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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-26 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting of the City Commission
to order at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at Tamarac City Hall, 7525
NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Karen L. Roberts, Commissioner Edward
C. Portner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Marc L.
ALSO PRESENT. City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, and
City Clerk Marion Swenson.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Sultanof led the Pledge of Allegiance.
a. Mayor Schreiber, with the assistance of City Manager Miller presented employee
service awards to the following:
5 Year Awards: Claudia Goncalves, Office Specialist, Community Development-, Geri
Backer, Office Specialist, Building and Code Compliance; and Keith Wilder, Support
Services Manager, Utilities.
10 Year Awards: Kurt Schoenfelder, Engineering Construction Inspector, Public Works;
Alvin Johnson, Maintenance Worker 11, Public Works; Harry Ozias, Sr. Bus Driver, Parks
and Recreation; and Gerardo Zepeda, Bus Driver, Parks and Recreation.
15 Year Award: Robyn Thalenfeld, Senior Executive Assistant, City Manager's Office.
20 Year Award: Judith Yacobellis, Sr. Occupational License Specialist, Community
b. Presentation of a $250.00 donation to the Tamarac Bulldogs by Tamarac
Firefighters Union. Firefighter Randy Correll presented a $250.00 check to the Tamarac
Bulldogs, said proceeds coming from golf tournaments held. Ellen Kleinert -Cohen
thanked the firefighters for their kindness and said Tamarac truly is a city with a heart.
C. Presentation by Mayor Schreiber and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco of a
proclamation congratulating and commending the Woodlands Country Club on its 30th
Anniversary as a member -owned Club. Jack Talabisco accepted and thanked the
Commission for the proclamation.
November 26, 2003
2. City Commission: Mayor Schreiber wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving and
said we should all be thankful and enjoy the holiday in good health and peace. Mayor
Schreiber said he received a phone call from Dot Murphy, President of the Tamarac
Presidents' Council, who was unable to attend this morning's meeting, thanking the
Commission for their participation in passing the Senior Homestead Exemption
Commissioner Portner said this has been a good year for all, wished everyone a happy
Thanksgiving and said he hopes for peace in the world. Commissioner Portner said he
has agonized over an issue that occurred two weeks ago regarding the request to table
an agenda item to a time certain. Commissioner Portner said he feels requests by
elected officials should be honored if they are within reason.
Vice Mayor Roberts congratulated the employees who received awards this morning.
Vice Mayor Roberts said cell phones are still needed for Project SAFE, and the phones
can be dropped off at the Community Center, BSO, or City Hall. Vice Mayor Roberts
wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving.
Commissioner Sultanof wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Commissioner
Sultanof said Tamarac has a beautiful and extremely active theater, the White -Willis
Theater, which is struggling to keep afloat. Commissioner Sultanof said Dorothy Willis,
Director/Producer was recently presented the Carbonell Award; one of the highest
awards in the arts. I
Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving, and said
she hoped to see everyone Monday evening at the tree and menorah lighting
3. City Attorney: City Attorney Kraft wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving and
said he had no report.
4. City Manager: City Manager Miller reported that the Fire Department collected
food for distribution to 7 needy families in Tamarac. Fire Rescue will participate in the
Winter Festival which is held on December 0' at Challenger Elementary School and on
December 12 th at Tamarac Elementary School. Parks and Recreation reports that the
Turkey Trot will take place tomorrow; the Turkey Trot is in its 23rd year and is a most
popular City event. The holiday lighting ceremony, "Light Up Tamarac" will take place
on December 1st at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center. This event is free to the public.
Commissioner Sultanof asked Lt. Friel to make sure that elected officials are able to get
through the roads during the Turkey Trot.
5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Odiel Feyers, 7421 NW 70th Avenue, Tamarac
congratulated the Commission on their accomplishments and asked about the status oi
November 26, 2003
the speed humps on 70th Avenue. Vice Mayor Roberts said a policy should be coming
forward the beginning of the year.
Bernard Herman, 7877 Granville Drive, Tamarac, spoke about toddler swings at the
athletic field, and asked that the missing swing be replaced. City Manager Miller said it
would be looked into.
6. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco
moved approval of all items on the consent agenda. On roll call Commissioner Portner
voted "yes", Vice Mayor Roberts "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes",
Mayor Schreiber "yes", and Commissioner Sultanof "yes". Motion carried.
a. APPROVE the minutes of the November 12, 2003 regular City Commission
UTILITIES REVENUE BOND: JR10269) Awarding RFP 03-26R, "Underwriting
and Financial Advisory Services", to and executing the Agreement for
Professional Services with Kirkpatrick Pettis Smith & Polian Inc., for Financial
Advisory services, in an amount not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000),
in conjunction with the proposed issuance of Utilities Revenue Bonds.
REVENUE BOND: JR10270) Awarding RFP 03-26R, "Underwriting and
Financial Advisory Services", to and executing an agreement with William R.
Hough & Co., for underwriting services, in an amount not to exceed Four Dollars
and Fifty -Five Cents ($4.55) per one thousand dollar ($1,000) bond issued, in
conjunction with the proposed issuance of Utilities Revenue Bonds.
d. DEBT MANAGEMENT POLICY: JR10284) Adopting a Debt Management
(TR10286) Granting a Vacation of Easement of a fifteen foot (15') utility
easement along the west and south lines of Parcel "A" of the "Ash Plat No. 1"
Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 166, Page 50 of the
Public Records of Broward County, Florida (Case No. 16-P-03).
(TR10294) Approving the Parks and Recreation Department's grant application
to the Broward County Cultural Affairs Division for an Education and Community
Development Grant in the amount of $14,400.00 with a City match of $14,400.00
to provide an educational series in public art culminating in a concept for a public
November 26, 2003
art project provided through a partnership with local professional artists 'in
FY2005 at City of Tamarac recreation facilities.
(TR10292) Executing a Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with Catalina
Isles, Inc., for the Catalina Isles Project, located on the west side of Pine Island
Road two blocks north of Commercial Boulevard, requiring 97 ERC's for water
and 97 ERC's for sewer; requiring the payment of $310,400.00 in CIAC fees;
authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said agreement in the public
records of Broward County.
JR10250) Approving an occupational license fee refund in the amount of
$1,352.25 and building permit fees refund in the amount of $135.00 not to
exceed a total amount of $1,487.25 to be issued to the St. Malachy Catholic
Church located at the northeast corner of NW 61st Street and University Drive for
the operation of the Saint Malachy Annual Carnival conducted on Thursday,
October 16, 2003 through Sunday, October 19, 2003 (Case No. 16-MI-03),
Ordinance on second reading authorizing the granting of an additional homestead tax
exemption of $15,000 (for the maximum $25,000 exemption amount) to resident
homeowners who have legal or equitable title to real estate, who are at least 65 years of
age, and whose annual household income does not exceed the allowable amount
pursuant to Section 196.075, Florida Statutes (1999), as amended; that any taxpayer
claiming the exemption must annually submit a sworn statement of household income,
on a form prescribed by the Department of Revenue to the property appraiser, not later
than March 1 of each year. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance 2028 on
second reading by title. Vice Mayor Roberts seconded by Commissioner Sultanof
moved approval. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Sam Schwartz,
Concorde Village, commended the Commission on finalizing the $25,000 Homestead
Exemption. Mr. Schwartz extended thanks on behalf of Ms. Murphy, and wished
everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Commissioner Sultanof said the $10,000 is already in
place. When people file their taxes for 2003 the $10,000 will take affect. ln2005,when
people file their taxes for 2004, then the additional $15,000 will take affect.
Commissioner Sultanof said the exemption will be a total of $25,000. With no one else
wishing to speak, Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner
November 26, 2003
Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes",
Vice Mayor Roberts "yes", and Commissioner Portner "yes". Motion carried.
