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City Commission Workshop“Greening the City of Tamarac”City Commission WorkshopCity Commission Workshop““Greening the City of TamaracGreening the City of Tamarac””October 9, 2007October 9, 2007
Florida Green Building CoalitionFlorida Green Building CoalitionFlorida Green Building CoalitionGreen Local Government StandardGreen Local Government Standard
Green Local Government StandardGreen Local Government StandardThe Green Local Government Standard The Green Local Government Standard designates Green cities and counties for designates Green cities and counties for outstanding environmental stewardship.outstanding environmental stewardship.It focuses on improving their It focuses on improving their environmental performance through a environmental performance through a number of mediums such as energy, number of mediums such as energy, water and air.water and air.
Green Local Government StandardGreen Local Government StandardOne of the goals of the Green Local One of the goals of the Green Local Government Standard is to increase the Government Standard is to increase the penetration of many types of green penetration of many types of green activities through:activities through:““InIn--househouse””environmental practicesenvironmental practicesIncentives and ordinances to foster green Incentives and ordinances to foster green practicespracticesEducational activities to improve the Educational activities to improve the environment.environment.
Green Local Government StandardGreen Local Government StandardHow Does it Work?How Does it Work?A minimum point value is set that A minimum point value is set that represents a bar, and local governments represents a bar, and local governments that incorporate sufficient criteria such that incorporate sufficient criteria such that they meet or exceed that bar are that they meet or exceed that bar are certified as a Green Local Government.certified as a Green Local Government.
Credit CategoriesCredit Categories--Incentives, Conservation, Preservation and EducationIncentives, Conservation, Preservation and Education¾¾AdministrationAdministration¾¾Agriculture and Extension Agriculture and Extension ServiceService¾¾Building and Building and DevelopmentDevelopment¾¾Economic Economic Development/TourismDevelopment/Tourism¾¾Emergency Emergency Management/Public SafetyManagement/Public Safety¾¾Energy UtilityEnergy Utility¾¾Housing and Human Housing and Human ResourcesResources¾¾Information ServicesInformation Services¾¾Natural Resources Natural Resources Management/Environmental Management/Environmental ProtectionProtection¾¾Parks and RecreationParks and Recreation¾¾Planning and ZoningPlanning and Zoning¾¾Ports and MarinasPorts and Marinas¾¾Property Appraiser/Tax CollectorProperty Appraiser/Tax Collector¾¾Public TransportationPublic Transportation¾¾Public Works and Public Works and EngineeringEngineering¾¾School BoardSchool Board¾¾Solid WasteSolid Waste¾¾Water and WastewaterWater and Wastewater
Category C: Building and DevelopmentCategory C: Building and DevelopmentCredit 1: Monitor and Track green building within Credit 1: Monitor and Track green building within the city/countythe city/countyCredit 2: City/county green building program with Credit 2: City/county green building program with incentivesincentivesCredit 3: Enhance native habitat and natural Credit 3: Enhance native habitat and natural resourcesresourcesCredit 4: Conserve Water ResourcesCredit 4: Conserve Water ResourcesCredit 5: Staff EducationCredit 5: Staff EducationCredit 6: Industry EducationCredit 6: Industry EducationCredit 7: Community EducationCredit 7: Community Education
Credit 1: Monitor and Track green Credit 1: Monitor and Track green building within the city/countybuilding within the city/countyActivityActivityCreate and maintain an electronic Create and maintain an electronic database of all building energy code database of all building energy code compliancecomplianceCreate and maintain an electronic Create and maintain an electronic database of all green and energy ratings database of all green and energy ratings conducted on all buildings and land conducted on all buildings and land developments within the city/countydevelopments within the city/county
Credit 2: City/county green building Credit 2: City/county green building program with incentivesprogram with incentivesActivityActivityAdopt FGBC or LEED green standards as Adopt FGBC or LEED green standards as officially recognized green standards of the officially recognized green standards of the city/county (2 pts)city/county (2 pts)Offer an incentive for FGBC or LEED certified Offer an incentive for FGBC or LEED certified commercial and institutional buildings (4 pts)commercial and institutional buildings (4 pts)Offer an incentive or FGBC Energy Star Offer an incentive or FGBC Energy Star certified green homes (4 pts) certified green homes (4 pts) Offer an incentive or FGBC certified green Offer an incentive or FGBC certified green developments (4 pts)developments (4 pts)
