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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-23 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL CHAMBERS WEDNESDAY JANUARY 23, 2008 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the regular City Commission meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 in Chambers at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Partner, Commissioner Patte Atkins -Grad, and Commissioner Harry Dressler. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance. INTRODUCTION PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Introduction of Lee Chaykin, CEO of University Community Hospital. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco moved out of the regular order of business on the agenda to take up Item 1(b). b. Presentation of a check in the amount of $42,000 for a Conservation Grant by Shannon Estenoz, South Florida Water Management District Governing Board Member. Ms. Estenoz said Tamarac will save 18 million gallons of water per year with the retrofit program. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco recognized Director of Utilities Gagnon and Lab Manager Oney for their work in obtaining this grant. Lab Manager Oney said during this time of short water supply it is important to remember that even little changes save a lot of water, thereby helping the environment and saving residents money. READ INTO THE RECORD ON BEHALF OF REQUESTOR: Formally recognizing individuals or organizations for their contributions and/or achievements, and/or providing educational information to the residents and citizens of the City of Tamarac. C. Presentation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco of a proclamation proclaiming February 7 - 14, 2008 as "Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week". READ INTO THE RECORD AND ACCEPTED BY REQUESTOR: Formally recognizing individuals, organizations or departments for their contributions and/or achievements, and/or providing educational information to the residents and citizens of the City of Tamarac. January 23, 2008 Page 1 of 6 d. Presentation by Mary Anderson Pickle on behalf of Palm Beach Gardens Finance Director Allan Owens of the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (CAFR) award to the City of Tamarac for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006. Ms. Pickle said this is the premier indicator of excellence in governmental accounting and reporting, and the City of Tamarac has received this award 19 times. Financial Services Director Chapman thanked Ms. Pickle and the GFOA for the award and added this award starts with the City Commission setting policy and staff bringing forward best practices. Financial Services Director Chapman acknowledged all Finance staff responsible for the City receiving this prestigious award. e. Presentation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco of a proclamation recognizing Lieutenant/Paramedic Steven J. Gotha as "2007 City of Tamarac Firefighter of the Year'. This item was deferred to a future meeting due to the inability of Lt./Paramedic Gotha to be present. f. Presentation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco of a proclamation proclaiming January as "Broward Diversity Community Month". Roland Foulkes accepted. g. Presentation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco of Employee Service Awards: 5-year Awards: Gregory Warner, Director of Parks & Recreation 10-year Awards: Tessie Gross, Accountant, Finance and Bonnie Rapp, Office Specialist, Public Works 15-year Awards: William Franqui, Water Conservation Specialist, Utilities; Charles Guidetti, Senior Tradesperson, Public Works; and Kerrick Wiggins, Mechanic, Utilities 20-year Awards: Gary Loney, SCADA System Specialist, Utilities 30-year Award: Charlie Baldwin, Parks Maintenance Supervisor, Parks & Recreation a. Introduction of Lee Chaykin, CEO of University Community Hospital. Mr. Chaykin spoke of his responsibility in addressing the needs of the community as well as the needs of the patients, and added there have been market changes over the years, but the products are the same. There are three sister hospitals to University Hospital: Westside Regional, North West Regional and Plantation, each with their own specialty. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he is delighted to be on the University Hospital Board and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco is now a member of the board. Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco said Mr. Chaykin is out in the community more than any other CEO, attending homeowner meetings and the Kiwanis Club, and as a Board Member and the Mayor of the City of Tamarac, she will do everything she can to assure the success of the hospital. Commissioner Portner commended Mr. Chaykin and his staff on his treatment during his stays in the hospital; he was treated with the utmost respect and diligence. REPORTS 2. City Commission: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco took a personal privilege to wish Assistant City Clerk Schneider the best after his seven years with the City of Tamarac. Mr. Schneider is leaving to go into the restaurant business in Orlando and he will be missed. January 23, 2008 Page 2 of 6 Commissioner Portner said last week he and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco were invited to a Korean Dinner and it was very enjoyable. Commissioner Portner extended an invitation for anyone to run for the District 1 seat. Commissioner Portner said yesterday was a sad day for him and for some of the residents in Mainlands 1-7, because Prestige Homes' request to roll back fees was denied by the City Commission at Tuesday's workshop meeting. Commissioner Portner spoke of the benefits the project will bring to the City and he hopes he can speak with the developer and encourage them to pay the new fees, as he would hate to see the land sit vacant. (Commissioner Portner's report is attached hereto and incorporated as part of these minutes.) Commissioner Atkins -Grad reported on the forum held two weeks ago in Coral Springs regarding the tax issue, and said she continues to read to the elementary school children and has many lovely mementos in her office from the children. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he is the longest serving commissioner on this commission and he has learned that when you fight a battle you do not lose the war. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he, too, spoke to Prestige Homes and encouraged them to go forward so the community at large will prosper. Tamarac is the finest city in Broward County and nowhere is there the camaraderie and professional staff as there is in Tamarac. Commissioner Dressler spoke of diversity, the holocaust and the issues going on in Darfur, and urged everyone to call their state and federal representatives to tell them disinvestment programs are not enough. 3. City Attorney: City Attorney Goren reported on University Drive and said the Cities of Tamarac and Coconut Creek are parties to the suit. The Red Light Camera Bill has been filed, and this version allows for implementation of ordinances by local governments. The Broward Independent Fire District Bill is on the pathway to Tallahassee, but at this time the implications are unclear. If it passes the legislature it will appear as a referendum in Broward County. The Charter Review Commission meeting will take place on January 30 and fire rescue item changes are being opposed by the Broward League of Cities. Commissioner Dressler asked for an update on the status of the intervener position, and City Attorney Goren obliged. 4. City Manager: City Manager Miller reported that yesterday he received a letter from the Florida Governor's Sterling Council indicating that Tamarac has completed Phase 1 of the Sterling Process, via the Navigator, and they have accepted our application for Phase II, the Challenge. The Florida Governor's Sterling Award encourages high performance in government and only a few local governments have received this award. The examiners will be here April 7 — 11, 2008, at which time they will interview staff and speak with the Commissioners. On the last day of their visit they will provide us with a report regarding where we stand in the overall process. The President has signed the Bill approving the money earmarked for the Recreation Center on University Drive. We will receive $147,000. City Manager Miller expressed thanks to Congressman Wexler and Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz for their assistance in putting these monies through, and thanked and congratulated Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco, Commissioner Portner, Deputy City Manager Cernech and Assistant City Manager Phillips for taking their time to visit Washington to assist in January 23, 2008 Page 3 of 6 lobbying efforts. The Fire Department reports during the most recent inspection by the Health Department Bureau of EMS, they received all 1's for EMS personnel. This is an outstanding rating. Parks and Recreation reports over 400 people attended the last concert. The next concert is scheduled for February 8, 2008. There were 240 4th and 5th graders in attendance at the dance held last Friday. Commissioner Dressler said Director of Parks and Recreation Warner and his staff as well as staff from other departments, do an incredible job and are involved in many things the public does not know about. One case in point is the Winter Fest event that was held a few weeks ago, attended by several thousand people. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Odiel Feyers, 7421 NW 70 Avenue, Tamarac, spoke of the need for speed humps rather than the traffic calming devices the City installed on 70th Avenue. Commissioner Dressler said the city installed the traffic calming devices (narrowing the roads, swales and sidewalks) as it hoped these devices would slow speeders. City Manager Miller said several neighborhood meetings were held in the area and surrounding community, and at the end of the day, these were the proposals from the majority of the community. People still speed on this road, as they do throughout Broward County, and it is a problem; however, the tactics used by the City have slowed speeders on 70th Avenue. City Manager Miller asked that traffic enforcement be set up in the area again. Commissioner Portner said patrols will be put on the streets to check speeding; however, the majority of people who are ticketed live in the area. Speeding is a nationwide problem, and it is necessary for homeowner associations to be aware of the problem. Commissioner Partner said speed humps do not work. Commissioner Dressler agreed with Commissioner Portner and said he is available to come to the homeowner association meetings to bring the message to the people. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said she goes to that community daily, and she has a 103 year old Aunt who walks on the sidewalks, as well as a lot of other people. (Attached and incorporated herein as part of these minutes -- documentation from Mr. Feyers regarding Speed Humps.) Bob Starch, 4622 NW 45 Court, Tamarac, spoke of traffic analysis. Commissioner Portner said over the 30 years he has lived in Tamarac he has seen many changes, and traffic is a problem with no answer in sight. (Attached and incorporated herein as part of these minutes - documentation from Mr. Starch regarding traffic analysis.) CONSENT AGENDA 6. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval of all items on the consent agenda. On roll call Commissioner Dressler voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. a. APPROVE the minutes of the January 9, 2008 Regular City Commission meeting. APPROVED b. MAINTENANCE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY LANDSCAPING: (TR11333) Executing a District Four Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the January 23, 2008 Page 4 of 6 City of Tamarac for right-of-way landscaping on University Drive between Commercial Boulevard and Southgate Boulevard. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-04 C. APPOINTING ONE REGULAR MEMBER AND TWO ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: (TR11335) Appointing F. Glen Weintraub to serve as a regular member to the Parks and Recreation Board to complete an unexpired term; appointing two alternate members to the Parks and Recreation Board to complete unexpired terms. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-05 d. AWARDING BID NO. 08-01 B AND EXECUTING AGREEMENT WITH PRIDE ENTERPRISES, INC. — UTILITY_ SERVICE BILL PROCESSING: (TR11337) Awarding Bid No. 08-01 B entitled "Utility Service Bill Processing" authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement between the City of Tamarac and Pride Enterprises, Inc. for a two-year term commencing on date of award, at a unit cost of $0.1109 per bill, with two (2) optional two-year renewal options. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-06 END OF CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA ORDINANCE — FIRST READING 7. AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE TAMARAC CODE — CHANGING NAME OF BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT: (T02156) Motion to adopt Ordinance on firstm reading amending Chapter 2 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances, entitled "Administration", by amending Article IV, entitled "Departments"; specifically amending Division 1 entitled "Generally", by amending Section 2-235 entitled "Establishment of certain departments and offices"; changing the Building and Code Compliance Department name; providing for codification. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2156 on first reading by title. Commissioner Portner seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval. Building and Code Compliance Director Jones gave a presentation. On roll call Commissioner Portner voted "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING JANUARY 23, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING 9:00 A.M. OR THEREAFTER ORDINANCE — SECOND READING 8. FRANCHISE AGREEMENT — TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A PEOPLE'S GAS SYSTEM: (T02153) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading authorizing the Mayor to execute and to otherwise enter into that certain Franchise Agreement for construction, operation and maintenance of gas system facilities with Tampa Electric Company d/b/a People's Gas System. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2153 on second reading by title. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Vice Mayor Sultanof moved approval. Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation. Commissioner Dressler questioned revenues five -years out and Sergio Abreu, representing TECO/Peoples Gas, located at 5101 NW 21 Avenue, said January 23, 2008 Page 5 of 6 the service area will be the four corners of Commercial Boulevard and State Road 441 and then east of State Road 441 along Commercial Boulevard; extensive marketing has not been done yet, so it is hard to determine revenues that far out. Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Atkins -Grad voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Portner `yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING JANUARY 9, 2008 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING JANUARY 23, 2008 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2008-01 END OF PUBLIC HEARING There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the regular meeting of the City Commission at 10:45 a.m. eth Flansbaum-Talabisco, M yor Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk January 23, 2008 Page 6 of 6 TODAY IS A CRITICAL DAY IN THE LIVES OF MANY CITIZENS OF TAMARAC, SPECIFICALLY THE CITIZENS OF MAINLANDS 1 THROUGH 7. AS MANY OF YOU KNOW, I GENERALLY SPEAK IN AN AD LIB FORM; HOWEVER, BECAUSE TODAY IS SO IMPORTANT, I THOUGHT IT BEST TO WRITE ALL OF MY THOUGHTS DOWN SO AS NOT TO FORGET ANY ONE SINGLE IMPORTANT ITEM. WE HAVE BEFORE THIS COMMISSION AN AGENDA ITEM OF SUCH ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE TO THE CITY, THAT I HOPE EVERYONE WILL LISTEN WITH AN OPEN MIND. WE HAVE A DEVELOPER, PRESTIGE HOMES, WHO HAS PURCHASED BOTH SABAL PALM AND MONTEREY GOLF COURSES FOR HOME DEVELOPMENT. THIS PROCESS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR CLOSE TO OR OVER TWO YEARS. THE DEVELOPER, PRESTIGE HOMES HAS AGREED TO THE MAINLANDS STIPULATIONS, LANDSCAPING, ROADS, RELIEF FROM CLUB HOUSE EXPENDITURES, ETC, WILL GIVE THE CITY 22 ACRES FOR A PASSIVE PARK, 9-1/2 ACRES FOR A NEW FIRE STATION BUILDING, A NEW SATELLITE CITY HALL, $1,000,000.00 TOWARD THE PARK AND HAS MET ALL REQUIREMENTS THAT BOTH THE CITY AND COUNTY HAVE PLACED BEFORE THEM. NOW, ANOTHER REQUIREMENT BY THE CITY COMES BEFORE THEM, SO LARGE, THAT IT JEOPARDIZES THE ENTIRE PROJECT. AT A COMMISSION MEETING ON OCTOBER 25, 2006, THE ENGINEERING FEES WERE RAISED FROM 8.6% TO 10% EFFECTIVE JULY 9, 2007. ON OCTOBER 25TH WE ALSO RAISED THE CIAC (CONTRIBUTION OF AID OF CONSTRUCTION) FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER FROM $1400.00 FOR WATER AND $1800.00 FOR SEWER WHICH TOTALS $3200.00, TO $1700.00 FOR WATER AND $2200.00 FOR SEWER. THIS TOTALS $3900.00 - A DIFFERENCE OF $700.00 PER HOUSEHOLD, FOR A TOTAL OF $509,000.00 FOR CIAC ALONE, PLUS $175,000.00 ON ENGINEERING FEES, FOR A GRAND TOTAL OF $684,000.00. HAVING SAID THAT, WHO DO YOU THINK WILL END UP PAYING FOR THESE INCREASES? YOU, THE BUYING PUBLIC. IN A TIME OF ECONOMIC TURNDOWN, PERHAPS A RECESSION, WE HAVE HERE A DEVELOPER WHO IS WILLING TO LOOK INTO THE FUTURE OF TAMARAC AND WHO WANTS TO BUILD, NOT IN CORAL SPRINGS, NOT IN PARKLAND, NOT IN SUNRISE, NOT IN MARGATE, BUT HERE IN OUR WONDERFUL CITY. PRESTIGE HAS MET MANY TIMES WITH OUR STAFF AND AS I SAID BEFORE, HAS MET OR PASSED ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS. THEY HAVE ALSO MET WITH OUR CITY MANAGER, MR. MILLER ABOUT A REDUCTION OF THE NEW FEES. IN A LETTER SENT TO MR. BRUCE CHAIT, PRESIDENT OF PRESTIGE HOMES, DATED DECEMBER 19, 2007, MR. MILLER STATES, AND I QUOTE: "I HAVE REVIEWED THE ORDINANCES IN QUESTION AND THERE ARE NO OPPORTUNITIES TO GRANT YOU RELIEF FROM THESE FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS BY STAFF OR BY THE CITY COMMISSION." END OF QUOTE. WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, MR. MILLER, I DISAGREE. YOU MAY SPEAK FOR YOURSELF BUT NOT FOR ME OR PERHAPS, THIS COMMISSION. ONCE AGAIN, HERE ARE THE ITEMS THE CITY WILL LOSE SHOULD THIS INCREASE PASS; 1. 22 ACRES FOR A PASSIVE PARK. 2. 9-1/2 ACRES FOR A NEW FIRE HOUSE AND SATELLITE CITY HALL. 3. ONE MILLION DOLLARS TOWARD THE PARK, THE FIRE HOUSE AND SATELLITE CITY HALL. 4, MAINLAND PROJECTS SUCH AS LANDSCAPING, ROADS, RELIEF FROM CLUB HOUSE EXPENDITURES. 5, ONE MILLION DOLLARS IN TAX REVENUE. 6. THE FIRST NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOME DEVELOPMENT IN ABOUT THIRTY YEARS. 7. THE DEVELOPER WILL MORE THAN LIKELY PULL OUT OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC. I ASK - IS ALL THIS LOSS WORTH HAVING THESE INCREASED FEES VALIDATED? IN MY OPINION, A RESOUNDING NO. 1 NOW TURN TO OUR CITY ATTORNEY, MR. SAM GOREN, AND ASK HIS LEGAL ADVICE AS TO HOW WE CAN RESOLVE AND RELIEVE THIS SITUATION. I LOOK AT YOUR LETTER OF JANUARY, 17, 2008, MR. GOREN, SPECIFICALLY THE LAST PARAGRAPH, AND BECAUSE IT IS RATHER LENGTHY, I ASK YOU TO EXPLAIN HOW WE MAY ACCOMPLISH REVERSING THE CIAC FEES FOR WATER, SEWER AND ENGINEERING FEES TO FEES THAT WERE IN EFFECT PRIOR TO OCTOBER 25, 2006. 1 RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THAT MY FELLOW COMMISSIONERS DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE THAT WAS MADE WITH RESPECT TO THE SPECIAL TAX ASSESSMENTS FOR THE DOWNTOWN PROJECT AND DRAW THE IRE OF THE PUBLIC. Speed Hump • Calm traffic to 6-10 mph with our hig recycled rubber speed hump • Embedded salty -striped reflective t humps are visible 24-7 • Modular sections with tongue4n-groc costs and speed hump installation tit • Bolt into place with provided Installal • Cover an entire roadway or span a p single sections to build speed 1p. • Emergency vehicle friendly Speed Hump Page l of 3 Removable Speed Bumps & Humps - Recycled. Rubber facevets La"d Vse -210 ' U single.