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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07-08 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, JULY 8, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, July 8, 2002, at 10:15 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Gertrude Mishkin, Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. 1. JULY 10 2002 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 7(e) AGREEMENT - BID NO.02-2313 - DUAL MEDIA GRAVITY FILTERS: (TR9803) Awarding Bid No. 02-23B to, and executing a contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, TLC Diversified Inc. for an amount of $428,999.00 for the construction of the Dual Media Gravity Filters 3, 4, 5 & 6 Rehabilitation Project, located at Tamarac Utilities West Treatment Plant Site; approving funding for this project from the appropriate budgeted Utilities Operational Account and an appropriation from Retained Earnings; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to administer the contract. Assistant Director of Utilities John Doherty gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber questioned the replacement process and time involved. Assistant Director of Utilities Doherty responded demands can be sustained while repairs are made; filters 3 and 4 will be kept online while 5 and 6 are repaired. The project will take approximately 120 days to complete. Commissioner Sultanof questioned funding and Assistant Director of Utilities Doherty said a portion is budgeted this year and the remainder is available but not yet budgeted. Vice Mayor Portner questioned purchasing new filters versus rehab of existing filters, and Commissioner Mishkin asked about broken tiles. Assistant Director of Utilities Doherty explained repair costs are less than new filters and tile replacement is part of the project. b. Item No. 7j) FLORIDA COMMUNITIES TRUST GRANT APPLICATION - TAMARAC SPORTS COMPLEX: (TR9831) Seeking grant funds through the Florida Communities Trust's Florida Forever Program to fund 40% of the acquisition costs of the Tamarac Sports Complex Phase II Parcel (Kings Point Replat, Parcel R) to be acquired for conservation, open space, and recreational development and providing for a 60% match. Assistant to the City Manager Diane Phillips gave a presentation on Items 1 b and 1 c on the workshop agenda and explained the point system used to rank applications. Mayor Schreiber questioned the 60% match and Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said monies from other grants would be used towards the city match. Vice Mayor Portner questioned the purpose of the Florida Forever Program and Assistant to the City Manager Phillips explained it is for addressing environmental concerns. July 8, 2002 City Commission Workshop 1 C. Item No. 7(k) FLORIDA COMMUNITIES TRUST GRANT - ISLAND PARK PROPERTY: (TR9832) Seeking grant funds through the Florida Communities Trust's Florida Forever Program to fund 40% of the acquisition costs of the Island Park Parcel (Lyons Industrial Park, Parcel P) to be acquired for conservation, open space, and recreational development and providing for a 60% match. d. Item No. 7(I) LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION: (TR9833) Seeking grant funding from the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) Program in the amount of $25,642 to enhance crime prevention and law enforcement programs, with a cash match in the amount of $2,849 to be allocated from the grant matching fund for a total project cost of $28,491. BSO Chief Kenneth Dugger gave a presentation. Commissioner Roberts asked for noise meters and questioned funding for the DARE program. Chief Dugger said he would look into noise meters and there is money left from last year to fund the DARE program. Vice Mayor Portner asked about auto thefts in Tamarac and Chief Dugger explained the numbers are down in the city but increasing nationwide. There was discussion about the Lojack Recovery System. Mayor Schreiber asked if there are other federal funds available through COPS, and Chief Dugger responded in the affirmative and noted this funding is not related to the Law Enforcement Block Grant. e. Item No. 7(m) AGREEMENT - HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE: (TR9841) Executing a Joint Participation Agreement with Broward County for household hazardous waste collection events; authorizing the appropriate city officials to execute an Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement with U.S. Liquids of Florida, Inc., a third party vendor of Broward County. Project Manager Jean Dupuis gave a presentation and noted the event would take place at the Public Works facility in Tamarac on Sunday, September 22" d, from 8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Project Manager Dupuis discussed advertising for the event and Commissioner Roberts suggested a notice be placed on water bills. Commissioner Sultanof said advertising should be clear regarding acceptable waste. Commissioner Roberts questioned Item 7(n) on the consent agenda. CORRECTION OF A SCRIVENER'S ERROR — R-2002-157: (TR9848) Correcting a scrivener's error in Resolution No. R-2002-157, for a temporary construction easement for the Woodlands drainage improvement project. Assistant City Engineer Burgio explained this is a correction to the grantor's name in the documents and will not delay the project. Regarding Item 8 on the regular agenda, Commissioner Roberts asked if a consultant would be hired next year to evaluate the necessity of increasing the assessment. FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS: (TR9815) Motion to approve Resolution relating to the provision of fire rescue services, facilities and programs in the City of Tamarac, Florida; establishing the estimated assessment rate for fire rescue assessments for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2002; directing the preparation of an assessment roll; authorizing a public hearing and directing the provision of notice thereof. Management and Budget Officer Sammartino explained this year's rate will remain the same and an increase will be discussed at the upcoming budget