ORDINANCE NO. 0-2003-31
JEWELRY EXCHANGE CENTER: (TR10287) Motion to approve Resolution granting a
Special Exception to allow the operation of a fitness center with tanning in a B-2
(Community Business District) zoning category to University Fitness Center & Tanning
to be located at 7166 North University Drive in the Jewelry Exchange Center,
specifically Parcel "A" of the "McNab Plaza North" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as
recorded in Plat Book 111, Page 2 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida
(Case No. 45-Z-03); providing for conditions of approval. City Attorney Kraft read
Temporary Resolution 10287 by title. Vice Mayor Roberts seconded by Commissioner
Sultanof moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures
and Peter Moore, waived his quasi-judicial rights on behalf of owner/operator James
Kay. Community Development Director King gave a presentation. Commissioner
Sultanof spoke about parking and asked if there would be a problem for the business if
people parked in the rear and used the back entrance, so as not to take away parking
from other businesses. Mr. Moore said the Fitness Center would try to honor the
request. Commissioner Portner asked about the long-term lease and if there was an
exit clause. Mr. Moore replied the lease is for 15 years, and there is a sublet clause
which allows the owner to sublet the property with the approval of the landlord/owner
and pursuant to qualifications required by the City. Commissioner Portner questioned
membership options of the Fitness Center and Mr. Moore said memberships would be
on a month by month basis. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing and with no
one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Vice Mayor Roberts voted
"yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Portner 'yes", Commissioner
Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried.
BEVERAGES — MILANO'S BAKERY: (TR10285) Motion to approve Resolution
granting a Special Exception to permit the sale and on -site consumption of alcoholic
beverages in a B-2 (Community Business District) zoning category for Milano's Bakery,
located at 7120 North University Drive in the Jewelry Exchange Center shopping center,
specifically Parcel "A" of the "McNab Plaza North" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as
recorded in Plat Book 111, Page 2 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida
(Case No. 44-Z-03); providing for conditions of approval. City Attorney Kraft read
Temporary Resolution 10285 by title. Vice Mayor Roberts seconded by Commissioner
Sultanof moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the quasi-judicial procedures
and Mario Milano, owner, waived his quasi-judicial rights. Community Development
Director King gave a presentation, Commissioner Sultanof wished Mr. Milano good
luck, and questioned whether a special exception to sell bottled wine was requested at
the time the initial special exception for the bakery was put before the Commission.
November 26, 2003
Community Development Director King said no. Commissioner Sultanof asked about
control of off -site consumption, in particular if a customer purchased wine for on -site
consumption and did not finish the bottle prior to leaving the premises, but took the wine
with them when they left and then drank the wine off the business site, City Attorney
Kraft said that issue would be best addressed by BSO, as it is a different matter than
what is before the Commission this morning. Vice Mayor Roberts asked if there would
be tables outside, and Mr. Milano said in the future. Mayor Schreiber opened the public
hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Mayor
Schreiber voted "yes", Vice Mayor Roberts "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes",
Commissioner Portner "yes", and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion
INDUSTRIAL PARK" PLAT: (TR10291) Motion to approve Resolution granting a
Special Exception to allow the construction of more than one (1) principal building on
the subject property in an R-3 (Low -Density Multi -Family Residential District) zoning
category to Hampton Hills located north of NW 57 th Street @ NW 91't Avenue,
specifically All of Parcel "P" of the "Lyons Industrial Park" Plat, according to the Plat
thereof as recorded in Plat Book 71, Page 1 of the Public Records of Broward County,
Florida (Case No. 36-Z-03); providing for conditions of approval. City Attorney Kraft
said Items number 10 and 11 on the agenda are companion items and could be heard
together with separate motions. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10291
by title. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Portner moved approval.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 10293 by title. Commissioner Sultanof
seconded by Commissioner Portner moved approval. City Attorney Kraft explained the
quasi-judicial procedures and Attorney Gerald Knight, Holland & Knight, LLP, waived his
quasi-judicial rights for Items 10 and 11 on behalf of the owner. Community
Development Director King gave a presentation on items 10 and 11. Community
Development Director King addressed staff recommendations to Centex: the need for a
no right turn sign at the intersection of 91st Avenue and 57 th Street, southbound;
construction of an exclusive southbound left turn lane at 91st Avenue and 57 th Street
(designated left turn lane to reduce stacking into the project); and safety concerns
regarding the Temple school — crosswalk at the intersection of 91st Avenue and 57 th
Street. Centex has agreed and these items would be done prior to building permits
being issued. Centex also agreed to make a contribution of $110,000 to the City which
may be used for other traffic enhancements. The monies are to be paid over a three-
year period; $30,000 by 12/31/04; $50,000 by 12/31/05; and $30,000 by 12/31/06.
