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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-10 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2008
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the Workshop Meeting of the City
Commission to order on Monday, March 10, 2008, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac
City Hall, 7525 NW 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Commissioner Edward C. Portner,
Commissioner Patte Atkins -Grad, and Commissioner Harry Dressler
ABSENT: Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, Deputy
City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance and wished Commissioner and
Mrs. Portner a happy 60t" anniversary.
a. Item No. 6(d) on the consent agenda. AGREEMENT FOR FY08 INFLOW AND
and executing an agreement for the FY08 Inflow and Infiltration Project for Sewer Main
Rehabilitation with Insituform Technologies, Inc., utilizing City of Fort Lauderdale Contract
#11273, for an amount not to exceed $800,000.00; authorizing the appropriate city officials
to administer the contract. Director of Utilities Gagnon and Purchasing/Contracts Manager
Glatz appeared. Director of Utilities Gagnon gave a presentation and responded to
questions regarding costs. Commissioner Atkins -Grad spoke of her trip to the water plant
and said it appears the most work we are doing now is in the older sections of the City.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the plan after completion of the entire City and
Director of Utilities Gagnon said we continuously check the pipes for leaks, and detailed
records are kept.
b. Item No. 6(e) on the consent agenda. PUMP STATIONS 18B AND EAST
MASTER REHABILITATION: (TR11366) Awarding Bid No. 08-06B to Akerblom
Contracting, Inc., and executing an agreement between the City of Tamarac and Akerblom
Contracting, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $210,955.00 for the Pump Stations 18B and
East Master Rehabilitation Project; approving funding for this project from the appropriate
utilities operational accounts; authorizing the appropriate City officials to administer the
contract. Director of Utilities Gagnon, Assistant Director of Utilities Moore and
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Assistant Director of Utilities Moore gave
a presentation and said the projects will be completed before the 2008 hurricane season.
Director of Utilities Gagnon and Assistant Director of Utilities Moore spoke of cost savings
to the City. Commissioner Atkins -Grad recalled sewage backups in North Lauderdale after
the last storm, and said she is gratified Tamarac is proactive. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco
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asked City Manager Miller to send a letter to University Hospital and the Board to let them
know what we are doing, so that they can include the information as part of their bulletin.
C. Item No. 7 on the regular agenda. PURCHASE OF CHEVRON SERVICE
STATION: (TR11232) Executing an agreement for purchase and sale of real property
between Chevron USA, Inc. (Seller) and the City of Tamarac (Buyer) in the amount of Two
Million Six Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Eight Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($2,636,800)
for open space and recreational purposes. City Manager Miller and Assistant City Attorney
Doody appeared. City Manager Miller said this and the following are companion items and
can be discussed simultaneously. City Manager Miller said Assistant City Manager Phillips
is the staff manager of this project and Assistant City Attorney Doody has been involved in
the negotiations. The City has been working on purchasing the site since 2006; our plan is
to acquire the site and turn it into a passive park similar to the park at McNab and Pine
Island. After preliminary planning for the site we applied to Broward County and our grant
application was put on the eligible list for funding. The name of the Grant Program is
Broward Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond. We were advised in June 2007 that
Chevron was willing to sell the property for $2.6 million and the Mayor and City
Commission authorized us to continue negotiations. The City has hired an environmental
attorney and as of last Wednesday we reached an agreement with the Chevron
Corporation and we have a signed contract. The cost for the property is $2,636,800 plus
about $50,000 additional for closing costs. City Manager Miller reviewed the highlights of
the contract and spoke of environmental matters. This property adds to our open space
inventory, will serve as an entryway to the City and will complete the triage of government
services in that area. Assistant City Attorney Doody reiterated the high points of the
contract and spoke about `covered contamination'. Assistant City Attorney Doody spoke of
the restrictions placed on the use of the property by Chevron and the fact that once the
agreement between the City of Tamarac and Broward County goes into effect, these
restrictions will become moot. Commissioner Portner questioned the cost of the park and
language in the contract that we are taking the property as is. City Manager Miller said he
did not expect there to be an extensive cost to creating the park and Assistant City
Attorney Doody spoke of the fact that there are no standard warranties other than that
which is contained in the title. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for a definition of
covered contamination and how everything will be kept on track. Assistant City Attorney
Doody explained the purchaser agrees not to develop the property as a gas station or
convenience store for 15 years or entering into the agreement with Broward County,
whichever comes first. The purchase is contingent upon several items being satisfied to
the City's satisfaction and getting approval by the Board of County Commissioners for $2
million. We have until June 27t" to get it all done. If things do not move as planned we can
terminate the contract. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned due diligence and
Assistant City Attorney Doody spoke of environmental assessments. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco applauded Assistant City Manager Phillips for her diligent work on this project
and asked what the City will do should the County not come forward with the $2 million.
