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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-09 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL CHAMBERS WEDNESDAY MARCH 9, 2005 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, March 9, 2005, in Chambers at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Edward C. Portner led the pledge of allegiance. INTRODUCTION 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation proclaiming March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and Assistant City Clerk Schneider accepted. REPORTS 2. City Commission: Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco congratulated Commissioner Portner and Vice Mayor Sultanof on their election. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said now that the election is behind us the Mayor and City Commission is able to move forward and work toward the best interests of the city. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco reported that last week she represented Tamarac at the Broward Cultural Council, at which Commissioner Roberts was also present. Tamarac is a. leader among cities in Broward County, as we already have a public art ordinance in place. On Monday, Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco interviewed for BECON, on Edith Lederberg's "Spotlight on Seniors" show, which will be aired in June. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said she was delighted to represent Tamarac on this show. Commissioner Roberts congratulated the winners of yesterday's election, and said now that the election is over she hopes the Mayor and City Commission can get back to the business at hand. Commissioner Roberts said the Broward Cultural Council will celebrate its 30t" anniversary and she hopes Tamarac will participate in the celebration. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he had an overwhelming victory in the election and will serve the community for the next three years. This city has grown and flourished with Vice March 9, 2005 Page 1 of 9 Mayor Sultanof's involvement. Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke about several matters that occurred during the election. Commissioner Portner clarified various issues that came up during the election. Mayor Schreiber spoke of rules of conduct at commission meetings. 3. City Attorney: City Attorney Kraft had no report. 4. City Manager: City Manager Miller, on behalf of himself and staff, congratulated Commissioner Portner and Vice Mayor Sultanof on their reelection. City Manager Miller invited everyone to the Swearing -In Ceremony that will be held in special meeting on March 15, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. in the commission chambers. City Manager Miller reported that Tamarac Fire Rescue was awarded its third federal grant under the Fire Act, which assists departments in meeting their needs. This money will be allocated to equipment that will assist firefighters in locating and extinguishing fires quickly and finding victims. Social Services reports that Ann Herman of Meals on Wheels will retire; Mary Levy will take Ms. Herman's place. On March 16 there will be a St. Patrick's Day event at the Tamarac Community Center from 6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. This is a free event. Tamarac sponsored a lecture on Jewish culture, which was extremely well attended. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72 Street, Tamarac said with regard to remarks made tonight, he felt an apology was owed to the audience. Mr. Schneider spoke of how he feels his life is adversely affected by the 'religious right'; first by a television program that was taken off the air and then by the slot machine vote. Stewart Webster, Versailles Gardens, Tamarac, spoke of the lack of involvement by Tamarac in Black History month. Mr. Webster congratulated Commissioner Portner and Vice Mayor Sultanof on their reelection, and asked the Mayor and City Commission to settle down and get to the business at hand. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval of all items on the consent agenda. On roll call Vice Mayor Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Commissioner Portner "yes". Motion carried. a. APPROVE the minutes of the February 23, 2005 Regular City Commission meeting. APPROVED n March 9, 2005 Page 2 of 9 b. BILL OF SALE ABSOLUTE — WEST POINT INDUSTRIAL II PROJECT: (TR10639) Accepting a Bill of Sale Absolute from West Point Industrial II, L.L.C., for the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System Improvements installed for the West Point Industrial II Project, located at 10601 State Street, for City ownership; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said document in the public records of Broward County. RESOLUTION NO. R2005-29 C. AGREEING TO ASSUME ROAD IMPROVEMENT OBLIGATIONS FOR PARCEL "R" — KINGS POINT REPLAT: (TR10648) Agreeing to assume the road improvement obligations for Parcel "R" of the Kings Point Replat (Case No. 1-MI-05). RESOLUTION NO. R2005-30 d. TAMARAC WATER AND SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT — WEST POINT INDUSTRIAL II PROJECT: (TR10638) Executing a "Tamarac Water and Sewer Utility Easement" with West Point Industrial II, L.L.C., for the West Point Industrial II Project, located at 10601 State Street, to allow legal access by City Utility Personnel for installing, maintaining, and operating the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection System Improvements; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said agreement in the public