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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-12 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY MARCH 12, 2003 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. in Chambers at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Gertrude Mishkin, Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof, and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Mishkin led the pledge of allegiance. 1. PROCLAMATIONS/SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS: There were no proclamations or presentations. REPORTS 2. City Commission: Mayor Schreiber said he is pleased with the election results and no one before had received 85% of the vote. Mayor Schreiber congratulated Commissioner Roberts and Commissioner -elect Flansbaum-Talabisco, and invited everyone to the swearing -in ceremony and reception that will be held on March 18th. Commissioner Mishkin had no report. Commissioner Sultanof congratulated Mayor Schreiber and Commissioner Roberts on their re-election and extended best wishes to Commissioner Mishkin for her contribution to Tamarac. Commissioner Sultanof commended City Clerk Swenson and Assistant City Clerk Tom Schneider for doing a great job with the election and said he looks forward to working with Commissioner -elect Flansbaum-Talabisco. Commissioner Sultanof said Tamarac is the ship of state and the Mayor and Commissioners are the rudder and four oars. Tamarac is the fastest growing city in Broward County and he is very proud of Tamarac. Vice Mayor Portner congratulated Mayor Schreiber and Commissioner Roberts on the election and wished them the best. Vice Mayor Portner said Commissioner -elect Flansbaum-Talabisco is a welcome addition to the Commission and asked her to pay special attention to the young people moving into Tamarac so that their needs are met. Vice Mayor Portner added that City Clerk Swenson did a stupendous job with the election. March 12, 2003 1 Commissioner Roberts congratulated Mayor Schreiber on his re-election and said it has been a wonderful two years working with Commissioner Mishkin. Commissioner Roberts expressed thanks to her friends and supporters, and congratulated Commissioner -elect Flansbaum-Talabisco. 3. CityAttorne : City Attorney Kraft extended congratulations to Mayor Schreiber, Commissioner Roberts and Commissioner -elect Flansbaum-Talabisco, and extended best wishes to everybody involved in the process, regardless of the outcome. 4. City Manager: City Manager Miller congratulated Mayor Schreiber, Commissioner Roberts and Commissioner -elect Flansbaum-Talabisco and said he and staff look forward to working with the Commission; great progress has been made in Tamarac in our commitment to excellence. City Manager Miller thanked Commissioner Mishkin for her service to Tamarac and added it is not easy to be an elected official in today's society. Yesterday's election in Tamarac was a team effort with over 50 city staff people involved. City Manager Miller extended thanks to the VSTs and to City Clerk Swenson for her tremendous grace under pressure, and said he has a new appreciation for what the City Clerk does. City Manager Miller noted that formal recognition would be given at the next Commission meeting to all employees who helped with the election. Mayor Schreiber questioned whether the city could run its own elections in the future. City Manager Miller said there are statutory requirements and the matter would be given further consideration. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72nd Street, Tamarac, expressed thanks to the Mayor and Commissioners for the job they have done, congratulated Commissioner Roberts and Mayor Schreiber on their re-election, and thanked Commissioner Mishkin for her service to Tamarac. Mr. Schneider said the City Commission represents a constituency and should vote for what the people want. Sheldon Kulik, 8905 NW 70 Street, spoke in favor of televising Commission meetings and Mayor Schreiber said he has been in favor of this in the past and he will bring it up again in the future. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Mishkin moved approval of all items on the consent agenda. On roll call Commissioner Mishkin voted "yes", Vice Mayor Portner "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", and Commissioner Roberts "yes". Motion carried. a. APPROVE the minutes of the February 26, 2003 regular commission meeting. APPROVED b. TASK AUTHORIZATION — GRANTS PLAZA WATER RE -PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: (TR10044) Executing Task Authorization No. 03- 01 E with Eckler Engineering, to provide design, bidding, permitting and construction document preparation services for the Grants Plaza Water Re - pump Station Improvement Project, in accordance with the City's Consulting March 12, 2003 2 Engineering Agreement as authorized by Resolution #R-2001-185, in an amount not to exceed $44,300.00; approving funding from the appropriate budgeted Utilities Operational account; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to administer the contract. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-43 C. AGREEMENT BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND CITY OF TAMARAC FOR AMENDMENT OF NOTATION ON PLAT — "TAMARAC UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION PLAT": (TR10051) Executing an agreement between Broward County and the City of Tamarac entitled, "Agreement for Amendment of Notation on Plat", relating to the future development of a portion of Tract "1" of the "Tamarac Utilities Administration Plat" located between Nob Hill Road and Hiatus Road approximately 1,900 feet north of West Commercial Boulevard; designating the City Manager as Agent of Record for Notice of Expiration of Findings of Adequacy; authorizing the City Clerk to record said document in the Public Records of Broward County (Case No. 4-MI-03). RESOLUTION NO. R2003-44 END OF CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA ORDINANCE — FIRST READING 7. AMENDING SECTION 16-233 OF THE TAMARAC CODE — PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT: (T02000) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first readies amending the City of Tamarac Code, Chapter 16, entitled "Pensions and Retirement", Article III, Pension Plan, Division 4, Benefits, Section 16-233. Benefit Level, providing for an increase in the benefit multiplier from 2.05% to 2.25% for employees who earn twenty- five vesting credits; providing for codification. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 2000, revision #1, on first reading by title. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Vice Mayor Portner moved approval. On roll call Mayor Schreiber voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", Vice Mayor Portner "yes", and Commissioner Mishkin "yes". Motion carried. APPROVED ON FIRST READING PUBLIC HEARINGS 7:00 P.M. OR THEREAFTER QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS 8. AMENDING PRIOR ZONING — "WOODLAND VILLAS FIRST ADDITION": (TO1993) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending prior zoning of certain real estate property (AKA: Woodland Villas First Addition Plat) from B-2 (Community Business District) to R-4A (Planned Apartment Residential District) lands commonly known as a portion of the "Woodland Villas First Addition" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 73, Page 39 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, located at the northwest corner of NW 57th Street and NW 88th Avenue (Case March 12, 2003 3 No. 29-Z-02); providing for amendment of the official zoning map to reflect such change. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 1993, revision #1, on first reading by title. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Vice Mayor Portner moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures, and Attorney Gerald L. Knight, Holland & Knight, LLP, representing the applicant, waived his quasi- judicial rights. Community Development Director King gave a presentation. Commissioner Sultanof questioned the location, ingress/egress and county concurrency. Attorney Knight responded the property is on 88th Avenue, south of the Jehovah's Witness building and north of Commercial Blvd. Ingress and egress are only on 88th Avenue and the project meets all legal requirements. Commissioner Roberts asked how many acres the site comprises and Attorney Knight said between 7 and 8 acres. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Roberts voted "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", Vice Mayor Portner "yes", Commissioner Mishkin "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. APPROVED ON FIRST READING 9. DELEGATION REQUEST TO AMEND NOTE - WESTPOINT SECTION 7 PLAT: (TR10049) Motion to approve Resolution approving a Delegation Request to amend the note on the Plat to include a new opening to amend the non -vehicular access line with centerline located approximately 373 feet north of the south parcel line, located at the northeast corner of Hiatus Road and State Street; specifically a portion of Tract "A" of the "Westpoint Section 7 Plat", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 162, Page 23 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida (Case No. 1-P-03). City Attorney Kraft said Items 9 and 10 are companion items and could be considered together and voted on separately. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10049 by title. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Vice Mayor Portner moved approval. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10050 by title. Vice Mayor Partner seconded by Commissioner Sultanof moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures for Temporary Resolutions 10049 and 10050 and Malcolm S. Butters, Butters Construction and Development, co-owner of Westpoint and developer of Keyes Coverage, waived his quasi-judicial rights. Community Development Director King gave a presentation. Commissioner Sultanof asked about future development of the unfinished space and Mr. Butters explained the entire 20,000 square foot building would be built with 4,000 internal square feet unfinished. Mayor Schreiber confirmed there would be no need for the developer to come back for an additional site plan to complete the unfinished space. Community Development Director King said as long as the use meets zoning code, a special exception would not be necessary. Vice Mayor Portner questioned the building's use and the naming of State Street. Mr. Butters said Keyes Coverage would be relocating their current Tamarac operation to this new office building. Community Development Director King and Mayor Schreiber explained State Street was named by Higgins Development and the Pritzkers from Chicago. Discussion was held regarding renaming the street and street dedication. Community Development Director King said these are private streets and only the owner can change the names; we want to make sure the business park is built out and the streets built to our specifications before the city accepts ownership of March 12, 2003 4 1 them. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Mishkin "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Vice Mayor Partner "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-45 10. REVISED DEVELOPMENT ORDER & NEW DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN - KEYES COVERAGE WESTPOINT CENTRE: (TR10050) Motion to approve Resolution issuing Revised Development Order No. 315.8 and granting New Development Site Plan approval to Keyes Coverage @ Westpoint Centre to allow the construction of a 20,000 square foot office building consisting of 16,000 square feet of built -out office area and 4,000 square feet of unfinished space for future build -out with associated parking, landscaping and infrastructure improvements, located at the northeast corner of Hiatus Road and State Street, specifically a portion of Tract "A" of the "Westpoint Section 7 Plat", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 162, Page 23 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida (Case No. 4-SP-03); providing for conditions of approval. On roll call Commissioner Mishkin voted "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Vice Mayor Portner "yes", and Commissioner Sultanof "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2003-46 END OF QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR 0 MARION SW NSON, CMC CITY CLERKjl March 12, 2003 5