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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-08 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 08, 2008 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, September 08, 2008, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Patricia Atkins -Grad, and Commissioner Harry Dressler. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, Assistant City Attorney Julie Klahr, Deputy City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance. City Manager Miller said we have been tracking Hurricane Ike for five days and there has been a lot of unseen activity by staff, and phone calls between the City of Tamarac and the Broward County EOC. Yesterday afternoon Broward County gave clearance to all cities, and disbanded the EOC meetings for the rest of this storm. Commissioner Dressler said he hoped nobody is injured from the storm; Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said residents are taking it seriously; and Commissioner Portner spoke of possible methods to disburse storms or at the least decrease the wind velocity. 1. SEPTEMBER 10 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(F) on the consent agenda. AMENDMENT NO. 6 — RON BOOK LOBBYING SERVICES: (TR11465) Executing Amendment #6 to the Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Ronald L. Book, P.A. for lobbying Services extending the agreement through September 10, 2009 at a cost not to exceed $66,000. Assistant City Manager Phillips and Ron Book, Lobbyist appeared. Assistant City Manager Phillips said this item is prelude to the existing amendment between the City of Tamarac and Ron Book for lobbying services. Mr. Book worked primarily with stormwater requests for the City and his fee was increased in 2005 to $60,000. In this amendment Mr. Book is asking for an increase of $500 per month. Mr. Book thanked everyone for the opportunity to represent the City. Mr. Book referred to a phone conversation he had with Children's' Home Society, and spoke of economic booms to South Florida created by previous hurricanes. Mr. Book addressed Commissioner Portner's comments regarding seeding, and said this has been tried in the past but it has not proven effective. Mr. Book spoke of the State's bleak economic condition, recapped legislative decisions in previous years, and spoke of the magnitude of the financial shortfall. The governor believes the state's resources should be focused on putting people to work. There are opportunities for water and road projects because these types of projects put people to work, and there are also opportunities for park projects because these types of projects give people a place to go and put people to work. If there are opportunities for economic development, they need to be jumped on quickly. Mr. Book said Tamarac did well last session, and he is proud of his efforts on behalf of the City. Mr. Book September 08, 2008 City Commission Workshop Page 1 of 5 commended the Tamarac staff, and added he is in closer contact with Tamarac than he is with his other clients. Mr. Book spoke of rising airline costs. Commissioner Dressier said he appreciates Mr. Book's efforts on behalf of Tamarac. Commissioner Dressler confirmed the monies for the radio replacement and the culverts are still available. Commissioner Dressler spoke in opposition to FDOT building more roads, and said the State should look at mass transit instead. Mr. Book spoke of looking at economic opportunities for the County rather than merely for the City, itself. Programs are needed for at risk youth and senior populations. Commissioner Dressler said he would like to see Tamarac designated as the Transit Hub to tie into the east/west rapid rail. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said Tamarac is getting its money's worth from Mr. Book and added job opportunities will help with foreclosures. The health and welfare of our constituents is one of our main goals. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he always admires Mr. Book's presentation, spoke of his previous service on the MPO, and the fact that we need to look to the federal government for money to fund transportation. Mr. Book urged everyone to continue to work with their congressional representatives. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco spoke of the success the City has experienced with the Ferguson Group this past year. Commissioner Portner said no one is more aware of the importance of lobbyists than he is; however, he feels that at this time it is inappropriate for Mr. Book to ask for an increase. Commissioner Portner announced he intends to stand for election for the legislature in two years in place of Ari Porth. He would like to change Tallahassee to make them listen to the local people. Commissioner Portner asked how one could change the State Constitution with regard to an income tax, and Mr. Book said it would have to be a constitutional amendment. Commissioner Portner questioned Mr. Book regarding the State selling the rights to Alligator Alley, and Mr. Book responded while he has no position on this matter, he is following it like everybody else. The State is looking for fixes to its financial crises, and Florida is not the first State in the nation to do this. Commissioner Atkins -Grad left the room at 10:21 a.m. and returned at 10:25 a.m. Commissioner Portner spoke of the depression and how jobs were created at that time, and Mr. Book said attendance at the U.S. Conference of Mayors, NLC and other similar organizations is critical in order for us to get together to incubate ideas collaboratively and try to turn things around. Commissioner Portner said he has chaired the State Road 7 Collaborative for seven years and advocated for light rail, which would be an ideal project for the State to take on to get people to work. Commissioner Portner spoke in favor of taxes. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she would like staff to look into at risk youth. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco expressed concern over the fact that with airline costs going up many local officials may be hindered in their ability to get to meetings of BLC, NLC and U.S. Conference of Mayors. Mr. Book said he believes in these conferences, as they provide the opportunity for collaboration amongst colleagues, and for members to bring ideas back home. Those who do not attend these meetings are operating in a vacuum. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if Tamarac pays Mr. Book less than other cities he represents and Mr. Book said until the 2005 adjustment Tamarac was by far the lowest. Now we are in the middle. b. Item No. 6(H) on the consent agenda. DR. ULIN MEDICAL CONTRACT RENEWAL: (TR11468) Renewing Resolution R-2005-198 to Louis Scott Ulin, M.D., September 08, 2008 City Commission Workshop Page 2 of 5 F.A.C.E.P., and Joe Alan Nelson, D.O., F.A.C.O.E.P., F.A.C.E.P. under L. Scott Ulin Emergency Medical Services Incorporated for medical direction and supervision of the Tamarac Fire Rescue Medical Services, for a two-year extension at a cost of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) for FY09 and Forth Thousand Dollars ($40,000) for FY10, for a total of Eighty Thousand Dollars for the two year contract, with the right to renew for an additional one (1), two (2) year term. Fire Chief Budzinski, EMS Division Chief Sheridan, Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz and Dr. Ulin appeared. Fire Chief Budzinski gave a presentation and spoke of the advancements made over the years under Dr. Ulin's guidance. Vice Mayor Sultanof thanked Dr. Ulin for a wonderful job. Dr. Ulin praised Fire Chief Budzinski for the support he has shown through the years, commended Tamarac on its professionalism and said Tamarac is on the cutting edge throughout the nation. C. Item No. 6(I) on the consent agenda. BSO - EMS SUB -GRANT: (TR11470) Executing an Agreement between the City of Tamarac, a sub -grant participant, and the Sheriff of Broward County, sub -grantee project coordinator for the receipt of fiber-optic intubation scopes, under a Broward County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Grant, as part of the State EMS County Grant Funds; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute an Agreement for Participation. Fire Chief Budzinski, EMS Division Chief Sheridan and Dr. Ulin appeared. EMS Division Chief Sheridan demonstrated the intubation device. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if this equipment was used on children and EMS Division Chief Sheridan said it was not. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said she is impressed with the equipment and Tamarac is ahead of the other cities. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said she is excited about this sub -grant because it will not cost Tamarac any money. Vice Mayor Sultanof left the room at 10:55 a.m. and returned at 10:58 a.m. d. Item No. 6(E) on the consent agenda. GRANT-FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION -BUREAU OF WATER FACILITIES FUNDING: (TR 11464) Accepting a Legislative Project Grant in the amount of $200,000 from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Facilities Funding; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute a project agreement between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the City of Tamarac for funding in the amount of $200,000 towards replacement of the City's radio system; authorizing a cash match of $200,000 from the City's Capital Improvement Fund. Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation. Commissioner Portner questioned whether the $200,000 and the $610,000 are a result of the Russ Reid Group. Assistant City Manager Phillips said we filed for the $200,000 the first year we were with Russ Reid and they encouraged us to withdraw in the second year; but the application was resubmitted under the Ferguson Group. The $610,000 began with our association with the Russ Reid Group. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said since 2000 we have purchased refurbished radios and she is excited that now we will have something much better for us all. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned who Tamarac's champions are at the federal level and Assistant City Manager Phillips responded Senators Wexler and Nelson. Commissioner Dressler confirmed this is a three-year lease purchase September 08, 2008 City Commission Workshop Page 3 of 5 e. Item No. 6(B) on the consent agenda. RENEWAL AGREEMENT - MACMILLAN OIL COMPANY — GASOLINE PURCHASE: (TR11449) Executing an Agreement between the City of Tamarac and MacMillan Oil Company, Inc. for the purchase of gasoline utilizing the City of Plantation Agreement; authorizing purchase of gasoline in the quantities needed based on the oil price information service price index cost at the time of delivery; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes. Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Commissioner Dressler questioned whether we pay tax on gas and if this is included in the OPIS. Public Works Director Strain said the price is per gallon; there are some taxes for which we must apply for a rebate, and other taxes we are not charged. Commissioner Atkins -Grad questioned who the backup contractor is and Public Works Director Strain said we do not feel we need a backup contractor with this supplier. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco complimented Public Works Director Strain and his staff, as they are spoken well of throughout the State. f. Item No. 6(J) on the consent agenda. FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES: (TR11460) Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on behalf of the City, to execute and to otherwise enter into the attached First Amendment to Agreement for Legal Services by and between the City of Tamarac and the Law Firm of Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A., pursuant to which contract the City does employ the Law Firm of Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A., as "City Attorney"; authorizing the Mayor to do all things necessary to carry out the aims of this resolution, and, providing for an effective date. Assistant City Attorney Klahr said the firm truly enjoys working with Tamarac. Commissioner Dressler said throughout the state the firm and Sam Goren enjoy an extremely high reputation. Vice Mayor Sultanof, Commissioner Partner and Commissioner Atkins -Grad expressed their pleasure over the City's association with the firm. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco thanked Assistant City Attorney Klahr for all she and the firm have done; they are available 24/7, and she appreciates the advice the firm gives to the Mayor and City Commission. g. Item No. 6(G) on the consent agenda. GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION OF ONE 1 YEAR FOR FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR BANK ATLANTIC: (TR11467) Granting a time extension of one (1) year for Final Site Plan approval for Bank Atlantic, requested by Corporate Property Services (Tara Toto), designated agent for the property owner (Case No. 15-SP-08); providing for conditions of approval. Community Development Director Bramley gave a presentation and added staff is working with the bank to improve the landscaping. Assistant City Attorney Klahr explained the substitute resolution will be on the dais, to correct a scrivener's error. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he spoke with the bank's Assistant Manager, who explained the bank needs to wait for corporate before moving ahead because the last two quarters hit them badly, but they are desirous of keeping this location. Commissioner Portner questioned code violations and Community Development Director Bramley explained the site, as it exists, is not up to code, and since they have not yet begun construction, the City wants the site to be brought up to code. Commissioner Dressler spoke of economic stress due to mismanagement of federal funds. There was discussion regarding foreclosures and the economy. September 08, 2008 City Commission Workshop Page 4 of 5 1 h. Item No. 6(K) on the consent agenda. RENEWAL OF PROPERTY GENERAL LIABILITY. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY. AND AUTOMOBILE PHYSICAL DAMAGE LINES OF COVERAGE WITH THE FLORIDA MUNICIPAL INSURANCE: (TR11461) Renewing General Liability, Automobile Liability, and Automobile Physical Damage lines of coverage with the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust (FMIT) for a one (1) year period beginning October 1, 2008 at a cost of $717,931 and payment of any increase resulting from the annual premium audit. Human Resources Director Swanson and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski appeared. Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski gave a presentation. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned flood insurance and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski said it is covered under a different policy. Vice Mayor Sultanof left the meeting at 11:25 a.m. Commissioners Dressler and Portner commended and thanked Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski for the quality of work she does for the City. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked how frequently RFP's are put out for insurance and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski spoke of the City's relationship with the League and comparative market prices. Human Resources Director Swanson spoke of the fact that the FMIT is a non- profit organization and can give premiums and return credits that other companies can not. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned turnover in the FMIT and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski said during the seven years she has been with the City there has been minimal turnover at the lower level and none at the higher levels. i. Item No. 6(L) on the consent agenda. ANNEXATION INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT: (TR11473) Approving the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Broward County to provide for the implementation of the annexation of Continental Plaza area and the West Commercial Boulevard/N.W. 315t Avenue area into the City of Tamarac; authorizing the appropriate City officials to do all things necessary to effectuate the intent of this resolution. Public & Economic Affairs Officer Berns gave an update on annexation and spoke of the Interlocal Agreement. Commissioners Portner and Dressler thanked Public and Economic Affairs Officer Berns for the work he has done on annexation. Commissioner Atkins -Grad spoke of Henderson Mental Health Organization, which is in the section being annexed, and said they want to be part of Tamarac. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 11:40 a.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk September 08, 2008 City Commission Workshop Page 5 of 5