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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-23 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2003
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City
Commission to order on Monday, June 23, 2003, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac
City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Karen L. Roberts, Commissioner Edward
C. Portner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Marc L.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft,
Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson.
Mayor Schreiber called for the Pledge of Allegiance. City Clerk Swenson introduced
Richard Cooper, the new Office Specialist in the City Clerk's office.
1. JUNE 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEMS:
INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE: (TR10165) Awarding RFP No. 03-10R to and
executing an Agreement with Street Furniture Advertising Group, Inc. to furnish bus
shelters for the City of Tamarac for a ten year period beginning July 3, 2003 through
July 2, 2013 with an option to renew for an additional five year period. Assistant to the
City Manager Phillips gave a presentation and explained the RFP process, in particular,
as it related to the RFP for Bush Shelters. Commissioner Sultanof asked who was on
the evaluation committee and if the Finance Director was part of the committee.
Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said the committee was composed of the
Community Development Director, Program Manager for Public Works, herself and the
Building Official, and input was gotten from the engineering staff. The finance
department was involved in putting together the package and facilitating the committee.
Mayor Schreiber said it is the County's obligation to provide bus shelters to the citizens.
Assistant to the City Manager Phillips responded that it is a revenue issue, and gives
Tamarac control of the design for shelters within the City limits as well as maintenance
of the facilities. Mayor Schreiber asked if we checked with other cities to see if the bid
was reasonable and Assistant to the City Manager Phillips responded in the affirmative.
Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if we are paying the price for wanting a
more aesthetically pleasing product, and questioned why there was only one bidder.
Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said in general, there are not a lot of shelter
companies out there, and we did not get a proposal from the current company, Clear
Channel. The proposed contract offers $30.00 per bus shelter and escalates through
the term of the contract. As advertising is sold, there is an opportunity for Tamarac to
share in the revenues (15%) if that figure is higher than the $30.00 per month.
Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked how the $30.00 was arrived at and what the
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City Commission Workshop
jumping off figure was for the last contract. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said
the $30.00 was proposed by the vendor, and in 1994 it was $41.60 per shelter. In the
10th year this contract would generate about $65.00 per month. Commissioner
Flansbaum-Talabisco asked that in the future more backup is provided for these types
of items, for example, previous contracts as well as proposed. Mayor Schreiber asked if
the County was contacted to find out who they deal with, and Commissioner Sultanof
said the County does not have anything to do with bus shelters except in
unincorporated areas. Commissioner Partner asked how many RFP's were sent out
and if they were all in Florida. Senior Procurement Specialist Nicotra said about 6-8
were sent out and he would have to check the locations. Commissioner Portner
expressed concern with the length of the contract. Barry Kutun, President, Street
Furniture Advertising Group, Inc. gave a presentation and said there are only two
providers in South Florida, Clear Channel and Street Furniture Advertising, and Clear
Channel did not bid. The proposal calls for new solar powered bus shelters that cost
about $10,000 per shelter, which is why the contract is for 10 years. Mr. Kutun spoke of
the monthly fee to the City per bus shelter, and the 15% revenue from advertising.
Mayor Schreiber said the new shelters will improve the appearance of the City, and
asked if solar would cut down on energy costs. Mr. Kutun said it would. Commissioner
Partner asked what material the bus shelters are made of and Mr. Kutun responded
galvanized steel, which will not rust, and which is sturdier than aluminum.
Commissioner Partner said he does not approve of one bid for a contract and is
concerned that the City is not getting the best deal; he will not approve any contract with
just one bidder.
MAINTENANCE: (TR10164) Awarding RFP No. 03-10R to and executing an agreement
with Martin Outdoor Media, Inc. to furnish bus benches for the City of Tamarac for a five
year period beginning July 16, 2003 through July 15, 2008 with an option to renew for
an additional five year period. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips gave a
presentation and introduced Scott Martin, of Martin Outdoor Media, Inc. Mr. Martin
gave a presentation. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco expressed concern that the
trash receptacle did not have a cover. Mr. Martin spoke of trash service provided by his
company. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if the benches were in use
elsewhere, and Mr. Martin said no, these were designed specifically for Tamarac.
Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked how much inventory Mr. Martin would keep
on hand and he replied there would be a 20% overage. Commissioner Flansbaum-
Talabisco questioned whether Messrs. Martin and Flutie were partners, since they both
had the same job descriptions, and asked how many people worked for the company.
Mr. Flutie replied he is the field supervisor and will oversee the project; there are seven
employees. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned whether the City called all
the references, and said there is a difference between a testimonial and a reference.
Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said references were checked. Commissioner
Partner questioned benches in Hollywood without advertising and whether Martin
Outdoor Advertising was late in paying North Miami Beach, Mr. Martin said all required
advertising was in place in Hollywood and contracts are adhered to. There was
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City Commission Workshop
discussion about the cost of the benches and the term of the contract. Vice Mayor
Roberts asked how many bus benches are being considered and Assistant to the City
Manager Phillips said 78 current benches were identified at transit stops, but the City
also wants to replace those where customers were used to having them, and if it is in
the best interest of the City, additional benches can be installed. The most recent report
is that 131 benches are allocated by the current vendor, but some may not be at a
transit stop. Commissioner Sultanof asked if some benches will be at the bus shelter
locations, and Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said each shelter will have a bench
provided, but benches are also located elsewhere. Commissioner Sultanof said he
would like to see a one-year review and an open window to terminate the contract.
Assistant to the City Manager Phillips explained language is built into the contract for a
30-day cancellation clause based on performance or convenience of the City. There is
also a provision for the Company to provide quarterly reports to the City and the
Building Department will monitor the contract. Commissioner Portner asked about the
scoring, and Finance Director Newman said revenue scoring is determined by a pre-set
weighted formula. There was discussion about the revenue scoring for Bench Ads and
Martin Outdoor Advertising as well as qualifications and experience. Commissioner
Sultanof asked if the committee met at one time or were the proposals given to the
members independently; Finance Director Newman said written proposals were given to
the committee members in advance of the meeting and they were instructed not to
discuss the proposals with each other. Commissioner Sultanof said when a company
has a track record he would like to feel that is taken into account as part of the equation.
Vice Mayor Roberts said last year this Commission asked for an RFP as they were not
happy with Bench Ads. Mayor Schreiber said the Commission has no business
reviewing the Committee's decision. The Committee was selected by management to
review the proposals and make a determination. The Commission cannot put them
under the gun, and if this continues it will destroy and invalidate every committee doing
this kind of work. Commissioner Sultanof said the buck stops here and the Committee
is not a volunteer committee, it is made up of staff. Commissioner Sultanof said when
he questions he does so for his own information so he can ascertain his vote. He does
not impugn the Committee, and the Commission must ultimately award the contract.
The Commission does not vote for just what the committee recommends.
Commissioner Sultanof said he appreciates what the committee does but will ask
questions as long as he is in office. Commissioner Portner said he feels he has the
right to challenge the committee, but he does not intend to impugn their integrity. He is
still curious why one company is in business for so long and did not get the maximum
number of points. Mayor Schreiber asked if the representatives from Bench Ads wished
to speak. Vice Mayor Roberts said she does not understand why the other vendor is
being asked to speak, as he is not on the agenda. Larry Smith, attorney for Eric Nadel
of Bench Ads spoke about qualifications and experience and said his client did not get
the full value of points because of perceived problems in the past. If past experience
with the City was at issue, then Martin Outdoor Advertising should have gotten a zero
on that category. Bench Ads has been in business for 24 years while Martin Outdoor
Advertising has been in business for seven years. Mr. Smith spoke of a letter from Mr.
Dupuis wherein Bench Ads was praised. Mr. Smith spoke of the change in term of the
contract from five to ten years, and said Bench Ads is willing to negotiate and meet or
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City Commission Workshop
beat the amount quoted by Martin Outdoor Advertising. Eric Nadel, President of Bench
Ads said his company never missed a payment and was never late. There was
discussion about the prototype bench from Palm Beach. Mr. Nadel said he would like to
continue doing business with Tamarac. Mayor Schreiber said we need to operate on a
level playing field, and City Manager Miller said it is a level playing field; everybody had
the same process to follow. There was discussion regarding the bid and the renderings.