-FamfiYXVI; 464 busing ti") luc"H 9seq !A, Description Single-family detached housing includes all sirvgle4,WilY,,o .qn:.ipdividual lots. A typical site surveyed is a suburban subdivision. Additional Data The number of vehicles and residents have a high correlation orT ends- Thy anale b s is limited; hqy0vff, ¢ecap the numbers of vehicles and v Ilie iO of dwelling units is genA�Yiiiw residents was often it to obtain or predict' as the independont variable of choice because usually. «800Y available, easy to prqJqct and .. has a high correlation with average weekday vehicle trip ends. This land use included data from a wide variety of units with different sizes, priC",,, JLLMS, 1 C, iq 03C W owl V category. Other factors, such as geographic location, and .. type' adjacent and neii Y" 00140, may also have had an effect on the site trip generation. Single-family detached units had the highest trip generation rate per dwelling unit of all residential, Uses, because they were the largest units in size and had more residents and more vehicles per -;0*qft unit than other residential land uses; tF yW, ®r 6 �v way. f(QM 1110 P NEW - because they were typically not. "as concentrated aiw&rr"esidential land uses. The peak hour of the generator typically coincided with the peak hour of the adjacent street traff!9.. i The sites were surveyed from the late 1960s to the 2000s throughout the United States and 1. Canada. Source Numbers 1 4 51 61 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 71, 72, 84. 91, 98. 100, 105, 168: 110, 114, 117, 119. 157, 167. 177. 187, 192, 207, 211, 246, 275; 283. 293, 300, 319, 320,,Ie 357, 384, 435, 550, 552, 579 X11 Single -Family Detached Housing (210) Average Vehicle Trip d vs.. 6wUr i ng #3A"AjWj& - 4 flE P.M. Peak Hour of Generator , 3 1. ;t8 Isl4nb& Y Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 176 Directional Distribution: 64% entering, 36% exiting -Ic nor It Trip GenersticaVer.DvWfin9,,,UnW,, 9 1 11 F �3 '0 I f IAV *410. ta r�43H,! I z� 0 f Cu, - ­ 1 1. - I - . , I T-,., ­ I W . ,, 17 il 1 ZI ) tii,# , L". el"! Data Plot and Et�hl 10.6v� X�4 i4 I", t't"nu %�� � ',wit (l."� �� pn'iip I'WO rw "of "N. IAW Oiwi 4W bf,).16-:eo!yd4>it�nap 9!4�11Y yii'! 1,3W " f:y4l, I?pj. Q Lu 1f;v t bO-rn Lipp WO 100 e"'4CIOnUll onluoi? WO 5W.; JI; 3DO 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 5W 6W 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 140D 15M IOW 1700 1800 X = Number of Dwelling Units AcWW Data Paints - Fitted Curve ------ Average Roo Med Curve Equation, Ln(T) = 0.89 Ln(X) + 0.61 R2 . 0.91 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 273 Institute of Transportation Engineers 4 -4 Residential Condom inium/Townhouse (230) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday, P.M. Peak Hour of Generator Number of Studies: 50 Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 204 Directional Distribution: 64% entering, 36% exiting Trip Generation per Dwelling Unit Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.52 _. _..._ _ �. 0.18-._.....1.24 .. _T 0.75._ 11stekD1r%# anrt Fniizkftinn 700 600 500 ' N W M 400 ' 7 ' 300 , d Q tl 200 ' f r 0 100 200 300 400 51W 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 X = Number of Dwelling Units Actual eels Points --_ --- . Fitted Curve - - - - Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.34(X) + 38.31 R2 = 0.83 Trip Generation.7th Edition - 371 Institute of Transportation Engineers Land Use: 230 Residential Condominium/Townhouse Description Residential condominiums/townhouses are defined as ownershi units that have at least one other owned unit within the same building structure. Both condominiums and townhouses are included in this land use. The studies in this land use did not identify whether the condominiums/townhouses were low-rise or high-rise. Low-rise residential condominium/townhouse (Land Use 231), high-rise residential condominium/townhouse (Land Use 232) and luxury condominium/townhouse (Land Use 233) are related land uses. Additional Data The number of vehicles and the number of residents had a high correlation with average weekday vehicle trip ends. The use of these variables was limited, however, because the number of vehicles and residents was often difficult to obtain or predict. The number of dwelling units was generally used as the independent variable of choice because it is usually readily available, easy to project and had a high correlation with average weekday vehicle trip ends. The peak hour of the generator typically coincided with the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. The sites were surveyed from the mid-1970s to the 2000s throughout the United States and Canada. Source Numbers 4, 92, 94, 95, 97, 100, 105, 106, 114, 168, 186, 204, 237, 253, 293, 319, 320, 321, 390, 412, 418, 561, 562, 583