Mayor Schreiber said it is a beautiful project but he has great concerns about traffic that
will be generated from the new community and its affect on the Temple at 91't Avenue;
these issues must be resolved. Mayor Schreiber asked the developer to meet with the
people affected to alleviate the problem. Mayor Schreiber spoke of the impact on
schools, and added that the project would be a benefit to the City and to the Main Street
Project. Commissioner Sultanof said he has the same concerns as the Mayor and
Commissioners; safety issues. Commissioner Sultanof spoke about traffic flow during
construction, and said he would like to have a program set up to flag moving equipment,
November 26, 2003
and asked if that would take place. Mr. Knight said Centex is concerned about these
issues also and a program will be in place to assure safety during construction.
Commissioner Sultanof spoke about the Swim Center and park, and said while this is
open to everyone, he would like to see a buffer between the community and the park so
there would be no intrusion from the community. Mr. Knight said this has been
discussed with staff and landscaping and fencing will be provided, as well as other
requirements of the City to separate Swim Central from the development.
Commissioner Portner thanked Community Development Director King for reviewing the
site plan with him and for discussing the pool area. Commissioner Portner questioned
the difference between a condominium and townhouse. Mr. Knight said the external
fagade would show no difference; all units will be fee owned-, the condominium portion
will have a separate condominium association, but the entire development will be under
a master association. Commissioner Portner questioned the size of the development's
pool, and Mr. Nisenbaum said it is about 1,500 sq. ft., approximately 70' x 30'.
Commissioner Portner said he would like to see traffic kept moving during construction.
Mr. Knight spoke about the land use plan and zoning, and said this has not changed.
There are limitations as far as entry into the property, and there is just so much a
developer can do, but Centex has worked hard to comply with all requests. Discussions
have been held with the Temple and with residents. Vice Mayor Roberts said the
project looks lovely, however, she does not agree with it. Vice Mayor Roberts
questioned the location of the clubhouse and the pool, as well as the fact that there is
only one pool for 66 buildings. Vice Mayor Roberts spoke of the School Board's method
of calculating the number of children anticipated attending the schools. Commissioner
Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned school impact fees and parking. Community
Development Director King said each unit is required to have a minimum of two parking
spaces. Those units with two -car garages have three spaces per unit. The units with
no garages will have parking spaces in front of the units, and under Tamarac's code,
they are required to also have two spaces per unit, and the development is required to
provide 10% guest parking. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if there would
be a membership fee for the pool and clubhouse and Mr. Knight said the master
association would own the common areas and the recreation facility and there may be a
yearly assessment to maintain the common areas. There would be no membership
fees. Mr. Knight said he did not know what the school impact fees would be as they
increase each year. Vice Mayor Roberts questioned whether these units fell within the
threshold for affordable housing, and Mr. Knight said there are no incentives; the homes
would be sold at market price; Mr. Nisenbaum added that prices start between
$150,000 - $180,000. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Doug Kahn, 9101
NW 57 Street, Tamarac, spoke about traffic and safety, and said the Temple met with
the developer and there was discussion about moving the playground. Mr. Knight
added that the relocation of the playground is still being reviewed. Centex does not own
that property; the developer is doing other things in the public right of way. The
developer will work with the Temple which may mean the developer doing the work or
giving the Temple money so they can do the work themselves. There is still need for
discussion, Anita Wilson, 9152 NW 60 Street, Tamarac, spoke of school overcrowding
and a designated wild life reserve on the site of the development. Albert Stein, 9048
NW 60 Street, Tamarac, spoke of a wild life preserve and traffic concerns. Carol
November 26, 2003
Ratner, Executive Director of Tamarac Jewish Center, spoke of safety concerns and
traffic impact. Ms. Ratner questioned the stacking lane. Mr. Nisenbaum said the
stacking lane was about 250' which should not interfere with the entry to the Temple.
Sharon Leslie Clark, The Landings, also spoke of a wild life preserve, and asked how
relocation of wild life would be handled. Ms. Clarke also expressed concern for debris
falling into the canals as a result of the construction, and asked about an aesthetically
pleasing buffer between her community and the new development. Mayor Schreiber
said an ordinance had been discussed requiring developers to provide for relocation of
wild life, however, it was not enacted into law. Community Development Director King
spoke about the difference between endangered species and rodents, and said the
County has an ordinance requiring removal of endangered species. Building Official
Jones said the South Florida Building Code regulates trash and debris on building sites.