C. Item No. 6(h). FUND BALANCE POLICY: (TR10142) Adopting a fund balance
policy. Finance Director Dona Newman gave a presentation and spoke about the
policy and said the change made from the last time the Commission was presented with
this policy is that it is a proposal from the City Manager, not the Finance Department.
Vice Mayor Roberts said transfers were made at mid -year to bring the funds up and
start funds, and questioned the enterprise funds. Finance Director Newman said it is
required that the funds are separate, and the policy provides a road map for the fund
balance. Commissioner Portner asked if need be can small fund balances be
transferred into the general fund, and Finance Director Newman responded in some
cases. Mayor Schreiber asked if the policy would create a problem where the City may
have to increase the ad valorem taxes and Finance Director Newman said whether the
policy is adopted or not the City may run into a situation where it has to increase ad
valorem taxes, but the policy will not create a need to do so.
Mayor Schreiber called for a recess at 11:25 a.m. and reconvened the workshop
meeting at 11:40 a.m. with all present as before.
(TR10166) Seeking grant funding in the amount of $125,000 from the Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service through the Labor -Management Cooperation Program to
support the Tamarac Employee Safety Committee and enhance the City's Safety
Program providing for a $12,500 cash match and a total project cost of $137,500.
Human Resources Director Maria Swanson introduced Special Projects Coordinator
Kim Perron, who gave a presentation. Special Projects Coordinator Perron said a full-
time safety coordinator would be hired to implement safety programs. Vice Mayor
Roberts asked if this is a new position and Special Projects Coordinator Perron
responded it would be for 18 months, and under the grant would not be required to be
picked up by the City after that time. Special Projects Coordinator Perron said
implementing a new safety program will pay for itself and the intention is to keep the
position. Commissioner Portner asked if this is part of OSHA and Special Projects
Coordinator Perron explained that while it is in part, we currently do not have sufficient
staff. If we can reduce the number of accidents, costs to the city will decrease;
presently the frequency is not decreasing fast enough. Commissioner Portner
questioned the percentages and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski said we are
staying constant at 45-55 every year. Commissioner Portner asked about the position
after 18 months and Special Projects Coordinator Perron said it is recommended that
the position remain in the budget. Commissioner Sultanof agreed the grant is a plus
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City Commission Workshop
and the city has had individual instruction to the departments in the past. Commissioner
Sultanof spoke about the make-up of the safety committee and asked if the Fire
Department has more accidents. Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski explained her
function with the safety committee and said by the very nature of the Fire Department,
they have more accidents but they also have a lot of good measures in place already.
Vice Mayor Roberts asked if after the initial period the position would be reviewed to
see if it is warranted and Special Projects Manager Perron said it may take 2-3 years to
determine the results. Human Resources Director Swanson said this position was cut
years ago and she would like to see it in place regardless of getting the grant as
workers camp is increasing nationwide. Mayor Schreiber said safety is a paramount
factor and loss experience increases in the absence of a trainer.
(TR10171) Amending the City's classification and pay plan for Executive,
Managerial/Professional and Administrative non -bargaining employees effective July 1,
2003, Human Resources Director Maria Swanson introduced Employee Relations
Manager Cummings, who gave a presentation and explained the two recommendations
being brought forth; a 5% increase to the minimum and maximum of the pay ranges and
putting managerial fire service employees in their own grouping. Mayor Schreiber said
5% is not wise at this time because FPE contract negotiations yielded a 3% increase
and because of the pending fire negotiations. Human Resources Director Swanson
explained FPE received a 3% COLA and their pay plan is adjusted every year before
the Commission; the firefighters' plan is also amended every year. The non -bargaining
pay plan is not adjusted annually; it was last adjusted 18 months ago. Increasing the
minimum and maximum of the ranges will not affect employees' salaries, with the
exception of one employee. Human Resources Director Swanson explained the pay for
performance system directs raises for non -bargaining employees and this is only an
adjustment to the structure; additionally, we need to keep the plan competitive to attract
and retain employees.
