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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-11 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2005
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City
Commission to order on Monday, April 11, 2005, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac
City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco,
Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof, and Commissioner
Karen L. Roberts.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, Deputy City Manager Michael C.
Cernech, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, and City Clerk Marion Swenson.
Mayor Schreiber led the pledge of allegiance.
1. PRESENTATION BY GRAU & CO. — CAFR: Pablo R. Llerena, CPA,
Representative of Grau & Co., Finance Director Chapman, and Controller Nealon
appeared. Mr. Llerena gave a presentation and spoke of funding set aside for
settlement claims and said the City of Tamarac is in a very good financial position.
Commissioner Portner confirmed that if the claim does not go through then the set aside
monies would go back into the general fund. Mayor Schreiber questioned the
undesignated $5 million and Finance Director Chapman explained as of September 30
the City of Tamarac had an undesignated amount of $5 million; as part of the budget
process, $1.2 million was designated to balance the budget. Finance Director
Chapman added it is unusual for a City to go three years in a row without comments on
the CAFR; staff is doing a very good job. Commissioner Sultanof asked why there is no
line item showing the carry over from the previous year. Finance Director Chapman
said this would be amended in the budget for next year, and added there are other
items in the budget that are earmarked to be spent. City Manager Miller congratulated
Controller Nealon and staff, and Grau & Company for an outstanding job. Mr. Llerena
thanked staff and City Manager Miller for the help provided in the audit and said the City
of Tamarac Finance Department is the best of all the cities with which Grau & Company
works. Commissioner Portner questioned language regarding material weaknesses
and Mr. Llerena and City Manager Miller explained the process used by the auditors to
check the figures.
05-01 R, "Bus Shelter Construction, Installation and Maintenance", and executing an
agreement with Culver Out of Home Media, LLC, for a ten (10) year term beginning May
1, 2005 through April 30, 2015. Finance Director Chapman, Building Official Jones and
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz
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gave a presentation and explained the City of Tamarac would realize an addition of
$113,000 in franchise fees in upcoming years. There will be a fixed fee each year for
10 years. After the third year the City of Tamarac can opt to receive the greater of the
fixed fee or 10% of advertising revenue. The vendor will clean the shelters two -three
times each week and will have all shelters installed by November 2005,
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz introduced Rick Newcomer and Michelle Ruiz of
Culver Out of Home Media, LLC. Mayor Schreiber confirmed the first shelters would be
installed by August and Commissioner Portner confirmed the $113,000 would be
realized over a 10-year period. Commissioner Sultanof questioned the number of
shelters and Finance Director Chapman and Building Official Jones said the base
number contracted for is 27. Commissioner Sultanof asked about the style of the
shelters and placement of the ads. Building Official Jones said the shelters are identical
to those previously contracted for, and the ads will be placed on one end of the shelter,
will be seen from the outside, and each shelter will either have a "V" shape or single
sided panel, depending on the site. The "V" will have room for two ads. Commissioner
Sultanof confirmed the reimbursement. Commissioner Roberts asked about a list
showing where the shelters would be placed and Building Official Jones said shelters
would be placed as anticipated in the original RFP. Some shelters (about 10) may need
to be moved. Commissioner Roberts noted the streets for which shelters are
designated and Building Official Jones said these are higher volume stops.
Commissioner Portner asked if a bus shelter east of State Road 441 on the south side
of Commercial Boulevard could be added and Building Official Jones said while it is not
an original shelter site, there is anticipated redevelopment of the property which must be
incorporated into the mass transit; a shelter will not be added there right away, but it will
happen depending on the redevelopment of the property. Vice Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco asked how the residents will be notified and Building Official Jones said they
would be notified via the Tam -A -Gram. Shelters will be installed three-four at a time.
Commissioner Sultanof questioned shifting of some shelters and how that will affect the
MPO and mass transit. Building Official Jones said some shifts were requested by
mass transit, and mass transit must sign off on each shelter. Commissioner Roberts
questioned the implementation plan and Building Official Jones said the first 12 shelters
would be completed in 45-90 days; the second 12 shelters in 90-120 days and the
remaining few will be fit in. Installation of shelters will be grouped together in locations.