This developer has a good history in Tamarac and there have been no problems in the
past. Building Official Jones said if a resident sees any problematic situation, they
should feel free to contact Building and Code Compliance and the situation will be
looked into and action taken, if necessary. City Manager Miller said he received a letter
from a property owner regarding seawalls, which he read into the record. (See attached
letter from James N. Guarino.) Community Development Director King said no seawalls
are proposed for this project as the property will be graded. Commissioner Portner said
he moved here 29 years ago and there were 20,000 people in Tamarac. Now there are
57,000 people and the City is growing. Change is inevitable. Tamarac is a great city to
live in and the most important thing is the services provided to the residents. Florida is
one of the more desirable states to live in and it is anticipated that within the next 15
years there will be 20 million people in this State. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco
asked if it would be possible to place wildlife traps to collect raccoons and move them to
other areas. Mr. Knight said Centex will take the appropriate measures to relocate wild
life and there will be no off -site impacts. Commissioner Sultanof said some
associations within the City went through the County to have animals relocated, and
said there is a difference between an endangered species and other animals.
Commissioner Sultanof said if the residents have concerns, they should contact
Tamarac Building and Code Compliance. Mr. Knight asked to have the traffic study
become part of the record, and gave the study to City Clerk Swenson. (See
correspondence from David Plummer & Associates, attached.) With no one else
wishing to speak on either item, Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing. For Item
No. 10, Temporary Resolution 10291, on roll call Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco
voted "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Commissioner
Sultanof "yes", and Vice Mayor Roberts "no". Motion carried.
HAMPTON HILLS: (TR10293) Motion to approve Resolution issuing Revised
Development Order No 084.1 and granting New Development Site Plan approval to
Hampton Hills to allow the construction of a five -hundred thirty-six (536) unit town home
and condominium development with associated parking, landscaping and infrastructure
improvements located north of NW 57 th Street at NW 91st Avenue, specifically All of
Parcel "P" of the "Lyons Industrial Park" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded
November 26, 2003
in Plat Book 71, Page 1 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida (Case No. 19-
SP-03); providing for conditions of approval. For Item 11, Temporary Resolution 10293,
on roll call Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco
"yes", Mayor Schreiber "yes", Vice Mayor Roberts "no", and Commissioner Portner
11 yes". Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber
adjourned the regular commission meeting at 11:10 a.m.
November 26, 2003
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November 17, 2003
Mr. Mike Nisenbaum
Centex Norries
8998 Jog Road
Suite 200
Boynton Beach, Florida 33437
(56T) 536-1031
RJE: Lyons Industrial Plat - #03808
Dear Mr. Nisenbaum:
301 147-0900 FAX 205 4�d-il9a!,
Centex Homes is requesting a zoning change and proposing to develop a residential projectwith a
total of 536 townhouse and condominium units with build -out in Afarch 2006. The re-oning
application is to change the current --oningfrom the existing three classifications (RM-5:31`1116-
Family Residential District; RM-10. Planned Apartment Residential District; and R-4.A:
Planned Apartment Residential District) to R-3: Low-Densilj,Alulti-FamilyResideistialDistrict.
The project site is theCWTently vacant Lyons Industrial Plat, located on XW 91 Avenue north of NW
57 Street in the city of Tamarac, Florida (see Attachment 1). Direct access to the site'Will beftom
N-W 91 Avenue, nor-th of NW 57 Street. Regional access will be via Commercial Boulevard.
The purpose of this report is to explain the project traffic impacts at the analyzed locations. The
analysis is for existing conditions including the proposed project. Recortunendations resultirig from
this analvsis are also provided. This report has been updated to included response to comments and
requests from the CitY of Tamarac received in a Memo dated October 30, 2003, they have been
i1alicizedfor case oj'review. Responsesfor continents received November 17, 2003 are in bold
italicsfor ease of review.
Turning movement countswere collected during the morning (7:00AM to 9:00 AM) and afternoon
(4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.) peak time periods at the following intersections. Additionally, FDOT data
was used to seasonally adjust the raw traffic counts. niefactorsi2y-eiiicliidedili�4ttachiptent.".
