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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-26 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2007
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the Workshop Meeting of the
City Commission to order on Monday, March 26, 2007, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88t' Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Edward C. Portner,
Commissioner Patte Atkins -Grad, Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof, and Commissioner
Harry Dressler.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren,
Deputy City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance.
REPORT (CAFR): Financial Services Director Chapman, Pablo Llerena, BKR Garcia
and Co., and Controller Nealon appeared. Mr. Llerena gave an overview of the CAFR
and said Tamarac received a clean opinion from the auditors. Financial Services
Director Chapman explained the undesignated fund balance is in compliance with the
Charter. Controller Nealon spoke of the general and reserve fund balances and said we
are in compliance with our new fund balance ordinance and our Charter. Vice Mayor
Portner questioned Building Permits; Building and Code Compliance Director Jones
said over the last fiscal year there has been a 200% increase over projected revenues,
most of which can be attributed to Hurricane Wilma. Permits have been tapering down
this year. Vice Mayor Portner questioned where we get our statistical information,
trending regarding age estimates, the financial outlook for 2007 for the City of Tamarac,
and the fact that more people are moving out of the County. Controller Nealon said we
get information from various departments and the County. Financial Services Director
Chapman said the age trend throughout the United States is getting older, but for the
City of Tamarac the trend is going down. It is difficult to predict financial outlooks for
Tamarac due to the issues in Tallahassee, and if property values are rising, it implies
more people are moving into Broward County. Commissioner Sultanof said the MPO
believes there will be an influx of 700,000 — 800,000 people over the next 10 years.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco spoke of FEMA reimbursement and the Britt refund, and
Financial Services Director Chapman responded FEMA is reported in the grants fund.
Controller Nealon added through FEMA and the State we have received over $9 million,
not including NRCS reimbursement for canals. Financial Services Director Chapman
said currently, with legal fees and refunds we have paid under $2 million in Britt refunds.
That process will be concluded mid -May and we will have a final wrap-up in next year's
report. Commissioner Dressler confirmed the undesignated fund is a rainy day fund,
and added Tamarac is in a good financial position. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said
thanks to City Manager Miller, Financial Services Director Chapman, Controller Nealon
and staff, we are as buttoned up as possible, and if other cities followed Tamarac's
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lead, they, too, would sleep well at night. City Manager Miller thanked Financial
Services Director Chapman, Controller Nealon, staff, and Mr. Llerena, and said due to
FEMA, Britt, and Firefighter Contract negotiations we have been very stretched out.
City Manager Miller also thanked department directors for their proper handling of the
accounts; we have gone for five years with no negative findings. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco said Tamarac is at the forefront, which is important for everybody to
a. Item No. 6(f) on the Consent Agenda. AWARDING RFP 07-15R AND
Awarding RFP 07-15R, "Printing & Distribution of City of Tamarac Publications" to and
executing an agreement with Franklin Communications, LLC for printing services for a
two year period, providing for three additional one year renewals at the discretion of the
City; authorizing the City Manager to approve expenditures for printing. Assistant City
Manager Phillips, Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz, Peter Dunne, President of
Franklin Communications, LLC, and Steve Meltzer, Account Representative appeared.
Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation and said pricing was for traditional
and recycled stock. Commissioner Sultanof questioned the $94,000, whether we use
the Sun Sentinel, and if recycled stock costs more than traditional. Assistant City
Manager Phillips explained we previously used the Sun Sentinel and we are free to use
other printers except for the required items under the contract. There is an increased
cost if we use recycled stock. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco confirmed the use of
recycled stock is included in the contract. Vice Mayor Portner asked why the contract
could not be for five years rather than two and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz
explained cost implications. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said she is pleased the City is
thinking `green'. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the company's ability to
provide service during an emergency and Assistant City Manager Phillips said the
facility is equipped with a generator and has reciprocal agreements in other locations so
in a disaster they can go outside our geographical area should the need arise to provide
service to Tamarac. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned business cards and
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz said we are looking into making changes to the
contract for business cards. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she would like to see the
contracts for business cards, cups, pens, etc. looked at and for these and other such
products to be made of recycled materials, if it is cost effective. All agreed.
b. Item No. 6(b) on the Consent Agenda. ELECTING A VICE -MAYOR: (TR 11132)
Electing a vice mayor to serve a term of one year and eight months beginning March
28, 2007 and ending November 2008, with no succession. City Clerk Swenson and City
Attorney Goren gave a presentation. Vice Mayor Portner recommended Commissioner
Sultanof for the position of Vice Mayor, and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco,
Commissioners Dressler, Atkins -Grad, and Sultanof thanked and commended Vice
Mayor Portner for his service as Vice Mayor. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for an
expression of interest to elect Commissioner Sultanof as Vice Mayor to serve from
March 2007 through November 2008. All were in agreement.