Credit 3: Enact/Enhance native Credit 3: Enact/Enhance native habitat and natural resourceshabitat and natural resourcesActivityActivityRequire mitigation for Require mitigation for consumption of natural consumption of natural resources (1 pt per land typeresources (1 pt per land type--max 5 pts)max 5 pts)Enact and enforce a tree Enact and enforce a tree preservation or landpreservation or land--clearing clearing ordinance (1 pt)ordinance (1 pt)Regulate impervious parking Regulate impervious parking surfaces (1 pt)surfaces (1 pt)Enact a septic system Enact a septic system replacement ordinance (1 pt)replacement ordinance (1 pt)
Credit 4: Conserve Water ResourcesCredit 4: Conserve Water ResourcesActivityActivityEnact a rain sensor ordinance applicable Enact a rain sensor ordinance applicable to all functioning automatic irrigation to all functioning automatic irrigation systems (1 pt)systems (1 pt)Enact a landscaping ordinance for new Enact a landscaping ordinance for new construction (1 pt)construction (1 pt)
Credit 5: Staff EducationCredit 5: Staff EducationActivityActivityRequire all inspectors, reviewers, and Require all inspectors, reviewers, and supervisors to complete four (4) hours of supervisors to complete four (4) hours of CEU approved course work CEU approved course work in green in green building on a bibuilding on a bi--annual basis (1 pt)annual basis (1 pt)
Credit 6: Industry EducationCredit 6: Industry EducationActivityActivityDepartment offers classes to industry Department offers classes to industry professionals that detail any green incentives or professionals that detail any green incentives or regulations present (1 pt)regulations present (1 pt)Department advertises and offers incentives for Department advertises and offers incentives for local construction industry professionals to local construction industry professionals to attend classes offered by others (1 pt)attend classes offered by others (1 pt)Conduct a green building awards program (1 pt)Conduct a green building awards program (1 pt)
Credit 7: Community EducationCredit 7: Community EducationActivityActivityPublicity and case studies for green Publicity and case studies for green building (1 pt)building (1 pt)
Building DepartmentBuilding Department--Ongoing ProgramsOngoing ProgramsOrdinancesOrdinancesTree preservation Tree preservation ordinanceordinanceRegulate impervious Regulate impervious parking surfacesparking surfacesSeptic system Septic system replacement ordinancereplacement ordinanceRain sensor ordinanceRain sensor ordinanceLandscaping ordinanceLandscaping ordinanceElectronic DatabaseElectronic DatabaseCollection of energy Collection of energy data and energy ratingsdata and energy ratings
Category K: Parks and RecreationCategory K: Parks and RecreationCredit 1: Green Public AmenitiesCredit 1: Green Public AmenitiesCredit 2: Staff EducationCredit 2: Staff EducationCredit 3: Community EducationCredit 3: Community Education
Credit 1: Green Public AmenitiesCredit 1: Green Public AmenitiesActivityActivityMaintain organic community gardens (1 pt)Maintain organic community gardens (1 pt)Minimize chlorine in community swimming pools (1 pt)Minimize chlorine in community swimming pools (1 pt)Install appropriate bicycle security at all public amenities (1 Install appropriate bicycle security at all public amenities (1 pt)pt)Public golf courses are Audubon certified (1 pt)Public golf courses are Audubon certified (1 pt)Apply Apply Florida Friendly Florida Friendly landscaping at all public facilities (1 pt)landscaping at all public facilities (1 pt)Minimize heat effect/ Minimize heat effect/ stormwaterstormwaterrunoff of trees, highly runoff of trees, highly reflective materials, or impervious surface (1 pt)reflective materials, or impervious surface (1 pt)Public beaches adhere to Blue Wave Campaign criteria (1 pt)Public beaches adhere to Blue Wave Campaign criteria (1 pt)Implement recycling stations for plastic, glass and aluminum at Implement recycling stations for plastic, glass and aluminum at all recreation areas (1 pt)all recreation areas (1 pt)Implement energy efficient lighting and controls for outdoor Implement energy efficient lighting and controls for outdoor facilities (1 pt) facilities (1 pt)
Credit 2: Staff EducationCredit 2: Staff EducationEach staff member trained in an area Each staff member trained in an area related to their function on a birelated to their function on a bi--annual annual basis (1 pt)basis (1 pt)