0 Commercial Boulevard/NW 94 Avenue
• Commercial Boulevard/NINV 91 Avenue
• Commercial Boulevard./NW SSAvenue (Pine Island Road)
• NW 57 StreWNW 94 Avenue
• NW 57 Street/N-1W 91 Avenue
• NW 57 StreetNW 88 Avenue (Pine Island Road)
11/18,12003 11: 17 90544449e6 DA-�ID PLUMMERANDA'z!:)U HA(�E U�
Mr. Mike Nisenbaum
Lyons Industrial Plat - g03808
Page 2
Trip generation for the proposed project was estimated using the recoinmended practices stated in the
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manual, Sixth.Edition. The project trip
generation for A-M and PM peak- hour is included in Attachment 3. Additionally, a comparative
analysis showing the f rip generation for land uses under the existing Zoning is included ff7iththe
proposed Zoning there is approximately a 30% reduction in trips compared to the existing zoning.
Daily trips are reduced by 1, 022, 7norningpeak hour trips are reduced ky 96 and afternoon trips by,
I 12.
Project traffic was distributed and assigncd to the study area based on the project location.
Consideration was given to conditions such as the roadway network accessed by the project,
roadways available to travel in the desired direction, and attractiveness of traveling on a specific
roadway. For example, although Commercial Boulevard is a O'nore direct route to travel easthound,
X&Nab Road is an alternative for trips that are between three and -six miles (medium length).
Therefore, sorne frips to.frorn the east are assignedto travel north on.Pine IslandRoad and then east
on lvfcNab Road. Attachment 4 includes a trip distributionlassignment niatri.r.
Project trips were added to existing volumes at the six subject intersections and analyzed using the
Highway Capacity Software (HCS) based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). Signal
toningfor the two signaliZed intersections (which are part ofa coordinated systent.) were obtained
fton? Broward Counn� and are included in .4tiachment 5.
Improvements are planned by Broward County (projectinformation includedin Attachment 6) along
Pine Island Road, with construction expected to start in Jaiivary2004. These improvements include
a median which will physically restrict the prohibited left and thru movements from NW 57 Street.
At Commercial Boulevard allfour approaches are proposed to have dual left turn lanes. Pine
Island will have a third through lane an the north and south approaches. CopumercialBoulevard
ivill have exclusive right turn lanes on the east and west approaches. UpdatedffCS Analysis
)vorksheers are attached. These improvements were included in our intersection analysis with the
project. IYCSAnalysis worksheets are included in Attachment 7.
There are two schools in the area, Challenger Elementary School and Millennium Middle School.
They are located on NW 94 Avenue at the western terminus of NW 57 Street. Most of the school
trafficisonNW94A,venue. It was noted that NW 57 Street, just east of'1'TW 94 Avenue is used for
parking to drop-off and pick-up students at the schools. Vehicles park on either side of the street., as
well as on the inedian.
U-7ide there may be some overlap with the school arrivalldisinissal times, however, the most direct
access tolfroin the proposed project isfrom NTV 91 Street. To avoid any additional conflicts in the
operations at the schools on NW 94 Avenue, it is recory.Lin. ended that right turns from NW 91 Aven ue
onto NW 57 Street be prohibited during peak hours. An exclusive left turn lane is also
recommended for southbound lefts at NW 91 Avenue/-NIV 5 7 Street which will facilitate egress from
the project site. Additionally, Centex Homes has dedicated a parcel of land to the city of Tamarac
11/18/2003 11: 17 3054444996 DAVID PLUMINIERWIDASSO PAGE 04
Mr. Mike Nisenbaum
Lyons Industrial Plat - *3808
Page 3
located on the southwest corner of the project site for a Swim Central Facility. Uponcompletionof
the Suim CentralFacility, a connection isplannedtoprovidepedeitrian and bicycle accessthrough
thesite, direct�v onto NPT" 94 Avenue. However, it may, be necessary to lookfor an alternative ifthe
constructionschedule o)'thisfacility is not compatible vvithprojectcompletion in order to provide
pedestrian and bicycle access to the schools.
The intersection of Commercial Boulevard /Pine Island Road is not operating at acceptable levels of
service during peak hours, particularly the southbound left rurns. Vehicles exiting the project area
and wanting to go east or south would tend to come to this intersection since it's signalized, instead
of attempting a left turn at Commercial Boulevard/NW 91 Avenue where there is no signal.