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C. Item No. 6(c) on the Consent Agenda. AUTHORIZING FOUR -WEEK
NOT SCHEDULE ANY REGULAR MEETINGS: (TR11133) Authorizing a four -week
consecutive period (July 15, 2007 — August 11, 2007) during which time the City
Commission will not schedule any regular meetings pursuant to Section 4.06 of the City
Charter. City Clerk Swenson gave a presentation. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked
for an expression of interest and all were in agreement. Vice Mayor Portner and
Commissioner Dressler said the Mayor and City Commission are all available during the
four -week vacation period.
d. Item No. 6(d) on the Consent Agenda. AWARDING BID NO. 07-09B —
Bid No. 07-09B and executing an agreement with Preventive Maintenance Support
Services, Inc. for the replacement of the roof at the BSO Building at 7515 NW 881n
Avenue in an amount not to exceed $205,355.63 from the appropriate accounts;
authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper accounting purposes. Public
Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Public
Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Commissioner Sultanof asked if the building
belongs to Tamarac and whether there is a subsidy provision in the contract. Public
Works Director Strain said Tamarac is responsible for maintenance of the interior and
exterior of the structure. Commissioner Dressler questioned insurance and Public
Works Director Strain said we are insured through the league of cities; if there were
damage as a result of the storm, the roof would be replaced under insurance and
FEMA, but there is no wind damage, just deterioration due to age. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco spoke of the atrium in the BSO building and Public Works Director Strain said
that is not included in this contract; we have looked at other options and will hire a
consultant to look into that area. Since BSO does not use the atrium perhaps a closed
roof would be beneficial and add square footage to the building. The roof should be
done in 30-40 days, prior to hurricane season. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco spoke of
an upcoming workshop to discuss community development matters, greening and
building codes, and asked if the workshop should be held before entering into an
agreement for the roof. Public Works Director Strain. said greening would have had to
have been done in conjunction with the design of the building; to do it now would be
cost prohibitive.
e. Item No. 6(e) on the Consent Agenda. COMMISSION CHAMBERS CURTAIN
INSTALLATION: (TR11153) Awarding RFP No. 07-12R and executing an agreement
with Kenney Drapery Associates, Inc. for the replacement of the Commission Chamber
Curtain located in City Hall in an amount not to exceed $38,850 from the appropriate
accounts; authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper accounting purposes.
Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared.
Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Vice Mayor Portner said the curtain
is a dust collector and there must be other methods of shading the chambers, such as
tinted windows or mini blinds. Public Works Director Strain said other methods can be
looked into; because of the architectural features of the building, mini blinds are not
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viable. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she would like the city to explore tinting
through the 3M Corporation, which filters the light, keeps the heat out and hardens the
windows for hurricane situations. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco agreed with Vice Mayor
Portner regarding the dust mites and added she prefers an open look. Commissioner
Sultanof said the Department of Defense in Washington uses window tinting that also
hardens the windows and he feels it may be advisable for Tamarac to do the same.
Commissioner Atkins -Grad spoke of etched glass and a City logo on the windows.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked Public Works Director Strain to explore the options
and bring information back to the Mayor and City Commission. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco asked for an expression of interest to remove this item from the March 28,
2007 agenda. All were in agreement.
f. Item No. 8 on the Regular Agenda. LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN:
(TR11144) Motion to approve resolution approving the Local Housing Assistance Plan
as required by the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program Act, Subsections
420.907-420.9079, Florida Statutes; and Rule Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative
Code; authorizing and directing the Mayor or in her absence, the Vice Mayor to execute
any necessary documents and certifications needed by the state; authorizing the
submission of the Local Housing Assistance Plan for review and approval by the Florida
Housing Finance Corporation. Community Development Director Bramley and Housing
Administrator Bauldree appeared. Community Development Director Bramley spoke of
the CDBG and SHIP programs which are available to the City. We are looking toward
neighborhood vitality and keeping residents in their homes longer. Housing
Administrator Bauldree explained the proposed loan amounts and terms as well as the
recapture period for rehabilitation, first time home buyers, storm shutter assistance,
disaster relief strategy, and disaster mitigation. Commissioner Sultanof asked if there is
a waiting list and how the public will be notified. Housing Administrator Bauldree said
there is no longer a waiting list and the public will be notified via Tam -A -Gram, Code
Enforcement, newspaper advertisements, and through homeowner associations; the
applicants would be served on a first come first ready basis. Commissioner Dressler
said he likes the proposed terms as it will keep people in their homes longer.
Commissioner Dressler expressed concern about administration and fraud, for example
in the storm shutter program, and questioned the method of payment once a resident
has a contract in hand. Housing Administrator Bauldree and Community Development
Director Bramley explained the funds would be allocated throughout the process and
monitored. Community Development Director Bramley explained notification to the
residents of the programs will be addressed as part of Community Development's
Business Plan. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said there has been a marked
improvement since the administration of the programs was taken over in-house and
when the Mayor and City Commission speak to residents and homeowner/condominium
associations, they will let people know these programs are available to them. Vice
Mayor Portner questioned the levels of income qualifications and Housing Administrator
Bauldree explained the percentages based on $60,000 for a family of four for median
income. Commissioner Dressler said based on sub -prime lending it is hard to
understand how people who do not make a lot of money can purchase homes, and it is
easy to see how many people end up in foreclosure. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco
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questioned why hurricane shutters are considered luxury items and if the 3M product for
tinting and hardening windows is allowable. Housing Administrator Bauldree explained
shutters are above and beyond the cost of home ownership, and Building and Code
Compliance Director Jones added the tinting does not come under the allowable
window coverings.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called for a recess at 11:25 a.m. and reconvened the
workshop meeting at 11:35 a.m. with all present as before.