SERVICES: (TR10671) Exercising the second renewal option to the existing agreement
between the City of Tamarac and Kirkpatrick Pettis Capital Management, Inc., a
subsidiary of the Davidson Companies, for investment advisory services for a one-year
period effective April 14, 2005, through April 13, 2006. Finance Director Chapman and
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Finance Director Chapman gave a
presentation and said this is the second renewal option. The City of Tamarac has a
comfort level with this firm. Commissioner Roberts asked if there is a difference since
Davidson Companies acquired the firm and Finance Director Chapman said there has
been no change in service.
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(TR10679) Executing Amendment No. 2 to the agreement with Office Depot, Inc.,
raising the gross profit floor for specialty item purchases from 15% to 20% and
decreasing the cost of high -volume contract core items, resulting in an overall annual
decrease in office supply costs for the City and participating agencies of the Southeast
Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative. Finance Director Chapman and
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz
gave a presentation and explained the $26,000 cost avoidance per year and the 5%
increase in margin for items not in the catalogue.
(TR10670) Authorizing the upgrade of nineteen (19) street lights and the installation of
an additional seventeen (17) street lights along Commercial Boulevard from NW 315t
Avenue to Prospect Road by the Florida Department of Transportation; authorizing the
appropriate City officials to enter into a Roadway Lighting System Maintenance
Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation to maintain said street lights.
Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation and explained that FDOT's policy on
upgraded lights requires a maintenance contract signed by the city. Commissioner
Partner asked if grant monies are available for the maintenance of the lights and Public
Works Director Strain said he doubts grants are available, as it would be very difficult to
figure anticipated expenses. We currently sub -contract maintenance on the lights as
the City of Tamarac does not have the necessary equipment to reach the bulbs.
Commissioner Roberts asked if maintenance included the poles and City Attorney Kraft
pointed out that the contract calls for the City of Tamarac to maintain the poles. Vice
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the criteria used to upgrade the lights and
Public Works Director Strain introduced engineer Will Swero, who explained FDOT's
criteria for roadways based on the level of traffic volume.
PROJECT: (TR10681) Executing Task Authorization No. 05-04E with Mathews
Consulting, Inc., to provide professional services for the design, permitting, and bidding
for the McNab Water Main Improvements from Brookwood Boulevard to University
Drive, in accordance with the City's Consulting Engineering Agreement as authorized by
Resolution #R-2001-185, for an amount not to exceed $49,555.00; approving funding
from the appropriate budgeted Utilities Operational and CIAC accounts; authorizing the
appropriate City Officials to administer the contract. Utilities Director Gagnon and
Assistant Utilities Director Moore appeared. Utilities Director Gagnon gave a
presentation and explained that the work is beyond in-house capabilities.
Commissioner Roberts asked how long the work would take and Assistant Utilities
Director Moore responded it should take no more than 90 days once the project is
begun. Commissioner Portner asked if the project is design/build and Utilities Director
Gagnon responded this type of project does not lend itself well to design/build, as it is
unknown what will be found once the job begins. Commissioner Partner questioned
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why iron pipe is being used rather than PVC and inquired about ductile. Utilities
Director Gagnon explained ductile iron is very strong pipe that is used for this size pipe
and ductile will not shatter.
SEWER LINE REHABILITATION PROJECT: (TR10683) Executing an agreement for
the FY05 Inflow and Infiltration project for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation with Insituform
Technologies, Inc., utilizing Manatee County Contract RFP 04-3794FL, valid through
September 30, 2005, for an amount not to exceed $500,000.00; authorizing the
appropriate City officials to administer the contract. Utilities Director Gagnon and
Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Utilities Director Gagnon gave a
presentation and said this is park of the annual sewer rehabilitation project.
Approximately 1/3 of the sewer gravity mains are old clay pipe. Mayor Schreiber
questioned how it is determined whether this is a worthwhile project and Utilities
Director Gagnon spoke of the reduction of water flow at the meter and the reduced
amount going through the meter to the County. If the project is not done then we could
have sinkholes. It is cheaper to do the project in situ and we are taking a 30 year
infrastructure and replacing it with a 30 year infrastructure at 1/6 the cost.
