by Lennar Land Partners for the Southampton Phases A-D, I-J and Recreational Center Project located on the west side of Nob Hill Road between NW 71 st Place and NW 80th Street; authorizing the City Clerk to release Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. S002240. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-07 January 8, 2003 4 j. GRANT AWARD — FIRE RESCUE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND GEAR: (TR10001) Accepting a grant award from the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the amount of $195,230, with a City match of $83,670, for a total project cost of $278,900 for new Fire Rescue personal protective equipment and gear; authorizing the appropriate City officials to amend the grants fund budget in the amount of $195,230 in accordance with proper accounting procedures. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-08 k. GRANT APPLICATION -- FIRE RESCUE LIGHTWEIGHT PERSONAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: (TR10003) Submitting an application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs through the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund for an Emergency Management Municipal Matching Grant in an amount not to exceed $50,000, providing for a match of up to $100,000 for lightweight personal protective clothing for all City fire rescue personnel. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-09 1. TAMARAC WATER UTILITY EASEMENT — TAMARAC EAST UTILITIES UPGRADE PHASE II: (TR10007) Executing a "Tamarac Water Utility Easement" with Tamarac Lakes South, Inc., for the Tamarac East Utilities Upgrade Phase II Project, located on the south side of West Commercial Boulevard between NW 315t Avenue and Prospect Road within Land Section 17, to allow legal access by City Utility Personnel for the installation, maintenance, and operation of a Water Distribution System Interconnect Meter with the City of Fort Lauderdale; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said agreement in the public records of Broward County. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-10 M. PERFORMANCE BOND RELEASE — 7-ELEVEN PROJECT: (TR9974) Releasing a Performance Bond in the form of Surety Bond #3-614-864 from the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, in the amount of $23,896.28 posted by Petropac, Inc., held as guarantee of performance and as warranty for the construction of a stormwater management system within the public right-of-way of NW 57th street as an off -site improvement for the 7-Eleven Project located on the northwest corner of Commercial Boulevard and N.W. 79th Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-11 n. PERFORMANCE BOND RELEASE — HESS GAS STATION: (TR10010) Releasing a Performance Bond in the form of Surety Bond #423443 from Amerada Hess Corporation in the amount of $25,726.03 for paving and drainage improvements located at the Hess Gas Station on 8550 North University Drive subject to the receipt of a Warranty Bond in the amount of $6,431.51 RESOLUTION NO. R2003-12 o. GRANT APPLICATION — NEW FIRE STATION/EOC: (TR10004) Submitting an application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs through the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund for an Emergency Management Competitive Matching Grant in an amount not to exceed $300,000, providing for a match of $2,000,000 in the form of a hardened January 8, 2003 5 fire station and emergency generator and a total project cost of $2,300,000, for an Emergency Operations Center. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-13 P. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT — GRANT AWARD FOR TAMARAC PRESERVATION PARK: (TR10008) Entering into an Interlocal Agreement with Broward County accepting a $2,000,000 grant award for the acquisition of Kings Point Replat Parcel R (also known as Tamarac Preservation Park) and accepting the Conceptual Open Space Management Plan included in the agreement for the development of Tamarac Preservation Park and providing for the inclusion of the project in the City's five year Capital Improvement Program; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants; authorizing the City Clerk to record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants in the Public Records of Broward County; authorizing the appropriate City officials to amend the grants fund budget in the amount of $2,000,000 in accordance with proper accounting procedures. REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION q. GRANT APPLICATION — EMS TRANSPORT VEHICLE: (TR10002) Submitting an application to the Florida Department of Health for an Emergency Medical Services Matching Grant in the amount of $200,000, providing for a match in the form of personnel salaries and benefits, for one fully -equipped emergency medical services transport vehicle. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-14 r. AMENDING RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY COMMISSION: (TR10018) Amending rules of procedure for the City Commission to add a provision for removal of items from consent agenda for discussion and separate vote upon request and without vote. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-15 END OF CONSENT AGENDA 6p. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT — GRANT AWARD FOR TAMARAC PRESERVATION PARK: (TR10008) Entering into an Interlocal Agreement with Broward County accepting a $2,000,000 grant award for the acquisition of Kings Point Replat Parcel R (also known as Tamarac Preservation Park) and accepting the Conceptual Open Space Management Plan included in the agreement for the development of Tamarac Preservation Park and providing for the inclusion of the project in the City's five year Capital Improvement Program; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants; authorizing the City Clerk to record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants in the Public Records of Broward County; authorizing the appropriate City officials to amend the grants fund budget in the amount of $2,000,000 in accordance with proper accounting procedures. Commissioner Roberts seconded by Commissioner Sultanof moved approval. On roll call Mayor Schreiber voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Vice Mayor Portner "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", and Commissioner Mishkin "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-16 January 8, 2003 6 REGULAR AGENDA ORDINANCE — FIRST READING 7. AMENDING CHAPTER 16 OF THE TAMARAC CODE — PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT: (TO1994) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending Chapter 16, entitled "Pensions and Retirement", Article Vill, Division 4, entitled "Benefits" to provide adjustments for normal retirement benefits; providing adjustments for early retirement benefits; providing adjustments for pre -retirement death benefits pursuant to amendments of Chapter 185 of the Florida Statutes; providing for codification. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 1994 on first reading by title. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Mishkin moved approval. On roll call Commissioner Roberts voted "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", Vice Mayor Portner "yes", Commissioner Mishkin "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. APPROVED ON FIRST READING There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. MARION SW NSON, CMC CITY CLERK January 8, 2003 7 JOE SCHREIBER u: O. OF