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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-21 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2003 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, April 21, 2003, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Karen L. Roberts, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY MAYOR SCHREIBER. 1. PRESENTATION OF COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT C( AFR): Presentation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Finance Director Dona Newman introduced Jerry Chiocca, Rachlin, Cohen & Holtz, LLP, who gave a presentation, and said that Tamarac is in a good strong financial position. Mr. Chiocca noted the report has a different look this year due to GASBE 34 and responded to questions from Commissioner Portner and Mayor Schreiber regarding the general fund balance, sales tax revenue bonds, impact on general fund due to insurance premium increases and the undesignated amount. 2. APRIL 23, 2003 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(b). INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT — LAND USE AND PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITY PLANNING: (TR10100) Executing the Interlocal Agreement entitled, "Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning Broward County, Florida" between the School Board of Broward County, Florida, Broward County and various municipalities in order to coordinate land use and public school facility planning pursuant to state law (Case No. 7-MI-03). Community Development Director J. Christopher King gave a presentation and introduced Chris Akagbosu, Broward County School Board Coordinator Facilities, Management, Planning and Site Acquisition. Mr. Akagbosu explained the county, school board and municipalities (collectively) will appoint 5 members each to an oversite committee, with the cities determining how they will choose their 5 representatives. Any given city under consideration for a school location will have a floating representative, appointed by that city's City Manager, on a site selection committee. Community Development Director King and Mr. Akagbosu responded to questions from the Mayor and Commissioners regarding process and procedures, membership make-up, co -location and shared use, specific school site interlocal agreements, student generation rate and review of the current formula used, resolution of disputes, student enrollment, population projections, school boundaries and demographics. April 21, 2003 City Commission Workshop 1 b. Item No. 7. APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CHARTER BOARD: (TR10095) Motion to approve Resolution appointing five members to the Charter Board, four members appointed by the Commissioner from each district and one member appointed at -large, to serve for one year, with new appointments to be made in six years. City Clerk Marion Swenson suggested the Mayor and Commissioners name their choices to avoid duplication, since the Mayor's appointment can be from any of the districts. Commissioner Portner named Floyd Bass, Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco named Harvey Kram, Commissioner Sultanof named Sheldon A. Satty and Vice Mayor Roberts named Bert Buckley. Mayor Schreiber said he has not decided on his appointment yet. Official appointments will be made at Wednesday's regular city commission meeting. C. Item No. 8. APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE: (TR10098) Motion to approve Resolution appointing five members to the redistricting committee. City Clerk Marion Swenson made the same suggestion as in the previous item. Commissioner Portner named Terry Hall, Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco named Dr. Martin Bloomfield, Commissioner Sultanof named Diane Glasser and Vice Mayor Roberts named Bert Buckley. Mayor Schreiber said he has not decided on his appointment yet. Official appointments will be made at Wednesday's regular city commission meeting. d. Item No. 9. APPOINTING VOTING AND ALTERNATE VOTING DELEGATES TO BROWARD LEAGUE OF CITIES: (TR10108) Motion to approve Resolution appointing as the City's voting delegate to the Broward League of Cities; appointing as the City's alternate delegate to the Broward League of Cities; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to notify the Broward League of Cities of the City of Tamarac's Appointments. City Clerk Marion Swenson said Commissioner Portner is the current voting delegate and Commissioner Sultanof is the alternate. Mayor Schreiber said he has never been selected in the 11 years he has served on the Commission. After discussion, the expression of interest was to keep Commissioner Portner as the voting delegate and Commissioner Sultanof as the alternate. e. Item No. 6(f). SUPPORTING APPLICATION FOR LAND & WATER CONSERVATION GRANT: (TR10073) Seeking grant funding in the amount of $200,000 from the Department of Environmental Protection through the Land and Water Conservation Fund for the development of Southgate Linear Park providing for a $200,000 cash match and a total project cost of $400,000. Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles gave a presentation and responded to questions from the Mayor and Commissioners regarding the areas designated as gardens and commons, large crowd control, traffic concerns, retention ponds, parking enforcement, staffing, restroom and telephone facilities, trailhead, cost and funding sources. f. Item No. 6(d). FY02 WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM ANNUAL REPORT: (TR10099) Receiving the Fiscal Year 2002 City of Tamarac Water and Wastewater System Annual Report prepared by the City's Consulting Engineers, Mathews Consulting, Inc., on behalf of the City of Tamarac Utilities Department as required by Bond Covenants for Continuing Disclosure for the Taxable Water and Sewer Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 1996 and Refunding Bonds Series April 21, 2003 City Commission Workshop 2 1992. Assistant Director of Utilities John Doherty introduced Support Services Manager Keith Wilder who gave a presentation. Support Services Manager Wilder responded to questions from Commissioner Portner regarding fixed assets and book value, pipe replacement, water storage capacity, Ft. Lauderdale's charges for treating wastewater, awards received by Tamarac, alleviation of excess inflow into the city's system, funding sources for fixed asset replacement, rate study underway by consultants, and the number of disconnects/reconnects per year and associated fees. Mayor Schreiber called for a recess at 11:25 a.m. and reconvened the workshop meeting at 11:35 a.m., with all present as before. g. Item No. 6(e). VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT —CITY WATER SYSTEM: (TR10101) Executing Task Authorization No. 03-05E with Tetra Tech-WHS (Williams, Hatfield and Stoner, Inc.), to provide a Vulnerability Assessment for the City's Water System, in accordance with the City's Consulting Engineering Agreement as authorized by Resolution #R-2001-185, and in compliance with the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, for a lump sum amount of $49,930.00; approving funding from the appropriate budgeted Utilities Operational account; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to administer the contract. Assistant Director of Utilities John Doherty introduced Water Plant Superintendent John Harvey who gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber spoke about this being an unfunded mandate and suggested the city find out if we have any recourse, and let our representatives in Congress know this is unfair. City Manager Miller said a letter would be sent. Commissioner Portner spoke about federal funds allocated for homeland security and the balance not yet used, and Water Plant Superintendent Harvey said wastewater would be the next focus with the same funding criteria. h. Item No. 6(h). EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN — CITY WATER SYSTEM: (TR10102) Executing Task Order Work Authorization No. 03-06E with Tetra Tech-WHS (Williams, Hatfield and Stoner, Inc.) to provide an Emergency Response Plan for the City's water system, in accordance with the City's Consulting Engineering Agreement as authorized by Resolution #R-2001-185, and in compliance with the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, for a lump sum amount of $25,800.00; approving funding from the appropriate budgeted Utilities Operational account; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to administer the contract. Assistant Director of Utilities John Doherty introduced Water Plant Superintendent John Harvey who gave a presentation. Water Plant Superintendent Harvey explained that 6 months after the vulnerability assessment is done, Tamarac is required to come up with an emergency response plan. i. Item No. 60). INSURANCE PREMIUM INCREASE: (TR10106) Authorizing payment in the amount of $113,482 to be paid by May 2003 to the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust (FMIT) for additional premium generated by the Final Annual Premium Audit for Fiscal Year 2002 for the Property, General Liability, Automobile Liability, Automobile Physical Damage, and Workers' Compensation Lines of Coverage with the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust. Human Resources Director Maria Swanson gave a presentation. Commissioner Sultanof asked if this is budgeted and Human Resources April 21, 2003 City Commission Workshop 3 Director Swanson responded yes; however, this item is being brought back to the Commission since the dollar amount is above the amount previously authorized. Commissioner Portner questioned the reason for the increase, and Human Resources Director Swanson said medical costs are increasing and events in the market play a large part. Mayor Schreiber spoke about insurance companies and investments, and suggested legislation whereby insurance companies would be considered a utility. Human Resources Director Swanson said Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski is focusing on safety and workers compensation in combating premium increases. j. Item No. 6(c). MID -YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT: (TR10097) Amending the annual budget of estimated revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year 2003; amending the personnel complement. City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller said the city is in good financial condition, but there are needs that must be addressed. Finance Director Dona Newman introduced Management and Budget Officer Sammartino who gave an overview of mid -year budget amendments. There was discussion regarding City Hall roof, and Vice Mayor Roberts asked how many years the city has been putting $50,000 away toward roof renovation and the total cost. Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said $150,000 was saved toward the project over the past three years, and the project will cost approximately $350,000. Commissioner Sultanof questioned whether the original contractor would take responsibility for the panels, and Mayor Schreiber suggested reviewing the original agreement. Assistant City Manager Cernech said the replacement roof would be similar to the existing roof, but due to developing technology over the years, we will not experience the same conditions as when the roof was first installed. Mayor Schreiber asked if the entire roof would be replaced and Assistant City Manager Cernech responded that just the panels would be replaced. Project Manager (Solid Waste Recycling) D'Amato explained the structure of the roof is in good shape, but it is prudent to replace the panels as soon as possible because the leaks may damage the structural components. The discoloration is due to the fireproofing that the City demanded when the roof was initially installed, and the City was told, at that time, that the fireproofing would cause discoloration. The contractor has assured us that with the new technology there will be no discoloration, and, the warranty will be extended for an additional five-year period. Commissioner Sultanof questioned shrinkage and Project Manager (Solid Waste Recycling) D'Amato said she would check with the contractor. There was discussion regarding the two new superintendents and vehicles for Public Works. Assistant City Manager Cernech explained that the mid -year amounts were for half a year plus the cost of two new vehicles. Amounts budgeted for FY04 would not include vehicles. There was discussion about the $20,000 for traffic studies for the Southgate Linear Park and Mayor Schreiber said the county should share the cost of eliminating one lane on Nob Hill Road, Vice Mayor Roberts questioned the $27,500 for installation of F-type curbing at the Woodlands entrance, and the $22,000 for the speed hump pilot project on 70t" Avenue. Assistant City Engineer Burgio explained a study is being done regarding speed humps and there was discussion regarding whether it was more cost effective to install the temporary rubber humps or go with asphalt and then remove the asphalt if the April 21, 2003 City Commission Workshop 4 1 program did not produce the desired results. Assistant City Manager Cernech said he did not think the consultants would recommend the rubber speed humps on 70tn Avenue, but staff also feels if we do place speed humps on 70t" Avenue, requests for speed humps will come in from other neighborhoods. Commissioner Portner said speed humps are an impediment, especially for fire vehicles, and recommended more traffic enforcement. With regard to the Community Requests, Waterways, there was discussion about re- grading of the swale on NW 94 Avenue to allow for parking in front of the schools. There was mention of the bank allowing for parking in their lot. Assistant City Engineer Burgio said a new product called Geoblock will be installed under the sod in front of the two schools to stabilize the surface. Vice Mayor Roberts said the area is not only used for drop-off and pick-up, but also when there are functions at the schools. Mayor Schreiber called for a recess at 12:50 p.m., and reconvened the workshop meeting at 1:30 p.m. with all present as before. Finance Director Newman discussed recycling and Vice Mayor Roberts asked if the cost would be transferred to the residents and where the $10,000 would come from. Finance Director Newman said it would not be transferred to the residents, and the money would come from the general fund. City Manager Miller explained this is needed for additional containers. Finance Director Newman spoke about transfer of money to fleet fund, and explained the $350,000 start-up funding. Vice Mayor Roberts asked if there is a change in the economy would this be a problem down the road, and Finance Director Newman said the process could be changed if necessary. Finance Director Newman said the vehicle replacement would be projected over 20 years so a level funding amount could be decided upon. This fund is for regular fleet vehicles. Finance Director Newman explained the Recreation Superintendent is a new position, which is needed due to new parks and duties being added to the City. Commissioner Partner asked what the menorah is like, and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said it is compatible with the tree recently purchased. Vice Mayor Roberts questioned the senior programs, and Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Warner explained the increase in attendance, as well as the new programs added to those already in place. Discussion regarding the Fire Department Apparatus Replacement Program ensued, and it was explained that some of the equipment was identified as being unreliable and needed to be replaced as soon as possible. This program will also become pay as you go, with seed money to start up. Commissioner Portner asked if these figures included staffing for the new fire house, and Chief Budzinski said this is strictly replacement of existing equipment. April 21, 2003 City Commission Workshop 5 Management and Budget Officer Sammartino discussed general election costs, and Vice Mayor Roberts said the City Clerk and staff did a great job on the election, however, she would like to see a letter sent to the County Commissioners and Supervisor of Elections regarding rising costs, and perhaps, recouping some monies spent. Mayor Schreiber said he did not think it would do much but it was worth a try. Additionally, Mayor Schreiber suggested consolidation of precincts for future elections. Vice Mayor Roberts questioned the amount of tax taken out of the Commissioners' paychecks. Commissioner Portner questioned the life of the computer equipment, and asked how many computers IT maintains for employees. IT Director Sucuoglu said we have about 280 computers. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked what is done with those that are discarded, and IT Director Sucuoglu said some are kept for spare parts, some are auctioned, and some are donated to various organizations. There was discussion about the $5,900 for BSO Training, and Vice Mayor Roberts said this money is what is left from the original deal when our police department changed to BSO, and it is their money to use. Commissioner Portner questioned item #11 on the regular agenda. AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF THE TAMARAC CODE: (T02004) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending Chapter 8, Flood Prevention and Protection, Section 8-1. Definitions, of the Tamarac Code, adding the definitions: area of special flood hazard, lowest floor, manufactured home, special flood hazard area and start of construction; providing for codification. Building Official Jones explained that to maintain our flood insurance rating we need to be consistent with the FEMA program. 3. DISCUSSION RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW CITY COMMITTEES: Commissioner Portner suggested establishing an education committee that Vice Mayor Roberts could chair, but Vice Mayor Roberts said there is already a task force for Tamarac and Challenger elementary schools. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest for an Education Committee and Commissioner Portner and Commissioner Sultanof said they were in favor, Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Roberts and Mayor Schreiber said no. Commissioner Portner suggested a Public Safety Committee, with Vice Mayor Roberts as liaison, and Vice Mayor Roberts said there are already the CERT Program, Community Council, and Citizen Council for Homeland Security. Commissioner Portner suggested an Economic Development Committee, to seek funding. City Manager Miller suggested that if the Commission is interested in something similar to Coral Springs, he would come back with a staff report. Commissioner Sultanof said a foundation would be more adaptable to what the City has in mind. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked what the difference is between a committee and foundation and City Manager Miller said a committee is advisory and a foundation holds its own non-profit status to carry out some motions for the commission. There is usually a seed amount and then the foundation develops its own funding. Commissioner Sultanof said in Coral Springs, the foundation is independent from the City and was established to entice large corporations and bring economic growth. After April 21, 2003 City Commission Workshop 6 the initial seed money, they drew no more money from the city. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked who the foundation would report to, and City Manager Miller said he would research it and bring back information to the Commission in 60 days. Commissioner Portner spoke of an Elder Affairs Committee, which would coordinate with the Social Services Committee, to visit the elderly and inform them of their rights and what the City can do for them. Commissioner Sultanof expressed agreement with Commissioner Portner's suggestion, and said the Board has to be revitalized and needs some impetus to move forward. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said the Social Services Board is an advisory board to serve all residents, recommend programs that will provide assistance and follow up. Most of the Social Service Board's functions have been taken over by the Social Services division of Parks and Recreation; the Board needs to have some direction as to what they should be looking at. They are ambassadors in the community, but they are floundering. It is appropriate for the Commission to charge them with studying something, and task them to bring back a report at a specific time. People with an interest and expertise in these areas should be the ones appointed to the Board. Commissioner Portner suggested changing the name from Social Services Board to Elder Affairs, but Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said since the Board is referenced in the Charter, a referendum would be needed to make any changes; it would be better to have a sub -committee of Elder Affairs, which could then be sunsetted after its tasks are completed. Commissioner Portner asked to have an advertisement in the newspaper regarding the subcommittee. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest for a subcommittee and Vice Mayor Roberts, Commissioner Sultanof and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco were in agreement. Mayor Schreiber directed the City Manager to review the Social Services Board and Elder Affairs Sub -Committee and report back to the Commission. 4. DISCUSSION RE: CITY COMMISSION LIAISON POSITIONS: Commissioner Portner said Commission Liaisons should go to committee meetings and bring back information to the rest of the commissioners. There was discussion about Commission Liaisons to various committees, and City Clerk Swenson stated that officially Commissioner Portner was the Commission Liaison to the Annexation Committee and Commissioner Sultanof was the Commission Liaison to the Veterans' Affairs Committee; according to Sec. 2-33 of the Tamarac Code, a liaison shall serve until the next election. City Clerk Swenson suggested that the Commissioners think about which committees they would like to be liaisons to, and discuss their choices at the next workshop. The formal appointments could be made at the June meeting along with appointments to the Boards and Committees. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 3:25 p.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk April 21, 2003 City Commission Workshop 7