Credit 3: Community EducationCredit 3: Community EducationPlace signs and/ or brochures at green Place signs and/ or brochures at green features of public amenities (1 pt)features of public amenities (1 pt)
Ongoing ActivitiesOngoing ActivitiesBicycle security at public amenitiesBicycle security at public amenitiesEnergy efficient lighting and controls at Energy efficient lighting and controls at outdoor facilitiesoutdoor facilitiesGeothermal pool heaters to reduce Geothermal pool heaters to reduce energy consumption and gas emissionsenergy consumption and gas emissionsReclaimed canal water for irrigation of Reclaimed canal water for irrigation of the Citythe City’’s two (2) newest park s two (2) newest park development projectsdevelopment projects
Category L: Planning and ZoningCategory L: Planning and ZoningCredit 1: Monitor and track green building Credit 1: Monitor and track green building within the city/countywithin the city/countyCredit 2: Preserve/enhance pedestrian Credit 2: Preserve/enhance pedestrian travel within the city/county to travel within the city/county to reduce green house gasreduce green house gasCredit 3: Green Building incorporated into Credit 3: Green Building incorporated into city/county planning processcity/county planning processCredit 4: Staff EducationCredit 4: Staff Education
Credit 1: Monitor and track green Credit 1: Monitor and track green building within the city/countybuilding within the city/countyActivityActivityDevelop a system of sustainable Develop a system of sustainable community indictors related to local community indictors related to local government planning (1 pt)government planning (1 pt)Link indicators to a GIS system (1 pt)Link indicators to a GIS system (1 pt)Assist other departments with the Assist other departments with the tracking of indicators related to their tracking of indicators related to their function (1 pt per departmentfunction (1 pt per department--max 5 pts)max 5 pts)
Credit 2: Preserve/enhance pedestrian Credit 2: Preserve/enhance pedestrian travel within the city/county to reduce travel within the city/county to reduce green house gasgreen house gasActivityActivityMaintain a Maintain a bicycle/pedestrian bicycle/pedestrian coordinator on staff (1 pt)coordinator on staff (1 pt)Implement FDOT Implement FDOT ““12 12 Steps Toward Steps Toward WalkableWalkableCommunitiesCommunities””into into planning process (1 pt)planning process (1 pt)Healthy street design is Healthy street design is official local government official local government policy (1 pt)policy (1 pt)
Credit 3: Green Building incorporated into Credit 3: Green Building incorporated into city/county planning processcity/county planning processActivityActivityDevelop urban area boundaries (1 pt)Develop urban area boundaries (1 pt)Encourage mixedEncourage mixed--use zoning/development (1 pt)use zoning/development (1 pt)Maintain or reduce net impervious surface area Maintain or reduce net impervious surface area through zoning decisions (1 pt)through zoning decisions (1 pt)
Credit 4: Staff EducationCredit 4: Staff EducationActivityActivityOrganize green building seminars and/or Organize green building seminars and/or training sessions for staff and elected training sessions for staff and elected officials to attend on a biofficials to attend on a bi--annual basis, or annual basis, or send staff to send staff to external courses external courses (1 pt)(1 pt)
Ongoing ActivitiesOngoing ActivitiesMonitor green buildingMonitor green buildingSustainable community indicators linked to GIS Sustainable community indicators linked to GIS systemsystemInterdepartmental tracking of indicatorsInterdepartmental tracking of indicatorsEnhance pedestrian travelEnhance pedestrian travelBicycle studyBicycle studyGreen planning processGreen planning processUrban area boundariesUrban area boundariesMixedMixed--use districtuse districtReduce impervious surfacesReduce impervious surfaces
Category P: Public Works and EngineeringCategory P: Public Works and EngineeringCredit 1: Minimize solid and hazardous waste through Credit 1: Minimize solid and hazardous waste through recycling and reuserecycling and reuseCredit 2: Minimize greenhouse gas emissionsCredit 2: Minimize greenhouse gas emissionsCredit 3: Minimize local government energy useCredit 3: Minimize local government energy useCredit 4: Enhance storm water control and water Credit 4: Enhance storm water control and water preservationpreservationCredit 5: Preserve and enhance street tree coverageCredit 5: Preserve and enhance street tree coverageCredit 6: Reward innovationCredit 6: Reward innovationCredit 7: Staff educationCredit 7: Staff educationCredit 8: Community educationCredit 8: Community education
