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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-07 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesG CITY OF TAMARAC WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2003 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, April 7, 2003, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Karen L. Roberts, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY MAYOR SCHREIBER. 1. APRIL 9. 2003 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(k). AGREEMENT — INVESTMENT ADVISORY SERVICES: (TR10068) Awarding RFP-03-14R to and executing an Agreement with Kirkpatrick Pettis for Investment Advisory services. Finance Director Dona Newman gave a presentation and explained the savings the City would realize by entering into an Agreement with Kirkpatrick Pettis for Investment Advisory Services, Finance Director Newman introduced Consultant Jeff Larson, Kirkpatrick and Pettis, who gave a short biography and introduced Glen Scott, Carlos Pereda, and Bill Spivey. Mayor Schreiber questioned the company's function, and Mr. Scott responded the company invests money on behalf of government entities. Mr. Scott responded to Commissioner Portner's questions regarding broker/dealer and explanation of short term/medium portfolio, and said the company does not trade with the broker/dealer, discussed short term and medium portfolios and interest rates. Commissioner Portner questioned arbitrage services, and Mr. Scott explained 1986 IRS legislation closed loopholes for tax exempt entities issuing debt, and the onus of showing a good faith effort to use those funds for which they were intended. Mr. Larson added the fee for arbitrage service is included in the contract under discussion. Commissioner Portner questioned portfolio realignment and bond swaps and Mr. Scott said staff cash flow projections are being reviewed, and if there are funds that can be invested for a longer term they want to make sure it is done, as well as check the liabilities against investments. Commissioner Portner asked how the company can afford to perform the duties described at such a low fee, and Mr. Larson said the firm does not handle just the City of Tamarac, but the City does have a good policy and staff did a good job in Tamarac, so the company can afford to be aggressive in its fee. April 7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 1 b. Item No. 6(I). SEEKING GRANT FUNDING FROM FEMA THROUGH THE FIREFIGHTERS ASSISTANCE GRANT: (TR10072) Seeking grant funding in the amount of $137,738 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant to hire a training instructor and purchase materials and equipment to enhance firefighter safety and preparedness providing for an $84,031 cash match and a total project cost of $221,769. Chief Budzinski said the city was successful last year in obtaining money from the federal government for equipment, and the program continues this year. He is seeking commission support in applying for the grant, and there is a commitment on behalf of the city for a 30% match. The program will pay for existing people to move into new positions and backfill for overtime. The application has to be submitted now even though the money will not be available until approximately December 2003. Vice Mayor Roberts asked when the process would begin, and Chief Budzinski said at the time the grant is awarded. Mayor Schreiber asked if it is only for Firefighter/Paramedics, and Chief Budzinski said it is internal training for Fire Department/EMS. Commissioner Portner asked where the money would come from after the first year, and Chief Budzinski said the staffing costs would be approximately $70,000 per year; the grant request is for approximately $200,000, and with this money significant resources would be established in the way of equipment and training tools. Commissioner Sultanof explained that we would be getting equipment which does not have to be paid for out of the city coffers, and this is a plus. Chief Budzinski agreed it is a jump-start to the much needed program. Commissioner Portner questioned the dedicated training officer and whether this included the truck and Chief Budzinski explained that if we have a training program we must move the unit from the station to where the training is conducted; with this grant we can leave the unit in place and keep coverage in the community while training is in progress. Chief Budzinski thanked Special Projects Coordinator Kim Perron for her assistance in preparing the grant documents. C. Item No. 60). AUTOMATIC AID AGREEMENT — LAUDERDALE LAKES: (TR10056) Executing an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Tamarac and the City of Lauderdale Lakes; allowing for the provision of cooperative automatic fire services through automatic aid. Chief Budzinski gave a presentation and explained the agreement allows for sharing of fire equipment with Lauderdale Lakes in the case of confirmed incidents. Commissioner Portner asked why EMS is not involved, and Chief Budzinski said Lauderdale Lakes is not able to ensure their response into Tamarac as they were hit hard with employees leaving for other opportunities. Commissioner Portner questioned communications and Chief Budzinski explained both communities are on the Broward County dispatch system and use the same frequencies and protocol, which is plain language. Commissioner Portner questioned third party beneficiary and Chief Budzinski said there is no creation of a Tamarac/Lauderdale Lakes department. d. Item No. 6(m). MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION — PHASE IV-B: (TR10089) Approving certain streets for median beautification under Phase IV-B of the Seven Year Comprehensive Street Improvement Program; awarding Bid No. 02-28B to Vila and Son Landscaping Corporation; authorizing the appropriate city officials to execute an April 7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 2 agreement with Vila & Son Landscaping Corporation; authorizing an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $3,424,626.61, which represents a contract award of $3,113,296.92 and a project contingency of $311,329.69; authorizing the city to make necessary additions, deletions, or revisions to the Phase IV-B work plan pursuant to Section 6-156 of the code of the City of Tamarac, Florida; authorizing budgetary transfers as necessary for proper accounting purposes. Assistant City Manager/Acting Public Works Director Michael C. Cernech introduced Lee Rowbotham, Project Manager. Mr. Rowbotham gave a presentation and said non-native and intrusive trees would be removed and 120,000 sq. ft. of new canopy plus shrubs would be added to the medians. Additionally there would be a new irrigation system which uses canal water where possible, and the addition of brick pavers. Commissioner Sultanof questioned the location from 89th Avenue to where the county stopped its project at McNab Park, and Mr. Rowbotham confirmed, and said where there is stamped or painted concrete it would be replaced with bricks and more landscaping. Commissioner Sultanof said a very good job was done on this project. Commissioner Sultanof asked that in Item #6(f) on the consent agenda, the reference to Kings Point be taken out of the name of the project, since this is a separate entity and not part of Kings Point. WATER AND SEWER DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT — ST. ANDREWS AT KINGS POINT PROJECT: (TR10070) Executing a Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with St. Andrews at Kings Point, Tamarac, Ltd., for the St. Andrews at Kings Point Project, located on the east side of Nob Hill Road at NW 80th Street, requiring 215 ERC's for water and 215 ERC's for sewer; requiring the payment of $688,000.00 in CIAC fees; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said agreement in the public records of Broward County. Community Development Director King explained that the reason the Related Group requested the name St. Andrews at Kings Point at this time was that it is part of the Kings Point Replat as recorded in Broward County, and he would contact the Related Group regarding replacement with another name so as to avoid confusion with Kings Point. Commissioner Portner questioned the method of appointment in Item 6(d) on the consent agenda. SETTING DATE TO APPOINT CHARTER BOARD MEMBERS: (TR10094) Setting the date to appoint members to the Charter Board. City Clerk Swenson explained at the last workshop the Commission decided not to advertise, but to appoint one member each from commission districts, with the mayor's selection made at -large. Commissioner Portner asked if Item 6(i) on the consent agenda was sent out for bid. AGREEMENT RENEWAL — SUN -SENTINEL DIRECT: (TR10092) Executing the Agreement Amendment between the City of Tamarac and Sun -Sentinel Company providing for the first renewal option of the Agreement with Sun -Sentinel Company for printing and mailing of Tamarac Resident Newsletters and printing of Employee Newsletters for a two year term effective April 10, 2003 through April 9, 2005 for an amount not to exceed $95,500 annually. Public Information Officer Crockett explained this agreement was entered into last year for one year, with the option to renew twice for two years each. Public Information Officer Crockett said there were no bidders from April 7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 3 Tamarac at the time this went out to bid; it is a huge job mailing 31,000 pieces and Sun Sentinel Direct has an edge because it offers 100% deliverability on postal service routes, thereby creating a savings to the City on postage. Additionally, there is a decrease in mailings during the times the winter residents migrate north. Commissioner Portner asked if Sun Sentinel Direct sub -contracts jobs, and Public Information Officer Crockett said she did not believe they sub -contract. Vice Mayor Roberts spoke about the lead time needed for articles from the Commission, and Public Information Officer Crockett said while this is frustrating, this may be the time to look at a transition for a different type of newsletter to residents, and perhaps the commission columns need to be revisited. Vice Mayor Roberts said the residents asked her if perhaps there could be a column directed to the issues the commission approved, and Public Information Officer Crockett said the newspapers devote less space to municipalities than they did five years ago, and she was unsure whether the Tam -A -Gram could pick up the slack. Commissioner Partner said he was told space could be blocked out to give the commission time to prepare their articles, and Public Information Officer Crockett said the Sun Sentinel Direct needs three weeks to get the layout ready and print; she suggested more general themes and less current news from the Commissioners. Public Information Officer Crockett also mentioned the Tamarac website as a good reference for residents to learn about Commission related items. Commissioner Sultanof suggested devising a program by which all aspects of Tamarac can be shown. Public Information Officer Crockett suggested since Parks and Recreation now has a publication