Vice Mayor Roberts questioned item 7 on the regular agenda, AMENDING SECTION
PURSUANT TO THE U.S. CPI: (T02011) Motion to adopt ordinance on first reading
amending Chapter 22 entitled, "Utilities", Article III entitled, "Rates and Charges and
Billing Procedure", Division 2 entitled, "City of Tamarac Utility", Section 22-96, entitled,
"Rates and Charges Applicable to City Utility", adding the requirement for automatic
annual adjustments to water and wastewater service availability charges and
consumption rates pursuant to the U.S. Consumer Price Index for the period; providing
for codification, and asked if the CPI was researched back five years to determine
annual figures. Utilities Director Gagnon said it has been approximately 3%. Vice
Mayor Roberts asked what the impact would be on consumption of 6,000 gallons and
Utilities Director Gagnon responded assuming a 2% CPI, the average bill will increase
89 cents. Commissioner Sultanof asked if cost of disposal of wastewater is increasing.
Utilities Director Gagnon said it has increased by about $300,000 in the last year; 8.04
million gallons per day are stored at the water treatment plant and additional capacity
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City Commission Workshop
may have to be purchased. Vice Mayor Roberts asked if additional capacity within the
next five years is projected and Utilities Director Gagnon responded according to the
consultants, no.
Regarding item 6(g) on the consent agenda, Vice Mayor Roberts asked how much we
currently pay for hearings. AGREEMENT — BROWARD COUNTY MINIMUM
HOUSING/UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD: (TR10138) Executing an Interlocal
Agreement between Broward County and the City of Tamarac providing for hearings by
the Broward County Minimum Housing/Unsafe Structures Board at a cost of $150.00
per noticed case plus associated costs. Building Official Jones responded $150.00 per
noticed case plus associated costs.
2. UPDATE ON ANNEXATION: Community Development Director J. Christopher
King gave a presentation and said only four areas are left out of the original eight under
consideration. Last month Commissioners approved a resolution requesting Tamarac
be considered as the city in which to annex Mira Lago, Kozy Kampers, and the section
north of Caporella Park. A developer purchased the Omega property and his intention
was to become annexed into Tamarac for future residential development. Community
Development staff contacted Broward County Legislative Delegation to see about
pursuing this land and in discussions, we were told that we would have to take the
entire area, not just the small piece of property, and the surrounding area is heavy
industrial, backs up to the airport, and is an area of concern as far as being up to city
standards. Community Development Director King said areas Tamarac is looking at are
not included in funding by the county. Commissioner Portner said it was his belief the
county did set aside money to take care of these unincorporated areas and he feels
there is a written agreement stating this. Commissioner Sultanof said even if the county
did the infrastructure, there would be no revenue for maintenance. Community
Development Director King said that some of that property is not taxable because there
is a church and a mental health center there. Vice Mayor Roberts said we had priorities
and these are not on the priority list, and with regard to 64th Avenue, half the street is in
Tamarac and half is in Lauderhill. Vice Mayor Roberts questioned if there is any way
the city could look at de -annexing half of the street and in that way, Tamarac would not
be responsible for maintaining the trees. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said this
is in her district and she would like to be included in discussions regarding the street
and trees. Mayor Schreiber asked Community Development Director King to look into
this to see what could be done. Assistant City Manager Cernech said he was in contact
with Desiree Giles Smith about a year ago and their was no interest in doing anything at
that time. The trees buffer Woodlands homes and the golf course from 64th Avenue.
Lauderhill wishes to eradicate the buffer because they are invasive, exotic trees;
however, the homeowners and the golf course wish to keep the buffer. There was
discussion about other challenges such as easements and problems that arose during
negotiations on 44th Street years ago. Assistant City Manager Cernech said there is a
chain -link fence which is hidden by the buffer. Mayor Schreiber said additionally, there
is a gate that is supposed to be kept open but has not been. Commissioner
Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested perhaps finding a less expensive tree trimmer would
be the answer. Assistant City Manager Cernech said it is expensive to trim the buffer
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but it is the cost of doing business. Commissioner Sultanof said there is a cost to run
and maintain the city; property values must be maintained and we should continue to
trim the trees. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said the golf course has
maintenance people and perhaps it would be worthwhile to talk to them to see if they
would trim the trees. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco added she will look into it.