City Manager Miller said if we do not get the full $2 million we will come back to the Mayor
and City Commission to talk the process through. We have some grants in the hopper and
we will continue to apply for federal state and county grants. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco
said this is something we want to do and we should continue to pursue this property. Our
County Lobbyist has been most helpful in this project. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco
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thanked Assistant City Attorney Doody for his assistance. Assistant City Attorney Doody
said excellent staff expertise and perseverance came through. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco thanked Broward County Vice Mayor Ritter and her staff for their response to
Tamarac with regard to this project. Commissioner Dressler said in the past he talked
about a credit facility for the purchase of land, and he would like staff to ponder the
appropriate time to come back to discuss this with the Mayor and City Commission. City
Manager Miller said the financial advisors are working on a time to set up such a vehicle;
perhaps this can be discussed at an upcoming workshop meeting. Commissioner Atkins -
Grad said the fact that Chevron is absorbing the documentary stamps is a big saving for
the City.
d. Item No. 8 on the regular agenda. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF
RECLAMATION PROJECT: (TR11368) Authorizing the appropriate City officials to enter
into an Interlocal Agreement with Broward County accepting a grant award of up to
$2,000,000 for the acquisition of the Chevron Station located at 5650 Pine Island Road
(also known as OS-159 Tamarac Open Space Reclamation) and accepting the conceptual
Open Space Management Plan included in the agreement for the development of Tamarac
Open Space Reclamation Project; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the
Declaration of Restrictive Covenants in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement;
authorizing the City Clerk to record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants in the Public
Records of Broward County; providing for inclusion of the obligations set forth within the
Conceptual Park Management Plan in the City's 5 year Capital Improvement program;
authorizing the appropriate City officials to amend the general capital fund budget in the
amount of $2,686,800 in accordance with proper accounting procedures.
e. Item No. 6(g) on the consent agenda. AMENDMENT TO BUDGET
EXPENDITURES: (TR11349) Amending the expenditure budget for the Fiscal Year 2008;
amending the budget of estimated revenues for the Fiscal Year 2008. Financial Services
Director Chapman and Management and Budget Officer Sammartino appeared. Financial
Services Director Chapman gave a presentation. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said she
travelled Southgate Boulevard this past weekend and many people are already enjoying
the park even though it has not been officially opened. Commissioner Dressler confirmed
this process is standard in consistence with GASB.
Director of Parks and Recreation Warner explained the teams are made up of
developmentally and mentally disabled individuals, and there are 15-20 Tamarac residents
on the teams. The City has funded this program since 2001 and our $2,750 covers
uniforms and equipment as well as an end of year picnic. Commissioner Portner
suggested rather than supplement the budget by an additional $2,750 we average the
amount that would come out of each organization we have already funded and deduct that
amount from those contributions to cover this request. City Manager Miller said we can
look into doing that; however most of the checks have already been sent to the various
organizations. We may be able to accommodate Commissioner Portner's suggestion in
the next budget year. Commissioner Atkins -Grad suggested next year we send an e-mail
to each organization to which we have contributed; we should assist this league this year.
