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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-23 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL CHAMBERS WEDNESDAY MAY 23, 2007 CALL TO ORDER_ Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 9:00 am on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 in Chambers at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Patte Atkins -Grad, and Commissioner Harry Dressler. ALSO., PRESENT:, Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Commissioner Edward C. Portner led the pledge of allegiance. INTRODUCTION 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco acknowledged Laurie Plotnick, Shelly Plotnick and Ralph Baer, in the audience. a. Senator Ring spoke about property tax, the proposed casino in Coconut Creek, and the University Drive expansion. Senator Ring said he believes the insurance crisis is larger than the property tax crisis, and a National Catastrophic Fund is the only way we will see a reduction in our insurance costs. Senator Ring sponsored the Bill to move the presidential primary to January, and said this is very important because before candidates came to Florida for campaign contributions; now they will come to Florida for our votes. Commissioner Dressler said the scale of the proposed casino is an issue we will encounter in our own City. Commissioner Dressler thanked Senator Ring for bringing this issue to us and said he and the Commission are available to do anything they can to support Senator Ring. Commissioner Dressler asked staff and the City Attorney to get all details necessary and come up with impacts regarding the scale of the development on the qualify of life in Tamarac. Senator Ring said these are federal issues and there is not much we can do. A resolution opposing the casino might be in order as well as letters to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Coconut Creek is opposing the 44 acres becoming sovereign land, and we must let people know what is happening. Commissioner Dressler questioned Senator Ring's opinion of the University Drive extension and Senator Ring explained several cities are opposed to the extension and several cities support it. If the Coconut Creek project succeeds, we will have to support the extension. Commissioner Dressler said he understands the need for a National Catastrophic Fund and why other states may not support it, but it is for the public good. Commissioner Dressler said he approved moving the primary elections to January. Bringing passion and commitment to the process transcends time. Commissioner Dressler said he appreciated Senator Ring's candor with regard to the property tax May 23, 2007 Page 1 of 10 issue and it is Commissioner Dressler's belief that it is better not to have a special session, but to wait for the proper fixing of a broken system rather than wind up with unintended consequences. Commissioner Portner said there are over 600 loopholes in the tax system and if half were to be closed we would not be having this discussion about taxes and insurance. Senator Ring said not all the loopholes are bad, and he believes it would be better addressed by an independent study. Commissioner Portner said an intangible tax would also have brought in money. With regard to the National Catastrophic Fund, only a few states are involved and this will be a tough sell. Commissioner Portner said he is the Chair of the State Road 7 Initiative and he talked to Representative Hastings regarding the Casino. Commissioner Portner spoke of the Sunshine Law and said he would like local government to have the same legislative ability as those in Tallahassee and would like to see a redefinition of the Sunshine Law. Senator Ring agreed the Sunshine Law needs to be made less restrictive and he suggested the League of Cities take this up in the next legislative session. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco agreed the Sunshine law is restrictive. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he has already been approached by two presidential candidates and added the National Catastrophic Fund is at the top of the must do list. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he serves on the MPO and spoke of discussions regarding the University Drive extension. Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke about the proposed casino and said Coconut Creek welcomed the Seminoles because they paid $1 million a year to the City for access to the road but now it is a bigger problem. The scale of the proposed building will overshadow what Coconut Creek wants to build. With regard to the Sunshine Law, it is not liked by local government, but residents look at local government more critically than they look at Tallahassee. Commissioner Atkins -Grad applauded Senator Ring for the Bill moving the primary to January and said she, too, is concerned about the casinos. The public does not know what is happening and the press must market it. Additionally, we have to expand University Drive if the casino goes through in order to accommodate the traffic. Senator Ring said City Attorney Goren is aware of the issue and was part of the impact studies. Senator Ring said he intends to speak to various venues about this issue and he hopes the newspapers write about it, but if they do not, there are many opportunities to get the message out. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco agreed with the National Catastrophic Fund and added the weather patterns are changing drastically across the country. Those states that have not shown an interest in this program should do so now. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she hopes the candidates make their presence known in Tamarac. With regard to the casino, the public needs to be educated, and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she agrees with Commissioner Dressler regarding not having a special session if we do not have the right answers. Senator Ring thanked the staff and in particular City Manager Miller who spends a lot of time on the property tax issue in Tallahassee. City Manager Miller generated much respect from the Senate for the work he has done in Tallahassee. May 23, 2007 Page 2 of 10 b. Representative Porth wished Vice Mayor and Sylvia Sultanof a happy anniversary. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco added her congratulations. Representative Porth said the Commission is very fortunate to have Senator Ring serving in Tallahassee. Representative Porth pledged his commitment to support tax reform, but not on the backs of the cities. The latest tax plan announced by Speaker Rubio would impose a $22 million cut to the bone for Coral Springs, and Representative Porth said he would not support that. Representative Porth spoke of the three Bills he sponsored that were passed: Domestic Violence Leave of Absence Act, Keeping Children Safe Act, and Protecting Florida Investments Act. One Bill that did not pass this session, but Representative Porth will reintroduce is the Bill regarding driving with a suspended license. Representative Porth said through both his and Senator Ring's efforts, Tamarac was awarded $500,000 for stormwater treatment. Representative Porth said Laurie Plotnick runs his Coral Springs Office, 1300 Coral Springs Drive, 954-346-2810, e-mail address: ari.porth[a7myfloridahouse..goy. Representative Porth said he checks his a -mails daily. Commissioner Portner asked if our lobbyist spoke to Representative Porth with regard to the $500,000 for stormwater treatment and Representative Porth said Lobbyist Book was helpful. Commissioner Atkins -Grad thanked Representative Porth for taking time to come to Tamarac and speak to our constituents. Vice Mayor Sultanof thanked Representative Porth for his representation. Commissioner Dressler thanked Representative Porth for his leadership on the investment issue and said what is happening in Darfur is the first genocide in this century and to not stand up and address this would be wrong. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said the issues that hit the headlines affect children, women, and those less privileged than us and we need to help. Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco asked Senator Ring and Representative Porth to stay and hear the Commission Reports, as well as the City Attorney and City Manager reports. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco went out of the regular order of business on the agenda to take up Item No. 2 Commission Reports, Item No. 3 City Attorney Report, and Item No. 4, City Manager Report. RFPnRT� 2. City Commission: Commissioner Partner had no report. Commissioner Atkins -Grad reported on her attendance at the Senior Hall of Fame breakfast and her attendance at the Hurricane Expo and Health Fair and Kids Day, at which there were Representatives of the University of Miami School of Medicine. Commissioner Atkins -Grad attended a multi -cultural event at Millennium Middle School and an annual event of the Firefighters where Broward County Commissioner Ritter was honored and money was raised for scholarships. On Sunday Commissioner Atkins - May 23, 2007 Page 3 of 10 Grad attended a Challenger Baseball event and it was heartwarming to watch the kids with disabilities participate. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he forwarded a complimentary letter from a resident to Director of Utilities Gagnon and said the staff is doing a great job. Vice Mayor Sultanof commended BSO Chief Dugger and said the BSO department is being run well. Vice Mayor Sultanof said this Commission is the best he ever served on and it works well together. Vice Mayor Sultanof thanked staff and those in Tallahassee for keeping in touch with local government. Commissioner Dressler said he is the liaison to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and there has been a lot of positive feedback from the community as to the value of the Caporella Aquatic Center. This is an example of how local projects have a significant impact on community by cooperation at different levels of government. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco welcomed her niece, Rebecca, who is visiting from New York and added she has just finished her first year at Johns Hopkins. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco wished Vice Mayor and Sylvia Sultanof a happy anniversary and said they set a shining example of what happily ever after is about. Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco spoke of a news article wherein the Broward General Medical Center honored Lts. Rex Van Mehren and Michael Wilton, and firefighters Bart Badgwell, Jennifer Dugger, and Maria Garnica for their actions in assisting wounded Broward Sheriffs Office Deputies Brian Tephford and Corey Carbocci in November last year. The North Broward Medical Center honored Lt. Patty Barrero and firefighters Kevin Gjertsen and Dan Mariano for assisting a multiple gunshot wound in March in Tamarac. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco reported the City of Tamarac received the 2007 ArtServe Encore Government Leadership Award in the Arts, and said as a result of this Commission and staffs help and grants, this program was brought to Tamarac. The Commission championed arts and culture in our community and this Commission functions as the best Commission in the County. 