Community Development Director King said his report was merely an update to the
Commission as to the available properties. Commissioner Portner said he wants to
continue pursuing annexation of the remaining available properties and Mayor
Schreiber asked what the costs would be. Community Development Director King said
he will have to go back and review, because the last figures available are 2001 figures.
Mayor Schreiber asked for a report evaluating the pros and cons of the situation.
TO BE HELD AT TAMARAC PARK: Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen
Margoles gave a presentation and said District 10 and Tamarac have been selected to
be the site for the Southern Regional Little League Tournament, and they have
requested support from Tamarac, via fields, tents, fence, park staffing, promotion of the
event and cash assistance of $3,000. Additionally, they have asked for assistance in
the way of donations of hotel rooms. Vice Mayor Roberts asked if any Tamarac
children are on the teams and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said she did not
know. Vice Mayor Roberts said she has a problem feeding and lodging young adults
who may not be from our city. When our teams travel, they have fundraising events to
help defray the costs. Mayor Schreiber said he understands local kids play and in order
to get recognition, they need financial assistance. Parks and Recreation Director
Margoles said she recommends providing what we can within our budget, such as staff,
tents, fields and additional publicity. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said it is
her understanding that the teams have already spoken with the Chamber for lodging
and food. Commissioner Portner said we are looking at $5,000 and this is for the
children of Tamarac; we should do the event in taste and good style. Commissioner
Flansbaum-Talabisco said most events are planned in advance and questioned why we
received such short notice; were we not their first choice? Parks and Recreation
Director Margoles said the district administrator told her that everyone is expected to
take their turn; Tamarac has had a charter for 40 years and has not yet hosted the
games. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said she was in agreement with
Commissioner Portner; this is a good thing for the city. Commissioner Sultanof said the
Little League is a national organization and Tamarac merchants sponsor many teams,
and it behooves us to bring this into the city. It would be a feather in our cap and he is
in favor of doing the job. The committee should work with the chamber and local
business people. There was discussion regarding lodging and City Manager Miller said
he needed authorization setting a limit at $5,000 and he will negotiate the best deal. All
except Vice Mayor Roberts expressed interest in allotting the maximum of $5,000 and
serving as a host city.
Manager Diane Phillips gave a presentation and Commissioner Portner nominated
Marion Faye who has lived in Tamarac over 40 years. Mayor Schreiber suggested
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City Commission Workshop
Tony Silvestri and Commissioner Sultanof said either Mr. Silvestri or Tina Celentano.
Vice Mayor Roberts said she would like to see Tina Celentano nominated and
Commissioner Partner said he would rescind his nomination for Marion Faye if the rest
of the Commission wanted Tina Celentano. All were in agreement for Tina Celentano.
Edward C. Portner said he would like to visit Curitiba and come back with a report on
their transportation system. Mayor Schreiber said the same information can be gotten
from the State Road 7 committee. Commissioner Portner proposed to write to the
mayor of Curitiba to get an invitation from him and Commissioner Sultanof agreed that
Commissioner Portner should see about getting a sponsorship. Vice Mayor Roberts
said she could not justify this trip and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said that if
Commissioner Partner were to get in touch with the mayor of Curitiba and they invite
him and pay for the trip, she is afraid the community will look at the Commission and be
skeptical of what this is about and why it is happening; it opens a big can of worms.
Commissioner Sultanof suggested finding out how the chair of MPO paid for the Los
Angeles trip and asked for a report on how this could be funded.
City Manager Miller reported on a water outage that occurred over the weekend and
asked Utilities Director Gagnon to give a report. Utilities Director Gagnon reported that
there was a boil water order for 1,100 Tamarac residents over the weekend as a Ft.
Lauderdale water main servicing east Tamarac broke. Commissioner Portner said he
received calls from residents on the east side who were without water and he called
Utilities Director Gagnon. Utilities Director Gagnon and staff were out distributing
bottled water to residents and kept him updated throughout the day. City Manager
Miller extended his compliments to Utilities Director Gagnon and his staff and said they
did a great job.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber
adjourned the workshop meeting at 1:25 p.m.
Marion Swenson, CMC
City Clerk
June 23, 2003
City Commission Workshop