Mayor Schreiber asked if the commissioners had any questions with regard to items on
the consent or regular agenda.
Commissioner Partner questioned, with regard to item #8, Temporary Ordinance No.
2081, how long Ace Waste Services has been in operation in Tamarac without an
agreement, and if penalties can be imposed. COMMERCIAL GARBAGE FRANCHISE
AGREEMENT -ACE WASTE _ SERVICES,_LLC.: (T02081) Motion to adopt Ordinance
on second reading authorizing the appropriate city officials to execute a Commercial
Garbage Franchise Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Ace Waste Services,
LLC. Public Works Director Strain said they have been operating since August 2004
without an agreement. The new agreement requires them to pay franchise fees back to
August 2004, when Waste Management released some of its customers. There are no
penalty options, but this may be changed for future occurrences. Commissioner Portner
asked how much money is due the City and Public Works Director Strain said he would
find out and report to Commissioner Portner. Commissioner Sultanof said no one from
Ace Waste Services has appeared before the Mayor and City Commission and Public
Works Director Strain said a representative of Ace would be in attendance at the
Commission meeting on Wednesday evening.
APPRAISAL REPORT (EAR): Community Development Director King gave a
presentation and explained that every 5-7 years the County and municipalities are
required to do an evaluation appraisal of their comprehensive plans and come up with
issues that the communities may be facing. Community Development Director King
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spoke of several issues that were brought out, such as small scale amendments, impact
fees, planning council appointments, flexibility units, flex zones, compatibility review,
redevelopment on the barrier islands, regional activity center, density for municipal
redevelopment plans, revisions to commercial land use categories, planning council
charter issues and transit impact fees. Mayor Schreiber asked who the planning council
answers to and Community Development Director King said the County Commission.
Commissioner Sultanof said he is delighted Tamarac participated in the EAR.
Commissioner Portner questioned affordable housing and Community Development
Director King responded it changes every year based on the real estate market.
Commissioner Portner questioned how the MPO is doing with regard to transportation
and Commissioner Sultanof said a study has been made and they are trying to establish
east/west corridors. There is no ability to expand McNab Road going west/east.
Commissioner Portner countered every time a road is expanded it adds to the traffic
problem, and he would like the MPO to look at light rail and express bus -ways.
Commissioner Sultanof responded he presented the idea for a monorail and to use the
Sawgrass Expressway as a link; it is difficult to sway the public from using their cars.
Commissioner Portner reiterated mass transportation is the answer. Mayor Schreiber
asked for an explanation of 136th Avenue in Sunrise. Commissioner Sultanof said this
was approved and then it became a roadblock since there is a lot of residential
development along 136th Avenue. It is now being analyzed. The public must be
educated to cut down on the use of cars. There has been discussion about hub stations
along 1-595 as well as a monorail from West Palm Beach on the Sawgrass Expressway
to 1-595. Mayor Schreiber suggested consideration be given to water borne
transportation, which is much less expensive than monorail. Commissioner Sultanof
said the water taxi system has been expanded, however the canals are not easily
traversed going east/west. City Manager Miller said if the MPO decides to change the
location from 136th to the Sawgrass it might help Tamarac and with the Mayor and City
Commission's permission, he would like to look into it further. If there is a benefit to it,
we should align ourselves with the group. Senator Geller and Commissioner Alou want
to change the location. Commissioner Sultanof agreed the Sawgrass Expressway has
to be used and it is being expanded now.
CENTER: Interim Director of Parks & Recreation Warner and Parks Superintendent
Moll appeared. Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Warner gave a presentation
and discussed the amenities for the aquatic center and the two options for management
of the center; option 1 — city operated; and option 2 — city managing fitness center,
concession stand, picnic shelter, collection of fees, and outsourcing the aquatic area.
Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Warner spoke of the benefits to outsourcing; in
particular the contractor being responsible for hiring and human resource functions, as
well as risk management and marketing the facility, which will reduce liability and
exposure to the city. The contractor will receive a percentage of the gate. Mayor
Schreiber questioned the days and hours of operation and Interim Director of Parks and
Recreation Warner said the facility would be open seven days a week, the same as our
parks. The hours for the aquatic center will be 9:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. The fitness center
will be open 6:30 a.m. — 9:00 p.m. Commissioner Roberts said it is her understanding
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that the fitness center at the Tamarac Community Center will be closed and everything
transferred to the new facility, and asked why the facility at the Tamarac Community
Center could not remain open and the city would then have two fitness rooms. Interim
Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said staff had reviewed the member numbers
and usage as well as the cost of keeping two facilities open. Mayor Schreiber
suggested trying to keep two facilities open and Interim Director of Parks and
Recreation Warner added cost of equipment was also considered, and the fitness
center and aquatic center will complement each other if they are in one location. The
Tamarac Community Center fitness room will be utilized as additional space for
programming. It is now being considered for aerobics. Commissioner Portner asked
about the membership for the fitness room and agreed with Commissioner Roberts and
Mayor Schreiber that both facilities should remain open. Interim Director of Parks and
Recreation Warner said membership is about 1,800 and a survey can be done to see
how people feel about closing the Tamarac Community Center fitness room. Interim
Director of Parks and Recreation Warner reviewed the figures for option 1; staffing,
utilities and maintenance total $725,000. Projected revenue is anticipated at $110,000
leaving an impact to the city of $615,000. Additionally, there will be indirect costs for
human resources, purchasing and risk management. For option 2 costs are as follows;
City would hire an aquatic manager, support staff, utilities, maintenance and supplies for
a total of $234,000. The outsourcing contract comes to approximately $325,000, and
projected revenues are about $20,000. Impact to the City would be approximately
$539,000. Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said the city has been in
contact with Hallandale, Ft. Meyers Beach and Fox Valley Park District, IL and they are
all happy with outsourcing and all said there is no loss in customer service. Interim
Director of Parks and Recreation Warner outlined the process to outsource, developing
an RFQ, selecting qualified applicants, negotiating a contract, and having the company
on board six months before the opening of the center. At this point, an expression of
interest is needed from the Mayor and City Commission to move forward with the RFQ
and to explore the cost of outsourcing. Vice Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said
outsourcing is one of the areas she worked on in New York; the company becomes an
extension of the department and there should be a melding of the two. The outsourcing
firm should immediately fix any problems that come up. Vice Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco asked that Touchdown4Life be included in addition to the three schools
involved in the swim program. Vice Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco also asked that pool
hours be extended during the summer to add open swim for families. Interim Director of
Parks and Recreation Warner said special events would be provided during the
summer; normally families will not come out for open swim during the evenings, but he
would look into it. Vice Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she is not happy with the food
choices for the concession stand, and asked Interim Director of Parks and Recreation
Warner to look into more healthy choices. Commissioner Sultanof asked if the City
would administer the outsourcing, questioned the company's responsibilities, said fee
structure needs to be monitored, and questioned whether there would be an EMS in
attendance at the center. Commissioner Sultanof said he is concerned with how the
whole pattern fits together. Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said a city
employee will manage the entire facility and we have looked into maintenance of the
facility; the outsourcing company will be required to clean the pool and locker rooms
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and our evening cleaning crew will clean the offices and locker rooms. With regard to
the fitness room fee, the membership fee will include admittance to the aquatic center;
however, the fee for entrance to the pool will not grant entrance to the fitness center.
Commissioner Sultanof questioned a window in the contract should the company not do
a good job and Commissioner Portner asked if the outsourcing employees are entitled
to city benefits. Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said they are not.
Vice Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she assumes a representative will note all our
needs to take that information back to the company so they can formalize a proposal.
The senior person will then be appointed to deal with the city. Interim Director of Parks
and Recreation Warner said the site manager would be the point person. All were in
agreement to move forward for outsourcing information.
Commissioner Portner said he had asked City Manager Miller to find out about frequent
flyer miles for the city. City Manager Miller responded he had no information yet.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor
Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 11:40 a.m.
Marion Swenson, CMC
— = City Clerk
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