3. PROPERTY TAX UPDATE: City Manager Miller and Financial Services Director
Chapman appeared. City Manager Miller gave a presentation and said last week he,
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Financial Services Director Chapman were in
Tallahassee, and it coincided with Broward Days. Russ Klenet, Lobbyist for the League
of Cities plotted a strategy for us to follow. The House Bill had already been voted on
and between Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco, City Manager Miller and Financial Services
Director Chapman we met with all members of the Senate Finance and Tax Committee.
The Senate has a different view of how property tax reform should occur and a new
proposal will be made on Tuesday. Financial Services Director Chapman spoke of
Friday's proposals from the House and discussed a state referendum to increase sales
tax from six cents to seven cents, and then state required millage on property taxes
would go away for school districts along with a reduction of 30%-35% in property taxes.
The state then would allow counties to vote for an additional Y2 cent local sales tax that
would remove the local contribution to school districts from the tax rolls. Additionally,
there is a proposal to allow individual counties to vote for a one -cent local option tax to
remove local property taxes from the tax bill. Our problem with that scenario is that
there is no money designated for replacement revenue and no guarantee we will
receive the same amount of funds removed from the tax rolls. It will require a
unanimous vote if we do not want to follow millage restrictions. The roll back will be to
2003-2004 and exempt certain counties in the northern part of the state. It also gives
the legislature the authority to exempt renters from paying property tax. We are still at
the $7 million reduction number, which is down from $9.4 million. City Manager Miller
said he does not know what kind of replacement revenue the Senate will come up with.
Vice Mayor Portner said there are 639 exemptions throughout the state and some of the
loopholes should be closed which would add about $6 billion to the coffers and solve
many problems. Vice Mayor Partner spoke of legislators' terms and said the public
needs to speak up. City Manager Miller agreed the House terms are too short at two
years and politicians are not in office long enough to learn their jobs. Commissioner
Sultanof said we can not fault the public; people must go to their local government and
we, in turn, can go to Tallahassee. The cities must rebel. Commissioner Sultanof
asked City Manager Miller to work toward creating a coalition to go to Tallahassee. City
Manager Miller said most of the Senators have open minds and are looking for
solutions. If we give thern_ideas, they will explore them and he felt good about the
dialogues held in Tallahassee this past week. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said the
City Managers, League of Cities. and the County have been waiting behind the scenes
and becoming more vocal addressing this issue. The cities and County are united. We
had the opportunity to meet with our people but it is also important to meet with the
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Republicans. We have to prepare for something coming but we do not know to what
degree or the pain that it will bring and we have to be prepared for a whole different
approach this year. Vice Mayor Portner suggested hiring a bus to take our seniors to
Tallahassee to lobby. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco and City Attorney Goren said the
City of Pembroke Pines has put up signs in their parks stating that the parks may have
to close in the event the proposition goes through, and listed the phone numbers of
legislators that can be called. Financial Services Director Chapman said the Senators
understand the cuts in service that will result from tax cuts, and suggested holding a
focus group here rather than bringing our seniors to Tallahassee. Commissioner
Dressler thanked everyone who has worked so hard on this issue, and spoke about
possibly increasing doc stamps. Commissioner Dressler spoke about recessions and
the fact that there are cyclical periods of bust and boom. Commissioner Dressler
rhetorically asked who will fund the deficiencies and a bankrupt school system. It would
be more rational if the Florida Association of Counties could come up with a proposal to
combine sales tax and some other method in order to mitigate the cycle. It is clear our
property tax system is broken. Commissioner Dressler said he is cynical, as the new
governor is positioning himself to run as the Vice Presidential candidate and use Florida
as the swing state. Commissioner Dressler agreed a rebellion is in order; perhaps the
politicians who agree with us need to march down Broward Boulevard with placards and
get involved in this fight. Commissioner Sultanof said there are many places from which
to get money, such as the slot machines. Commissioner Atkins -Grad agreed we must
do something and we have the facilities from which we can get the word out.
Commissioner Sultanof thanked City Attorney Goren with regard to the Southern
Coatings case, which is now settled. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said there are two
months left to this session, and she heard there may be a special session; Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco asked City Manager Miller to keep the Mayor and City
Commission informed. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco added the best presentations have
been from City Manager Miller and Financial Services Director Chapman and when it
comes time for the educational process, they will be front and center with the Mayor and
City Commission backing them up.
In response to Vice Mayor Portner's question regarding the t-shirt he was wearing,
Commissioner Dressler said it is his personal policy to protest genocide regardless of
who is the victim.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 12:25 p.m.
Marion Swenson, CMC
City Clerk
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