workshops. Vice Mayor Portner asked for a breakdown of rates for the 30 cities in Broward County and Management and Budget Officer Sammartino said this would be provided at the budget workshop on Thursday. July 8, 2002 City Commission Workshop 2 1 Mayor Schreiber said approval of Item 7(c) on the consent agenda should be contingent on the city receiving certain items from AT&T. CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE - AT&T COMCAST CORPORATION: (TR9805) Approving the change of control of the MediaOne of Greater Florida, Inc., cable television Franchise Agreement to AT&T Comcast Corporation. TABLED AT THE JUNE 12, 2002 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips gave a presentation and noted outstanding issues have not been resolved; the recommendation is that the item be voted down or tabled. Mayor Schreiber spoke about Tamarac establishing its own satellite TV system, and said he would like to see our own consultant come up with the cost rather than rely upon the consortium's figures. City Manager Miller said a consortium of cities studied this option and found it financially unfeasible. Discussion was held regarding underground cable lines in the city and the franchise agreement with AT&T. City Manager Miller said he would try to obtain a copy of the report produced by the consortium of cities. Mayor Schreiber questioned Item 7(h) on the consent agenda. AMENDING ANNUAL BUDGET OF ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR FY2002: (TR9842) Amending the annual budget of estimated revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year 2002 to account for proceeds from the City of Tamarac Sales Tax Revenue Bond, Series 2002 Budget. Finance and Policy Officer Williams explained the closing costs associated with the bond sale, and debt service. Vice Mayor Portner asked about refinancing the bonds to take advantage of lower interest rates and Finance and Policy Officer Williams said only certain bonds can be refinanced. Mayor Schreiber questioned the relevance of a letter from Community Redevelopment Associates of Florida to Item 9 on the regular agenda. THIRD PROGRAM YEAR - CDBG FISCAL YEAR 2002 (PROPOSED) ANNUAL ACTION PLAN: (TR9839) Motion to approve Resolution adopting the Third Year Action Plan for expenditures of the City of Tamarac's U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for the HUD Fiscal Year (FY 2002) (Case No. 12-MI-02). Community Development Director King said the letter is not relevant to this item. 2. FIRE RESCUE TASK FORCE UPDATE: Fire Chief Jim Budzinski gave a presentation on the Fire Rescue Task Force and said their regional services report was accepted last week by the County Commission. The county is negotiating with cities to provide contract services to unincorporated areas, and for North Lauderdale and Oakland Park to assume operation of two county stations. This would void our existing automatic aid agreement with North Lauderdale. Fire Chief Budzinski noted that discussions are being held to place Broward County Fire Rescue under Sheriff Jenne. Commissioner Roberts questioned staffing levels imposed on smaller cities and Chief Budzinski spoke about the two proposals before the County Commission regarding communications and a fire rescue council that would make recommendations for fire rescue services. Vice Mayor Portner questioned the County Commission's 5-4 vote and City Manager Miller said an official vote would be obtained. July 8, 2002 City Commission Workshop 3 1 3. SEPTEMBER 11T" OBSERVANCE: Assistant to the City Manager Diane Phillips gave a presentation and said President Bush declared September 11 as "Patriot Day", a day of observance. Staff is proposing to fly flags at half-staff at city buildings, display banners at city facilities, hand out commemorative pins to visitors at City Hall, and have a moment of silence and a proclamation at the September 11 Commission meeting. More information would be forthcoming after the Commission's vacation. Vice Mayor Portner requested the moment of silence be a full minute in length and Commissioner Mishkin said she had received a pin with the twin towers on it which was very appropriate. 4. CHARTER CHANGE EDUCATION CAMPAIGN: Public Information Officer Lucy Crockett gave a presentation and said the campaign in support of changing the Charter Board to an elected board has already begun with articles in the Tam -a -Gram and Sun - Sentinel. More extensive coverage will be given in the Forum and the September/October issue of the Tam -a -Gram, and direct mail and paid advertising are planned. Mayor Schreiber said the benefits to the city if this is accomplished should be stressed, and suggested letters in support of the change be sent to the editor. Mayor Schreiber spoke about the Carla Coleman report and suggested Public Information Officer Crockett review the report. Commissioner Roberts questioned town hall meetings and meeting with community groups, and Commissioner Mishkin suggested an open house at City Hall be held prior to the referendum election. City Manager Miller reiterated that the budget associated with this campaign is not to exceed $10,000. The Mayor and Commission expressed interest in moving forward. Mayor Schreiber said additional information is now available on Neighborhood Improvement Districts. City Attorney Kraft spoke about a recent newspaper article and clarified that the Commission did not designate the Woodlands as a safe neighborhood district but only approved enabling legislation allowing communities to come to the Commission for approval of specific districts. Assistant City Manager Cernech explained that dependent districts levying a tax would count against the city's property tax mil cap, whereas independent districts levying an assessment would not have that impact. Mayor Schreiber said Woodlands' proposal should not be accepted unless supported by a majority of residents and he requested this be relayed to the association. Discussion was held about dependent and independent districts. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 12:00 p.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk July 8, 2002 City Commission Workshop 4