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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-22 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2005 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Tuesday, February 22, 2005, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, and Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco. ABSENT: Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Deputy City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Mayor Schreiber led the pledge of allegiance. 1. FEBRUARY 23, 2005 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(c). WAIVER OF ROOM RENTAL FEES FOR USA NETBALL SQUAD'S USE OF MULTI -PURPOSE CENTER GYMNASIUM: (TR10644) Approving a request from the United States of America Netball Association, Inc., to waive room rental fees in an amount not to exceed $2,500.00 for the USA Netball Squad's use of the Multi -Purpose Center gymnasium for training purposes on Saturday, February 26, 2005, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Saturday, March 5, 2005, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Sunday, March 6, 2005, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and any additional requests for court time during the event, if available, once they have confirmed a detailed match schedule. Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Warner gave a presentation and referenced the schedule he distributed (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated as part of these minutes.) Vice Mayor Sultanof asked if the information was routed to the Netball people and Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said it is the Netball Association's schedule. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if the City has gotten information to Tamarac youth and Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said flyers will be prepared and distributed at the schools, and the USA Netball Association is doing extensive advertising. Commissioner Portner questioned why Tamarac, the City with a Heart, objects to an outright cash outlay and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco responded were we not a City with a Heart we would not have given this in -kind contribution, and she is happy with what the City has chosen to do. Commissioner Portner continued, saying an in -kind contribution is not the same as a cash contribution. b. Item No, 6(d). CHANGE ORDER -- CENTRAL PUMP STATION CONSTRUCTION SITE: (TR10634) Executing Change Order Number 3 to the agreement between the City of Tamarac and Wharton -Smith, Inc. for the additional cost and time incurred pending the issuance of a Dewatering Permit from South Florida February 22, 2005 City Commission Workshop Page 1 of 5 Water Management District for the excavation of the foundation slab at the Central Pump Station and the rental of a front-end loader during approach of Hurricane Frances; authorizing an additional expenditure in an amount not to exceed $44,279.00 for said purpose. Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation and explained that this change order would cover the delay in scheduling caused by the extra requirements of the SFWMD. Mayor Schreiber asked why the SFWMD did not make up the cost, to which Public Works Director Strain responded it is the SFWMD's action but our responsibility. Commissioner Portner asked who Wharton Smith is and Public Works Director Strain said the contractor that was awarded the construction contract. C. Item No. 6(e). WATER AND _SEWER CIAC FEES REFUND — ARCH ALUMINUM PROJECT: (TR10612) Approving the refund of Water and Sewer CIAC Fees in the amount of $11,200.00, to be issued to Silverstein Enterprises, Inc., located at 10151 NW 67t" Street, Tamarac, FL 33321 for the Arch Aluminum Project. Utilities Director Gagnon gave a presentation and explained that Arch Aluminum decided to tap into the pond instead of the City's water, but they did not ask for a refund until recently. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked how this got past the City if there was no meter reading and Utilities Director Gagnon explained the agreement and language that states after the first six months the City will start billing whether a meter has been put in or not. City Attorney Kraft said perhaps a discussion on why we have guaranteed revenues is in order; to reserve future capacity. d. Item No. 6(f). GRANT APPLICATION FOR RENOVATION_ AND EXPANSION _ OF _TAMARAC SPORTS COMPL, E . SPO_ __.X (TR10627) Submitting an application to the Department of Environmental Protection for Land and Water Conservation Funds for the renovation and expansion of the Tamarac Sports Complex in the amount of $200,000 providing for a match of $200,000 in the event of approval of the application; providing for acceptance of the award and executing of documents upon approval. Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Warner and Special Projects Coordinator Gresek appeared. Special Projects Coordinator Gresek gave a presentation and said matching funds will not be budgeted until FY07 and explained there is a three-year window from receipt of approval to expenditure of the funds. Mayor Schreiber asked how the money will be spent and Special Projects Coordinator Gresek spoke of the three new projects and four renovations. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned the monies received from a previous grant for the purchase of the land and asked if that was satisfied. Assistant City Manager Phillips said we received several grants to reimburse us for the purchase of the Lennar property, and we promised to build certain amenities on the parcel. We are now beginning to raise money to fulfill those promises. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked if the $200,000 in matching funds could be an overlap from the grants and Assistant City Manager Phillips responded we have several options for the match. Commissioner Partner asked how much money is in the construction budget and Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Warner explained the funds that Assistant City Manager Phillips just spoke of will be placed in a construction budget; Assistant City Manager Phillips added that at this point we are not prepared to discuss the total cost of the project. February 22, 2005 City Commission Workshop Page 2 of 5 1 e. Item No. 6(g). AGREEMENT — FLORIDA TURNPIKE WIDENING PROJECT: (TR10630) Executing an agreement with State of Florida Department of Transportation for funding the relocation of underground utilities to eliminate conflicts at Florida's Turnpike south of Commercial Boulevard for a total contract amount of $329,507.69; approving funding for this project from the appropriate budgeted Utilities accounts. Utilities Director Gagnon gave a presentation and commended Engineering Coordinator Wainwright for negotiating the price for FDOT to design, build and inspect the project. Mayor Schreiber questioned why, if it is the FDOT's project, the City is obligated to do the work, and Utilities Director Gagnon explained we are tenants at will on their property. Vice Mayor Sultanof said it is to our benefit to have this project done and spoke of the possibility of perhaps getting a share of the tolls collected. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said aside from a fiscal impact she is concerned about the daily impact on residents and the traffic. Utilities Director Gagnon said he will not allow this to impact our customers; the new pipes will be installed prior to the old ones being taken out. As far as traffic is concerned, there will be a large impact to residents. Assistant Utilities Director Moore said the bridge on Commercial will be reconstructed which will affect traffic at the toll lanes and along Commercial Boulevard. The project is expected to last three years. Mayor Schreiber asked if the work would be done during the evenings and Assistant Utilities Director Moore said he did not know. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked how we would be able to mitigate the impact on traffic, as some residents would realize the work is being done by FDOT, but others will think it is Tamarac. Utilities Director Gagnon explained the contractor must come up with a maintenance of traffic plan' before work begins and this plan must be approved by FDOT. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked how the Mayor and City Commission would find out about that study and Utilities Director Gagnon said Kimley- Horn is the contractor and he could ask them to make a presentation at the appropriate time if that is the Commission's wish. Vice Mayor Sultanof suggested contacting Roger Del Rio at the County. All agreed they would like a presentation. Commissioner Portner said he has asked for lights along Commercial Boulevard for as many years as he can remember; the lights that are installed are not properly synchronized. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said two traffic studies were done at Banyan Lane and White Oak Lane and it was determined that there is not enough traffic to warrant lights, but she could ask for another study. Vice Mayor Sultanof said it is a matter of distance between lights and whether there are warrants for the lights. Vice Mayor Sultanof added Commercial Boulevard is a major artery and a method to accommodate the traffic will have to be found; this was discussed at the MPO. f. Item No. 6(h). BROWARD_COUNTY LOCAL MITIGATION PLAN/LOCAL MITIGATION STRATEGY: (TR10643) Adopting the Broward County Local Mitigation Plan; agreeing to continue to participate with Broward County in formulating a Local Mitigation Strategy. Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation and explained the county has updated the Local Mitigation Plan over the past few years. In order for the cities to secure the right to apply for funding the plan must be readopted. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned whether the fire departments were fully agreeable to the agreement and added this is an opportunity for us to get money from FEMA. Assistant February 22, 2005 City Commission Workshop Page 3 of 5 City Manager Phillips said each city is represented on the task force; our representative is Chief Budzinski. 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING VETERANS' BENEFITS: Assistant City Manager Phillips said in the past the Mayor and City Commission discussed the potential for the provision of additional death benefits for survivors of military personnel killed in the war with Afghanistan and Iraq. Staff was asked to research and put together a draft resolution asking the Governor to implement a plan in the State of Florida. In the process of doing the research it was determined that two other states provide this type of program; Kentucky and Illinois. Additionally, Indiana, New Jersey, Virginia and New York are reviewing the matter. The President put into the proposed budget an increase in military lump -sum from $12,420 to $100,000, subject to approval; there is also discussion about a possible increase in insurance benefits to $400,000. Mayor Schreiber asked about benefits to the service men and women and veterans wounded in the course of military service, and Assistant City Manager Phillips said she is not prepared to answer that question today, but funding is provided at the federal level. Vice Mayor Sultanof said the federal government has training programs for the wounded and disabled, as well as funding for prostheses. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked, if the state pays a death benefit would the state payment be included or separate from the federal government's benefit. Assistant City Manager Phillips said in the stated cases, the state benefit would be an additional benefit. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he would provide Assistant City Manager Phillips with a manual that outlines benefits available to veterans. Commissioner Portner asked if any cities individually participated in this benefit and Assistant City Manager Phillips said not as far as has been determined. Commissioner Portner suggested Tamarac put aside $50,000 and pay a $5,000 benefit to the families -of those who died in military service in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mayor Schreiber said he does not know if the City is prepared to do that but it is something for further discussion. At this time the budget is set and we have to determine whether we can do this and, if we want to do this. Mayor Schreiber suggested this be brought back to the Mayor and City Commission at the next workshop. Mayor Schreiber added that $50,000 will not last very long and eventually this will become an ongoing element and have an impact on the budget. We need to come up with figures and see if it is feasible. Commissioner Portner said he brought this up a few meetings ago when he brought up the Tsunami benefit. Mayor Schreiber said no other city is doing this; the budget is prepared for anticipated expenditures, and these are public funds and we have an obligation to handle the money properly. Vice Mayor Sultanof agreed there should be a discussion with all the commissioners present. Assistant City Manager Phillips asked whether the Mayor and City Commission wanted to add the instant Draft Resolution to tomorrow's consent agenda and all agreed. Commissioner Portner said residents in Sections 1 & 2 on the east side of Tamarac at Prospect Road between Commercial and Oakland Park Boulevards, requested a wall be built. Additionally, they asked for a sign on the median — "Welcome to Tamarac". Commissioner Portner questioned the Investment Advisory Committee minutes and a disagreement with Aegon, and asked why this is constantly being brought up. Deputy February 22, 2005 City Commission Workshop Page 4 of 5 1 City Manager Cernech explained there has been ongoing discussion with the Committee regarding the agreement with Aegon Insurance Company. Deputy City Manager Cernech explained the two agreements entered into by the City and also explained that Aegon holds our debt service payments and then makes the payment for the City. The Investment Advisory Committee did not recall a presentation made by City staff and the City's financial advisors, and there was a difference of opinion. Everything was done according to code and a standard agreement used by other entities was appropriately entered into. Mayor Schreiber explained the Chairman of the Investment Advisory Committee was reviewing the agreement and had concerns that the investment was not collateralized; if Aegon goes bankrupt the funds will be lost. The key issue is collateralization, and the Investment Advisory Committee should be kept informed. After several discussions with staff, the committee is satisfied. Additionally, the interest earned through this agreement is not that good considering what happened in the last six months. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 10:45 a.m. Marion Swenson, CIVIC City Clerk February 22, 2005 City Commission Workshop Page 5 of 5 �J �lT1�v y C7�k=i4 z- C/) ✓nnCiC�H� rt00'! Ici cra t h a Q � N _' rp w v p O C (D p3 ' C � h Z Q' C GQ O (Muo C z ~ R O °O rn v) cn c� ° Q OCDs N 0 oNo CD c av �.Cz� w Vn NCD GQ p� p� a Uq �' c� CD rtyoo>a� p trq Q p' Cr CDCD N C) cn CD c a- C�� > > O N Q Ccn W• � �pc 0 >C W r cn . C CCD va ¢' n7 . R. CD v' OG Ij va CL v� � c ° 0�G-`o �.+ w>C 'a CD aL �' f'D Q W C/� n v' C va w � w 'Home Page 1 of 2 161 Home I Site Map I Contact Us Home I What is Netball? I Who Plays Netball? I Greater Fort Lauderdale I World Youth Championships I Travel & Accommodation I UK Travel I Ticketing Information I Festival of Netball I Volunteer Informaton I Team Information I In The News I WYNC2005 Merchandise I Our Sponsors WYNC 2005 Tickets on Sale Now! Click Below. Get yours today! Meet "Bouncer" the WYNC 2005 Mascot World Youth Netball Championships 2005 The Road to Fort Lauderdale Welcome to the home of the World Youth Netball Championships - 2005! The United States of America Netball Association (USANA) will be hosting the 2005 World Youth Netball Championships. This prestigious event will be held July 21-31, 2005 at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, marking the first time a maj4 international netball event has taken place in the United States. While Netball is not a household name in the United States, it is the most popular female team sport in the world, predominantly in Australia, Asia, Africa, the United Kingdom and the Caribbean. International Netball is a women's sport that has returned to its' ht the United States (where it originated) with increasing popularity amongst men. Teams play all down the Eastern Seaboard and acrof to Texas and California, and there are known players and clubs in 3 of the 50 states. Netball fever is here! Click here to catch the Netball Fever! Please patient while the file loads! 