regarding its events, that space can be utilized for other items. Vice Mayor Roberts spoke about press releases not being timely, and Mayor Schreiber said if the commissioners do a good job, then the people will know. Public Information Officer Crockett said another positive note is that the Tam -A -Gram is now a full color publication, which is not costing us more since we are saving on postage. Mayor Schreiber questioned the impact Item #7 on the regular agenda would have on the proposed Main Street Project. AMENDMENT TO LAND USE ELEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN — "FORT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS SUBDIVISION" PLAT: (TO1998) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading adopting an amendment to the Land Use Element of the City Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Chapter 163, Section 163.3184 of the Florida Statutes, concerning a Land Use Plan Amendment proposal by Holland and Knight, LLP to change the use of land described as a portion of Tract 15 of the "Fort Lauderdale Truck Farms Subdivision" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 31 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, located at the northwest corner of NW 79th Avenue and NW 57th Street, from Commercial to Medium Residential (10-16 du/ac) through issuance of one -hundred (100) flexibility units to allow for the construction of one -hundred (100) residential townhome units; comprising of approximately 6.78 net acres and 8.52 gross acres (Case No. 1-LUA-03); providing for amendment to the Land Use Element to reflect such change. TABLED AT THE MARCH 26, 2003 REGULAR MEETING Community Development Director King said he spoke to the president of United Homes regarding the feasibility study for the Main Street Project. Staff is in favor of United Homes' project with the understanding that we would get feedback from the consultant prior to the second reading and Mr. Mijares will work with staff for amendment to the plan. April 7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 4 2. DISCUSSION — BROWARD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD LONG RANGE PLAN: Community Development Director J. Christopher King gave a presentation and said staff reviewed the long-range plan and identified three variables; enrollment growth, class size reduction, and existing building conditions. Consultants DeJong and Associates came up with an enrollment number that differed from that of the School Board, and city staff is concerned about the difference and will continue to monitor the situation. Tamarac is getting younger and there are more people per household, and Broward County may not have addressed these issues. Charter Schools have shown an interest in coming to Tamarac, and there are also alternative schedules to take into consideration. An Interlocal Agreement for shared uses for facilities between Broward County and the City will be brought before the commission at the next workshop meeting. Commissioner Sultanof suggested checking with University Hospital, as their records reflect a 44% increase in young families in Tamarac. Commissioner Sultanof said he is disturbed that the School Board does not have an exact number on the ratio of students, and Vice Mayor Roberts said they use an outdated state formula. The School Board also did not include new development projects under construction. Challenger Elementary and Millennium Middle Schools are already overcrowded, and next year children will be bussed. Commissioner Portner asked if the School Board is aware that Governor Bush would like to rescind the amendment regarding classroom size, and said a School Board member should have been at today's workshop to discuss this matter. Community Development Director King said today's discussion was merely for informational purposes. Commissioner Portner suggested sending an invitation to school board members and Commissioner Sultanof suggested inviting Stephanie Kraft, our school board representative. Mayor Schreiber said it would be worthwhile for the commission to have pertinent questions ready. After discussion about invitees, City Manager Miller said he would arrange to invite the pertinent individuals. Mayor Schreiber called for a recess at 11:00 a.m. and reconvened the workshop meeting at 11:20 a.m., with all present as before. 3. DISCUSSION AND PRESENTATION — TAMARAC'S 40TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles suggested augmenting the July 4"' event with a 40th Anniversary celebration. Mayor Schreiber said July 4th is the largest event of the year with a good turnout, and agreed with incorporating the 40th Anniversary celebration. Commissioner Portner questioned upgrading the fireworks display, and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said it would be upgraded with a theme specific to the 40th anniversary. Commissioner Partner said he gave City Manager Miller many items from the past 40 years which he collected from Mainlands 1 & 2. City Manager Miller said he has passed the items to the Parks and Recreation Department. All expressed interest in including the celebration with the July 4th festivities. Vice Mayor Roberts added TAF's interest in being involved. April 7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 5 4. UPDATE ON TAMARAC FIRE RESCUE OPERATIONS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Chief Jim Budzinski gave an update on Fire Rescue Operations and Accomplishments over the past year and also spoke of the accomplishments of individual firefighters in the Clincon competitions, the department's