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Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said all are in agreement to fund the Challenger Baseball
League, the question now is how. Commissioner Dressler suggested including the $2,750
in the reallocation item, TR11349, we previously discussed. Financial Services Director
Chapman said we could put an additional line in the budget amendment and City Manager
Miller can bring this forward as an amendment to the resolution.
Portner, Community Development Director Bramley and Public and Economic Affairs
Officer Berns appeared. Commissioner Portner spoke of redevelopment on State Road 7
between Commercial Boulevard and Prospect Road; in particular three parcels that
contain retail stores and a rental development behind the parcels. Commissioner Portner
said this is a very bad area and may qualify for slum and blight for redevelopment. Public
and Economic Affairs Officer Berns said the area is north of Sunshine Plaza; Tamarac
Square, Commercial Plaza, and Lakeside Plaza. On multiple occasions the City met with
the County to explore the possibility of forming a CRA for that area and we were turned
down. City Attorney Goren spoke of the changes in the law regarding CRA's. City
Manager Miller said a few years ago the City asked a realtor to talk with the shopping
center owners along the corridor to see if there was any interest in selling the properties
and there was not. BSO Chief Duguay spoke about the police reports for the area and
said in 2007 there were 32 Part I crimes in these areas, which is not unusual for these
types of properties. Community Development Director Bramley spoke about the State
Road 7 Collaborative's recommendations on redevelopment and said the area can be
made to look better through Code compliance but we need the tools in place to make sure
redevelopment is orderly along the corridor. The two types of DRI are standard and area
wide; the Collaborative is embracing the area wide DRI. Design guidelines have also been
adopted by the Collaborative and each city has its own identity. Public and Economic
Affairs Officer Berns said the City can reestablish contact with property owners if the
Mayor and City Commission wishes to accumulate land in that area. Community
Development Director Bramley said the commercial revitalization initiative is within the
business plan; by going zone to zone we will determine what needs to be brought up to
code. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she supports Commissioner Portner on this
matter and something needs to be done now. City Manager Miller explained a couple
years ago Lauderdale Lakes acquired grants through the MPO to do work along State
Road 7. With Commissioner Dressler's assistance we may be able to do the same thing.
These properties are compliant with our Code to the best of our knowledge. Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco said the Code is over 30 years old and needs to be looked at; the
area between Rock Island Road and University Drive is appalling. While she understands
the issues with private property she would like us to roll up our sleeves and review code
issues. Community Development Director Bramley said this falls just short of
redevelopment; It would be difficult to make the older areas look like current development.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said it is incumbent upon us to discuss this at the upcoming
Commissioner Atkins -Grad left the room at 11:10 a.m. and returned at 11:13 a.m.
Commissioner Dressler said Commissioner Portner's concerns are all our concerns and
we should position staff to address planning this with the same time line as the MPO and
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Collaborative, to tie in with area wide DRI discussions. It is critical that this item be added
to our long term planning. City Manager Miller said the City would look into this further and
discuss with the Mayor and City Commission at the upcoming retreat and then the Mayor
and City Commission can decide on further action.
asked that his report be made part of the record (attached hereto and incorporated herein
and made a part of these minutes). Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked which item is of
most importance and Commissioner Portner spoke of the Bill regarding collective
bargaining and the fact that the federal government wants to take away the rights of
municipalities for collective bargaining.
5. DISCUSSION RE: MAIN STREET PROJECT: Commissioner Portner spoke of a
letter he received from Bernie Maribona, wherein Mr. Maribona said he is willing to develop
the entire Main Street project (attached hereto and incorporated herein as part of these
minutes). Community Development Director Bramley said she had not seen the letter.
City Attorney Goren said the contents of the letter appear to be beyond the scope of what
is currently pending before staff, and as such, staff can only address the current
application from Mr. Maribona. Commissioner Portner asked if the process could be
expedited and City Attorney Goren replied each applicant must be given the same
treatment; we can not speculate on that which we do not know. Commissioner Portner
asked if some of the unencumbered funds could be used for State Road 7 or any other
area for redevelopment and City Manager Miller said that could be discussed at the
retreat. Commissioner Dressler said the letter makes things ambiguous for him and City
Manager Miller agreed the letter is ambiguous; staff has not been approached with this
idea and staff can only react to things formally submitted in the land development process.