Credit 1: Minimize solid and Credit 1: Minimize solid and hazardous waste through recycling hazardous waste through recycling and reuseand reuseActivityActivityDevelop a construction project Develop a construction project waste management/recycling waste management/recycling plan (3 pts)plan (3 pts)Operate a local government Operate a local government material/chemical material/chemical reuse/redistribution center (1 pt)reuse/redistribution center (1 pt)Operate a community tool Operate a community tool lending library (1 pt)lending library (1 pt)Maintain a green fleet program Maintain a green fleet program for department (2 pts) or entire for department (2 pts) or entire local government (4 pts)local government (4 pts)Utilize integrated pest Utilize integrated pest management (1 pt)management (1 pt)
Credit 2: Minimize greenhouse gas emissionsCredit 2: Minimize greenhouse gas emissionsActivityActivityOperate local government alternative Operate local government alternative fueling station (1 pt)fueling station (1 pt)Earn waste reduction credit through the Earn waste reduction credit through the production of cleanproduction of clean--burning fuels (1 pt)burning fuels (1 pt)
Credit 3: Minimize local government Credit 3: Minimize local government energy useenergy useActivityActivityUse LED traffic lights Use LED traffic lights (1 pt)(1 pt)Utilize solar or other Utilize solar or other energy efficient energy efficient streetlights (1 pt)streetlights (1 pt)Operate a Rebuild Operate a Rebuild America program for America program for the local government the local government (1 pt)(1 pt)
Credit 4: Enhance storm water Credit 4: Enhance storm water control and water preservationcontrol and water preservationActivityActivityStreet Sweeping (1 pt)Street Sweeping (1 pt)Routine maintenance Routine maintenance plan for maintenance of plan for maintenance of storm sewers (1 pt)storm sewers (1 pt)Employ green Employ green landscaping procedures landscaping procedures for local government for local government facilities (1 pt)facilities (1 pt)Green roof in New York City
Credit 5: Preserve and enhance Credit 5: Preserve and enhance street tree coveragestreet tree coverageActivityActivityBecome a Tree City USA. (1 pt)Become a Tree City USA. (1 pt)
Credit 6: Reward innovationCredit 6: Reward innovationActivityActivityDevelop a reward/incentive program for Develop a reward/incentive program for employee environmental innovation for employee environmental innovation for public works (1 pt)public works (1 pt)
Credit 7: Staff EducationCredit 7: Staff EducationActivityActivityOffer green fleet management training to Offer green fleet management training to all applicable departments (1 pt)all applicable departments (1 pt)Train and certify select staff as certified Train and certify select staff as certified arborists (1 pt)arborists (1 pt)
Credit 8: Community EducationCredit 8: Community EducationActivityActivityCommunity Community stormwaterstormwatereducation education campaign (1 pt)campaign (1 pt)
Ongoing ActivitiesOngoing ActivitiesRecycling InitiativesRecycling InitiativesAnnual Household Hazardous Annual Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Waste and Electronics Recycling Collection Collection Curbside recycling for homesCurbside recycling for homesRecycling rechargeable batteriesRecycling rechargeable batteriesAddition of junk mail as a Addition of junk mail as a recycled itemrecycled itemCity office paper recycling City office paper recycling Phonebook recyclingPhonebook recyclingFree recycled paint programFree recycled paint programEducationEducationCertified arborist on City staffCertified arborist on City staffCommunity Community stormwaterstormwatercampaigncampaignMembershipMembershipTree City USATree City USASolid WasteSolid WasteHazardous waste collectionHazardous waste collectionLandfill Landfill Disaster waste management Disaster waste management planplanMiscellaneousMiscellaneousRetrofit fixtures in city Retrofit fixtures in city buildingsbuildingsEnacted Enacted ““Think GreenThink Green””sticker sticker program for all city office light program for all city office light switchesswitchesLED traffic lightsLED traffic lightsStormwaterStormwaterStreet sweepingStreet sweepingRoutine maintenance plan for Routine maintenance plan for maintenance of storm sewersmaintenance of storm sewers
Category S: Water/WastewaterCategory S: Water/WastewaterCredit 1: Plant operations aimed at Credit 1: Plant operations aimed at environmental performanceenvironmental performanceCredit 2: Reduce energy useCredit 2: Reduce energy useCredit 3: Reduce Solid and hazardous Credit 3: Reduce Solid and hazardous wastewasteCredit 4: Reduce water useCredit 4: Reduce water useCredit 5: Community educationCredit 5: Community education
Credit 1: Plant operations aimed at Credit 1: Plant operations aimed at environmental performanceenvironmental performanceActivityActivitySeek FDEP plant Seek FDEP plant operations operations excellence award (2 excellence award (2 pts)pts)Create a reclaimed Create a reclaimed water infrastructure water infrastructure (2 pts)(2 pts)