21 Confirmed Participants in the World Youth Championships!! The count is in 21 Countries have entered into the 2005 Championships marking the largest youth championships! Click on the flags below to learr about the countries that will be competing next year! Antigua & Barbuda Australia 1*1 Barbados 2/18/2005 'Home' Page 2 of 2 Lz �I ILL * ** *. rq * * Li Click Here to view "Bouncer's" Grand Debut at the Official Countdown Celebration in Fort Cook Islands England Fiji Lauderdale! ........... A! Until 2005 World Youth Netball Championships!! You are visitor number ttl7 "Z-C) Gateway Coupons ,qs F--rA;4,ft Jamaica Malaysia New Zealand Northern Ireland South Africa Trinidad & Tobago Oct '44, �J� Samoa Scotland 144+1 St. Lucia *********** *********** Copyright © 2004 - World Youth Netball Championships 2005 St. Vincent & the Grenadines Wales 2/18/2005 What is Netball? Page 1 of 1 Home I Site Map I Contact Us Home I What is Netball? I Who Plays Netball? I Greater Fort Lauderdale I World Youth Championships I Travel & Accommodati Festival of Netball I Volunteer Informaton I Team Information I In The News I WYNC2005 Merchandisf Home What is Netball? After its birth in America as Women's Basketball, Netball gained popularity in England Who Plays Netball? and her Commonwealth Countries. Netball is closely related to the original version of basketball developed by James Naismith in 1891. As in that game, there is no dribbling, Greater Fort Lauderdale only throwing and catching (as well as shooting hoops; no dunk shots, though). When World Youth Championships Naismith sent instructions for his game, including a diagram of the court to Clara Baer in Travel & Accommodation 1895, a simple misunderstanding led to the development of netball. Baer read the diagram s meaning that the players did not move from their designated area on the court, an UK Travel adaptation that remains to this day. Ticketing Information Netball was first played in England in 1895. During the first half of the 20th century, Festival of Netball Netball's popularity continued to grow. However, there were no organized rules at that Volunteer Informaton time. In 1957, discussions took place about standardizing the rules of the sport which subsequently led to representatives from England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa Team Information and the West Indies to meet in Sri Lanka in 1960 to establish the International Federation In The News of Women's Basketball and Netball. Formal rules were established along with the WYNC2005 Merchandise designation of a World Championship tournament which would be held every four years. The first World Championships took place in 1963 in England. Our Sponsors The first World Youth Netball Championships for players under the age of 21 took place in 1988 in Australia. Netball became a recognized Olympic Sport in 1995, the same year the USA sent its first team to the World Championships in England. Today, Netball has developed into a extremely popular women's sport and is growing in popularity with men. Netball is like basketball with the exception of three things - you can't run with the ball, there is no backboard - just a hoop on a ten -foot pole, and players have designated playing areas. Incorporating the skills of speed, strategy, teamwork, and coordination are essential prerequisites of the game. It's about running, jumping, throwing and catchim To see and feel the excitement of a netball game click here. Copyright © 2004 - World Youth Netball Championships - 2005 2/18/2005 Who Plays Netball? Page 1 of 2 Home I Site Map I Contact Us Home I What is Netball? I Who Plays Netball? I Greater Fort Lauderdale I World Youth Championships I Travel & Accor Ticketing Information I Festival of Netball I Volunteer Informaton I Team Information I In The News I WYNC2005 Mer Home Who plays Netball? What is Netball? While Netball is not a household name in the United States, Who Plays Netball? it is the most popular female team sport in the world, Greater Fort Lauderdale predominantly in Australia, Asia, Africa, the United Kingdom World Youth Championships and the Caribbean. International Netball is a women's sport that has returned to its' home the United States (where it originated) Travel & accommodation with increasing popularity amongst men and young girls alike. UK Travel Teams play all down the Eastern Seaboard and across to Texas and Ticketing Information California, and there are known players and clubs in 35 of the 50 stat Festival of Netball Volunteer Informaton American Samoa American Virgin Islands Team Information Anguilla In The News Antigua & Barbuda WYNC2005 Merchandise Australia Our Sponsors Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda Botswana British Virgin Islands Brunei Canada Cayman Islands China Cook Islands Dominica England Fiji Ghana Gibraltar Grenada Guyana Hong Kong India Israel Jamaica Japan Kenya Korea 2/18/2005 Who Plays Netball? Page 2 of 2 Lesotho Malawi Malaysia Maldives Malta Myanmar Namibia Nepal New Zealand Nigeria Niue Norfolk Islands N. Ireland Pakistan Papua New Guinea S. Ireland Samoa Scotland Seychelles Singapore Solomon Islands S. Africa Sri Lanka St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Maarten St. Vincent & The Grenadines Swaziland Tanzania Thailand Tonga Trinidad & Tobago Uganda United States of America Vanuatu Wales Zambia Zimbabwe Copyright 1) 2004 World Youth Netball Championships 2005 2/18/2005