Commissioner Dressler said there are two things happening at one time with regard to this
one item. He also received the letter suggesting something global, yet something specific
is being looked at, and he does not want to see an acceleration of the process. Having
said that, Commissioner Dressler feels the current site plan should be tabled because of
the communication that came directly to the Commissioners, and without staff having
knowledge of it. City Attorney Goren said it is an undated, ambitious letter, requesting
more than what is currently pending before staff. At the moment, we can not stop the
application review, but a letter to the developer putting the burden back on him and
requiring him to articulate more specifically what he would like to do would be appropriate.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said City Attorney Goren's recommendation gives each of us
a level of comfort and City Attorney Goren said staff will be responding through the City
Manager with the City Attorney's assistance.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 11:30 a.m.
Marion Swenson, CMC
City Clerk
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February 12 --13, 2008
2/12/08 Met with the leaders of the Fly -In to Washington, D.0 . which
included among others, Mayor Ortis of Pembroke Pines, Mayor John
Marks of Tallahassee, John Thomas and Allyson Payne of Florida
League of Cities to discuss the Agenda the League wishes to bring forth
to our Federal elected officials.
There are five issues to be brought forward:
1. Public Safety
2. Collective bargaining
3. Energy efficiency and conservation block grant
4. Repeal 3% withholding tax on government purchases
5. Surface transportation
Reauthorization: Our entire delegation met with the following officials:
Representatives Adam Putnam, John Mica, Alcee Hastings, Kendrick
Meek, Robert Wexler, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Mario Diaz Balart,
Corine Brown, Allen Boyd, Senator Bill Nelson and Senator Mel
Although all members did not meet with every official, the delegation
did flood the corridors and offices of Congress. I personally met in a
group with Representative Alcee Hastings, Lincoln Diaz Balart, Robert
Wexler, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ron Klein. The time allotted
was between 15 minutes to 25 minutes. Though it appears I met with a
limited number of officials it takes a long time to go from one office to
another and on top of that, there are three buildings you must cover, the
Senate Hart Building and the Representative's Cannon Building and
Rayburn Building. Each building, weather permitting, is within good
walking distance, but in the weather we had (extreme cold, sleet, rain)
our only method was cabs.
Former/letter/travel report wash do 08 1
0 Back to the Agenda:
1. Energy efficiency and block grants. Our message to Congress:
Global problem -- National response is necessary to mitigate and
adapt to its effect on this Country. Local Leadership: local
governments are in the forefront to reduce pollution, increase
conservation, and improve energy efficiency. Local officials are
the leaders in seeking green solutions. The block grant program
offers incentives to adopt energy and environmentally friendly
2. Fiscal stewardship: above all else, local governments are
extremely good stewards of federal dollars. Federal action: local
governments know they have a central role in effecting change
but need the support of the Federal Government. Our request to
Congress: fully fund the block grant of Two Billion Dollars for
the Fiscal Years 2008 and 2009.
3. Surface Transportation Reauthorization. Message to Congress:
a. Local governments own 77% of the miles in the United
States and have a huge stake in national transportation
b. The Highway Trust Fund, financed by federal gasoline
taxes, then redistributed to the states. Demand estimates
show it will fall short by $4.3 billion of the authorized 2009
spending level
c. The lack of national vision for our Country's transportation
future threatens the economic health of metropolitan areas.
d. Without action the transportation system assets will further
e. The Florida League of Cities urges Congress to
i. Include transportation infrastructure in the
economic stimulus package, support programs
that go directly to local governments.
ii. Include local officials in the discussions over the
upcoming surface transportation reauthorization
• On questions I would like the answer to: How much if any does FDOT
send to Washington?