records of Broward County. RESOLUTION NO. R2005-31 e. "REGIONAL ROAD CONCURRENCY AGREEMENT — COUNTY PROJECT" — "SANTA MONICA PLAT": (TR10662) Executing the "Regional Road Concurrency Agreement -- County Project" between Broward County, Santa Monica Townhomes, Inc. and the City of Tamarac for road concurrency relating to the "Santa Monica Plat" located on the south side of Southgate Boulevard, near Sawgrass Expressway (Case No. 1-AP-05). RESOLUTION NO. R2005-32 f. UTILIZING BID FOR ASPHALT AND CONCRETE SERVICES -- VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: (TR10647) Utilizing the City of North Miami Beach Bid Number 2001-10 for the asphalt and concrete services in conjunction with the Veterans Memorial Park Improvement Project in an amount not to exceed $69,249.60 to Arrow Asphalt and Engineering. RESOLUTION NO. R2005-33 g. GRANT APPLICATION FOR HURRICANE WIND SCREENS AT FIRE STATIONS: (TR10650) Submitting an application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for Pre -Disaster Mitigation Program Funds for hurricane wind screens at city fire stations in an amount up to $50,000; providing for a 25 percent match of $12,500 in city funds in the event of approval of the application; providing for acceptance of the award and executing of documents upon approval. RESOLUTION NO. R2005-34 END OF CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA ORDINANCES — FIRST READINGS 7. THIRD ADDENDUM TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR SINGLE FAMILY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION — ALL SERVICE REFUSE, INC.: (T02078) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading executing a third addendum to the 1994 agreement March 9, 2005 Page 3 of 9 between the City of Tamarac and All Service Refuse, Inc. for furnishing single family solid waste collection for an additional term to begin April 1, 2005 and end December 31, 2009. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 2078, revision No. 1, on first reading by title. Commissioner Roberts seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco moved approval. Commissioner Roberts thanked All Service for the contract and said the single-family homeowners in her district will be thrilled. Vice Mayor Sultanof thanked All Service and asked about notification to the public and Public Works Director Strain responded there will be a mass mailing included in the water utility bills as well as notification in city publications and newspapers. On roll call Commissioner Roberts voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. APPROVED ON FIRST READING MARCH 9, 2005 8. ADDENDUM TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING COLLECTION — ALL SERVICE REFUSE, INC.: (T02079) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading executing a third addendum to the 1994 agreement between the City of Tamarac and All Service Refuse, Inc. for furnishing residential recycling collection for an additional term to begin April 1, 2005 and end December 31, 2009. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 2079, revision No. 1, on first reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval. On roll call Mayor Schreiber voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. APPROVED ON FIRST READING MARCH 9, 2005 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7:00 P.M. OR THEREAFTER 9. CLARIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 0-92-26: (T02080) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading clarifying and confirming that Ordinance No. 0-92-26 (Petition 2-LUA-91) allocated twelve (12) flexibility units to land described as the east 380 feet of Parcel "R" of Woodland Lakes and located south of McNab Road, east of NW 88th Avenue (Pine island Road) comprising 1.29 acres; directing the City Clerk to provide copies to the members of the Broward County Planning Council (Case No. 11-Z-05). City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 2080 on first reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval. Commissioner Roberts questioned the additional flex units and Community Development Director King explained when the item came before the city council in 1991 there was no allocation of the flex units; this ordinance is for clarification. Community Development Director King explained that flex units are the difference between the county land use plan and the city land use plan for density; the county has higher density, which allows for flex units that can be used by the city. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he is anxious to see the site plan so the public would understand what is being done. Community Development Director King spoke about access to the property. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco voted "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", and Commissioner Roberts "yes". Motion carried. APPROVED ON FIRST READING MARCH 9, 2005 March 9, 2005 Page 4 of 9 ORDINANCE -- SECOND READING 10. AMENDMENT TO LAND USE ELEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN — PORTION OF PARCEL "R" OF "WOODLAND LAKES" PLAT, AXIA CYPRESS_ WALK: (T02076) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading adopting an amendment to the Land Use Element of the City Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Chapter 163, Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187 of the Florida Statutes, concerning a Small -Scale Land Use Plan Amendment proposal by Prestige Homes of South Florida, Inc. to change the use of land described as a portion of Parcel "R" of the "Woodland Lakes" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 18 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, located at the south side of McNab Road, approximately 415 feet east of Pine Island Road, from Commercial to Low -Medium (5-10 du/ac) Residential through the allocation of thirty-six (36) flexibility units to allow the future construction of thirty-six (36) residential townhouse units to be known as Cypress Walk, comprising approximately of 3.88 net acres and 4.43 gross acres (Case No. 08-LUA-04); providing for amendment to the Land Use Element to reflect such change. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 2076 on second reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72 Street, Tamarac spoke in opposition to the ordinance citing increased density, additional traffic and air and water pollution. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he is concerned about the traffic flow. Community Development Director King said the site plan would be brought to the Mayor and City Commission during the first meeting in April. Gerry Knight, Attorney for the developer explained if the property is used as it is currently designated, which is commercial, there will be more traffic. Vice Mayor Sultanof said the Walgreen's is a very hectic area with a lot of traffic. Vacant land brings no income to the city. Tamarac must continue to grow in order to accumulate the revenue necessary to continue the services for its residents, and water conservation is a national concern. Commissioner Roberts confirmed that the discussion tonight is simply the land use from commercial to residential, and the commission is not obligated to approve the change. Sam Schwartz, Concord Village, spoke of the overhead presentation and said there are no streets or directions shown on the map. Mae Schreiber, Kings Point, asked about the impact on the schools. Mayor Schreiber spoke of the school board's method of computing the impact on the schools. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Portner voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "no", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", and Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes". Motion carried. APPROVED ON FIRST READING FEBRUARY 23, 2005 APPROVED ON SECOND READING MARCH 9, 2005 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2005-03 QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS 11. AMENDING PRIOR ZONING — PARCEL 3 OF "UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL REPLAT": (T02077) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading amending prior zoning of certain real estate property (aka: University Hospital Replat) from R-4A (Planned Apartment Residential District) to B-6 (Business District), by means of the five percent (5%) residential -to -commercial flexibility rule, lands commonly known as Parcel March 9, 2005 Page 5 of 9 3 of the "University Hospital Replat", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 158, Page 46 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, located west of North University Drive and east of NW 80th Avenue (Case No. 8-Z-05); providing for amendment of the official zoning map to reflect such change. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 2077 on second reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures and Leigh Kerr waived his quasi-judicial rights on behalf of the petitioner. Community Development Director King gave a presentation. Commissioner Roberts confirmed that the landscaping would be discussed during the site plan. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72 Street, Tamarac, spoke in favor of the project on behalf of the Woodmont Homeowners' Association, and said he was told that one of the most modern imaging centers would be housed here. Commissioner Portner said he has seen the plans and a lot of landscaping has been planned for the project. Mayor Schreiber said while the city welcomes commercial development, University Hospital could use a good refurbishing; he has tried for years to get University Hospital to become a heart hospital. HCA owns both University and Westside Regional Hospitals and Westside Regional Hospital has been made into a heart hospital, while there are more people with heart problems in Tamarac than other cities in Broward County. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he is on the Board of Trustees for University Hospital and they have tried for the last five years for certification as a heart hospital, but the hospital is still trying for the certification. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he brought this up at the last board meeting and will persist until University Hospital is certified as a heart hospital, as his constituency is up in years. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing. On roll call Vice Mayor Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Commissioner Portner "yes". Motion carried. APPROVED ON FIRST READING FEBRUARY 23, 2005 APPROVED ON SECOND READING MARCH 9, 2005 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2005-04 12. DELEGATION REQUEST TO AMEND NOTE ON "WESTPOINT SECTION 7 PLAT"% (TR10646) Motion to approve Resolution approving a Delegation Request to amend the note on the "Westpoint Section 7 Plat" from the current restriction of "Commercial" to "Commercial" and "Church" to accommodate the future construction of the Community Christian Church on the subject property, specifically Tract "D" of the "Westpoint Section 7 Plat", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 162, Page 23 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, located at the northeast corner of Sawgrass Expressway and Commercial Boulevard, extending west to Nob Hill Road and north to State Street (Case No. 2-P-05). City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10646 by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures, and Attorney Bill Laystrom said he would not waive the quasi-judicial rights on behalf of the petitioner. City Attorney Kraft advised that in light of Mr. Laystrom's statement, it might be in the best interests of the petitioner and city to table the item to a future time. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said this project is in her district and she has concerns about the delegation request changing the use from commercial to church, and the financial impact on the city and the integrity of the rest of the industrial park. March 9, 2005 Page 6 of 9 Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco also expressed concern regarding the impact on the surrounding neighborhood and asked that this item be tabled to April 27, 2005. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco seconded by Commissioner Roberts moved to table Temporary Resolution 10646 to the April 27, 2005 regular city commission meeting, at or after 9:00 a.m. On roll call Commissioner Roberts voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Portner "no", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. TABLED TO THE APRIL 27, 2005 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING AT OR AFTER 9:00 A.M. 13. REVISED DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND NEW DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN -- UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CAMPUS: (TR10649) Motion to approve Resolution issuing Revised Development Order No. 286.2 and grant New Development Site Plan approval to University Medical Campus to allow the construction of two (2) single -story medical office buildings totaling 13,602 square feet (one @ 8,251 square feet, one @ 4,151 square feet and a covered courtyard @ 1,200 square feet) with associated parking, landscaping and infrastructure improvements located at the northeast corner of NW 77th Street and North University Drive, specifically Lots 24 and 25, Block 11 of the "Lyons Commercial Subdivision No. 3 Plat", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 76, Page 31 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida (Case No. 16-SP- 04); providing for conditions of approval. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10649 by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Roberts moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures and Eric Mills waived his quasi-judicial rights on behalf of the petitioner. Community Development Director King gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber asked if this has anything to do with University Hospital and Community Development Director King said it did not. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked if this is near Merrill Gardens and Community Development Director King said it is the vacant lot north of Merrill Gardens. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked if it would be medical offices and Community Development Director King responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Roberts noted an error on the overhead presentation; the property is across from Tamarac Elementary School and behind the Heathgate/Sunflower community, not Mainlands. Commissioner Roberts questioned the wall and landscaping and Community Development Director King said the wall would be inset 10'-15' from the property line with landscaping on both sides of the wall. Commissioner Roberts asked if the barrier currently on the property would be removed and Community Development Director King said if it is on the applicant's property it would be removed. Commissioner Roberts asked if there would be a sidewalk for the children coming from Tamarac Elementary, and questioned the ingress/egress to the property. Community Development Director King said there would be sidewalks on 77th and University and there will be entry onto 77th street, plus the main entrance will be the one currently used by the 7100 Building. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Col. Herb Hayes, 6607 NW 93 Avenue asked if this is an extension of University Hospital and Mayor Schreiber said it is not. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing. On roll call Mayor Schreiber voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2005-35 March 9, 2005 Page 7 of 9 14. DELEGATION REQUEST TO AMEND NOTE ON "UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL REPLAT": (TR10631) Motion to approve Resolution approving a Delegation Request to amend the note on the The "University Hospital Replat" which currently restricts Parcels 1 and 2 to 44,000 square feet of hospital use and Parcel 3 to a 90-sleeping room adult living facility, in order to clarify that Parcel 1 is vacant and Parcel 2 is 44,000 square feet of existing hospital use and to accommodate the future construction of a 32,000 square foot medical office building on the subject property, specifically the "University Hospital Replat", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 158, Page 46 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, located at the west side of North University Drive @ NW 73rd Street (Case No. 1-P-05). City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10631 by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures and Leigh Kerr waived his quasi-judicial rights on behalf of the petitioner. Community Development Director King gave a presentation and explained this was originally to be an Adult Living Facility but the note needs to be changed to be consistent with the proposed use. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72 Street, Tamarac asked for clarification of the property. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco voted "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", and Commissioner Roberts "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2005-36 15. REVISED DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND NEW DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN — TAMARAC AQUATIC COMPLEX: (TR10628) Motion to approve Resolution issuing Revised Development Order No. 084.2 and granting New Development Site Plan approval of the Tamarac Aquatic Complex to allow the construction of a 9,894 square foot water activity pool, Recreation Center and open-air Pavilion, located on the north side of NW 57th Street, east of NW 94th Avenue, at the end of NW 58th Street, specifically a portion of Parcel "P" of the "Lyons Industrial Park" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 1 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida (Case No. 5-SP-05); providing for conditions of approval. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10628 by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures and Mark Davies, DeRose Design Consultants, waived his quasi judicial rights on behalf of the City of Tamarac, petitioner. Community Development Director King gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber questioned the dimensions of the swim area and Mr. Davies said the learn -to -swim area is about 12'- 15' wide; the larger area will be for practice for swim competition. Commissioner Roberts confirmed that we are now talking about Phases I and II of the project and Community Development Director King said that is correct. Commissioner Roberts confirmed that this discussion was only for the five acres donated to the city by Centex Construction. Vice Mayor Sultanof said while Centex gave the city five acres of land, the work is all being done under a grant and the pool belongs to the city. There will be a learn to swim program for all ages and the pool will be near Millennium Middle School and will house a fitness room and showers that will be open to the public. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the color scheme of the building and Community Development Director King said it is a toned down color scheme similar to March 9, 2005 Page 8 of 9 that of the Tamarac Community Center. This facility will have a barrel tile roof, giving it a more residential feel so it will blend in with the surrounding community. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if the color scheme will be carried throughout the complex and Community Development Director King said that could be done with the concession stand and any other opportunities that arise. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said she would like the facility to have a uniform look. Commissioner Partner thanked Community Development Director King for going over the plans with him last week and asked how long the construction would take. Community Development Director King said completion is expected by May 2006. Commissioner Roberts reminded everyone that the city received a $1.5 million Challenge Grant for the project under the SWIM Central project, which is geared to help everyone; in particular, elementary age children learn to swim. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Stewart Webster, Versailles Gardens, Tamarac asked if the schools would have the opportunity to use the facility and if they were included in planning discussions. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said the schools were not involved in the planning or design but the school age children were involved in discussions about the facility. City Manager Miller added there were conversations with both principals and the school board. Mr. Webster asked if this was a matching grant and expressed concern about the city's liability with the zero entry pool. City Manager Miller responded there are no matching grants for this project and there will be liability issues to deal with but the city will take care to hire the best possible people for the facility. Mr. Webster asked if the proposed fitness center will be large enough so the same situation as occurred with the Tamarac Community Center fitness center will not be repeated and suggested a Tamarac Fitness Pass so people could use either facility. Mayor Schreiber asked if there would be showers in this facility and City Manager Miller said there would be. Myron Stern, Kings Point, Tamarac, said he is a member of the County Advisory Board and the Board approved the pool and SWIM Central, which is located close to the schools to teach children how to swim. Originally the pool was to be located near Tamarac Elementary School but when the five acres became available the County Advisory Board approved the move to the new location. This project must move forward quickly as the time allotted for spending the money is quickly coming to an end. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Portner voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", and Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2005-37 END OF QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK E SCHREIBER, MAYOR yy r. March 9, 2005 Page 9 of 9