Credit 2: Reduce energy useCredit 2: Reduce energy useActivityActivityConduct energy audit for treatment Conduct energy audit for treatment facilities (1 pt)facilities (1 pt)Use cogeneration (1 pt)Use cogeneration (1 pt)
Credit 3: Reduce Solid and Credit 3: Reduce Solid and hazardous wastehazardous wasteActivityActivityUse recycled bill envelopesUse recycled bill envelopes
Credit 4: Reduce water useCredit 4: Reduce water useActivityActivityUtilize rate structures based Utilize rate structures based on consumption (1 pt)on consumption (1 pt)Low flow fixture rebates (1 pt)Low flow fixture rebates (1 pt)Enforce water restrictions Enforce water restrictions during meter reads (1 pt)during meter reads (1 pt)Require metering of shallow Require metering of shallow aquifer removal and subaquifer removal and sub--metering of multimetering of multi--family family housing (1 pt)housing (1 pt)
Credit 5: Community educationCredit 5: Community educationActivityActivityUtilize informative billing (1 pt)Utilize informative billing (1 pt)Distribute printed material or create internet content Distribute printed material or create internet content detailing wastewater source and treatment process (1 pt)detailing wastewater source and treatment process (1 pt)Create an education campaign for water use reduction Create an education campaign for water use reduction ((xeriscapexeriscape, rainwater) (1 pt), rainwater) (1 pt)Maintain an on call water quality program (1 pt)Maintain an on call water quality program (1 pt)Become part of a groundwater guardian program (1 pt)Become part of a groundwater guardian program (1 pt)Offer home and business audits (1 pt)Offer home and business audits (1 pt)Enable customers to track and analyze their consumption Enable customers to track and analyze their consumption online (1 pt)online (1 pt)
Utilities DepartmentUtilities Department--Ongoing ProgramsOngoing ProgramsFree ProductsFree ProductsFaucet aeratorsFaucet aeratorsRain sensor devicesRain sensor devicesShowerheadsShowerheadsLeak detection tablets Leak detection tablets Spray Nozzles for Spray Nozzles for restaurantsrestaurantsDiscounted ProductsDiscounted ProductsUltra lowUltra low--flow toilet flow toilet rebatesrebatesReduce Water UseReduce Water UseRates based on Rates based on consumptionconsumptionHigher rates during Higher rates during declared drought periodsdeclared drought periodsSubSub--meteringmeteringRain sensors on City Rain sensors on City irrigation systemirrigation systemWater Treatment Plant Water Treatment Plant utilizes FPLutilizes FPL’’s load controls load controlReport leaks signs by sinks Report leaks signs by sinks in kitchens and bathrooms in kitchens and bathrooms of City Buildingsof City Buildings
Ongoing ProgramsOngoing ProgramsSolid Waste Solid Waste ReductionReductionOnline bill paymentOnline bill paymentAwardsAwardsWater PlantWater Plant’’s Emerald s Emerald Awards for pollution Awards for pollution preventionpreventionFlorida DEP plant Florida DEP plant operations excellence operations excellence awardawardCommunity Community EducationEducationInformative billingInformative billingCustomers can track Customers can track water use on the internetwater use on the internetWater Quality results on Water Quality results on websitewebsiteEnvironmental education Environmental education on websiteon websiteInformative signs placed Informative signs placed at waterless urinals at waterless urinals Home and business Home and business auditsaudits
Green Local Government StandardGreen Local Government StandardWhere Do We Start?Where Do We Start?1.1.Learn about the Florida Learn about the Florida Green Local Government Green Local Government StandardStandard2.2.Designate a Project Designate a Project CoordinatorCoordinator3.3.Determine what criteria Determine what criteria apply to the local apply to the local governmentgovernment4.4.Conduct a local Conduct a local government assessment government assessment review in cooperation with review in cooperation with departmentsdepartments5.5.Conduct a local Conduct a local government evaluationgovernment evaluation6.6.Schedule an Schedule an implementation meeting to implementation meeting to outline path toward outline path toward implementationimplementation77..Submit applicationSubmit application
Current StatusCurrent Status34% of the maximum possible points 34% of the maximum possible points have been earned have been earned We are We are ““Silver CertifiedSilver Certified””
City Commission Workshop“Greening the City of Tamarac”City Commission WorkshopCity Commission Workshop““Greening the City of TamaracGreening the City of Tamarac””October 9, 2007October 9, 2007