3. CityAttorney: City Attorney Goren said Senator Ring has been highly interactive and involved in the process regarding the casino, and conversations with Senator Ring will be helpful to Tamarac's cause regarding impacts. With regard to University Drive, there is data available and every option is open to these highly sensitive issues. This is a classic land use planning issue. City Attorney Goren said he will engage staff to bring more information to the Mayor and City Commission. Regarding defense of indigents, several Broward Judges heard cases in this regard and one judge ruled in favor and one against, which created a conflict. This will result in an appeal being brought before the 4th DCA. The City of Tamarac has had no filings against an indigent defendant without a state charge attached. We are not involved in the issue at this time and City Attorney Goren said he is hopeful a decision in the future will be made that will benefit Tamarac. City Attorney Goren thanked the Mayor and City Commission for their direction at Monday's workshop regarding the Quasi -Judicial Ordinance. City Attorney Goren wished Vice Mayor and Sylvia Sultanof a happy anniversary. May 23, 2007 Page 4 of 10 4. City Manager_ Assistant Manager Phillips congratulated Fire Rescue personnel who were presented with the Paramedic of the Year Award. The Department of Health also named Dr. Ulin Medical Director of the Year for the State and his award will be presented at the CLINCON Games in July. Dr. Ulin has been Tamarac's Medical Director since 1999. The Fire Rescue/Parks and Recreation Hurricane Expo was held on May 12 at the Tamarac Community Center with over 1,000 in attendance. Four hundred children registered for Tamarac's Summer Camp and 250 attended the Tamarac Twilight Concert on May 11. The 8th Annual Health Fair was held on May 19th at the Tamarac Community Center with over 750 in attendance. Assistant City Manager Phillips extended an open invitation for the Memorial Day Ceremony on May 28 at Veterans Memorial Park, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The Board and Committee luncheon will be held on June 1 St at Woodlands Country Club at noon to acknowledge our volunteers. The Utilities Department received the American Water Works Association 2007 Safety Award; our annual water quality report will go out in the next two weeks, and Coral Springs has contacted Tamarac Utilities to obtain additional information on our water conservation program. 1. c. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco proclaiming May 25, 2007 as "National Missing Children's Day". (Requested by BSO Chief Ken Dugger) BSO Chief Dugger accepted. 1. d. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco proclaiming May 23, 2007 as "EMS Children's Day". (Requested by Fire Chief Jim Budzinski) Fire Chief Budzinski accepted. EMS Division Chief Sheridan spoke about an increase in pediatric care and said there will be a training session in June to institute new innovations. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said this speaks volumes of how Tamarac's demographics are changing. 1. e. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco proclaiming the week of May 20 - 27, 2007 as "Emergency Medical Services Week". (Requested by Fire Chief Jim Budzinski) Fire Chief Budzinski, EMS Division Chief Sheridan, and Dr. Ulin accepted. Fire Chief Budzinski and Dr. Ulin thanked the Mayor and City Commission for their continued support. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 5. Rick Veres, 8000 NW 66 Terrace asked the Mayor and City Commission for assistance with regard to liens that showed up on a house he had purchased and renovated and now wishes to sell. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested Mr. Veres speak with Building and Code Compliance Director Jones after the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Vice Mayor Sultanof moved approval of all items on the consent agenda. On roll call Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", and Commissioner Dressler "yes". Motion carried. May 23, 2007 Page 5 of 10 a. APPROVE the minutes of the May 9, 2007 Regular City Commission meeting. APPROVED b. AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT — LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX ORDINANCE: (TR11198) Executing the 2007 Amendment to Interlocal Agreement between Broward County and City of Tamarac providing for division and distribution of the proceeds of the Local Option Gas Tax imposed by the Broward County Local Option Gas Tax Ordinance. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-65 C. AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT — FIFTH _CENT ADDITIONAL LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX ON MOTOR FUEL FOR TRANSIT: (TR11199) Executing the 2007 Amendment to Interlocal Agreement between Broward County and City of Tamarac providing for division and distribution of the proceeds from the Broward County Fifth Cent Additional Local Option Gas Tax on Motor Fuel for Transit. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-66 d. AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT — ADDITIONAL LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX ON MOTOR FUEL ORDINANCE: (TR11200) Executing the 2007 Amendment to Interlocal Agreement between Broward County and City of Tamarac providing for division and distribution of the proceeds from the Broward County Additional Local Option Gas Tax on Motor Fuel Ordinance. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-67 e. AGREEMENT RENEWAL FOR ANNUAL AUDITING SERVICES — BKR GARCIA COMPANY, PLLC: (TR11201) Exercising the third and final renewal option to the existing agreement between the City of Tamarac and BKR Garcia Company, PLLC, (formerly Grau & Co.), for annual auditing services for fiscal year ending September 30, 2007; for a not to exceed cost of $99,500. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-68 f. DIESEL FUEL PURCHASE: (TR11203) Purchasing Diesel Fuel from BV Oil Company, Inc. and MacMillan Oil Company utilizing Coral Springs Co -Op Contract No. 06-A-098; authorizing purchase of diesel fuel in the quantities needed based on the Oil Price Information Service Price Index cost at the time of delivery; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-69 g. AMENDMENT TO JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT — HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION: (TR11205) Executing an amendment to the Joint Participation Agreement with Broward County for Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events extending the agreement until June 27, 2008. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-70 h. AWARDING RFP #06-22R AND EXECUTING AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN/BUILD OF TAMARAC PARK RECREATION CENTER: (TR11137) Awarding RFP #06-22R and executing an Agreement with DiPompeo Construction Corporation for the design/build of the Tamarac Park Recreation Center for an amount not to exceed $3,845,000; approving funding in the amount of $3,845,000 from the appropriate accounts. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-71 END OF CONSENT AGENDA May 23, 2007 Page 6 of 10 REGULAR AGENDA ORDINANCES — FIRST READINGS Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved the addition of Temporary Ordinance 2142 to the agenda as Item 11. AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC CODE OF ORDINANCES, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION", BY CREATINGA_RTICLE X, TO BE ENTITLED "QUASI- JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS": (T02142) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending Chapter 2 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances, entitled "Administration", by creating Article X, to be entitled "Quasi -Judicial Proceedings"; creating Sections 2-367 through 2-370 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances; providing for the intent; providing for definitions; identifying quasi-judicial matters; providing procedures for quasi-judicial proceedings, including, but not limited to, ex parte communications, notification, presentation of evidence and preparation of the order; providing for codification; providing for conflict; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2142 on first reading by title. On roll call Commissioner Dressler voted "yes", Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes". Motion carried. 7. AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE TAMARAC CODE — GRAFFITI: (T02141) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending Chapter 13 of the City's Code of Ordinances, entitled miscellaneous offenses, specifically amending Section 13.5, entitled "graffiti"; providing for a broader definition of "graffiti" to include defacing or damaging the property of another; providing for revised enforcement guidelines; providing for penalties; providing for codification. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2141 on first reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval. Building and Code Compliance Director Jones and BSO Chief Dugger gave presentations. Commissioner Dressler spoke of private property rights and said while he did not approve of government going onto private property he did believe this ordinance is in the public good. Commissioner Portner asked for a definition of graffiti and asked if a mural was considered graffiti. Commissioner Portner asked for a definition of a gang. Building and Code Compliance Director Jones said graffiti is the writing on or defacing of a wall or structure that does not constitute an approved sign. In order for a mural not to be considered graffiti it would have to go through the process of approval as a sign and be authorized. BSO Chief Dugger addressed the definition of a gang and said there are statutory requirements to be addressed recognizing a gang as a collective, cohesive group. There are also neighborhood groups of children who form informal gangs that do not meet the statutory requirements. Whether a gang is official or non -official, we look at the cohesiveness of the group. Our focus is on removal of graffiti quickly so it does not take hold. Commissioner Portner asked if there are organized or non -organized gangs in Tamarac and BSO Chief Dugger said there have been several reports of members in the street who were identified as gangs. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he agrees with Commissioner Dressler but private property is already addressed in the Code. We try to keep our city in a proper manner and gangs have invaded private property. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked City Attorney Goren to walk the Mayor and City May 23, 2007 Page 7 of 10 Commission through the process and City Attorney Goren explained the instant ordinance is a new document that was created to look specifically at Tamarac. The key issue is to be able to capture violators and effectuate a change; to respect property owners. This relates to defacement and code enforcement more than protection of first amendment freedoms. This type of violation is endemic to a larger problem. Commissioner Dressler confirmed the language regarding defacing or damaging the property of another includes City property. City Attorney Goren said this also addresses quasi -governmental agencies. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she supports the ordinance as it is in the best interests of our residential and commercial communities. On roll call Commissioner Dressler voted "yes", Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Vice Mayor Sultanof ',yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING MAY 23, 2007 Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco moved out of the regular order of business on the agenda to take up Item 11, Temporary Ordinance 2142. 11. AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC CODE OF ORDINANCES, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION", BY CREATING ARTICLE X TO BE ENTITLED "QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS": (T02142) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending Chapter 2 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances, entitled "Administration", by creating Article X, to be entitled "Quasi -Judicial Proceedings"; creating Sections 2-367 through 2-370 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances; providing for the intent; providing for definitions; identifying quasi-judicial matters; providing procedures for quasi-judicial proceedings, including, but not limited to, ex parte communications, notification, presentation of evidence and preparation of the order; providing for codification; providing for conflict; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2142 on first reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Dressler moved approval. City Attorney Goren thanked Administration, Community Development Staff, and City Clerk Staff for their collaboration on this ordinance. The ordinance tries to embrace and codify what the Commission has been doing these past years, and it protects the City of Tamarac, staff and applicants' property rights. Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco thanked Community Development Director Bramley and the rest of the staff and agreed this ordinance protects both the City's rights and owners' rights. On roll call Commissioner Portner voted "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING MAY 23, 2007 PUBLIC HEARINGS 9:00 A.M. OR THEREAFTER ORDINANCES — SECOND READINGS 8. FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE SERVICES: (T02138) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Commercial Garbage Franchise Agreement between the City of Tamarac and FSR Transporting and Crane Services, Inc. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2138 on second reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded May 23, 2007 Page 8 of 10 by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Vice Mayor Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", and Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING MAY 9, 2007 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING MAY 23, 2007 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2007-12 9. ADDITIONAL SENIOR HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION; (T02139) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading__ amending Chapter 6 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances, entitled "Finance and Taxation", by specifically creating Article VII, entitled "Senior Homestead Tax Exemption"; providing that an additional homestead exemption of up to Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for persons sixty-five (65) years of age and older shall be authorized to taxpayers satisfying the requirements as set forth in Section 196.075 of the Florida Statutes, which includes but is not limited to the person's household income does not exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), as adjusted pursuant to State Statute; providing that a taxpayer seeking the additional homestead exemption shall submit on an annual basis a sworn statement to the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office; providing for an annual adjustment; providing for severability; providing for conflict; providing for inclusion in the code; providing for an effective date subject to the acceptance of the Ordinance by the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2139 on second reading by title. Commissioner Atkins -Grad seconded by Commissioner Portner moved approval. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. Commissioner Portner seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved to table Temporary Ordinance 2139 to a time uncertain. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said this item was discussed at great length during Monday's workshop and the Mayor and City Commission recognize the significance of this to the Seniors, but at this time it is in the best interest of the City to table the item until we have more information from Tallahassee. On roll call Commissioner Atkins -Grad voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", and Commissioner Portner "yes". Motion to table approved. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING MAY 9, 2007 TABLED TO TIME UNCERTAIN MAY 23, 2007 10. AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE III OF THE TAMARAC CODE, ENTITLED BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS: (T02140) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reamm dingy amending Chapter 2, Article III of the Tamarac Code, entitled Boards, Committees, Commissions, to provide for the process for appointing individuals to the City's advisory boards and committees; providing for codification; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2140 on second reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Dressler moved approval. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Partner voted "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", Vice Mayor May 23, 2007 Page 9 of 10 Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING MAY 9, 2007 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING MAY 23, 2007 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2007-13 QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS There were no quasi-judicial hearings scheduled for this meeting. END OF QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the regular meeting of the City Commission at 10:55 a.m. Marion Swenson, CIVIC City Clerk May 23, 2007 Page 10 of 10 Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco Mayor 1 1