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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-02-25 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the a Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, February 25, 2002, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Gertrude Mishkin, and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. 1. FEBRUARY 27, 2002 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Agenda Item No. 8: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS — INTERNATIONAL BULLION: (TR9568) Motion to approve Resolution authorizing a Memorandum of Agreement with International Bullion and Metal Brokers, Inc., a New York Corporation, with respect to the financing of the construction and equipping of a manufacturing project in the City of Tamarac, Florida; providing for the issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds of the City of Tamarac, Florida, in an original principal amount not to exceed 16,000,000 for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of the project; providing certain other details with respect thereto. Assistant City Manager/Interim Finance Director Michael Cernech introduced Bond Counsel Dwayne Draper and Finance and Policy Officer Leanne Williams. Assistant City Manager Cernech gave a presentation and explained that Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (IDRB) is a means to attract new business to the community. Tamarac will lend its name and tax exempt status to International Bullion and Metal Brokers, Inc., (IBB), which will in turn afford IBB a low interest rate. In return, IBB will relocate a portion of its business to Westpoint Commerce Park, bringing 115 new jobs to Tamarac. There is no risk or liability to Tamarac. Mayor Schreiber asked what the interest rate is for the bonds and how soon this will take place. Assistant City Manager Cernech said the rate is 5% and the city can move forward as soon as the commission approves the item. Commissioner Roberts questioned the difference of $6 million on the resolution and $6.5 million on the notice. Bond Counsel Draper explained the difference between the notice and the resolution and said now that the information is concrete the note will not exceed $6 million. Assistant City Manager Cernech introduced IBB Representative Patricia Allain, Vice President of Marketing and Travel. Commissioner Portner asked for confirmation that Tamarac would not be held responsible for any default on the bonds, and Finance and Policy Officer Leanne Williams confirmed. Commissioner Portner asked why the City is doing this, and Finance and Policy Officer Leanne Williams responded that businesses bring revenues and jobs into cities, and this is a way for them to get a lower interest rate. Bond Counsel Draper further explained that tax laws require that local governments with jurisdiction be the issuers of the bonds to obtain the tax status. The bonds will be sold in $100,000 denominations, have an February 25, 2002 City Commission Workshop 1 irrevocable direct pay letter of credit, be of investment grade, and no financial liability to Tamarac. Mayor Schreiber stated the Commission would hear Item No. 2 before discussing the rest of the agenda. Vice Mayor Sultanof said after Item No. 2 and before discussing the rest of the agenda, he would like to make a statement. 2. UPDATE ON EMS FIRE RESCUE TASK FORCE: Fire Chief Jim Budzinski gave a presentation and discussed the four topics identified by the task force that need immediate attention: coordinating communication throughout Broward County; closest unit response, (which depends on communication); specialty or regional teams; and performance measures. Commissioner Portner questioned priorities for response, and Chief Budzinski explained the method to prioritizing. Vice Mayor Sultanof expressed concern about possibly going back with the County, and asked about Tamarac's involvement. Chief Budzinski said, Tamarac would be only as involved as the Commission wants it to be. Additionally, Chief Budzinski said he knows of no other county that has an oversight board. Mayor Schreiber spoke about the possibility of municipalities bringing in county staff at the lowest level and the county subsidizing salaries to what they presently earn. Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke about Mayor Schreiber's statement which appeared in the February 24 edition of the Sun Sentinel. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he is not allied with anybody else, and spoke about civility on the commission. Vice Mayor Sultanof said the citizens and residents deserve the best in governing, and apologized to the rest of the Commission for this discussion. Mayor Schreiber moved back to Item Number 1 to take up discussion of the February 27th agenda. Commissioner Roberts questioned Item 7(b) on the consent agenda, and asked whether this had already been done. DISCHARGING THE REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE: (TR9560) Expressing appreciation to the Redistricting Committee for its outstanding contribution; discharging the Redistricting Committee in accordance with Section 6.03 of the Tamarac City Charter. City Clerk Swenson said the Charter dictates a time frame within which the Redistricting Committee is to be discharged, and this resolution follows that time frame. Commissioner Portner said he is still not happy about the looks of the landscaping regarding Item 7(f) on the consent agenda. UTILITY EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT - WENDY'S OLD FASHIONED HAMBURGERS: (TR9649) Accepting and executing a Utility Easement Encroachment and Hold Harmless Agreement with NYCH Partners, Ltd., for structures and landscaping placed within utility easements on the Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers Project site located at 8901 West Commercial Boulevard; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said agreement in the public records of Broward County. Planning & Zoning Manager Ofstein said the majority of the landscaping is in excess of that stipulated in the Code. There are several plants against the building that are shorter than they should be, and Wendy's has been asked to replace those. Commissioner February 25, 2002 City Commission Workshop 2 Roberts said the two lots to the west of the building are vacant, which may account for the appearance of the Wendys' landscaping seeming desolate. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked if this is a factory or franchised Wendy's, and if there is a standard layout for landscaping. Planning and Zoning Manager Ofstein said this is a franchise, but landscaping is decided by the local municipality. Mayor Schreiber asked about encroachment on utility easements, and Utilities Director Gagnon explained encroachments with regard to driveways. Commissioner Portner asked about the cadet program, the number of people involved and overcrowding of the fire houses, in Item 7(h) on the consent agenda. SUPPORTING THE FIRE RESCUE CADET PROGRAM: (TR9691) Supporting Tamarac's Fire Rescue Cadet Program. Chief Budzinski said the cadet program is in response to interest from the community, and the people involved will be coordinated by Van Schoen. All the firefighters involved have volunteered to participate in the program. The cadets must go through an application process, and they are in the middle — high school age groups (13-18). They will not be staying overnight at the fire house, they will be just like any other visitors coming in, and will not interfere with the regular operation. Many of the activities will be done in the BSO training room and outside the fire station. Eventually, after 6 months involvement in the program, they will be allowed to accompany the firefighters when they respond to calls. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked about insurance implications, and Chief Budzinski said he checked with Risk Management and there is no indication of any problem. Commissioner Mishkin said this is a wonderful program. Chief Budzinski said the fire department is currently working with a program involving Taravella High School and Broward Community College. Commissioner Roberts asked how many students would be in the first class, and Public Education Specialist Schoen said there would be about eight. Commissioner Roberts asked about the cost to the city, and Chief Budzinski said the program can be started without any cost to the city, however, they will eventually be provided with uniforms and safety gear, as well as printed materials. The total cost would be about $10,000. Commissioner Portner asked about the Intergovernmental Coordination Elements in Item #9. AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT: (TO1947) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading adopting amendments to the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the City of Tamarac Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Chapter 163, Subsection 163.3187 of the Florida Statutes (F.S.) concerning text amendments addressing additional intergovernmental coordination requirements of Chapter 163.3177(6)(h) F.S. Planning and Zoning Manager Ofstein said this is just a memorialization of what the city is already doing. In the future, the city will pursue an interlocal agreement to coordinate with population projections. Commissioner Portner asked about unwanted land uses, and Planning and Zoning Manager Ofstein explained these were things such as power plants and garbage dumps, facilities that benefit municipalities but are not wanted within city limits. February 25, 2002 City Commission Workshop 3 Commissioner Portner asked about the park acreage in Item #10. AMENDMENTS TO SCHEDULE 1 D - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT: (TO1949) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading adopting amendments to the Capital Improvements and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the City of Tamarac Comprehensive Plan to reflect the incorporation of improvements for McNab Park, in accordance with Chapter 163, Subsection 163.3187 of the Florida Statutes (F.S.). Planning and Zoning Manager Ofstein explained how the park land is calculated, including golf courses and linear parks. Planning and Zoning Manager Ofstein also spoke about concurrency, and the developers' role in providing land or cash in lieu of property. Mayor Schreiber said he has a question on the site plan for TR9686, which is a quasi- judicial item; however, he would speak with Planning and Zoning Manager Ofstein after the meeting. Mayor Schreiber asked why Disposall was not sold to Republic Services, and said this involved a court case with Waste Management. FRANCHISE AGREEMENT - COMMERCIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION: (TO1957) Motion to adopt Ordinance on second reading executing a Commercial Garbage Franchise Agreement between the City of Tamarac and DisposAll of South Florida. Project Manager (Solid Waste/Recycling) Jean Dupuis said he did not know. Mayor Schreiber asked about Disposall's history and the length of time they have been in business, their financial condition and the route they are presently serving in Tamarac. Project Manager (Solid Waste/Recycling) Jean Dupuis said they have been in business for quite a while but they do not have that many accounts in Broward County. They do not appear to have any violations and are in good standing. They have 6 accounts in Tamarac, which they took over from EWS, however, they must have a franchise to collect in Tamarac. Mayor Schreiber questioned the fact that the principal also signed as secretary, and City Attorney Kraft said she signed in the capacity in which she represents the corporation. Mayor Schreiber said items 14 and 15 need to be switched; a special exception comes before development order. City Clerk Swenson said she would make sure this is done. Commissioner Portner read an item that appeared in the Sun Sentinel on February 24tn which stated that Tamarac is a political hotbed, dominated by two major factions. Commissioner Portner read some statements attributed to Mayor Schreiber, and expressed disappointment and disagreement with the statements. Mayor Schreiber said the Investment Advisory Board recommended the City purchase bonds, utilizing bonds from the SBA investment fund. This would save 3% per year for every year the bonds are in effect. City Manager Miller said he would be happy to research the idea and would come back to the commission the latter part of March to discuss the bond issue again. There is a proposal to roll in road money with the existing bond issue. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he mentioned to City Manager Miller on Friday that he spoke to Finance and Policy Officer Williams that since the city has $33 million drawing 1.92%, and the federal government has GinnieMae at 5%, the city pays debt service in deficit. Some money should be drawn out and go into GinnieMae guaranteed February 25, 2002 City Commission Workshop 4 by the federal government. We are not realizing our potential, and Vice Mayor Sultanof recommends some money be put into GinnieMae. City Manager Miller said he would look into this. Mayor Schreiber asked if there is a requirement to hold a certain amount of money in SBA, and Finance and Policy Officer Williams said the investment policy required 5% in SBA and 10% in US Treasuries. She discussed a plan with Assistant City Manager Cernech to continue to invest in long term securities, and it will take time to increase the investment portfolio. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 10:55 a.m. ell - Marion wenson, CMC City Clerk T" 'JIG OF 2-7 2coa February 25, 2002 City Commission Workshop 5