Porter/letter/travel report wash de 08 2
4. Public Safety. The FBI Unified Crime Report showed violent
crime increased by 2.3% in 2005 and rose again 1.3% in 2006.
This marks the first two year increase in violent crime in 15 years
(could this be a sign of the times?) Federal resources are an
important weapon in the fight against crime. President Bush on a
constant basis has proposed merging the COPS Program with
other grant programs, thus decreasing the overall funding. The
COPS Program has helped law revolutionize law enforcement
training, funded the cost of more than 100,000 police officers;
increased crime fighting and generally improved the way local
law enforcement agencies function. The Florida League of Cities
urges Congress to restore funding for proven public safety
programs, including COPS.
5. Repeal 3% Withholding Tax on Government Purchases. This
Act requires local governments to withhold 3% from payments
for goods and services and imposes a massive unfunded mandate
on state and local governments. If implemented it will cause
administrative financial burdens since state and local
governments will have to retool their accounts payable systems to
implement the new law. Starting 1/1/11 governments spending
$100 million per year (we are not yet at that point) on purchases
of goods and services must withhold 3% from all payments to
contractors and vendors to the IRS to be applied toward the
contractors and vendors federal income tax liabilities. A bill by
Representative Kendrick Meek would repeal the 3% withholding
tax requirement. The Florida League of Cities urges Congress to
repeal what would be a costly provision, or at least delay it for a
minimum of one year (let's just defeat it).
6. Collective Bargaining. Florida may be responsible for staffing
and maintaining their own police and fire departments and those
public employees have the right to collectively bargain as part of
the teams and conditions of their employment. Senate Bill 2123,
the Public Employer -Employee Cooperation Act of 2007 would
federalize collective bargaining between states and local
governments and their public safety officer. This legislation
violates the inherent Home Rule powers of municipal
governments. This would allow the Federal Labor Relations
Portner/letter/travel report wash do 08 3
. Authority to audit all labor relation agreements to determine
compliance with the new law. This would place the Federal
government in charge of the collective bargaining process. The
Florida League of Cities opposes the preemption of Local Home
Portner/letter/travel report wash de 08 4
To City Mayor and Commissioners' of Tamarac
We are the Gateway for The Main Street Project
I Bernie Maribona am not at war with the city as it seems like on the news. We are trying to
work things out as for the best interest for the people who live in Tamarac and all Its tax payers'
business owners. My plans are to own all of Main Street completely and we can do It, But we
need the support of the city,We need to start step by step but the city is looking in one
direction for now of what they want to see. That is delaying and hurting the people who live
there that they have no Main Street a nice place to go to. There is no difference between
having condos on top of the shops. We are building luxury shops and restaurants it will have
night life by adding condos it doesn't mean the condo owner are going to be all day in the
shops that's crazy. if we build It as we have it will be very successful for the City staff and
residence in Tamarac and epically the 575 unit Centex project 1 block away of walking distance
from the Main Street they would love It for night life and weekend dinning. We would continue
to buy more land and do residential but on the north side of Main Street Road after studying
closely the area if I were to buy a condo I really don't want to face Commercial Blvd., By
building on the north side you have a more private feel like road and you face to Main Street
Road and residential units to the north of you nice and quiet feeling, Now that's a more sellable
product. I hope the city of Tamarac changes it's idea for the better of the Public and land
owners in the area. Let's starts this new development to move forward and not backwards. It"s
been too long.
We have shows planned for the entire year this is not your typical strip center, This is like a
Vegas destination but without the Casino filled with water falls, laser shows, Muscle cars, art
and craft, Dive Bands and free entertainment all on the Main Street Road. All free for the
general public,
Look at some very successful and nice places with no condos; Bai Harbor Shops, Young Circle
Lincoln Road Mail and Surf Side Shops,
We also have plans for all the seasons of the year and Holiday decorations.
I think no one would complain about this 5 star world class shopping mail type building in there
All cities would love this.
Tha u;
Ber M ibona