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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-08 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 8, 2004 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, March 8, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Karen L. Roberts, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof. EXCUSED WITH CAUSE: Commissioner Edward C. Portner. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, Assistant City Attorney Vanessa T. Steinerts, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY MAYOR SCHREIBER: 1. PRESENTATION BY CLARA BENNET, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE FT. LAUDERDALE EXECUTIVE AIRPORT: Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech introduced Clara Bennet, Executive Director of the Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco left the room at 9:40 a.m. and returned at 9:42 a.m. Ms. Bennet introduced Mark Cervasio, Assistant Airport Manager, and Paul Sarcione, Airport Programmer Aide, and gave an overview of the airport and operations. Mayor Schreiber asked about the observation point and Ms. Bennet said it is off Prospect Road, east of 31 St Avenue. Ms. Bennet spoke about noise abatement routes and said there is 24 hour noise monitoring at 441 and Prospect Road as this location is in the flight pattern of most departures. Ms. Bennet said an additional noise abatement component in the FAR Part 150 Noise Study is a request that the FAA raise the angle for landing patterns which would take the aircraft higher over the neighborhoods. Mayor Schreiber spoke about the northwest pattern for departures and complaints from Mainlands 7 regarding noise and human waste, and asked if there is a way to alleviate the problem. Commissioner Sultanof left the room at 9:53 a.m. and returned at 9:55 a.m. Ms. Bennet responded that the northwesterly turn will benefit Mainlands 7; it is being done now on an informal basis but airport staff would like to get a turn marker to formalize the turns and have the planes turn over wellfields rather than residential areas. Arrival patterns are very limited and airport staff has asked the FAA to adjust the angle on landings. Ms. Bennet said airport staff cannot attribute waste to the aircraft. Mayor Schreiber asked if airport personnel has gone out and investigated and Ms. Bennet said not in Tamarac. During the noise study, airport staff worked with Broward County Air Quality Division and took samples which turned out to be organic matter or matter related to automobile traffic. Mayor Schreiber asked Ms. Bennet to have the waste falling onto roofs checked and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked that the Commission be informed of the results. March 8, 2004 City Commission Workshop 1 2. UPDATE ON BROWARD COUNTY EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT (EAR): Community Development Director J. Christopher King introduced Susan L. Trevarthen, Esq., EAR Coalition, who gave a presentation. Ms. Trevarthen said the Broward County Planning Council voted on February 19th to send the EAR document to the County Commission without changes to staff recommendations. At the February 24th Broward County Commission meeting there were competing votes to adapt to the cities' concerns. The Broward League of Cities Board of Directors, along with the Broward County Mayor and Vice Mayor discussed whether the League should proceed with a Bill to remove county land use powers over cities. The Broward County League of Cities Board presented a resolution authorizing the League President to support the Bill, which is expected to be re -filed this legislative session. The League agreed to move forward with the bill, which would remove special land use matters from the County. Mayor Schreiber said this seems like an impasse, there is merit on both sides and the County is concerned with coastal development. Ms. Trevarthen said almost all of the County's response was focused on coastal development, which has been the primary focus of the public hearings. Mayor Schreiber asked which County Commissioners favored changing the EAR Report and Ms. Trevarthen said Broward County Vice Mayor Jacobs, Commissioner Wasserman -Rubin and Broward County Mayor Lieberman. Commissioner Sultanof spoke about Senator Geller's efforts and said although he is not particularly concerned with beach development, he is concerned about cities' losing control to the County. Ms. Trevarthen said of the 12 cities in the Coalition, 7 are not on the ocean. Ms. Trevarthen said the EAR document has been submitted to the South Florida Regional Planning Council and after a period of 18-24 months, the County will be required to draft an EAR based Comprehensive Plan amendment; the cities need to monitor this closely and participate in the process. Ms. Trevarthen said the County Commissioners voiced their desire to work with cities regarding flexibility use. Mayor Schreiber asked how many cities are in the Coalition and if more cities are expected to join. Ms. Trevarthen said 12 cities have adopted the policy statement and likely 11-13 cities (5 coastal and 6-8 non -coastal) will continue to be a part of the Coalition. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned why a city would not want to be a part of the Coalition and Ms. Trevarthen said perhaps they are fearful of jeopardizing other matters they are involved in with the County. Vice Mayor Roberts said most League cities support the Coalition, but some are under 10,000 population and are not affected. Commissioner Sultanof said cities will lose control of home rule if the County becomes the authority; each city should be able to expand on its own. City Manager Miller questioned the timeline and whether each city should deal directly with the Regional Planning Council or go with the Coaltion. Ms. Trevarthen responded there is a new option whereby the Regional Planning Council can undertake the Comprehensive Plan amendment in lieu of DCA; the amendment should be completed by May. It is the cities' choice whether to go directly to the Regional Planning Council or join the Coalition. City Manager Miller said Sunrise is similarly situated as Tamarac and although we do not have a great many concerns, those we do have are significant. City Manager Miller asked Ms. Trevarthen if she thinks the Regional Planning Council will amend the EAR document for non -coastal cities and Ms. Trevarthen said she is not sure since coastal cities are looking for the same flexibility and mixed use development as non -coastal cities. City Manager Miller noted in the past, the County was amenable to mixed use developments and now it seems there is more of a regional thinking. City Manager Miller suggested the City Commission stay active with the Coalition. There was discussion regarding appointments to the Broward County Planning Council. Community Development Director King asked the Mayor and Commission if it is their desire that Tamarac continue as a member of the Coalition and all were in favor. March 8, 2004 City Commission Workshop 2 3. MARCH 10, 2004 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 8. ADOPTING A CITY OF TAMARAC TRAFFIC CALMING POLICY: (TR10351) Motion to approve resolution adopting a Traffic Calming Policy. Assistant Public Works Director John Doherty introduced Consultant Carl Pasetti, and Assistant Public Works Director Doherty gave a presentation on traffic calming. Commissioner Sultanof said traffic calming has been addressed on Bayview from U.S. 1 to the Galleria Mall, and it has been done extremely well. Commissioner Sultanof spoke of converting streets to single lanes and questioned whether the introduction of traffic calming methods affects those homes abutting the street in question, or involve homes behind the immediately affected homes. Assistant Public Works Director Doherty said the affected area must be established and consensus gotten from the people who use the roads. Vice Mayor Roberts questioned page 3(A) of the policy, in particular the fact that private streets are not considered under the guidelines, and Vice Mayor Roberts also had concerns about language on page 3(C) that according to the definitions NW 70 Avenue is a collector road. Vice Mayor Roberts said the language should be tweaked. Mr. Pasetti said the policy is geared to neighborhood settings, and it is easier to determine who is impacted on neighborhood streets, as collector and arterial streets become more involved with more players and greater impact. Under the policy, NW 70th Avenue does not apply, but it does not become disqualified for traffic calming; this street needs to be dealt with on an individual basis. Assistant City Manager Cernech added that reducing the street from four to two lanes with improved center medians is being considered, which would then change the street from collector to residential. Four lane roads do not qualify under any policy. City Attorney Kraft suggested adding language to the policy regarding roads in transition. Vice Mayor Roberts spoke about speed limits as noted on page 3(E). Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco said perhaps definitions are needed regarding the overall policy, as things currently exist and how the policy will affect changes. Assistant Public Works Director Doherty added that NW 70th Avenue is unique since it is a collector road with driveway access, which is not common throughout the City. City Manager Miller stated that nothing in the policy precludes the City from configuring traffic calming devices for NW 70th Avenue. Mayor Schreiber questioned the 70% approval necessary for a traffic calming request, and Assistant Public Works Director Doherty said it is 70% of the affected homeowners in the subdivision. Assistant Public Works Director Doherty explained the traffic calming policy is a collection of policies from surrounding cities and the County. Vice Mayor Roberts expressed concern with the traffic count discussed on page 3(H), and said some of the streets are two lane roads and will not meet the count as stated in the policy. Mr. Pasetti and Assistant Public Works Director Doherty explained guidelines are intended to give structure to the policy and to most effectively address areas with the most need. The City needs to set boundaries for financial reasons. Vice Mayor Roberts said perhaps a traffic count of 750 would be more feasible than 1,000. Mr. Pasetti responded if the Commission feels a count of 750 would be more reasonable, that could be taken into consideration. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said the Commission represents the residents on this emotional point, and perhaps comparative studies need to be made. Vice Mayor Roberts said there are many problem areas other than NW 70th Avenue, and while an area may not fit the criteria, she did not want the policy to be so stringent that only a few areas in the City qualify. City Manager Miller said an overall program was developed using standards set by other cities that have more experience in traffic calming than Tamarac, and suggested the Commission might want to adopt the policy and see how it works; then if necessary, changes can be made. Mayor Schreiber said traffic calming should be limited to those areas that are in major need, and it would be better to adjust the policy now March 8, 2004 City Commission Workshop 3 and bring it back to the Commission for review. Vice Mayor Roberts added that she wanted to see the backup, and was willing to wait at least another two weeks for this item to be brought back before the Commission for review. Commissioner Sultanof said this is only a policy, and he agreed with what staff has put together. City Manager Miller said if it is the Commission's desire, supporting information on the policy can be put together for the Commissioners' review, and the item will be removed from the agenda until the Commission has had time to assess the information. All agreed. b. Item No. 9, GRANT AWARD AND AGREEMENT -- TAMARAC PRESERVATION PARK ACQUISITION: (TR10355) Motion to approve resolution accepting a grant award in the amount of $1,616,264 from the Florida Communities Trust for Tamarac Preservation Park (Kings Point Replat, Parcel R); authorizing the appropriate city officials to execute the Grant Contract between the City of Tamarac and the Florida Communities Trust for Tamarac Preservation Park. Assistant to the City Manager Diane Phillips gave a presentation. Commissioner Sultanof asked if this is the property purchased from Lennar and whether the total cost has been covered. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said this is the Lennar parcel and explained total costs at closing were between $4.1-4.2 million. The three grants already received total $2.35 million and this grant award would be an additional $1.6 million; all of these grants are solely reimbursement of acquisition costs. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said we will continue filing grants for development costs, but there are not many of these types of grants available. Vice Mayor Roberts asked if more money would be needed for acquisition costs and Assistant to the City Manager Phillips replied approximately $300,000. The Commission commended the efforts of staff in obtaining the grant funding. C. Item No. 6(c). SUBMISSION OF NOMINATION TO FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, CITIES OF EXCELLENCE AWARDS PROGRAM: (TR10356) Nominating City Clerk Marion Swenson for City Clerk of the Year through the Florida League of Cities, Florida Cities of Excellence Awards Program. City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller said this nomination is made with great pleasure and he feels we have the best City Clerk in the state. Public Information Officer Lucy Crockett gave a presentation, noting that City Clerk Swenson coordinated a flawless election process and the Tamarac City Clerk's office provides services above and beyond those that other City Clerk offices provide. Mayor Schreiber said the Commission will support the nomination to the furthest extent possible. 4. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN AND ARTWORK FOR GATEWAY PARK: Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles gave a presentation and said the artist worked with Public Works to develop the conceptual site plan. Commissioner Sultanof said he is not happy with the sculpture and would prefer a fountain. Commissioner Sultanof confirmed that "Gateway Park" is a working name and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said the Parks and Recreation Board will review prospective names solicited from the public. Mayor Schreiber said most of the Commission is opposed to the sculpture and said the fountainhead could be indicative of Tamarac. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said originally, the park was to be a public art project; it is understood the Commission desires a fountain and the question is whether the Commission still wants a public art element, which could be a mosaic or paver construction. Vice Mayor Roberts said the community was told there would be art in the park. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco confirmed that the fountain and art are separate items and asked if staff is still working with the artist. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles responded we can go back to the artist for the art element. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest and all agreed that staff seek March 8, 2004 City Commission Workshop 4 a piece of art in addition to the fountain. Mayor Schreiber suggested the park be named after Helen Sobel. 5. OVERVIEW OF SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAM: Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles introduced Social Services Supervisor Rose Cure, who gave a presentation. Social Services Supervisor Cure explained information and referral services provided to the community, the First Call for Help program, and programs offered through the Social Services Division including health services, special programs, waivers/financial assistance, volunteer program and senior program. Vice Mayor Roberts said she personally knows how much Social Services Supervisor Cure has done and spoke about a particular situation involving a Tamarac resident in which Social Services Supervisor Cure intervened. Mayor Schreiber said he often refers callers to Social Services Supervisor Cure; she provides exceptionally good services. Vice Mayor Roberts suggested perhaps during the next budget cycle, the temporary social worker could be made a full-time position. 6. DISCUSSION RE: ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONAL LAND FOR OPEN SPACE: City Manager Miller said the City has just been informed that the Summit Professional Property off University Drive across from St. Malachy Catholic Church is available. The property is a heavily treed, 5.9 acre site with two well heads on the site that should be protected from development. Initially the sales office for Woodmont was located on the property and then it became a storage area for Frank's Nursery. The property is available for $1.5 million, and City Manager Miller said he believes the City has a good chance to purchase the property through the County's bond program. City Manager Miller added that the owner is highly motivated to sell. Mayor Schreiber questioned the zoning, and if the City could indicate that the site is to be kept in its natural state to protect the well heads. City Manager Miller said it is currently zoned B-3 and if the City acquires the site it can be preserved; exotic vegetation can be cleared and the parcel turned into a passive park. It is a beautiful piece of property and has great potential. The City had preliminary discussions with the owner but that was before developers were interested and made offers. An appraisal must be done to qualify for County programs. Commissioner Sultanof asked about the time element to raise the money, and spoke of the canal on the property. City Manager Miller replied the City could purchase the property and then make application to the grant program. City Attorney Kraft left