cooperation with Broward Community College in their Paramedic Program as well as with Taravella High School in their Health Occupation Services, apparatus replacement and maintenance, public education and training, and said that last year was the first year data reporting was required by the State and Tamarac was the first City to provide the information, and the fact that no violations go uncorrected. Commissioner Portner questioned tracking false alarms and Chief Budzinski said if they occur in a series they are reported to the bureau; there is follow up and corrective measures are taken with the owner. Malicious false alarms are not a large problem in Tamarac, but they are referred to BSO. Commissioner Portner questioned the number of open positions and said he was informed that Tamarac did not attract people because of lack of competitive pay. Chief Budzinski said this is a natural cycle, and we are entering into contract negotiations this year which will bring us up to scale with other municipalities. Commissioner Portner asked if personnel is needed for the new station, and Chief Budzinski said it can be staffed now but in order to prepare for appropriate community response there will be recommendations for additional staffing. The benefit of the new station is that it will alleviate overcrowding at the existing stations. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked about the average length of time for recruitment, and Chief Budzinski said it is about six weeks. Vice Mayor Roberts questioned the first retirement and Chief Budzinski said Lt. Knapfel retired March 31st with 27 years service, his first two years in Public Works. This is the first full retirement for Tamarac. Mayor Schreiber asked how #15 was assigned to the new station and Chief Budzinski said numbers are assigned on a countywide basis, based on the construction date. However, the county is infilling numbers of closed stations and Tamarac now has stations 41, 78 and 15. Mayor Schreiber spoke about two cities being given permission to transport non emergencies and asked when Tamarac would get such a permit. Chief Budzinski said this can be requested when the department feels ready; he will monitor those units that are now transporting non emergencies. There was discussion regarding the drop plan, and Chief Budzinski said there are conflicting opinions regarding the drop plan and it is an appropriate discussion for an executive meeting. Commissioner Portner reported that Senator Ted Stevens, a ranking republican in the senate, suggests that in the future firefighter and police departments should work overtime for no pay; however, Commissioner Partner reminded everyone that during the 9-11 crises, firefighters and police did volunteer overtime. This same senator wants to drill for oil in Alaska, and the majority in congress is not sensitive to these issues. Mayor Schreiber said the Fire Department is doing very well. 5. REDISTRICTING REPORT: City Clerk Marion Swenson reported that while the population numbers for each district fall within the parameters of the Tamarac Charter, there are some split precinct issues that need to be addressed. All were in favor of appointing a Redistricting Committee and moving forward with redistricting. April 7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 6 C. DISCUSSION RE: POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREAS: Commissioner Portner said he spoke of annexation many times, and unless Tamarac acts now, nothing will get done. Broward County Vice Mayor Lieberman is heading a subcommittee on annexation and he would like a resolution drafted regarding annexation of the three properties previously discussed: Mira Lago, Kozy Kampers and the State Road 7 property. There is also a small piece of property in unincorporated Broward County near Caporella Park that the City should consider. Community Development Director King reported that several months ago staff went to the subcommittee and reported the commission's expression of interest for Mira Lago, Kozy Kampers and State Road 7 property. The subcommittee, due to lack of interest from surrounding communities, has stated that the area near Caporella Park would be going to Tamarac. They will prepare one Bill for the entire area. Oakland Park is making a strong effort for the Mira Lago property; the Oakland Park Commissioners attended each subcommittee meeting and said they felt it would be more beneficial for Mira Lago to be annexed into Oakland Park than into Tamarac, and they would fight for it. Last year Commissioner Portner and Community Development Director King met with the Mira Lago community and at that time they said they wanted to come into Tamarac. Community Development Director King advised them to go back to the association for a vote and then talk to the City Manager's Office. So far we have heard nothing from the community. Community Development Director King said it is his understanding that Tamarac would be on the ballot as a City of choice to get the three areas. The fourth area is definitely slated for Tamarac. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if something is designated a mobile home park would there be a code change once it is annexed into the City, and Community Development Director King said it would be grandfathered in and we would have to create a zoning district or incorporate the County's code. Mayor Schreiber asked if the County would provide funding for infrastructure and Commissioners Sultanof and Portner said it would be provided. There was an expression of interest from all commissioners to move forward with annexation for all properties noted. Community Development Director King said a resolution would be drafted. 