Nowever, when project traffic is added and the improvements along Pine.1sland Road considered,
intersection LOS is maintained, signal timinglphosing adiustments were considered ivhile
maintaining the existing Cycle length. Additionally, an intersection analysis ivas conducted at this
intersection with existing volumes and theplanned improvements, to determine the actual impacts Of
theproject trips All of thenzoveynents at the intersection maintain thesanie level ofservice with or
without the project volumes. HCS Analysis results are also included in Attachment 7.
As mentioned previously, the intersection of W 91 Street at Commercial Boulevard is unsignalized.
Volumes are Currently Very tow, however the few vehicles attempting to turn left seem hesitant as
Commercial Boulevard is a six -lane divided roadway with trioderately high speeds. Given the
expected increase in traffic volumes, a traffic signal should be considered at this intersection. It
should be noted that this would require meeting certain signal warrants and approval by Broward
County. 77teproposed development is not expectedto cause the signal warrant criteria that are not
currentlV met to besafisfied, The required signal warrants maybe mer once the vacant parcels
along NW57 Street are developed Attachment 8 suinniarizes the minor street volume way -rant
criteria based on the 2000 Manual an Un�form Traffic Control Devices (2yfUTCD). However,
Broward Count), may use more stringent criteria titan those stated in the MUTCD. 7liesummary
also includes the estimated traffic ivith the proposed project for coniparison. The e_xpectcd
additionaldevelopitient alongNIV57Street (proposedAfain Street) will increase theneedforthis
signal in thefuture. Tlie;-equiredsigiialspocitigei-itei-iaisl,320feet. Per tile City of Tamarac
Public Work- Department, the cenferline distances front NW 91 A venue to NTV 94.4ven ue and
Pine Island.Road (NW 88.4venue) are 1,298.66 and 1,288.296feet respectively. Per Broward
County Traffic Engineering Division, if rise signal is warranted and progression, if any, is
maintained, these distances are acceptable. Please note that Centex Homes is prepared to pay their
fair -share of the cost to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Commercial BoulevardiNW 91
Avenue, lVe were infornied that the review team is currently evaluating methodologies to
deterittine the developers.fair share cost.
Turn lane capacities were aJso addressed for the left turn movements critical to proj . ect ingress and
egress at the analysis intersections. Back of Queue results from the HCS analysis were extracted and
summarized for existing and with project conditions (see Attachment 9). Project trips making a
southbound left from NW 94 Avenue are negligible, as arethe eastbound left rams from Commercial
11: 17 -�0�4444986- DAVID PLUMtIERANDASSO PA5E 05
Mr. Mike Nisenbaum
Lyons Industrial Plat - 903808
PaRe 4
Boulevard to NW 94 Avenue. Implementation of the exclusive left turn lane for southbound NW 91
Avenue at NW 57 Street will alleviate any queues for vehicles exiting the project site, as will a
traffic signal at Commercial Boulevard/NW 91 Avenue. A signal at this intersection will also
decrmse anyprojecttrips which would use the signal at Corrmaercial Boulevard/Pine Tsland Road to
turn left under existing conditions.
A traffic impact study has been completed for the proposed Centex Homes project at the Lyons
Industrial Plat site. This analysis establishes the project trip generation and assignment, as well as
the levels of service anticipated at the analysis intersections with the project traffic, With
implementation of the recommendations to: a:) prohibit southbound right turns at NW 57 Street/NW
91 Avenue (to befundedby CenfexHoi-nes); b) implement an exclusive southbound left turn lane
(to befunded by Centex Homes); and c) a traffic signal at Commercial Boulevard/NNV 91 Avenue
(fair share contribution from Centex Homes, because prpiect traffic does not cause signal
warrants to be met), the project will not create negative traffic irapacts to the area.
Sonia Slueffler-Bogart, PF
Project Manager
cc: John Doherty, City of Tamarac Public Works
Paige Mathes, City of Tamarac Community Development
Karl Passetti, Kittelson & Associates
Gerald Knight, Holland Knight LLP (letter only)
F1 le
HCS Analysis Worksheets
M,-UTTCD Warrant Criteria Surrurtary
Queue Analysis Summary
mn I 11 7031ei.doc
Post -it' Fax Note 7671
Pholle Op