the meeting at 11:55 a.m. and Assistant City Attorney Steinerts took his place for the remainder of the meeting. City Manager Miller continued if the grant is not awarded to the City, the City can then sell the property, possibly to a developer who would set aside the valuable tree areas for preservation and protect the well head area. Another option is for the City to apply for a short term loan, purchase the property, and hold it until a decision is made what we want to do with it. Mayor Schreiber spoke about the City moving forward with such items at the last minute. Commissioner Sultanof agreed the City should have known several years ago that the property contained well heads and Amoco was not able to build on it. Commissioner Sultanof said the facts did not surface until now. City Manager Miller asked for an expression of interest on the property. Vice Mayor Roberts said residents in Sections 8 and 10 have wanted the City to look at the property for several months, and both Vice Mayor Roberts and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco received letters to this end. Vice Mayor Roberts said this commission has changed land use many times and perhaps developers feel we may change the use on this property also. There was a unanimous expression of interest for the City Manager to March 8, 2004 City Commission Workshop 5 move forward and investigate the purchase of the property. Vice Mayor Roberts added that she hoped the Commission did not change the land use on this property. 7. DISCUSSION RE: CITY OF COCONUT CREEK RESOLUTION NO. 2004-14 AS IT RELATES TO THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION'S (_MPO's) REAPPORTIONMENT PLAN: Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof said he would like to go before the MPO at their March 18th meeting and show Tamarac's support of Coconut Creek's resolution calling for formalization of the Governor's approval of the Broward County MPO Reapportionment Plan. Commissioner Sultanof asked for a consensus of the Commission and all were in favor. Vice Mayor Roberts said she was contacted by Family Central about a canned food drive which will take place from March 1 — April 30. Vice Mayor Roberts said she spoke with City Manager Miller about this and he is in agreement to support the project. Boxes are situated by the tennis ball box in the Atrium and at the Community Center. Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco said a box should also be placed at the Recreation Center and Commissioner Sultanof suggested the Fire Stations also be used as drop off points. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest to participate in the food drive and all were in favor. Mayor Schreiber asked Public Information Officer Crockett to publicize the event, and she said she would contact The Forum and the Sun -Sentinel. Vice Mayor Roberts said she spoke with City Manager Miller about sponsorship for the Tamarac @ Twilight Concert, and Vice Mayor Roberts said this is a good policy. Mayor Schreiber said there was overwhelming attendance at the last concert. City Manager Miller explained that several months ago the Commission authorized sponsorships for events and a policy was created. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if there are varying degrees of sponsorship, and City Manager Miller said it is open; the sponsor can take on the whole sponsorship or it can be divided up among several sponsors. Commissioner Sultanof asked if we are required to give the businesses who take on sponsorship advertising space at the event. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said she and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles worked together on the sponsorship committee and there are different levels of sponsorship. Issues and items are negotiable. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles and the event manager suggest certain levels of sponsorship, and company ads can be placed on City buses. Also a corporate appreciation plaque is issued to the sponsor and their logo is placed on two events ads. The committee specifies that the sponsor is allowed to place a banner with their logo on our premises, but the City specifies the size. Vice Mayor Roberts asked for a copy of the letters and advertisement, as someone called her about the article in the newspaper and she knows of a company that may be interested in sponsoring an event. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said an entire sponsorship packet should be developed to be sent out by budget time. Mayor Schreiber asked if a hospital could sponsor a health fair, and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said it would have to be discussed, as we do hold our own health fair. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco thanked staff for all the work that went into putting together the new configuration for Conference Room 105, and said she liked it very much. City Manager Miller said he hopes the entire Commission is happy with the configuration. City Manager Miller stated that University Hospital has requested a room fee waiver. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said she was contacted by University Hospital for use of the March 8, 2004 City Commission Workshop 6 1 1 Ballroom for a health fair, and in finalizing the arrangements this past Friday, the hospital requested a waiver of the fee, which amounts to between $400. - $500.; the event will run from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., during an upcoming week. Mayor Schreiber stated the City should waive the fee as University Hospital does a lot for the City. Commissioner Sultanof asked what the normal fee is and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said it is $100.00 per hour. Commissioner Sultanof said University Hospital has been good to the City. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest to waive the fee and there was unanimous agreement. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m. Marion Swenson, CIVIC City Clerk March 8, 2004 City Commission Workshop 7