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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-19 - City Commission Special Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL CHAMBERS WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the Special Meeting of the City Commission to order on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 5:05 p.m., in Chambers at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Patte Atkins -Grad, and Commissioner Harry Dressler. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, Assistant City Attorney Jacob G. Horowitz, City Clerk Marion Swenson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Portner led the pledge of allegiance. In accordance with TRIM, City Manager Miller read the following statement: The tentative General Fund budget of $49,269,700 is more than the Fiscal Year 2007 adopted budget of $48,467,000. The City proposes to levy a millage rate of 5.0496 for General operating purposes, which is a 9% decrease over the rolled -back rate of 5.5491 mills. The proposed Debt Service Millage rate of .0630 mills is a decrease over the current Debt Service millage rate of .1305 mills. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco opened the public hearing on the final millage rate for FY2008 and with no one wishing to speak closed the public hearing. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco opened the public hearing on the final General Fund and other Fund budgets for FY2008. Bernard Herman, 7877 Granville Drive, Tamarac, spoke about transportation. City Manager Miller explained the initial proposal was to eliminate the fixed bus routes but staff came up with an alternative to the system. We also have the para-transit system in tact and we will be able to provide an acceptable level of service for our senior population. City Manager Miller and Financial Services Director Chapman spoke about reductions across the board in all departments. Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke about grant funding that is used for various City projects, and the transportation system. Commissioner Dressier said compared to other cities, Tamarac has one of the highest percentages of its budget spent for Social Services and transportation. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco added we are still in the process of exploring several programs. All residents are affected by this budget and our goal is to keep services as high as possible. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco closed the public hearing. Special Commission Meeting September 19, 2007 Page 1 of 3 Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved to amend the budget to include $5,600.00 to allow for the repair of the air conditioning system for the Tamarac Theatre of Performing Arts (Theatre). City Manager Miller explained the Theatre sent a letter to the City regarding their problems with the air conditioning (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated as part of these minutes). Commissioner Portner said in going through the budget, contributions to charities were cut by 50% and he does not think it fair to give to one organization over another. Vice Mayor Sultanof explained the Theatre is not a charitable organization and it does so much for the City. There was discussion regarding a line of credit the Theatre established or was trying to establish, and Deputy City Manager Cernech said there may have been a miscommunication regarding staffs recommendation. After discussion, Commissioner Portner moved to amend the motion on the table by holding this request in abeyance until we find out if the Theatre has received a line of credit. Vice Mayor Sultanof and Commissioner Atkins -Grad accepted the amendment to the original motion. Commissioner Dressler suggested amending the amendment and dealing with the issue after more information is brought to the Mayor and City Commission. After discussion it was agreed information would be brought to the Mayor and City Commission at an upcoming workshop. On roll call on the original motion to amend the budget to include $5,600.00 to allow for the repair of the air conditioning system for the Tamarac Theatre of Performing Arts (Theatre) Commissioner Dressler voted "no", Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "no", Commissioner Portner "no", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "no", and Vice Mayor Sultanof "no". Motion failed. 4. ADOPTING MILLAGE FOR THE 2007 TAX ROLL: (TO2144) Motion to adopt ordinance on second reading adopting the millage for the 2007 tax roll; levying a tax for general operations on all properties for the Fiscal Year 2008; levying a tax for the payment of principal and interest for bonded indebtedness; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read Temporary Ordinance 2144 on second reading by title. Commissioner Portner seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved adoption. On roll call Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco voted "yes", Commissioner Portner "yes", Commissioner Atkins - Grad "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", and Commissioner Dressler "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 13, 2007 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 ORDINANCE NO.0-2007-16 5. GENERAL FUND AND OTHER FUND BUDGETS FOR FY2008: (TO2145) Motion to adopt ordinance on second reading adopting the budget for the general fund and each of the other operating funds and the capital improvements fund for the fiscal year 2008; allocating, appropriating, and authorizing expenditures as presented in the budget; providing for the revenues necessary to fund the expenditures of each of the funds; authorizing budgetary control by department total for all appropriations; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read Temporary Ordinance 2145 on second reading by title. Vice Mayor Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved adoption. On roll call Commissioner Portner voted "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", Vice Mayor Special Commission Meeting September 19, 2007 Page 2 of 3 1 Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 13, 2007 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2007-17 6. ADOPTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): (TR11271) Motion to approve resolution adopting the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the five year period beginning with Fiscal Year 2008; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Horowitz read Temporary Resolution 11271 by title. Commissioner Dressler seconded by Commissioner Atkins - Grad moved approval. On roll call Commissioner Atkins -Grad voted "yes", Vice Mayor Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Dressler "yes", Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", and Commissioner Portner "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-151 Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Sultanof, and Commissioners Dressler, Atkins -Grad, and Portner thanked staff for all the work that went into this year's budget. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the Special Meeting of the City Commission at 6:25 p.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk ROOM X CAI t_n � M4_ Beth Flansbaum-Talabis&o Mayor Special Commission Meeting September 19, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Lot U""l '07 SEP 13 Am 11. 0� September 4, 2007 City of Tamarac 7525 NW 88t' Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 Dear Jeff Miller: On behalf of Tamarac Theatre of Performing .Arts, we take this opportunity to once again thank you and the City of Tamarac for your support .and consideration. The problem: "The Air Conditioner in The Theatre " We were hoping the landlord would be responsible for this huge expense ($5,600) but it was not to be. We tried to contact you for your advice, but you were on vacation. As time was of the essence, Vice -Mayor, Marc Sultanoff, suggested we meet with Michael Cernech, the Assistant City Manager. After listening to our tale of woe, his advise to us was to set up a line of credit (something we have never had) He implied that it would be a good business move. He explained in detail .the advantages a line of credit would be for the theatre . It was a pleasure to talk to him because he knew what he was talking about. We understand that the City of Tamarac has many problems to deal with and as always, we are ever grateful for your support. Sincerely, Dorothy Willis, President I ti IQ Sc�V%1�Oolaw Bill Schmookler, General Manager/Producer CC: Michael Cernech, Asst. City Manager Vice -Mayor, Marc Sultanoff 8761 Holly Court • Tamarac, FL 33321 • Phone: (954) 721-9411 • Fax: (954) 721-9411