7. DISCUSSION RE: ROTATION OF COMMISSION MEETINGS TO VARIOUS NEIGHBORHOODS OUTSIDE CITY HALL: Commissioner Portner said the Commission previously took the meetings to various neighborhoods and it was very favorable for the citizens. He would like to do the same thing again. Commissioner Sultanof said he would like to have a commission meeting at the Community Center. Mayor Schreiber said the Commissioners should not choose a location where a meeting was previously held. Vice Mayor Roberts said it would have been a good idea to hold the special meeting regarding the Woodlands Independent District at the Woodlands, and added that some districts may not be conducive to holding a 9:00 a.m. meeting. Mayor Schreiber suggested scheduling the meetings outside city hall for the first meeting of the month, which is an evening meeting. The commission was in agreement and City Manager Miller said he would check with each commissioner on their choice of location and schedule evening meetings outside city hall. 8. DISCUSSION RE: CHANGE IN SEATING ARRANGEMENTS AT DAIS DURING COMMISSION MEETINGS: Mayor Joe Schreiber suggested a change in April 7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 7 seating arrangements for regular commission meetings, with the Vice Mayor seated at his right hand in the event he needed to pass the gavel, and Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco seated at his left side in the event she had a question regarding procedure. There was discussion regarding perception of violation of the sunshine law were commissioners to speak amongst themselves during a meeting, and Vice Mayor Roberts said she did not wish to change her seat. It was decided the seating arrangements would stay as they are. Mayor Schreiber recessed the workshop meeting at 12:30 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 1:20 p.m. with all present as before. 9. DISCUSSION RE: INCREASING THE 2No HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FOR SENIORS FROM $10,000 TO $25,000: Mayor Schreiber said the $10,000 senior homestead exemption was passed and will not go into effect until next year, but during the course of the campaigns, some members of the commission expressed an interest in expanding the exemption to $25,000. Vice Mayor Roberts said during the campaign she listened to people express their views on the senior homestead exemption, and while she would be willing to go to $25,000, first she would like to see the numbers for the $10,000 exemption during the first year of implementation. Commissioner Portner said he is deeply concerned about loopholes in the exemption law and feels many would apply and be granted the exemption because some incomes are not taxable and do not show up on the tax statements. Commissioner Sultanof said he feels that we will be looking at figures beyond those which are currently calculated, and we could wind up with a shortfall of $1,000,000, Commissioner Sultanof agreed with Vice Mayor Roberts that he would like to see the figures before moving forward with the $25,000 exemption. Mayor Schreiber said the records show that in the past three-four years since this has been in effect there are never more than 2,200-2,800 people who have applied based on age and income categories. This exemption can be done on a year to year basis, and must stand by itself each year. Mayor Schreiber said Tamarac's exposure is $300,000 based on the figures, and the City can afford the extra exemption at this time. City Manager Miller said when more people find out about their eligibility, they will apply and increase Tamarac's exposure. He understands the commission's desire to provide relief for those who need it, but would like the Commission to see the entire budget put together for this year, and there are many things the Commission wants to fund; he would urge the Commissioners to look at the list before making a decision. Vice Mayor Roberts said this decision is for the following year; next year's budget will not be affected. Assistant City Manager Cernech said Vice Mayor Roberts is correct as the $10,000 will impact the 2004 budget; anything the commission does now will impact the 2005 budget, and staff does understand their desire to do this. Staff knows that the City can afford the $10,000 and he also urged the commission to wait until concrete numbers come in before making a decision to increase the exemption to $25,000. In 2004 staff will get the numbers from the property appraiser and see how many signed up and the cost to Tamarac. Then we can tell what the $25,000 will cost Tamarac in lost revenue and we will know if the City can afford the increased exemption. The community is still in the process of being educated. Assistant City Manager Cernech said he would have information for the Commission in advance of their retreat, but April 7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 8 asked the Commission to keep , in mind that every dollar subtracted from revenue impacts the additional services the City is able to provide the residents. Mayor Schreiber confirmed that the commission is being asked to delay its decision until May. Commissioner Portner asked about a shortfall to Tamarac due to the sales tax revenue issue, and Assistant City Manager Cernech said he did not know at this time. Commissioner Portner suggested that a representative appear at a workshop to discuss this with the commission. Mayor Schreiber said we can ask the representatives to correct and close loopholes and asked for an expression of interest to invite state representatives to a workshop. There was an expression of interest to invite Representatives Ritter and Greenstein, and Senator Campbell. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said she would like to have the senior homestead exemption in effect by 2005 and wants to be able to tell her constituents it is being worked on and an end is in sight. 10. _DISCUSSION RE: TELEVISING REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: Mayor Schreiber said he brought this matter up in the past and he feels there is not enough media coverage. Commissioner Sultanof read part of an article that appeared in the Broward News from Commissioner Gordon of Parkland, who is against televising meetings. There was discussion about grandstanding at meetings and of public participation being drawn out. Vice Mayor Roberts said she would not vote for televising meetings, as every city she knows of with televised meetings has meetings that last longer and discussions get out of control. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested exploring the positive side of televised meetings, and said she would like to explore televising the regular meetings and would feel uncomfortable saying one reason the commission does not want to explore this is due to the behavior of the commission. Mayor Schreiber said it is beneficial for the elderly and sick. Commissioner Sultanof said he objected to Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco's statement; lengthy meetings are not positive, and certain things may be brought out from the commission that should not be brought out on television. This commission is one of the best and other cities that have televised meetings have shown that it does not do as well as they originally thought. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said given that Tamarac has the best commission it can be shown to everyone, and asked for a comparison of cities that have had this in place for a while. Mayor Schreiber said he feels that televising meetings would only increase meeting times about 10 minutes. Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco said during her campaign she spoke to many people in the 30-50 age group who are not able to get to meetings due to work and family commitments. Commissioner Portner said more than one time he offered people on the east side bus transportation to and from a commission meeting; he needed only 10 people to volunteer and no one took him up on it. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested a one-year window to try to see if it is successful, and Vice Mayor Roberts asked about the cost factor. Mayor Schreiber said Comcast has the desire to provide support to the community and asked for an expression of interest; Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco and Mayor Schreiber were in favor, Vice Mayor Roberts and Commissioners Portner and Sultanof were against. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco left the commission meeting at 2:05 p.m. April-7, 2003 City Commission Workshop 9 11. DISCUSSION RE: RETURN OF UTILITY DEPOSITS: Mayor Schreiber said this is a morality issue; we are investing money that does not belong to the City. The money is held as security in the event a customer does not pay their water bill and there is over $2,000,000 that belongs to the customers. Mayor Schreiber asked for a procedure to be initiated that would afford a refund after a certain amount of time where a good payment history is shown. Vice Mayor Roberts said she is concerned that if deposits were refunded the water rates would increase, and Utilities Director Gagnon said that is a possibility. Commissioner Sultanof spoke about money going into the general fund to provide services for residents, and the fact that the city is not a collection agency and he does not want to see peoples' water shut off for lack of payment; a reserve is needed. Commissioner Sultanof said the utility department is making money now but in the future more money may be needed, and where is it to come from? The City needs to be fiscally responsible. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest and Vice Mayor Roberts, Commissioner Portner and Commissioner Sultanof were not in favor of refunding utility deposits. 12. DISCUSSION RE: FEASIBILITY OF BOTTLING TAMARAC WATER FOR SALE: Commissioners Sultanof and Portner spoke against going into competition with Culligan and Zephyrhills water to sell Tamarac bottled water. 13. DISCUSSION RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A PERMANENT LOCATION FOR THE BROWARD COUNTY FAIR IN THE AREA OF SW 202 AVENUE AND SHERIDAN STREET: Commissioner Portner spoke in support of the Cities of Pembroke Pines' and Weston's opposition to a permanent location for the Broward County Fair in the area of SW 202 Avenue and Sheridan Street. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest for a resolution to be placed on the April 9t" agenda in support of the cities of Pembroke Pines and Weston's position, and all were in favor. Mayor Schreiber spoke about the City of Sunrise refusing a sister city relationship with Turkey due to Turkey's failure to support the United States, and asked for the Commission's feeling on its relationship with our Turkish sister city. Commissioners Portner and Sultanof were against severing Tamarac's relationship with Turkey at this time. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 2:20 p.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk April 7, 200?- City Commission WorkshW 10