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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-27 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL CHAMBERS WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27, 2008 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 in Chambers at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Patricia Atkins -Grad, and Commissioner Harry Dressler ABSENT: Commissioner Edward C. Portner ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, and City Clerk Marion Swenson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Mayor Sultanof led the pledge of allegiance and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called for a moment of silent meditation in remembrance of Nat Goren, City Attorney Goren's father, who passed away Friday. 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Senator Jeremy Ring expressed condolences to City Attorney Goren and his family on the passing of Nat Goren. Senator Ring spoke of the three overriding issues in Tallahassee: the property tax, insurance and budget. Vice Mayor Sultanof said people did not read Amendment 1, and asked if there was a way to get the insurance lobbyists out of Tallahassee. Commissioner Dressler agreed there is a problem with property tax reform and said increasing the sales tax is not the best of all solution, because sales tax is cyclical. Additionally, he does not have a solution to the insurance problem. Commissioner Dressler thanked Senator Ring for his candor. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said there are so many people in the City who lost their insurance coverage due to firms pulling out of Florida. The cigarette tax would be wonderful, and it might be a way to persuade people to take better care of their health. Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco recalled when she and Senator Ring first met and said as we grow in our jobs the constituents benefit. Regarding the budget, we are all on the same page and it does not pay for us to be adversarial. Commissioner Dressler spoke of the federal Flood Insurance program and questioned whether this model can be used for other types of catastrophic events. Senator Ring agreed it is the model that needs to be adopted. Commissioner Dressler suggested a resolution in support of a federal catastrophic fund and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for more information. b. Presentation by Alan Owens of the GFOA 2007 Distinguished Budget Award to the Financial Services Department. Mr. Owens presented the award to Financial Services Director Chapman, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco and the City Commission and said this is the 11 th consecutive year Tamarac has received the award. Financial August 27, 2008 Page 1 of 7 Services Director Chapman thanked everyone who worked on the budget and said this is truly a team effort. C. Presentation, by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco, of a proclamation proclaiming September 2008 as "National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month" in the City of Tamarac. (Requested by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco) Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco spoke of an experience she had years ago with a friend who had an alcohol abuse problem and said no one in the room has not been affected in some way by some abuse problem. d. Presentation, by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco, of a proclamation proclaiming August 2008 as "Tamarac Firefighter Appreciation Month". (Requested by Jennifer Nicholson, MDA Regional Public Affairs Coordinator) Fire Chief Budzinski accepted the proclamation and commended the firefighters who coordinated the effort. Fire Chief Budzinski explained the firefighters participate in the boot drive on their own time. e. Presentation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco of Employee Service Awards: 5-year awards: Lajos Banrevy, Electrician, Utilities, Rebecca Cann, Firefighter/Paramedic, Fire Rescue, Michelle Sien Sendik, Recreation Programmer I, Parks and Recreation, Jack Strain, Director of Public Works, Patricia Teufel, Assistant City Clerk, City Clerk 10-year awards: Marie Abbandando, Administrative Coordinator, City Commission, Maria Aviles, Office Supervisor, Building, Martha Barrero, Lieutenant, Fire Rescue, John Coates, Lieutenant, Fire Rescue, Michael Cunningham, Lieutenant, Fire Rescue, Christopher Dixon, Lieutenant, Fire Rescue, Jesse Lafleur, Groundskeeper I, Parks & Recreation, Avril Major, Accounting Clerk, Financial Services, Robert Martin, Stormwater Supervisor, Public Works, Whitney Neff, Human Resources Technician, Human Resources, Phillip Ponton, Wastewater Serviceworker II, Utilities, Juan Ruiz, Service Worker Crewleader Streets, Public Works, William Staats, Wastwater Serviceworker III, Utilities 20-year awards: Ralph Colucci, Facilities Service Worker, Public Works, Anthony Spatola, Utility Material Resource Coordinator, utilities 25-year award: John Fletcher, Water Plant Lead Operator, Utilities REPORTS 2. City Commission: (Commissioner Atkins -Grad left the room at 10:00 a.m. and returned at 10:05 a.m.) Vice Mayor Sultanof said Tamarac was one of five cities in the United States able to give information to the presidential candidates, and we should all be proud of what Tamarac has accomplished on the national scene. In 1917 an epidemic hit the United States and all the insurance companies pulled their resources together to make sure August 27, 2008 Page 2 of 7 people were covered. The lobbyists in the United States need to mend their ways and insurance people need to recognize the needs of the people in this country. Last week there were over 1,700 people in the Palace Theater in Kings Point, to hear Senator Hillary Clinton. America needs to reclaim itself. Many people do not know that the war in Iraq has cost $1.2 trillion so far. Our economy must be rebuilt and we must treasure what we have. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said it has been an exciting summer, with Senator Clinton's visit to Tamarac. Many things are happening in Tamarac and the Commission is involved in one very exciting occurrence, protecting our constituents from predators through Mothers Against Predators (MAP). Tamarac is the first city involved in this and Congresswoman Wasserman -Schultz is also getting involved. As our school liaison, Commissioner Atkins -Grad said she is very concerned about the welfare of our children. Commissioner Dressler said he is on the MPO, and spoke about the situation with Tri Rail not having a dedicated funding source. Commissioner Dressler said at a previous meeting he reported that if Tri Rail did not have a dedicated funding source they would cut back services; however, Tri Rail now reports that they have cut back operating costs by 10% but they continue to operate well. The issue regarding mass transit is critical and Commissioner Dressler said he will give an update on mass transit at a later date. Vice Mayor Sultanof expressed condolences to City Attorney Goren and his family on the loss of City Attorney Goren's father this past weekend. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he worked with Nat Goren for 6 years at the North Broward Hospital District and he had deep feelings for him. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she and Commissioner Atkins -Grad attended the Florida League of Cities Conference and the League's mission is dedicated to home rule, excellence and community service. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she spent time with colleagues from neighboriny cities and is proud to announce that Joy Cooper from Hallandale Beach is now the 2� Vice President of Florida League of Cities. Frank Ortis from Pembroke Pines is the outgoing president and his was the green initiative. The City of Tamarac was mentioned many times as one of the leaders in greening. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she will join the Florida Mayors which is a new group and it is important for Tamarac to have a voice at that table. The 2008 Florida League of Cities Advisory Report highlights key legislation and who voted for what. Last Saturday, along with the City of Coral Springs, the City of Tamarac hosted a home ownership preservation forum offering foreclosure solutions. Staff was headed by Community Development Director Bramley and Housing Administrator Bauldree, as well as representatives from Coral Springs. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco wished Commissioner Partner a happy birthday. 3. City Attorney: City Attorney Goren thanked everyone for the friendship shown and time spent with his family this past weekend. City Attorney Goren reported on the traffic magistrate issue and said at 2:00 p.m. on September 2"d the County Commission will take up the issue. The County Commission has been asked for assistance in funding this program. The Broward League of Cities is seeking collaboration with all available revenue streams. The current program has ended and cases are being August 27, 2008 Page 3 of 7 referred to the main courthouse, beginning September 1st. If the program is reinstated it will not be until January; at this time there is a parking problem at the courthouse. 4. City Manager: City Manager Miller welcomed everyone back from the summer hiatus, and said he is pleased that our Mayor attended the workshop in Coral Springs. There were a number of cities represented, trying to help citizens through the mortgage crisis. Community Development Director Bramley and Housing Administrator Bauldree also participated and he is happy that Tamarac is able to help its citizens. Parks and Recreation reports they have been awarded the prestigious FRPA Award for a city with population between 35,000 — 70,000. City Manager Miller said there is an item on the consent agenda, appointing Claudio Grande as the new Chief Building Official. City Manager Miller introduced Claudio Grande to the Mayor and City Commission and said Mr. Grande is well known to Tamarac as he previously worked in Tamarac and also in Coral Springs as a Building Inspector, and in Miami Shores as the Building Director. Mr. Grande has had a very distinguished career and is an expert on the building code. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 5. Barbara McNeill, 6961 NW 82 Court, asked the Mayor and City Commission to consider making a monetary contribution to the Kiwanis Club of Tamarac. City Manager Miller said a written request needs to be sent to the Financial Services Department and it will be taken under consideration at one of the budget hearings. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Commissioner Dressler asked to pull Item 6(n), TR11455, off the consent agenda for discussion. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested tabling the item to the September 8, 2008 workshop meeting, at or after 9:30 a.m. for further presentation and discussion. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned the legality of doing this since the RFP has been opened and City Attorney Goren explained since an RFP is not the same as a bid for the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, but rather an option for vendors to provide aspects of their proposals, the presentations are allowed. Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco confirmed the Mayor and City Commission would have questions prepared to ask of both proposers, and confirmed the Mayor and City Commission are only interested in what is best for the residents of Tamarac. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved to table Temporary Resolution 11455, Item 6(n) on the consent agenda to the September 8, 2008 workshop meeting, at or after 9:30 a.m. On roll call Commissioner Atkins -Grad voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval of all items on the consent agenda with the exception of Item 6(n) which was tabled to September 8, 2008. On roll call Vice Mayor Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. August 27, 2008 Page 4 of 7 1 1 a. APPROVE the minutes of the July 09, 2008 Regular City Commission meeting. APPROVED b. SUPPORTING MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS: (TR11452) Expressing support of the activities of Mothers Against Predators (MAP), a group of parents, political leaders, and law enforcement representatives who strive to protect children against online predators and urging all Broward County Municipalities to support MAP. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-108 C. FILTER MEDIA REPLACEMENT - PACKAGE FILTERS 5 AND 6: (TR11445) Awarding Bid No. 08-20B to TLC Diversified and execute an agreement between the City of Tamarac and TLC Diversified for an amount of $217,700.00 for the filter media replacement - Package Filters 5 and 6 project located at the Tamarac Utilities Water Treatment Plant site; approving funding for this project from the appropriate utilities operational accounts; and authorizing the appropriate city officials to administer the contract. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-109 d. AGREEMENT FOR MICROFILMING AND DOCUMENT IMAGING SERVICES — DRS GROUP: (TR11447) Approving the purchase of microfilming and document digitizing services from the DRS Group and authorizing the appropriate city officials to execute an agreement utilizing a Greater Orlando Aviation Authority Agreement for a total not to exceed $80,000 annually for an initial period of 24 months effective with the approval of this agreement with three (3) additional one (1) year renewal options; approving funding from the appropriate account. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-110 e. APPOINTMENT - CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL: (TR11453) Appointing Claudio H. Grande as Chief Building Official, effective September 15, 2008, or at such earlier date as is mutually agreed upon. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-111 f. SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE WATER AND SEWER DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT WITH WESTPOINT BUSINESS PARK II LLC — WESTPOINT PLAZA PROJECT: (TR11441) Accepting and executing a Second Amendment To The Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with WestPoint Business Park II, LLC, for the WestPoint Plaza Project, located at West Commercial Blvd and Hiatus Road, requiring an additional 4 ERC's for water and an additional 4 ERC's for sewer; requiring additional payment of $6,800.00 for water and $8,800.00 for sewer; requiring a total additional payment of $15,600.00 in CIAC Fees; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said agreement in the public records of Broward County. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-112 g. INSTALLATION OF IMPACT RESISTANT GARAGE DOORS - BID NO.08-1613: (TR11442) Awarding Bid No. 08-16B and executing an agreement with Door Systems of South Florida for the wind hardening and replacement of the garage doors at Fire Station 41, Fire Station 78, Utilities Building and the Public Works Building in an amount not to exceed $62,471.00 from the appropriate accounts; authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper accounting purposes. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-113 August 27, 2008 Page 5 of 7 h. RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH WACKENHUT-SECURITY SERVICES: (TR11448) Renewing agreement with the Wackenhut Corporation for Security Services adopting by reference all terms and conditions contained in Broward County Contract #D-2003-0902-0-FC-01 and authorizing said officials to approve subsequent renewals for same terms and conditions; authorizing an annual expenditure of funds in an amount not to exceed $61,000. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-114 i. APPROVAL OF SHIP ANNUAL REPORTS: (TR11454) Approving the annual report for the State Housing Initiative Partnership for FY 2005/2006 and the interim reports for FY 2006/2007 and FY 2007/2008. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-115 j. SUPPORTING THE FLORIDA FOREVER PROGRAM: (TR11446) Supporting the Florida Forever Program; urging the reauthorization of and continued funding for the Florida Forever Program or a successor program; directing City Clerk to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Broward League of Cities, the Florida League of Mayors and such other agencies as may be necessary. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-116 k. URGING 2009 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TOEQUALIZE FUNDING BASED ON POPULATION: (TR11451) Urging the 2009 Florida Legislature to equalize funding based on population to provide each region of Florida, including South Florida, its fair share of state funding. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-117 I. EMS GRANT- COMPUTER HARDWARE EQUIPMENT: (TR11443) Purchasing laptop computers ($29,959.00) and warranty ($2,500.00) from Insight Public Sector in the amount of Thirty Two Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Nine ($32,459.00) Dollars. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-118 M. EMS GRANT- COMPUTER SOFTWARE: (TR11444) Purchasing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) computer software ($37,750.00), training ($4,800.00) and annual warranty ($4,795.00) from DocuMed Systems International, Inc. in the amount of Forty Seven Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five ($47,345.00) Dollars. RESOLUTION NO. R2008-119 n. DESIGNATING WACHOVIA BANK N.A. AS THE CITY DEPOSITORY AND PROVIDER OF BANKING SERVICES: (TR11455) Designating Wachovia Bank, N.A., as the City depository and provider of banking services; and executing an agreement for a period of five (5) years, with an option to renew the agreement for one (1) additional two (2) year period. TABLED TO THE SEPTEMBER 8, 2008 WORKSHOP AT OR AFTER 9:30 A.M. END OF CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA ORDINANCES — FIRST READINGS There were no ordinances scheduled for first reading. August 27, 2008 Page 6 of 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7:00 P.M. OR THEREAFTER ORDINANCES — SECOND READINGS There were no ordinances scheduled for second reading. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS There were no quasi-judicial hearings scheduled for this meeting. END OF QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the regular meeting of the City Commission at 10:43 a.m. ht4 Marion Swenson, CIVIC City Clerk 1 August 27, 2008 Page 7 of 7 Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Mayor